Android on 80% of smartphones shipped in Q2, while Apple's iPhone took 13%



  • Reply 21 of 148
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post

    Normally when a new iPhone comes, sales double. This year with the possibility of 2 new iPhone models, I think we could easily see iPhone sales triple.


    That didnt happen last year.  Hopefully we wont have a repeat of the mac. Apple need to avoid getting its phone and tablet market go to a niche, which will kill the ecosystem because apps are going to show up on Android first and maybe Apple after.

  • Reply 22 of 148
    connieconnie Posts: 101member

    Android has obviously won the smartphone race if these numbers are correct. Apple must now just make sure it does not lose any ground to Windows phone and BlackBerry. Although I do not think Apple have to worry about BlackBerry. According to some BlackBerry is dead in the water.

  • Reply 23 of 148


    Originally Posted by BuffyzDead View Post

    I LOVE these numbers.


    Something very cool about NOT being the mainstream.


    I always loved Apple products, but also their underdog, not mainstream, aura.


    That is what makes certain products very desirable.

    That EVERYONE doesn't have them.




    Full Disclosure:

    AAPL Share holder.



    You realize that for individual phone models, the iPhone is still the most common phone, right?

  • Reply 24 of 148
    thedbathedba Posts: 776member


    Originally Posted by NelsonX View Post

    It certainly looks like Android has already win "the game". I didn't expect that Windows-Mac history to repeat again. At least not as fast! And it looks like in 2-3 years Windows will catch iOS! Can Apple turn the ship around? I doubt. They've just lost so many oportunities. They were kings 2-3 years ago and now...


    What most people don't realize with Windows vs Mac is that developers stopped developing for the latter back in the late 80's early 90's. That's what almost killed the entire company. Not necessarily the marketshare numbers.

    Today you can not say that about the app store. A developer would be in the business of "going out of business" if he didn't develop for the app store. Even Google wouldn't think of abandoning iOS at the moment.


    As for turning the ship around, where should Apple turn it? Away from profits?

  • Reply 25 of 148
    c4rlobc4rlob Posts: 277member
    I really must say thank you to Android for creating a platform that because of its volume attracts the most malware attention. Sort of like the larger planets beyond Earth protecting Earth from meteor collisions when the Milky Way was forming.
    Android is also bringing the iPhone back to a device of knowledgable selectiveness instead of being surrounded by people just buying an iPhone to look cool %u2013 another welcome result.
  • Reply 26 of 148
    donw35donw35 Posts: 30member
    All this really means to me is there are allot of devices that run the Android OS, not all of them are phones either so it’s comparing apples to oranges.

    Who really cares about these numbers anyway.
  • Reply 27 of 148
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    Comparing the sales of a free OS, installed on thousands of different devices, made by dozens of companies, to a sales of an actual PHONE, that one company sells, and updates once a year. Brilliant comparison!

  • Reply 28 of 148
    nikiloknikilok Posts: 383member
    connie wrote: »
    Android has obviously won the smartphone race if these numbers are correct. Apple must now just make sure it does not lose any ground to Windows phone and BlackBerry. Although I do not think Apple have to worry about BlackBerry. According to some BlackBerry is dead in the water.

    So what makes you think androids won the race just because more people own it ?

    More people own Toyota Corola's but if you ask anyone whose a richer company Toyota or BMW the answers obvious.

    Whose taking home all the smartphone money ? Apple or All the android licensees put together ?

    Apple is. So yeah in terms of numbers yeah androids more , but in terms of quality , customer satisfaction and profits Apples far far away from the rest of the heard. They are the industries trend setters and are not targeting larger numbers.
  • Reply 29 of 148
    DOJ people should see it as a serious issue on Android. Android stole Apples smart phone invention and dominated the market. 80% of lies. What is DOJ anti-trust division thinking! Even know that Google did not make any money on it; but the damage is done to Apple. Google needs to pay serious patent fees to Apple.
  • Reply 30 of 148
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by TheDBA View Post

    What most people don't realize with Windows vs Mac is that developers stopped developing for the latter back in the late 80's early 90's. That's what almost killed the entire company. 

    Weren't most Macs during that time period used in desktop publishing? Sure, Adobe/Quark got a little slow on the Mac updates but that didn't stop anyone in graphic arts from getting the work done. Windows won the desktop market share because of billions of office drones in their cubicles. That wasn't even a market Apple was addressing. Macs were much more expensive as well. Personally I'm using the about same number of apps now that I was back then with the exception of Internet related apps. I never felt any shortage of apps though. Windows just sucked but most Mac users didn't even know anything about Windows other than every file they received from a Windows user was pure garbage from a desktop publishing perspective.

  • Reply 31 of 148
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    nelsonx wrote: »
    It certainly looks like Android has already win "the game". I didn't expect that Windows-Mac history to repeat again. At least not as fast! And it looks like in 2-3 years Windows will catch iOS! Can Apple turn the ship around? I doubt. They've just lost so many oportunities. They were kings 2-3 years ago and now...

    Please, not this Mac-PC sh1t again. Learn some history: Macs weren't selling well during the 90s. iPhones are selling quite well now. The smartphone market expanded faster due to cheap crap being released and counting feature phones as Androids. And when has iOS ever had a majority in smart phones OSes?

    There are more cockroaches than humans so I guess they're winning.
  • Reply 32 of 148
    jdsonicejdsonice Posts: 156member
    The Android numbers are bogus - they are made up of multiple vendors - not one vendor and multiple models not one model.

    The comparison is like comparing Apples to Oranges.
  • Reply 33 of 148
    nikiloknikilok Posts: 383member
    This is really the old trick in the book whereby if someone sells more it meant they have won.

    Hypothetical example Samy sells 100 eggs for 1$ each , Steve sells 30 eggs for 10$ each. Whose won the race ?

    Sure Samy got it to 100 ppl while Steve only to 30 people.

    Samy made 100$ , while Steve made 300$.
    Hope this settles the question about whose winning the race. iOS (Apple) or Android( Samsung , HTC, Google, Sony and tons of smaller players that aren't popular)
  • Reply 34 of 148
    macslutmacslut Posts: 514member


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    Comparing the sales of a free OS, installed on thousands of devices, to a sales of an actual PHONE, that one company sells, and updates once a year. Brilliant comparison!


    IDC releases multiple sets of numbers.  One is platform market share and another is by hardware.  Both are relevant to different sets of people.  Taking a look at these numbers, we see that Android OS grew faster during the period than iOS for smartphones, and while still in the distance, Windows Phone also grew faster than iOS for smartphones.


    If you're a developer or content provider, these numbers will impact decisions you might be making in regards to what platforms you're going to support.  This isn't to say supporting Android, with all its fragmentation is a better choice than iOS, but the market share of the platform (and its growth) is one criteria to consider.


    If you're a consumer, knowing that this report shows stronger growth for Android and Windows Phone, is again one criteria worth considering in your purchasing decision.


    As much as I love Apple, and the iPhone, the fact remains that this report is not good news for Apple.  That's not to say it's devastating news or that the numbers may change drastically the next time, but it is likely that developers, content providers and even consumers will react in accordance to them as well as the trends we see from this specific IDC type of report.


    This is also why "shipping" versus "sales" isn't as relevant as many seem to think.  Regardless of how many were shipped and given away in 2 for 1 bundles or never even sold, the report still has an impact of some unknown degree on developers, content providers, consumers, and ultimately investors.

  • Reply 35 of 148
    nelsonxnelsonx Posts: 278member
    Originally Posted by nikilok View Post

    This is really the old trick in the book whereby if someone sells more it meant they have won.

    Hypothetical example Samy sells 100 eggs for 1$ each , Steve sells 30 eggs for 10$ each. Whose won the race ?

    Sure Samy got it to 100 ppl while Steve only to 30 people.

    Samy made 100$ , while Steve made 300$.

    Hope this settles the question about whose winning the race. iOS (Apple) or Android( Samsung , HTC, Google, Sony and tons of smaller players that aren't popular)


    Yeah, except Steve now sells only 13 eggs. Last year he did sell 30, and two years ago he sold 45. But not anymore. So, something must be wrong with Steve's eggs. Maybe, just maybe, Steve is too greedy and he's eggs are not worth the price he asks for them?
  • Reply 36 of 148
    crossladcrosslad Posts: 527member
    This is why Android is increasing its market share. £50 tablet available over two payments.

  • Reply 37 of 148
    zid1977zid1977 Posts: 17member

    Also selling $100 smartphones will kill your margins.  

  • Reply 38 of 148
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    crosslad wrote: »
    This is why Android is increasing its market share. £50 tablet available over two payments.


    There are some even cheaper than that!
  • Reply 39 of 148
    nikiloknikilok Posts: 383member
    nelsonx wrote: »
    Yeah, except Steve now sells only 13 eggs. Last year he did sell 30, and two years ago he sold 45. But not anymore. So, something must be wrong with Steve's eggs. Maybe, just maybe, Steve is too greedy and he's eggs are not worth the price he asks for them?

    Is that so ?
    Explain why apples taking home all the smartphone sector profits then ?

    When you figure that out you'll truly understand whose leading this race.

    Side Note : lol and if Steve sold only 13 he still makes 130$. That's 30$'s more than the rest of the pack put together.
  • Reply 40 of 148
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    macslut wrote: »

    If you're a developer or content provider, these numbers will impact decisions you might be making in regards to what platforms you're going to support.  This isn't to say supporting Android, with all its fragmentation is a better choice than iOS, but the market share of the platform (and its growth) is one criteria to consider.

    Devs look to where they can make money. Right now that's iOS. In addition, iOS is on iPhones, iPads,iPod touches. Also usage share is important. Who uses the phone to download apps.
    nelsonx wrote: »
    Yeah, except Steve now sells only 13 eggs. Last year he did sell 30, and two years ago he sold 45. But not anymore. So, something must be wrong with Steve's eggs. Maybe, just maybe, Steve is too greedy and he's eggs are not worth the price he asks for them?

    Wrong again. The market doesn't sell just 100 eggs every year. The market is growing faster and Apple is selling more eggs but at a rate less than the overall market. Sammy also began selling more of those plastic eggs and makes $.10 on those. The report records those as eggs even though they won't be used for eating.
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