Study: iPhone 5 web usage surges past Samsung Galaxy S III



  • Reply 121 of 166
    maltamalta Posts: 78member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    So unproductive that iPhone usage trounces all other mobile OSes combined in apps and page views despite Android activations being many times higher than iPhone sales¡ So much for iPhones being unproductive.



    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    So bored are you that you have to reply to mindless dribble? lol


    Well you have to take breaks from looking at cat photos and liking stuff on Facebook every once in a while. Not even apple users can be that productive all day everyday... Now I have to get back to sharing photos of food with instagram, a day’s work is never done.

  • Reply 122 of 166
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    So bored are you that you have to reply to mindless dribble? lol

    I suppose, but it's not like those posts take long to write. I think you'd be impressed at how quickly I can type out those long comments I make... or maybe not if you note the number of typos I tend to have per post.

    edit: typos. :D
  • Reply 123 of 166
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    I suppose. It's not like those posts take long to write. I think you'd be impressed at how quickly I can type out that long comments I make... or maybe not if you note the number of typos I tend to have per post.

    I have been impressed and they're more often written correctly than not.
  • Reply 124 of 166
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,145member


    Originally Posted by Fotoformat View Post


    Magnetics, huh... that's cool. At least you're not studying thermodynamics where absolute zero cannot be reached!

    I know this one gal that can reach it... :)


  • Reply 125 of 166
    44% vs 56%. Okay, but "...surges..." Really?
  • Reply 126 of 166

    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    44% vs 56%. Okay, but "...surges..." Really?


    Been out two weeks. Surges is completely appropriate.

  • Reply 127 of 166
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    How many iPhones are on Tmobile or being used around the world unlocked and did it not take a "hack" to unlock most of them.


    I unlocked mine on the first day I got it, phone company website > enter IMEI > Restore in iTunes > unlocked.

  • Reply 128 of 166

    Partisan "politics" aside, I am puzzled by the ridiculous ratio of iOS v. Android in web use. What better use of the larger Galaxy S3 screen than surfing the web? Why aren't they watching porn all day long on these 4.8", 5.3" screens?

  • Reply 129 of 166
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    In a study released on Friday, it was revealed that usage of Apple's iPhone 5 has passed that of Samsung's flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S III, after being available for less than three weeks.

    But didn't Samsung sell 125.9 billion Galaxy SIIIs in the last quarter alone?

  • Reply 130 of 166
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    I dont' buy this theory on LTE.

    Me either. The average user has zero understanding of 3G/4G/LTE and what it is/does (and don't really care). They don't put off purchasing because it is/is not available.

    They simply want a phone.

  • Reply 131 of 166
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    harbinger wrote: »
    Partisan "politics" aside, I am puzzled by the ridiculous ratio of iOS v. Android in web use. What better use of the larger Galaxy S3 screen than surfing the web? Why aren't they watching porn all day long on these 4.8", 5.3" screens?

    I'm curious about this myself. There is a plurality of reasonable explanations, some that can go either way, something that could stand a follow up survey to nail down a good explanation rather than resting on speculation.
  • Reply 132 of 166


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Hardly shocking. I've been saying all along that Android users are not very productive people and people are simply not using their Android phones as smart phones.


    Google boasts about all of their millions and millions of activations (without giving any proof of course), yet Android devices barely make a dent on the web. If Google and Fandroids were telling the truth, Android should be owning all of the web stat statistics, yet Apple is kicking their ass every single time.


    Android phones are essentially dumb phones for unproductive people.

    Thanks for getting the thread back on point vis-a-vis the original story.


    I think the fact that Android users are less affluent -- and therefore, less able to afford anything more than barebones data plans -- may have something do with it as well.

  • Reply 133 of 166


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    So bored are you that you have to reply to mindless dribble? lol

    Sometimes, a good whack -- even if obvious -- is worth it.

  • Reply 134 of 166


    Originally Posted by Harbinger View Post

    Partisan "politics" aside, I am puzzled by the ridiculous ratio of iOS v. Android in web use. What better use of the larger Galaxy S3 screen than surfing the web? Why aren't they watching porn all day long on these 4.8", 5.3" screens?

    They all bought it thinking that Flash would really work, I suppose. image

  • Reply 135 of 166
    solipsismx wrote: »
    So unproductive that iPhone usage trounces all other mobile OSes combined in apps and page views despite Android activations being many times higher than iPhone sales¡ So much for iPhones being unproductive.

    Nathillien is productive troll, it's useless to tell her real facts.
  • Reply 136 of 166
    jmc54jmc54 Posts: 207member


    Originally Posted by Vadania View Post

    Happiest place on Earth!

    I have never been West of the Appellations. I will in a couple of months however. Going to see Tombstone, and various others.

    I LOVE my iPad. (Whoops! Just hit #5 on the troll list).

    WTF are "Appellations"

  • Reply 137 of 166

    Originally Posted by jmc54 View Post

    WTF are "Appellations"



    A mountain range that, itself, likes to climb.

  • Reply 138 of 166


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    May I ask what phone you had? CM is made with developer phones in mind, lesser versed programmers are usually given the task to port it to other devices which usually end up with issues. This is the reason OEMs and carriers take time tommake sure the update will play well and even they don't get it right sometimes, hell even Apple has had issues with updates and had to immediately fix it.

    Not had but have.  It's not a flagship phone, it's a htc one v.  That though is no excuse for poor quality whether it is a official ROM or a custom ROM.  HTC announced jelly bean updates for the one variations except for the one v.  I don't care much but it's a slap to the face for most customers that you buy a new phone and find out 2 months later that there is no support for it.  From what I know even the flagships have issues with the custom ROM's.  Personally I don't think the whole custom ROM argument that Android users love to throw in the face of iPhone owners is something to brag about.  To me if your not happy with your phone out of the box why is it something you'd think is the greatest thing in the world.

    Your absolutely right about Apple having issues with software upon new releases, which is to be expected, but a fix is rolled out within weeks and it's for every phone and doesn't come with features of the phone not working.  To me you can't compare those issues with Cyanogenmod updates.  It doesn't cripple your phone.

  • Reply 139 of 166
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    jmc54 wrote: »
    WTF are "<span style="background-color:rgb(241,241,241);">Appellations"</span>

    <div id="user_myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"> </div>

    Appellation means name or title. For example, Appalachian Mountains is the name of a particular mountain range spanning most of the original US colonies.
  • Reply 140 of 166


    Originally Posted by Apple v. Samsung View Post


    You are aware that cyanogenmod 10 the version you installed is still in Beta? You do know that on some phones unlocking the boot loader is as easy as "Fastboot.img OEM unloock" in the console commands. You don't have to wipe the phone you have to remove all of the application info that will inhibit your phone from booting up. Also even with the Cyanagonmod 10 nightlies that you are downloading you don't have to delete the rom to get the latest version. You just flash the new rom over it. Or you go to settings >About phone >Cynagon update > The choose the rom you would like to update to. 


    The nightly builds of Cynagonmod are automatically compiled each day. They have verious bugs as they are not completed roms as of yet. You would have to wait for the actual Cynagonmod 10 release candidate to see it become stable. Oh and as a reference this is Cynagon's statement on nightly builds.


    "What are Nightly build ? : auto compile build from the CyanogenMod github, each time there are new corrections on it. 

    This version change each night, and aren't support officialy, if you find bugs/issues you can/must discuss here."

    I'm not gonna claim I'm an expert at rooting and flashing and all those other impressive words and actions but I know what I read up on and on multiple websites from the Rooting pros including Llor.  Don't know who he is but he seems to be heavily involved in all that stuff and is well known amongst the community.  Can't tell you how many times I read and heard on youtube videos to make sure to wipe your phone clean before any flash or you will have issues. 

    Also you didn't disprove anything I said in my first post.  Prior to owning this Android phone I heard a lot from Android owners about how great the platform is and how you can flash it with these ROM's which negates the fact that rarely does a phone get an update to a newer OS version, which is the whole open source is better than walled garden argument.  All you did was confirm what I said about how it is a hassle and not worth it.  Maybe to some its a hobbie and enjoyable.  That's fine, but let's be honest, most do it because of the lack of support from OEM's and eventhough it's crap they will never admit and lie to themselves that it's the greatest thing. 

    They love to talk about missing features on iPhone such as NFC or removable batteries but than they customize their phone only to have missing features such as in my case, as I have stated before, a working video camera.  Hey but atleast you can take out your battery when the OS freezes right?

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