Apple reveals overhauled iOS 7 with vibrant, more colorful design



  • Reply 261 of 464
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    First of all, there are already 3rd party solutions to give iPad access to "Office in the Cloud."


    Second, Apple has been planning cloud-based iWork all along. It doesn't make sense for a company like Apple to offer iWork (or any productivity apps) that's not cloud-based. 


    Indeed.  iWork in the Cloud is not even needed by the majority of iWork users simply because if you use iWork, chances are you already have it on your computer.  iWork in the cloud is really just for when you are stuck and therefore it is rightly the *last* thing added.  


    Personally I was really disappointed that they didn't talk about iWork at all except for this boring muck about the cloud.  When are they going to finish the iWork iOS apps? Are they going to have a makeover too?  Show us what the interface looks like for that, not f*cking iCloud.  


    As for "Company X should be worried" stories ... I think the fact that Apple maps is now on the desktop should have Google shaking in their boots.  The interface looks miles better than Googles right out of the gate. 

  • Reply 262 of 464
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by spacerays View Post

    To put the dates on them, I had my 1st hackintosh in 2010, on an HP DV6516TX laptop. Got the iMac in Sep 2011. Self learned iOS from Aug 2012, after graduation. Became an iOS developer in a startup in Feb 2013. It's Jul 2013 now.

    Did you really think that ahead, err, far back?


    I don't get what you're saying here.  You might as well have just said "I'm a kid with virtually no experience who just got into this stuff very recently."  This doesn't help to make you look good. 

  • Reply 263 of 464


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Come off it.

    let me rephrase, give it TO them. sorry but IMHO does not look good. too inconsistent. here is my UI on my jb phone. finally got the tri-corder I always wanted. just getting really tired of this white-wanna-be-scandanavian-design......  

  • Reply 264 of 464
    dickprinterdickprinter Posts: 1,060member


    Originally Posted by wakefinance View Post


    Based on those standards, can we have Tallest Skil banned as well?

    He's right, you know. I know TS is pro-Apple but a lot of times he only serves to enflame posters by his drive-by, one sentence sarcasm and comment bashing.

  • Reply 265 of 464
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    <div class="UserSpoiler"><div class="SpoilerTitle">Spoiler: </div><div class="SpoilerReveal"></div><div class="SpoilerText">
    1.  Lock screen design and live wallpapers:

    <img alt="" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="26413" data-type="61" height="243" src="" style="; width: 350px; height: 243px;" width="350">

    Below compare to  and also

    2.  General appearance of the calendar:

    <img alt="" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="26402" data-type="61" height="356" src="" style="; width: 200px; height: 356px;" width="200">

    3.  General appearance of the music player:

    <img alt="" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="26405" data-type="61" height="356" src="" style="; width: 200px; height: 356px;" width="200">

    4.  General appearance of the camera interface:

    <img alt="" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="26408" data-type="61" height="356" src="" style="; width: 200px; height: 356px;" width="200">

    5.  Control center (Android idea with Windows Phone look)

    6.  The animation where apps open outward from their icon

    7.  The general look and feel of the multitasking window (kind of a mix of stock Android and HTC Sense 4.0):

    <img alt="CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 90" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="26412" data-type="61" height="309" src="" style="; width: 350px; height: 309px;" width="350">

    8.  The general style of folders, although iOS goes one step ahead with scrolling:

    <img alt="" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="26415" data-type="61" height="356" src="" style="; width: 200px; height: 356px;" width="200">
    <a class="H-lightbox-open" href="" style="line-height:1.231;"><img alt="" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="26416" data-type="61" height="112" src="" style="; width: 200px; height: 112px;" width="200">

    That's the ugliest UI I've ever seen. Thanks for the pics- it's a good reminder as to what the other mobile operating systems look like. Yuck!
  • Reply 266 of 464
    allenbfallenbf Posts: 993member


    Originally Posted by GTR View Post


    Whatever you do, don't tell Google this.


    They've had a bad enough day as it is!




    Believe me, I find that logo ugly as well.  Most of Google's apps are ugly icons, anyway.  Aside from the Google Search one, at least.

  • Reply 267 of 464
    All the trolls are out in force tonight I see. What is it about bold, great new products from Apple that brings them out of the woodworks? Oh well.

    Anyhow, this is a definite game-changer for iOS, Apple in specific. It's a bold new direction for iOS to be sure and it's going to take some time (for me at least) to get used to it but I like it a lot.

    I think of all the changes to iOS we saw today Notification Center is probably the one that impressed me the most. A simple, clean design but bold in its simplicity.
  • Reply 268 of 464
    dacloodacloo Posts: 890member
    Andysol, 'trolls' is not equal to: 'people with a different opinion'.
  • Reply 269 of 464
    skftwskftw Posts: 2member

    So innovative!

    So magical!

    So surprising!

    So delightful!


    mind: blown

  • Reply 270 of 464


    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    That's the ugliest UI I've ever seen. Thanks for the pics. Even those who don't like the changes can now see the alternative UI- way way way worse.


    I can't say you're wrong since that's your opinion, and I agree that iOS 7 is far more beautiful (though 6 was not), but I think it's fair to remind you that this UI debuted in 2011.  Although I'm almost definitely switching to the iPhone so I can use iOS 7, I think that Android 5.0 will likely surpass it in terms of design considering how large the leaps have been from 2.0 to 3.0 and 3.0 to 4.0.

  • Reply 271 of 464
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    dacloo wrote: »
    Andysol, 'trolls' is not equal to: 'people with a different opinion'.
    How about you reread what I said in this thread and to whom I was addressing. I know the difference between the two.
  • Reply 272 of 464

    I cannot even imagine the level of genius required to design something so magical.

    I think we all agree -- with this, Android is toast.

  • Reply 273 of 464
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    Wow, iOS 7 is butt ugly. I'll be sticking with version 6 until who knows when.

    I wonder if a Microsoft mole is working on Apple's design interface team?...
  • Reply 274 of 464
    customtbcustomtb Posts: 346member
    I really hope the calculator app is on page two and not deprecated
  • Reply 275 of 464
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by CustomTB View Post

    I really hope the calculator app is on page two and not deprecated


    Couldn't go to


  • Reply 276 of 464
    nealgnealg Posts: 132member


    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    First of all, there are already 3rd party solutions to give iPad access to "Office in the Cloud."


    Second, Apple has been planning cloud-based iWork all along. It doesn't make sense for a company like Apple to offer iWork (or any productivity apps) that's not cloud-based. 

    Didn't realize this. Thanks for pointing that out. Are any of them good?


    The novelty, I thought, was that this is an Apple based solution that will work through a browser on Windows 8 or with Chrome. I was thinking that this was a way for Apple to move people away from Office or Google stuff and onto Apple stuff. The fact that they announced it today when there were a bunch of other things that they could have talked about on stage, I thought was significant. 

  • Reply 277 of 464
    chadmaticchadmatic Posts: 285member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    I agree entirely.  Especially about the Safari icon, what were they thinking?  


    That and OS X "Mavericks" are just astoundingly bad/tacky.  Whatever made them think that the whole world is as enamoured of California and surfing as they are at Apple?  After the Sea Lion joke that preceded it, absolutely everyone in the room where I was assumed that "Mavericks" was an equally tacky joke name.  Jaws dropped when it became apparent that it wasn't. 

    Hmmm.  Let me take a crack at it...  They're a California-based company and maybe they are proud of the California culture?


    I don't think the name Mavericks has so much to do with expecting you to be enamored by California and surfing as much as it has to do with them being able to choose a name that they like for a product that they created.


    In the context of big cats, the Sea Lion joke was brilliant, not tacky.  And for the record, my jaw didn't drop when they announced that the next generation of OS X would be called Mavericks.  I think it is an appropriate name and sounds a hell of a lot better than "Gazoobee" (which is quite tacky by the way).

  • Reply 278 of 464
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member

    The best announcement is the Dev APIs and Dev Tools. The UI isn't making me gush, though it beats the crap offered on Android [Give me a system wide color switch from All White to semi-transparent color of my choice and I'll be way more impressed. Dump the new Safari icon and others of equivalent abysmal appearance]. OS X improvements hit it out of the park, especially the APIs and power coming to OS X.


    Base Station hit it out of the park.


    R2D2 21st century did nothing for me other than to brag about an extremely expensive small footprint niche workstation.


    I don't comment on Macbook Air systems. I hate laptops. I prefer Desktop/Workstation or iPad.


    Have no interest in a smartphone until Telcos stop having service fees equivalent to our nuts in a vice.

  • Reply 279 of 464
    ziadjk wrote: »
    It seems iOS 7 was tailored for the white iPhone.. Too much white in too many places..

    Yes, I was wondering if Apple will add a "night mode" (sort of like iBooks) so the screens with so much white space won't be like staring into a flashlight in the dark.

    I've not seen the video of the keynote yet, so I'll withhold further comment until I get a chance to see it in action.
  • Reply 280 of 464
    sensisensi Posts: 346member
    The lock screen background looks very similar to Android ICS Phase Beam Live Wallpaper, just saying. ^^
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