Apple's iPad mini already on pace to outsell Retina iPad



  • Reply 141 of 239
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    nelsonx wrote: »

    It doesn't make sense to you because you lack courage and vision. It makes perfect sense to me and to millions other people who buy 5 inch and bigger phones right now. I didn't and I will not buy the current iPhone 5, but I would probably have bought it if it had a 5 inch display. I just don't care about operating the phone with one hand. The benefits of a much bigger display are overwhelming for me. Apple could just launch both a 4 inch and a 5 inch iPhone. Yes, two more sizes, so what? The developers who want to make money I'm sure they will modify their apps and make them as many sizes as needed. I know I would. Let the successful developer who would not modify his app for a 5 inch display raise his hand!

    1) He lacks courage and vision? Really, that's what you're going with? Care to explain how he frightened by a 5" phone? Clearly it's not because wife wasn't killed by a one-arm man using a 5" phone... because a one-arm maned would need a phone that he can use comfortably with only one arm.

    2) It's great that it's what you want. He never claimed there are people that don't want and love larger phones. That doesn't mean it's a market Apple would be interested in. You mention millions. What is your proof? What research have you down to show that this would be a market that is worthwhile for Apple? An installed base of a few million isn't going to cut it when you consider how many units Apple sells a year. Then you need to consider how the OS, apps and SDK need to be altered for this new resolution. You need to consider how this will affect the App Store, developers, and customers. Did you think of all this stuff? If so, you didn't post it. Where is your resolution for this device? Surely you aren't suggesting the current resolution be blown up to 5". Where do you get two more sizes when you are suggesting just adding a 5" device? Where have you even begun to scratch the surface of a cost analysis? All you've done is imply that because you want it Apple should do it. That's not vision, that's just being self-serving.

    v5v wrote: »

    I usually agree with you Phil, but not on this.

    I want a phone with a 5"-ish screen for myself.

    Tonight my wife told me that she wants the same phone our daughter has because it has a bigger screen making it easier to txt and play games.

    The proliferation of big-screen phones I've seen on the train in the last three months tells me that LOTS of people want them and are BUYING them.

    It's true that I may not be able to reach all the way across the screen with my thumb. Fortunately, I have two hands, and so do all those people who are using and apparently enjoying them.

    Sure, the advantages of a bigger display are clear but you need to look at the disadvantages of them. I personally don't want a bigger device. That's why I'm quite happy with the iPhone 5 as I got a bigger display but a smaller and lighter device. They even went one step further by not making it wider so the thumb sweep still works as expected. If they make a bigger display in a smaller device that is still highly functional in one hand then I'm all for it but don't stick in a larger display for its own sake while ignoring the rest of the device's characteristics.
  • Reply 142 of 239


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Who are YOU kidding? How big is your desk? Tell me that 27" wouldn't become too small a workspace for you after a few weeks of having a touchscreen UI on it. 40" would be glorious. I dunno, I know I'm on the high end of that, but 21.5" is definitely too small to start.

    I can't get my gf to agree to upgrading to the 27 inches because "we don't have enough space". 40 inches? Never in this appartment.

  • Reply 143 of 239
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    No. It tells you that everyone else is too lazy to do any real research into design to miniaturize their parts. It tells you that Android is too uselessly power hungry, forcing phones to have larger batteries, forcing them to be larger. 

    They also started getting really huge when they started putting in power hungry LTE. I would think that we'll start some smaller Android phones with LTE now that the 3rd gen chips are out.
  • Reply 144 of 239


    Originally Posted by satchmo View Post

    I'm guessing Apple will simply create a retina iPad mini next year at the same $329 price point with the current non-retina one dropping to $249.

    This won't make early adopters happy, but perhaps it'll please stockholders.


    The point of being an erarly adopter is to get stuff, well, early. You can't have the butter, the cream, and the dairy girl.

  • Reply 145 of 239

    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    Ooh, these are good points. Well founded.


    Was just about to mention first-generation LTE, too, but Solipsism beat me to it.

    Originally Posted by lightknight View Post

    I can't get my gf to agree to upgrading to the 27 inches because "we don't have enough space". 40 inches? Never in this appartment.


    You ought to take her to an Apple Store and show her the size of a 27". When it's all vertical, space is less of a concern. Though I guess… well, I have a very small house, but it'd be large by European standards; I just can't fathom an apartment size too small for a 27" screen.

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    They also started getting really huge when they started putting in power hungry LTE. I would think that we'll start some smaller Android phones with LTE now that the 3rd gen chips are out.


    Ah, pipped (that's the term, right?) .

  • Reply 146 of 239


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I can't say I'm keen on that. Thumb typing on glass with the iPhone is one thing, especially considering the cramped smartphone keyboards that came before, but replacing a real keyboard just to use an entire lighted display to type just seems like a waste to me. It's even worse tradeoffs than the Surface has.

    How about having a real keyboard attached to an iPad? Could call that a Macbook Air or something :p

  • Reply 147 of 239


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Was just about to mention first-generation LTE, too, but Solipsism beat me to it.


    You ought to take her to an Apple Store and show her the size of a 27". When it's all vertical, space is less of a concern. Though I guess… well, I have a very small house, but it'd be large by European standards; I just can't fathom an apartment size too small for a 27" screen.


    Ah, pipped (that's the term, right?) .

    9 square meters floor, two stories high (but top one is kind of cramped due to shower + bed). Welcome to Paris :D

  • Reply 148 of 239


    Originally Posted by NelsonXView Post

    It doesn't make sense to you because you lack courage and vision.


    Irrelevant. If he lacks vision, screen size doesn't matter at all.





    Sorry, couldn't help it.

  • Reply 149 of 239
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Ah, pipped (that's the term, right?) .

    It is...
    pip |pip| Brit. informal
    verb ( pips, pipping , pipped ) [ with obj. ] (usu. be pipped)
    - defeat by a small margin or at the last moment: you were just pipped for the prize.
    • dated hit or wound (someone) with a gunshot.

    ORIGIN late 19th cent..
  • Reply 150 of 239
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    I have an iPad 3 and a mini. What I would like is a 9.7 inch iPad Retina, the wight and thinness of a mini. I know, I know...
    I don't have a mini but if Apple can make the 9.7" iPad in the form factor of the mini I'll be the first in line to buy it. :D
  • Reply 151 of 239
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    No. It tells you that everyone else is too lazy to do any real research into design to miniaturize their parts. It tells you that Android is too uselessly power hungry, forcing phones to have larger batteries, forcing them to be larger. 
    Ah but didn't you know that making things bigger is innovative but making things thinner and lighter is no big deal. ;)
  • Reply 152 of 239
    jglonek wrote: »
    Just a thought - is it possible these sales have more to do with the price than the size? Getting an iPad for $200 cheaper than a year ago (okay, maybe a little less because of the discounted iPad 2 last year) is probably a huge deal to people. I'm not sure how many of the people buying an iPad Mini would have bought a normal iPad instead if it wasn't around.
    With that in mind, if Apple adds Retina to the Mini next year and keeps it the same price, look out.
    Maybe, but that doesn't explain all of it. I'd like a higher end Mini and would gladly pay more for it than the 9.7" as its all about size and weight to me.

    netrox wrote: »
    it only shows that people just want cheaper and inferior ipad. The resolution is horrible and I cannot imagine how people could enjoy reading on iPad mini. I would buy iPad mini IF it has retina display otherwise no thanks! 
    The display looks great... That is an old and tired argument.
    satchmo wrote: »
    I'm guessing Apple will simply create a retina iPad mini next year at the same $329 price point with the current non-retina one dropping to $249.
    This won't make early adopters happy, but perhaps it'll please stockholders. 
    While it would be nice to see price cuts across the line. But heck, with 6 mil iPad minis sold, they don't need to.
    next gen will probably still be 1024x768, but the 3rd will be Retina. The tech just isn't there for retina right now unless it performs horribly, or is bigger.

    I can't get my gf to agree to upgrading to the 27 inches because "we don't have enough space". 40 inches? Never in this appartment.
    That's code for "get rid of some of your other junk before buying more bigger junk"
  • Reply 153 of 239


    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    I'd say it was the cheaper price and lighter weight that was "perfect all along". It's the iPod nano all over again. People willing to sacrifice just a little for cheaper, more portable.


    That was just GG's way of saying that small Android tablets were better than the iPad. But, you are right, of course, this is about price more than it is about size. (And, as we know, the mini is significantly larger in screen real estate than the 7" "widescreen" tablets he is referring to.)

  • Reply 154 of 239

    I completely agree on this one.  The main reason I have a Galaxy Nexus instead of a 4s is the 4.6" screen is just easier to read....period...  In fact I would still chose the larger android phones over the iPhone 5 for this reason.  It is the extra width of the screen that makes the difference.  THis is the exact same argument of why the IPad Mini is more readable than the Nexus 7....  And at least for me, price has NOTHING to do with it...


    Like it or not Apple is losing a significant amount of phone sales to larger display phones period....

  • Reply 155 of 239


    Originally Posted by sranger View Post

    I completely agree on this one.  The main reason I have a Galaxy Nexus instead of a 4s is the 4.6" screen is just easier to read....period...  In fact I would still chose the larger android phones over the iPhone 5 for this reason.  It is the extra width of the screen that makes the difference.  THis is the exact same argument of why the IPad Mini is more readable than the Nexus 7....  And at least for me, price has NOTHING to do with it...


    Like it or not Apple is losing a significant amount of phone sales to larger display phones period....


    Phones are not tablets, so applying the same considerations to them regarding size doesn't make sense. That a significant number of oversized phones are being sold, doesn't mean, "Apple is losing a significant amount of phone sales to larger display phones." Many of those are sold to people who buy them for ideological reasons. Many more are sold to people who walk into carrier stores and have whatever the carrier wants to push that week shoved down their throat. (And, there's no point arguing that that isn't happening, it is.) In both case, this isn't an iPhone sale lost, and it certainly had nothing to do with a larger screen being preferred. If you want to push that claim, bring some evidence.

  • Reply 156 of 239
    The iPad mini is the cheap low-end into Apple's ecosystem; it was expected to fare well for that reason all along. Most people are cheap, they buy Apple mainly for the status, as evidenced by the number of Wi-Fi-only 16GB 9.7" iPads out there. The may be anecdotal evidence, but only other person I know who has a 64Gb iPad with cellular connectivity besides me is my cousin, and that's because his iPad 2 was mine and I sold it to him at half-price when the iPad 3 came out.

    Incidentally this, is why precedents like these shouldn't happen. Good technology gets killed this way, as the mass market doesn't care about it. That's essentially what happened to the LCD market, where all IPS and VA panels with less than 27" disappeared because below such sizes people were only looking for cheap TN stuff. Let us hope that Apple does not stop making 9.7" iPads because of this, and that developers don't lower their quality standards with the more popular 7.8" models in mind. Having played Infinity Blade 2 and Need For Speed Most Wanted on the iPad recently, I fear that games like those may end up being the apogee of gaming on iOS.
  • Reply 157 of 239
    wizard69 wrote: »
    Now this I tend to agree with though I might suggest something like a 13" screen. This is only a matter of time though, I still see Apple having a stable full of iOS based machines.

    The JooJoo was 12.1" and that already seems too big to hold comfortably for any length of time.

    There is a lot of bezel in the JooJoo... so you could probably get a 13" screen in that same size device.

    But... that's still over 1 foot tall at 12.7 inches. And no matter how thin you make it... with that much screen area it would be a heavy device.

    Bigger is better, right? I'm not so sure with tablets.

  • Reply 158 of 239
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    No. It tells you that everyone else is too lazy to do any real research into design to miniaturize their parts. It tells you that Android is too uselessly power hungry, forcing phones to have larger batteries, forcing them to be larger. 


    All of that may be true, but largely irrelevant because people are BUYING them. LOTS of people. So, if Apple can bring to bear that formidable arsenal of design skills on a phone with a larger screen, it can win back those who are choosing to forego the advantages of an iPhone in order to get the feature they consider most important.

  • Reply 159 of 239


    Originally Posted by v5v View Post


    All of that may be true, but largely irrelevant because people are BUYING them. LOTS of people. So, if Apple can bring to bear that formidable arsenal of design skills on a phone with a larger screen, it can win back those who are choosing to forego the advantages of an iPhone in order to get the feature they consider most important.



    When polled, size was one of the least important features.


    I'm guessing that $$$ was the most important consideration for the majority of those people buying a larger phone.

  • Reply 160 of 239

    Originally Posted by Michael Scrip View Post

    And no matter how thin you make it... with that much screen area it would be a heavy device.


    Ah, the future. What wonders you can bring.


    Originally Posted by v5v View Post

    All of that may be true, but largely irrelevant because people are BUYING them.


    And this means what? They're not using them. The devices are trash. They're disposable. They're one-use-and-gone. They're the phone equivalent of the disposable razor blade that you slip in the razor disposal slot in the wall of the really, REALLY seedy and disgusting motel when you're done using them. 


    Does that date me? How many places have razor disposal slots anymore?


    People are buying them because they're cheap-as-free™. They're buying them because they don't understand you don't need a Mac to use an iPhone. They're buying them because they're the only thing advertised, so they're the only thing they know about. They're buying them because they're something that isn't an Apple product. They're buying them because salesmen sell Android over the iPhone.


    And yes, they're buying them because they do things that Apple products don't. That's the Linux crowd. The people who buy Android devices because iOS is "too restrictive" are the same people (and the same NUMBER of people) that go with Linux because Windows and OS X are "too restrictive". 

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