New Microsoft Windows 8 ad turns Apple's Siri against her maker



  • Reply 81 of 147
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Not at $499 is it a full Windows 8 tablet. 

    Anyway, I say good for Microsoft! They made it through the whole commercial without the tablet freezing up or the battery running out. 

    Don't know about US pricing, but check these NZ prices, from the same store:

    Asus is $699, while iPad is $1,029. These are NZ$, GST (tax) included.

    Just to be sure DSE doesn't have Asus on promo/special while ripping off for iPad, I checked elsewhere in New Zealand (through I can see 64GB iPad 4th gen, WiFi only, for NZ$923 as lowest advertised price. Asus VivoTab Smart ME400C is available for $647. That is the same one as from above mentioned link.

    So I'd say pricing in that MS ad is accurate.
  • Reply 82 of 147
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    WinPro only runs on Intel X86 processors. The amount of cooling required is dependent on the GPU in the device. No fan = poor graphics ability.

    One other little fact Microsoft only mumbles behind their hand is that the RT version of Office is a crippled version, it is NOT full featured like its X86 version. The only way to run the full-featured version of Office on a RT tablet is to subscribe to the cloud version of Office for $100 per year. Since none of the Windows tablets come with optional transmitters like the iPad does, you only have cloud accessibility when you are near a wifi router. Forget working on a commuter train or checking your email from your vacation cabin.

    Not sure what you are saying. Atom is Intel x86 architecture, and tablet in this add appears to be Asus Vivotab smart which runs dual-core Atom with Hypertreading and x86 version of Windows 8, which will run full x86 version of Office, with no limitations.

    RT Office does not support macros etc., but is still by far much more compatible with x86 Office than anything else on the market. Not that everyone need that, of course.

    Graphics that come with these Atoms is quite mediocre, correct. It will do fine (smooth) with OS and 2D apps, as well as media playback, 2D games... but will pale behind iPad in most 3D scenarios. Atom based tablets are definitely not best for 3D gaming. Intel is, however, promising good graphics improvements for next-gen Atom, and AMD's new mobile platforms are also promising - google around for Kabini and Temash platforms, later one being pretty much designed for x86 tablets.

    You can get W8 tablets with 3G. I have seen ThinkPad Tablet 2 with that feature included, pretty sure I've read some others have it as well (HP ElitePad 900, I think, has at least one SKU with 3G module).
  • Reply 83 of 147
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    just_me wrote: »
    <a href="" style="line-height:1.231;" target="_blank">

    Good one!

  • Reply 84 of 147
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member
    I think it's a pretty good ad in the same line as "I'm a PC, I'm a Mac"...
    1 for Microsoft's advertisement department. Sadly for Microsoft, I buy on the product, not the ad. That means I'll keep iPads.
  • Reply 85 of 147
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member


    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    So it seems. Can't wait for when they have to pull it or apple will sue for use of protected IP without permission or some such

    Don't the US allow for "selective use of quotes for educative purposes"? "Fair use" etc? Seems to me they're "educating" the world about what their tablet can do the iPad cannot do... /s

  • Reply 86 of 147
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    nikon133 wrote: »
    Because... synthetic voice from iPad was only complaining about things it cannot do, a bit like Marvin, the Paranoid Android from Hitchhiker's Guide..? And that would appear better to average consumer... how?

    I answered that question in my original response. You are quoting my follow up response.
  • Reply 87 of 147
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Garage Band on iOS is an amazing app, and especially for 5 bucks lol. Not to mention the other over a quarter of a million apps. And the iPad mini is $329. Microsoft can eat it.
  • Reply 88 of 147
    sensisensi Posts: 346member
    Wait, multitasking?

    The fancy (hideous) new Windows 8 apps don't even run unless they're in the foreground. And when they're in the foreground, they're fullscreen, making it impossible to multitask.

    Never mind that the entire operating system completely locks up when you're copying a file. COPYING A FILE. There is no multitasking in Windows.
    The usual ignorant and misleading or blatantly false garbage, there to be debunked...

    - Windows will only pause inactive apps, not "apps in the background" but apps doing nothing, neither background activities nor playing a song, etc.
    - You can spit windows apps and use two at the same time side by side, the function is called "Windows Snap".
    - Another ludicrous invention that I have never ever experienced while working with it daily... My only guess is that your HDD was off (following some power options settings) and that it took a good second to get back on and accessible. But I am digressing because we all know that you never ever tried Windows 8...

  • Reply 89 of 147
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    sensi wrote: »
    The usual ignorant and misleading or blatantly false garbage, there to be debunked...

    - Windows will only pause inactive apps, not "apps in the background" but apps doing nothing, neither background activities nor playing a song, etc.
    - You can spit windows apps and use two at the same time side by side, the function is called "Windows Snap".
    - Another ludicrous invention that I have never ever experienced while working with it daily... But I am sure that you can provide some evidence, right?


    ... And this.

    Honestly, I'm finding it really hard to take TS seriously, more often than not. Bias is just... overwhelming.
  • Reply 90 of 147
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Sirii can multitask. I often have her set an alarm for me, which means she is opening the clock App while she's running. She opens the calendar app when she sets an appointment and the Notepad app to make me a quick memo. I suspect with iOS 7 she will be doing even more multitasking with other apps, maybe even third-party apps. Siri can also take dictation* which is even better than trying to type on the $100 pretend keyboard Microsoft will sell you.

    *dictated on my 16 Gb Apple iPad with Siri.

    What does Siri has to do with anything here? Same as chubby, boring suit wearing PC guy was symbolising PC in general, stereotype as it was, synthetic female Siri-like voice is used here to symbolise iPad. Multitasking was not mentioned, much as I recall - "I cannot do that" was iPad's reply to two apps sharing screen on W8 tablet - which is basically correct. What is potentially good for MS here is that some uninformed buyers might presume, based on this ad, that iPad cannot multitask, but I don't think that Apple can do anything about that, which is one of the things that make this ad quite smart, if ethically questionable.
  • Reply 91 of 147
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    crowley wrote: »
    Really? That's quite an impressive feat they've accomplished if true.

    I stand corrected, and admit that I haven't paid much attention.

    Which is not really your "mistake" - most OEMs simply don't advertise their products enough, if at all. MS does put some effort in advertising these days, but they advertise platform, not specific models and/or hardware specs.
  • Reply 92 of 147
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    jd_in_sb wrote: »
    I answered that question in my original response. You are quoting my follow up response.

    Yes you gave your opinion there... So here's mine. I'd expect that majority of users would consider that playing piano on 10" screen is cute but ultimately useless feature, which - coincidently? - might be the underlying message MS is selling here, without saying it out loud (as, of course, that would be a blatant lie). This based on fact that, among people I know that do music, those who actually play it do that on proper instrument, while others use PC/Mac to mix their DJ wannabe stuff. I know a lot of people with iPad, but no one actually doing music on it. I'm not saying no one does, but majority of users they ain't.
  • Reply 93 of 147
    kaipherkaipher Posts: 24member
    I guess it "qualifies" as an ad, but why they enjoy advertising the lack of voice command, or Garageband on their tablet is beyond me.

    Perhaps they overlooked the fact that we Powerpoint isn't an application Microsoft chose to bring to iOS because it's been handily trounced by iWorks' Keynote. Or, that you can create a fully edited movie directly on the iPad with iMovie, unlike Windows which still lacks a quality product at the consumer level.

    Perhaps they're hoping you'd ignore the 2048x1536 of the iPad vs the 1366x768 resolution of the Asus Vivotab Smart.

    Hmm... you're right. I guess it is worth hundreds less... well, unless you compare it to the it's spiritual equivalent: iPad Mini. Actually, scratch that value, iPad Mini is $50 cheaper and still provides the same software.

    Go fish MS.
  • Reply 94 of 147
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    I think it's a pretty good ad in the same line as "I'm a PC, I'm a Mac"...
    1 for Microsoft's advertisement department. Sadly for Microsoft, I buy on the product, not the ad. That means I'll keep iPads.

    It's not even in the same league as "I'm a PC...". Apple's ads didn't tell outright lies like "I can only do one thing at a time". I wonder how long it will take Apple's lawyers to respond to that one.

    kaipher wrote: »
    I guess it "qualifies" as an ad, but why they enjoy advertising the lack of voice command, or Garageband on their tablet is beyond me.

    Perhaps they overlooked the fact that we Powerpoint isn't an application Microsoft chose to bring to iOS because it's been handily trounced by iWorks' Keynote. Or, that you can create a fully edited movie directly on the iPad with iMovie, unlike Windows which still lacks a quality product at the consumer level.

    Perhaps they're hoping you'd ignore the 2048x1536 of the iPad vs the 1366x768 resolution of the Asus Vivotab Smart.

    Hmm... you're right. I guess it is worth hundreds less... well, unless you compare it to the it's spiritual equivalent: iPad Mini. Actually, scratch that value, iPad Mini is $50 cheaper and still provides the same software.

    Go fish MS.

    Exactly. There are always cheaper products. That doesn't make them better.

    nikon133 wrote: »
    Man... that is Windows 8, not Windows RT commercial. and tablet presented there looks like Atom based Asus VivoTab Smart, which runs full x86 windows 8.

    I'm honestly hoping RT will drop classic desktop and become OS for cheapest possible (mostly 7" or so) tablets. Already with current Atoms, ARM W8 tablets don't make much sense - they limit functionality while not really offering lower price, better battery or less weight.

    That, or merge with WP8 and become OS for smartphones and phablets, dedicated eBook readers with some additional smart features...

    I guess I was mistaken about the RT vs Pro - one of the problems of the MS product lineup. LOTS of people are going to make the same mistake - and buy RT tablets thinking they will run regular Windows apps.

    I admit the ad was funny, but in a pathetic sort of way. Let's see, they showed running a movie while editing a PowerPoint. Excuse me, you can't see the movie running WHILE you're editing the PowerPoint, so what's the big deal? At least when I open Keynote to edit a PowerPoint, the movie pauses so I don't miss a scene. 

    The iPad does do some multitasking when it's important, such as listening to Pandora while doing anything else I want. Meanwhile the Surface is burning through its battery while showing a movie in the background you can't see... or God-knows-what-other-programs sucking up batter life in the background.

    Then they had the gall to compare a 64Gb Surface RT to a 64Gb iPad as if that is somehow fair. The 64Gb Surface RT has only 23Gb of free memory available to the user sice the bloated Windows OS is squatting on most of the memory. A better comparison would be a 32Gb iPad. However, the way the iPad uses memory and the iCould, even the 16 Gb is an excellent comparison. (which is the size I purchased) 

    Finally Sirii can multitask. I often have her set an alarm for me, which means she is opening the clock App while she's running. She opens the calendar app when she sets an appointment and the Notepad app to make me a quick memo. I suspect with iOS 7 she will be doing even more multitasking with other apps, maybe even third-party apps.

    All true. I could never figure out why you wanted to play an action game while playing a movie while ordering flowers on the Internet - all at the exact same time.
  • Reply 95 of 147
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Apple's ads didn't tell outright lies like "I can only do one thing at a time". 


    It's pretty clear that's in reference to only being able to have one app full screen at a time, which is true enough (with some slight exceptions for Siri and the widgets in Notification Centre).


    Some of Apple's Get A Mac ads ran pretty close to the line in terms of exaggerating the truth too.  The zany ones about biohazard suits and time travel especially.

  • Reply 96 of 147
    frxntierfrxntier Posts: 97member
    This is a great ad. If only because of the final 'Oh, **** it, lets just play Chopsticks.' And even that's all screwed up. We all know that iPad can do two things at once, and that it can edit PowerPoint documents (in Keynote and other apps). Also, you can play a cool little piano on iPad, too!

    So, when I say it's a great ad, I don't think it actually advertises Microsoft well. It's so hilarious that it makes me want to buy an iPad. Just so I can play the piano. (Because why would I get a Surface? So I can make a PowerPoint presentation? Yeah, fun.)
  • Reply 97 of 147
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member

    With due respect to everyone here, this thread is highly representative of what bias can do to one's perception.


    If someone you are crushing on wears a short skirt, you'd think her (or his) legs are long, with the right amount of tone and oh so shiny. You'd refuse to see the stubbles and cellulite even if someone pointed them out to you.


    If someone you despise wears the same address, you'd only *notice* the not-so-straight knees, even from a long distance, and her (or his) calves would be too muscular or too skinny.


    Of course, to pretend you're not biased, you'd swear up and down that you too wear the same dress. To boot, you'd just happen to be a fashion designer as if such a proclamation would or should shift someone else's optics in an anonymous forum. Yeah, like I am a rocket scientist and Renaissance painter. 


    It just never occurs to you that objectivity is not finding all good and no wrong in one party, and all wrong and no good in other parties. You're entitled to your opinions. But don't pretend to be rational, fair-minded or knowledgeable.

  • Reply 98 of 147
    suddenly newtonsuddenly newton Posts: 13,819member
    philboogie wrote: »
    That was certainly the most useless invention of all the things MS has done. Completely and utterly annoying, frustrating experience. That's why I installed Ubit plugin on one of my work PeeCee's:


    That's wow, crazy! But it's better than my suggestion to Microsoft: put a Google search bar in the Ribbon so I can ask Google where to find the feature that's hidden in the Ribbon. It's how I use Office now.
  • Reply 99 of 147
    Microsoft seems to forget that everyone basically universally hates PowerPoint presentations. So yeah, not having PowerPoint might actually be a feature.
  • Reply 100 of 147
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    jragosta wrote: »
    It's not even in the same league as "I'm a PC...". Apple's ads didn't tell outright lies like "I can only do one thing at a time". I wonder how long it will take Apple's lawyers to respond to that one.

    No... they had ad where PC cannot communicate with cute Japanese "device" (camera? printer?) while Mac was speaking fluent Japanese and had no problem to communicate with device. That was really... truthful.

    I don't think Apple lawyers can do them much harm. At worst, MS will change that line to something like "I cannot have two apps on screen together" or something else in that line, and be safe. And maybe get some publicity in the process, not unlike Samsung capitalized well on Apple dragging them to court.
    Exactly. There are always cheaper products. That doesn't make them better.

    In my everyday dealing with customers - and I do a lot of those since equipment advisory and procurement are part of my role - I've learned that price is among primary interests for number of customers - definitely over 50%, likely over 60%. Persuade them that cheaper device can even do more, and they will be sold.
    I guess I was mistaken about the RT vs Pro - one of the problems of the MS product lineup. LOTS of people are going to make the same mistake - and buy RT tablets thinking they will run regular Windows apps.

    Yes I agree with that. RT should not have classic desktop at all, and MS should have made Office RT to work under Modern GUI. That being said, since cheap Pro tablets can be purchased for less money than currently available RT tablets (at least here in NZ), while offering comparable weight, battery life, better compatibility and functionality (through desktop mode) and usually more storage, I really cannot justify a reason to purchase RT. At all.
    All true. I could never figure out why you wanted to play an action game while playing a movie while ordering flowers on the Internet - all at the exact same time.

    You are really splitting hairs here. This is about concept, not this specific single scenario they have mentioned in ad. I've been using this often enough to call it very useful. Having Skype or default messaging app side-open while doing something in main "window". Or SkyDrive portal. Or calendar. Or many other "ors". It is more convenient than switching between apps, in most cases at least.
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