Android on 80% of smartphones shipped in Q2, while Apple's iPhone took 13%



  • Reply 141 of 148
    ipenipen Posts: 410member


    Originally Posted by jkichline View Post

    Who exactly won the game? It doesn't matter how many devices you ship... it matters if people use them and if it's driving revenue. Google made ZERO dollars on Android. ZERO. Most of their mobile ad revenues continue to be derived from iOS device. Go anywhere and look. Most people use iPhones or iPads (at least in the US)  Most people I know that have an Android device would rather have an iPhone or iPad.  I spoke with a woman this weekend who said she had three Android devices but doesn't like them so they sit in a drawer.


    So winning is shipping product at zero profit or at a loss with a free operating system that no one uses except for basic phone and some free games?


    Zero profit of a large corporation means the consumers are winning.  Do you wish your cell phone bill can be cut in half and let the carriers have zero profit, or wish your phone bill doubled to let the carriers have more profit in order to upgrade their infrastructures?


    But of course, we all know how google makes profit. If you don't mind privacy, malware, go with android.

  • Reply 142 of 148
    ipenipen Posts: 410member


    Originally Posted by nikilok View Post



    So with a mid level iPhone rumored, what do you get ? You get more to experience Apple's flavor and most of them are going to be tempted to move to its premium offering or buy into there Eco System since they understand the value then first hand.


    Unless Apple makes the mid level iphone crippled in some way, otherwise people who can only afford mid level will stay at mid level.

    But I still think a mid level iphone is a turn in Apple's corporate culture.  I thought Apple doesn't care about market share.  Why tailor to those mid level people and let them share the eco system?  Apple should spend more money on coming out with new amazing products instead of milking the iphone even down to the mid level.

  • Reply 143 of 148
    nikiloknikilok Posts: 383member


    Originally Posted by ipen View Post

    Why tailor to those mid level people and let them share the eco system?  Apple should spend more money on coming out with new amazing products instead of milking the iphone even down to the mid level.


    Mid level devices is important to have in capturing the developing countries market. They do have the largest population.

    The mid level iPhone would obviously be fatter , prolly lower processor specs and a lower quality build compared to the higher end version.


    Numbers can work out in Apple's favor since they are pushing there iAds network. So even if the mid device users don't invest into the Eco System, they can still be used to serve Ads to via iTunes Radio and iAds in general.

  • Reply 144 of 148
    bigmikebigmike Posts: 266member
    You don't have to sell the most units to be the best. Oh. Snap.
  • Reply 145 of 148


    Originally Posted by nikilok View Post

    WHY Developers stay away from Android ??


    Ill tell you why, because I am a developer myself.

    Say I create an App and sell it for 1$ on Apple's App store, I actually make 70% of that money per individual buying my app.

    And on Apple's eco system tons of them buy those apps.


    I put the same thing on Google Play, what's gonna happen is your App gets purchased by the hacker community, that will then Publish your app for free on the internet and tons of other stores out there.


    Just for your info, you can get hacked iPhone apps on internet just as easy as Android.

  • Reply 146 of 148
    os2babaos2baba Posts: 262member


    Originally Posted by nikilok View Post

    WHY Developers stay away from Android ??


    Ill tell you why, because I am a developer myself.

    Say I create an App and sell it for 1$ on Apple's App store, I actually make 70% of that money per individual buying my app.

    And on Apple's eco system tons of them buy those apps.


    I put the same thing on Google Play, what's gonna happen is your App gets purchased by the hacker community, that will then Publish your app for free on the internet and tons of other stores out there.

    Or even worse have it rebranded and make it look like there's and re-sell it back on Google Play.


    End of the day no one buys them. (Coz you can get a free version on the web)


    The state the Android eco system is, hardware manufacture's are making very less margin on the actual hardware.

    They actually then plan on making money over E-Services. Which again is all in ruins.


    Samsung's trying to promote there S-Hub and the rest , like Amazon promote there stores.. That just gives the hacker community more options to pirate your Apps for free or a cheaper price !


    What are developers doing today about it ?


    Sure ill make my app and put it on Apple's store make the money, and then make a lesser quality version of the app (dont care if it's got a few bugs) and put it in Google Play with ADs in it. Yeah so the developers really only planning on taking home AD revenues from Android.


    Sure there are more people out there to watch my AD's so ill end up making a little, but nothing even close to what I make on Apple's Store.


    Now really Androids still winning the race ?? It's what I said earlier Apple's taking home all the mobile profits..


    Android's catching up in revenues as well.  A little more nuanced report. (same research source)



  • Reply 147 of 148
    The thing I don't like about these articles is they refer to Android as one entity. It's not.

    HTC, LG, Motorola, Samsung and anyone else making an android phone - ARE ALL IN DIRECT COMPETITION WITH EACH OTHER. It doesn't help anyone else ( except Google ) when Samsung sells an Android phone.

    How about some HARD RESEARCH. APPLE has 13-14% of the smartphone market? Samsung has what percent ? I'm betting it's not more then Apples.. iPhone 5 sold 55 million so far.. Galaxy S4 sold 30 million.. and the Galaxy is the best selling Android phone..

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