Rumor: Apple's next iPhones to debut this summer in more sizes, colors



  • Reply 101 of 174
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    gwmac wrote: »
    I didn't miss his point at all I just disagreed that all carriers were the ones pushing for SIM cards. Sprint and Verizon would gladly offer a virtual SIM solution. The LTE standards board are the ones that took that decision out of their hands. Or at least that is what I read sometime ago. CDMA carriers never used a SIM card prior to LTE with the exception of certain world phones. In fact what you described is pretty much how CDMA phones are activated since they have a unique ESN number. 

    1) You missed his point because he was talking carriers that use GSM. That excludes Verizon and Sprint. Even if you could find some declaration from Verizon and Sprint saying they want to use a virtual SIM that doesn't nullify his point.

    2) From a layman perspective I can see how you'd think they are the same. They are both certainly unique identifiers. However, from a technical standpoint there are a plethora of differences.

    gazoobee wrote: »
    Just admit it.  You are a troll, everyone else knows this already.  The healing comes after.  You first have to admit that you have a problem.  

    He is not a troll and making a claim that he is one instead of noting a post of his is trollish could be construed as a personal attack.
  • Reply 102 of 174
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Just admit it.  You are a troll, everyone else knows this already.


    That's hilarious.

    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    Which iPhone? the very first one? That is ancient history…


    Right, it only doesn't matter if it ruins the argument you're trying to make.

    …and the first iPhone was revolutionary in so many other ways.


    Right! Those ways were integration, UI, and UX. Nothing to do with the specs. Apple almost always has worse specs than anyone else selling the same thing in a given industry. That Apple's machines run faster and better with those worse specs is a testament to the fact that they just don't really matter.

    Most phones back then had a 2.5 to 3" screens so that 3.5" screen with a real touch screen you could use with your finger and not stylus was revolutionary. 


    But it wasn't the first capacitive screen. And I'd actually venture that it would have done as or just about as well with a smaller screen. 3.5" was too large for people to comprehend at the time. They thought they wanted a smaller phone, just like today some people think they want a yet larger phone. Both were wrong, but it's secondary to what the first iPhone most importantly brought to the table.

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    He is not a troll and making a claim that he is one instead of noting a post of his is trollish could be construed as a personal attack.


    It was more half-sarcasm than anything else. I'd figure people would see the humor there, and how it's half-true.

  • Reply 103 of 174
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    [...] I have to believe that I am far from alone in wanting to stick with an iPhone and iOS but also wanting a big display.  


    You are NOT alone.


    I've wanted a larger screen ever since I realized there was no way my fingers and eyes were going to let me use a web browser on an iPhone. Now that I've seen my daughter's Galaxy I REALLY want a bigger screen!

  • Reply 104 of 174
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,811member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    But it wasn't the first capacitive screen. And I'd actually venture that it would have done as or just about as well with a smaller screen. 3.5" was too large for people to comprehend at the time. They thought they wanted a smaller phone, just like today some people think they want a yet larger phone. Both were wrong, but it's secondary to what the first iPhone most importantly brought to the table.



    This is exactly why I should never bother replying to any of your posts. To say that people are wrong for wanting a smaller or larger display is insane. People want what they want. Unlike you I don't need Apple to tell me what works for me. There are far more viable options and choices than a few years ago. For the first 3 or 4 years it seemed like the iPhone was a year or two ahead of the competition. That is no longer the case. If the current iPhone were so spectacular you obviously would have bought one yourself but aren't you still using the 1st generation iPhone which is a dinosaur now? How can someone using such an old iPhone accurately speculate what people like me that upgrade far more frequently need or want. I know I want a larger screen and great specs and if Apple makes one I will stick with them. If they fail to deliver I will take my money elsewhere. That is the way free markets work. 

  • Reply 105 of 174
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    [...] up until now Apple has never in my recollection done the "small, medium, large" thing with any of their products.  


    Screen size yes, product size, no.  


    Okay. I don't want a bigger iPhone. I just want an iPhone with a bigger screen. :)


    Silver back with a black face, please. Same colorway as the entire Mac lineup.


    Oh, in addition to screen size they also do S/M/L with storage capacity.

  • Reply 106 of 174
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    People want what they want.


    They're often wrong, as Apple has shown them dozens of times.

    Unlike you I don't need Apple to tell me what works for me.


    Nor do I. I want a 15" iPad and a 40" touchscreen on my desk. They'll exist eventually. I buy the closest thing to that until then. I want a phone that actually fits in my pocket and can be used like every other phone made since the first. Apple offers that directly.

    If the current iPhone were so spectacular you obviously would have bought one yourself…


    Why? How does that follow? I can believe it's a great device without buying it. I love the Mac Mini. Not gonna buy one.

    I know I want a larger screen and great specs and if Apple makes one I will stick with them. If they fail to deliver I will take my money elsewhere. That is the way free markets work. 


    I'm saying that specs don't matter, is all. That Apple reasserts a "fastest on the market" position with every new phone and tablet they release is simply a windfall. I don't hate that, no! I'm not against it at all; it's just not the point. A 3GS still has a smoother UI than some brand new Android and WP8 devices. That's not specs doing that. Apple doesn't care about specs if they get in the way of usability. Whereas Android manufacturers couldn't care less about usability, focusing only on specs. 

  • Reply 107 of 174
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post


    I'm not saying you're wrong but this reminded me of what people used to say back in the 90s when it was mentioned that they should consider buying a Mac...


    "But the PC has so much more software."


    Of course, 95% of those people never used anything more than what was offered for the Mac.


    What I'm saying is; what are those features and do most people really need some of those [next to] useless little bells and whistles?


    That's a really good point, but in this case i think the answer is "Yes, they do." Everyone I know who has an Android-based OS on their phone has created custom shortcuts, which really are handy.

  • Reply 108 of 174
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    v5v wrote: »
    Okay. I don't want a bigger iPhone. I just want an iPhone with a bigger screen. :)

    I stated the same desire years... and that exactly what we got. Now it might be big enough for your tastes, which is fine, but it is a bigger display and it's a smaller volume device with much better specs.

    Now the iPad mini is an interesting change for Apple because they shrink the UI. It maintains certain standards of usability for developers and consumers alike but it's still an atypical move. Could they scale the iPhone 4S or iPhone 5 resolution to a larger display, to wit a lower PPI display, and still maintain the developer and consumer satisfaction on that device?

    Doing some quick math I get a 1136x 640 display (same as iPhone 5) at the iPad (4) PPI as being a 4.9405" display. That translates to a a 2.42" x 4.31" display for 10.43" display area. For comparison the iPhone 5 is 1.96" x 3.49" for a 6.84" display are, and the iPad mini is 4.71" x 6.28" for a 29.58" display area.

    Would a 5" phone be popular? Would that be too much of an extreme for enlarging the UI elements? Why is it that when I do math in posts people are less likely to respond? Do people generally not like math? Are these rhetorical questions I'm asking myself?
  • Reply 109 of 174
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,811member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    I'm saying that specs don't matter, is all. That Apple reasserts a "fastest on the market" position with every new phone and tablet they release is simply a windfall. I don't hate that, no! I'm not against it at all; it's just not the point. A 3GS still has a smoother UI than some brand new Android and WP8 devices. That's not specs doing that. Apple doesn't care about specs if they get in the way of usability. Whereas Android manufacturers couldn't care less about usability, focusing only on specs. 


    Apple could ignore specs while the competition sucked. You are correct that the 3GS still has a better and smoother experience than some low or mid range Android phones. But you obviously have not spent any amount of time with the high end Android phones running Android 4.2. It is a whole new ballgame. Take my word or not, but as an Apple fan myself I am telling you that times have changed and the competition caught up fast. It is very easy to switch back and forth between any platform now. All my favorite apps are available on Android. I don't want to change if Apple's next iPhone comes close to the mark, but my #1 loyalty has to be to me and my needs and not Apple and I won't hesitate to get the S4 if the iPhone 6 is a dud in my opinion. No doubt it will still be a huge hit and sell millions and they won't miss me at all, but I will always buy what is best for me and this 3.5" tiny screen on my 4S has made an otherwise enjoyable phone a PITA to use. Web browsing, emails, pretty much everything just seems small. Had I not had a 4.3" Evo prior to my 4S maybe I wouldn't know any better. My next phone will have a minimum of a 4.5" screen though leaning towards 5". When and if Apple makes a phone that size I will gladly come back, but I will not compromise on that requirement for my needs. They can pack all the pixels they want but a 4" screen is still only 4". 

  • Reply 110 of 174
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,811member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Would a 5" phone be popular? Would that be too much of an extreme for enlarging the UI elements? Why is it that when I do math in posts people are less likely to respond? Do people generally not like math? Are these rhetorical questions I'm asking myself?


    When my friend brought his new HTC DNA phone over to my house I had no idea what the specs were. I didn't know at the time it was a 1080P display, had 441 PPI, or a resolution of 1920x1080. In fact I didn't even know that the screen size was 5". All I knew at the time was it was gorgeous and I loved it. Playing a few games, surfing, and using it for about 20 minutes was very enjoyable. Maybe that is why you get so few replies with your math formulas. Most new phones all have great displays now and 1080P with a retina 326 PPI or better displays will be the norm for 2013. Unless it is a really crappy screen most people can't discen the difference with their eyes anymore. The retina advantage that Apple enjoyed is now history.

  • Reply 111 of 174
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    isaidso wrote: »
    iPhone Mini? Yeah, sure. I said they should have put one out back when the original iPhone came out. 
    A larger iPhone?... Forget it. Apple already made their case about how far a single hand human thumb can comfortably reach to all corners of the screen.

    I actually physically laughed out loud at some guy standing in a supermarket checkout line with some oversized Samsung cheapo in one hand; shopping basket in the other. It was flopping around in his hand like a live flounder as he tried to careen his thumb around the screen as he tried to type. It looked like it was a comedic stage prop, I swear to god. Like it was a fake phone.  Apple's not going to go there.

    You want a larger device?  Easy.  Light up voice service on the cellular iPads. Will cost Apple next to nothing. They can then develop an Apple mind-blowing line of Bluetooth stereo and mono audio interface units to go as optional upgrade to their current wired interface.

    If my iPad Mini could have a cellular voice plan, that's the way I would roll.

    Makes sense to me, said so the other day. What's the problem with the idea? And an Apple-designed Bluetooth headset is greatly to be desired.
  • Reply 112 of 174
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Would a 5" phone be popular? Would that be too much of an extreme for enlarging the UI elements? Why is it that when I do math in posts people are less likely to respond? Do people generally not like math? Are these rhetorical questions I'm asking myself?

    Sure a 5" phone would be popular? and what of the UI? The iPad still has the same 4 icons per row as the iPhone with much more space in between, is that extreme enlarging?
  • Reply 113 of 174
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    The iPad still has the same 4 icons per row as the iPhone with much more space in between, is that extreme enlarging?

    I don't follow. The iPad's UI was idealized for that display and display size. The icons are not only bigger but use more pixels than the iPhone icons. You can also put up to 6 app in the tray. I wouldn't want more icons per page. It just looks too cluttered.

  • Reply 114 of 174
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Doing some quick math I get a 1136x 640 display (same as iPhone 5) at the iPad (4) PPI as being a 4.9405" display.


    What do you get if you remove pixel density as a concern? I still honestly believe that for everyone except AppleHeads, Retina is a solution in search of a problem. Before it came along I never, ever, as in not even once, heard ANYONE say, "Y'know, that's a nice display but I find it distracting that I can make out individual pixels if I sit really close and squint." Sure, Retina *is* nicer, but to the masses it's icing, not the cake.




    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    That translates to a a 2.42" x 4.31" display for 10.43" display area. For comparison the iPhone 5 is 1.96" x 3.49" for a 6.84" display are, and the iPad mini is 4.71" x 6.28" for a 29.58" display area.


    That's not a bad size, actually. I'd prefer another quarter inch or so in each direction, but I think that might be big enough to pry my wallet open (which the 5 failed to do).




    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Would a 5" phone be popular?


    I'd like it, for whatever that's worth.




    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Why is it that when I do math in posts people are less likely to respond?


    Because AppleHeads are 100% right-brained. It's not that they don't LIKE math, they just don't even perceive it. It's like infrared text.

  • Reply 115 of 174
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    gwmac wrote: »
    When my friend brought his new HTC DNA phone over to my house I had no idea what the specs were. I didn't know at the time it was a 1080P display, had 441 PPI, or a resolution of 1920x1080. In fact I didn't even know that the screen size was 5". All I knew at the time was it was gorgeous and I loved it. Playing a few games, surfing, and using it for about 20 minutes was very enjoyable. Maybe that is why you get so few replies with your math formulas. Most new phones all have great displays now and 1080P with a retina 326 PPI or better displays will be the norm for 2013. Unless it is a really crappy screen most people can't discen the difference with their eyes anymore. The retina advantage that Apple enjoyed is now history.

    There is no way a 441 PPI 1920x1080 display will have a good performance even with Butter on Android. Well, not outside a much more powerful GPU which means you'll need a larger battery. Note how much the iPad increased in weight and thickness going from a 25W to a 42W battery as well as much larger SoC so it can handle a 264 PPI 2048x1536 display. I can't imagine that's anything but bragging rights for that one component when placed in a phone in 2012.
  • Reply 116 of 174
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    I'm sure developers are thrilled to see Apple going the way of Android¡


    A $199 no contract featurephone that had iMessage, Maps, Clock, Contacts, Calendar, Mail, iTunes, Music, Video, Photos, Fitness, Camera and Siri would work well for many folks... 


    Devs wouldn't have to worry about it at all.


    Eh, the iPhone Nano rumors have been around almost as long as the iPhone itself.  It would not be surprising if it did or didn't appear anytime soon but if Apple wants to address the pre-pay market I don't see how they can make a smartphone without seriously compromising user experience.  A very high quality featurephone seems far more likely than a crappy smartphone.

  • Reply 117 of 174
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by nht View Post

    A $199 no contract featurephone that had iMessage, Maps, Clock, Contacts, Calendar, Mail, iTunes, Music, Video, Photos, Fitness, Camera and Siri would work well for many folks... 


    So no data, preventing the use of half of those? And no apps, taking it back to 2007?

  • Reply 118 of 174
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,811member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    There is no way a 441 PPI 1920x1080 display will have a good performance even with Butter on Android. Well, not outside a much more powerful GPU which means you'll need a larger battery. Note how much the iPad increased in weight and thickness going from a 25W to a 42W battery as well as much larger SoC so it can handle a 264 PPI 2048x1536 display. I can't imagine that's anything but bragging rights for that one component when placed in a phone in 2012.

    Wrong, take a look for yourself. This is a very fast phone even with 441 PPI and a 1920x1080 display. 



    Anecdotally he is also very happy with the speed and battery life and says it last him all day until he charges it before going to sleep. From the little time I spent with the phone it was extremely fast and very responsive. His last phone was an iPhone 4S and like me he wanted a larger screen but also a big reason for upgrading was to get LTE. 

  • Reply 119 of 174
    The colors that Apple is running with right now are awful. How hard is it make red? It's like Pinterest took over.
  • Reply 120 of 174
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by cmfilms View Post

    The colors that Apple is running with right now are awful.


    Black and white are awful?

    How hard is it make red?




    Not that hard, I guess.

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