NYT: iOS Maps another internet services blunder for Apple



  • Reply 401 of 454
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member


    Originally Posted by iSheldon View Post

    Excuse me, I didn't need a map with StreetView- that's its whole point!

    Do you want me to add and subtract with an abacus too?


    Jesus Christ. How did you get around before you required photographs of every single potential step of your environment? I mean, really? You need Streetview to  regularly 'get around'? Why? How the hell is streetview a substitute for a map? If you need to get from point A to point B, do you click on the arrows a thousand times to go through all the photos then memorize the path? Also, how often do you think Google is going to re-drive cars around every street on the planet? The main problem with streetview is that there's no way in hell Google is going to update it with any kind of regularity. That means very soon, as businesses close/open etc, it's going to be extremely out of date. At least its PLAUSIBLE that flyover can get updated, as mapping an area from a plane in 3D is a hell of alot faster than driving around every street again. I've used streetview as a novelty a few times, it's neat, but there's something wrong with you if you depend on it. Seriously, just switch to another platform if it bothers you that much, or pay 99 CENTS for the streetview app. I'ts NEVER going to be integrated into the default maps app, so whats the point of all your bitching and whining? Are you too cheap to pay a dollar for a feature that apparently is so critical to you? I'll paypal it to you if it will stop your incessant whining about streetview. 

  • Reply 402 of 454


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post



    The iTunes store is an Internet-based service, is it not?

    And your point is? .......  TOTALLY unrelated to the OP.

  • Reply 403 of 454
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by ernysp76 View Post

    And your point is? .......  TOTALLY unrelated to the OP.


    … No, really, you need to read the title of the article.

  • Reply 404 of 454
    Here's an interesting read:

    [B]Apple’s Map Mess Won’t Slow iPhone Sales[/B]

  • Reply 405 of 454
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by ernysp76 View Post

    And your point is? .......  TOTALLY unrelated to the OP.


    The NYT article explicitly stated that the new maps App was indicative of a general failure of Apple to manage Internet services.


    The fact is they set up and run iTunes the most successful ONLINE music and other digital content store ever seen, they have been running it day in, day out 24/7, 365 days a year for almost ten years, serving hundreds of millions of customers billions of purchases and the NYT  shows it's inherent bias by overlooking this "Internet service".


    It's there in black and white in the title of this thread,



    NYT: iOS Maps another internet services blunder for Apple

  • Reply 406 of 454
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    isheldon wrote: »
    Excuse me, I didn't need a map with StreetView- that's its whole point!
    Do you want me to add and subtract with an abacus too?

    Wait a second. In post #384, you said:
    "As a frequent traveller to Washington DC with all its circles and crossed diagonal streets, StreetView was indispensable. There is no substitute."

    So it is indispensable or do you not need it? Please make up your mind.

    We really need smarter trolls around here......
  • Reply 407 of 454
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post




    Perhaps he doesn't understand the correlation between these words.


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    We really need smarter trolls around here......


    Isn't that an oxymoron? I'd prefer no trolls. 

  • Reply 408 of 454
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Wait a second. In post #384, you said:

    "As a frequent traveller to Washington DC with all its circles and crossed diagonal streets, StreetView was indispensable. There is no substitute."

    So it is indispensable or do you not need it? Please make up your mind.

    We really need smarter trolls around here......

    I believe you're misreading his post. I think he's saying that for him Streetview replaced the need for an actual map of the location.


    I'm not picking sides, just posting my understanding of what he tried to say so that you guys can get on with throwing insults at each other over an overblown issue. 

  • Reply 409 of 454
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    I believe you're misreading his post. I think he's saying that for him Streetview replaced the need for an actual map of the location.

    Then maybe he should say that instead of saying something entirely different.
  • Reply 410 of 454
    The "Don't Do Anything Evi"l company promote jailbreaking? Next thing you'll try to tell me is that a high executive will get on Apple's board and steal ideas about a new product.
  • Reply 411 of 454
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    isheldon wrote: »
    I'm not responsible for Apple's Maps- Apple is!

    Life is like a mirror: you'll receive what you give to others first.

    So, yes, you are responsible. And have been; Google Maps got better over time. You said you've used it. So for that, I thank you sir.
  • Reply 412 of 454
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member

    Google promotes jailbreaking iOS devices? 

  • Reply 413 of 454
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member

    Anyone here have experience with a mixed OS X Windows 7 WiFi network?

    Should I be concerned about a Windows virus contaminating the network and possibly destroying data on Macs or external Mac HDDs -- Thunderbolt, USB and FireWire?

    Or can I be assured that any exposure is limited to the Windows boxes?

    I have absolutely no time or desire to admin Windows boxes!


    I have. WiFi and wired, and you can indeed rest assure there is nothing to worry about. You have shown your computers skills over and over which leads me to believe you already know the do's and don'ts. Just don't have the OSX users run as root and click ok to every popup. I don't know however if a Windows virus could change the WiFi settings on the device itself - that obviously would effect Mac users as well. But nothing a simple reset couldn't fix.
  • Reply 414 of 454
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Perhaps he doesn't understand the correlation between these words.



    Isn't that an oxymoron? I'd prefer no trolls. 


    Can we at least have no tekstud?

  • Reply 415 of 454
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Then maybe he should say that instead of saying something entirely different.


    It was just a reflex post. GG can't help himself trying to spin everything.

  • Reply 416 of 454
    rfhjrrfhjr Posts: 44member
    In f[act, from MobileMe to iTunes, to iCloud, apple seems to "get" Internet services like few companies do.

    Right on!
  • Reply 417 of 454
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member


    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    I agree!


    However, I liked the @TBell letter too!   It went a little farther (blaming Google, explaining the goals and problems, etc.).  I think it displays a "personalty" more like Steve's than Tim's.  I don't, necessarily, think that one letter is better than the other -- rather more a difference in style (and that Steve could get away with more, while not continuously being compared to his predecessor).



    Thanks. I was more trying to capture Jobs' spirit than Cook's. I think Jobs was effective because when explaining things he got to the heart of the matter and explained Apple's position, which at the end of the day was usually common sense.


    In my view Tim's letter didn't really explain Apple's position and why it released the new App. Many people are wondering why Apple ditched Google maps. Cook had an opportunity to paint Google as the villain that was preventing iOS users from having voice search, turn by turn, and vector graphics. Further, Google was using customer's location data. Apple's noble goal was to give iOS users these features, and not use customers data in a scrupulous fashion,  and to do so had to build the app from the ground up to do so. When Jobs released his open letter on Flash, he rightfully called Adobe out and answered questions about why Apple was shunning Flash. At the end of the day, Apple looked in the right. 


    Cook also could have lead with the good. Namely, there are plenty of people using Apple Maps, like myself, that are happy with it. He should have pointed that out while acknowledging the app does have some issues that will be addressed quickly and that Apple, like all map companies, need user impute to correct such errors. 

  • Reply 418 of 454
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Then maybe he should say that instead of saying something entirely different.

    Again not picking sides (FWIW Shelton's complaints seem a bit too much to me), but if you read this as I have it makes sense. To go by the way you want, it does not:


    Excuse me, I didn't need a map with (if I have) StreetView- that's its whole point!



    Anyway, as I posted earlier I think many of the posters to this thread are being way too nit-picky. Sure Streetview may be missed by some small percentage of users, but there's other sources for it like Garmin's nav app. As for mistakes, the most egregious ones will probably be taken care of in short order while some of the minor ones may hang around awhile. In any event I think most users of Apple new maps will prefer the built-in TBT navigation over the features and functions of the previous Apple app.


    If Apple Maps was available as a standalone application for multiple platforms I don't personally think it would get a lot of uptake yet, particularly by users of Google Maps for Android, but as an improvement over what Apple themselves offered in previous iOS versions I think it's a good start myself and will only get better.

  • Reply 419 of 454

    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    I think he's saying that for him Streetview replaced the need for an actual map of the location.


    … So he doesn't need to figure out how to get there as long as he can see what it looks like? image

    Now I'm picturing him driving thousands of miles aimlessly, holding his 5.1.1 iPad in his lap, looking between it and the scenery around him. 

    "Nope." *looks down, looks up* "Nope." *looks down, looks up* "Nope." *looks down, looks up* "Nope." *looks down, looks up* … 

    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Can we at least have no tekstud?


    If you can make a strong enough case of it, I'll definitely consider banning whoever you think Techstud is this time. Heaven knows he's a bit of a loony to keep coming back.

  • Reply 420 of 454
    jragosta wrote: »
    Wait a second. In post #384, you said:
    "As a frequent traveller to Washington DC .....

    We really need smarter trolls around here......

    jragosta wrote: »
    Then maybe he should say that instead of saying something entirely different.

    I did say that as he and everyone else obviously understood. You obviously need a reading App. And thank for calling me a dumb troll. What does that make you?
    I love this- Apple's Map defenders are vitriolic in defense of a lousy Map App. How low can you go?
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