Android on 80% of smartphones shipped in Q2, while Apple's iPhone took 13%



  • Reply 121 of 148


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Surely you're not being this dense.


    oh, oh yes, he most certainly can be. Have you read the rest of his contributions so far?


    woah. deja vu.

  • Reply 122 of 148


    Originally Posted by hentaiboy View Post

    You're in the minority here then. Most AI posters believe that everyone in the entire world should own an iPhone otherwise they are stupid/poor/<insert other derogatory comment>.


    Nuh-uh! image


    There. I said it. Someone had to.

  • Reply 123 of 148
    hentaiboyhentaiboy Posts: 1,252member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    I really don't think you understand why this website exists.

    Well when I joined almost 3 years ago, I believed that it existed for providing Insider knowledge into the world of Apple. Now it seems to be a forum for whiny fanboys.

  • Reply 124 of 148
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member


    Originally Posted by NelsonX View Post

    It certainly looks like Android has already win "the game". I didn't expect that Windows-Mac history to repeat again. At least not as fast! And it looks like in 2-3 years Windows will catch iOS! Can Apple turn the ship around? I doubt. They've just lost so many oportunities. They were kings 2-3 years ago and now...


    That's hilarious! image

  • Reply 125 of 148
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    nelsonx wrote: »
    It certainly looks like Android has already win "the game". Can Apple turn the ship around? I doubt. They were kings 2-3 years ago and now…
    nelsonx wrote: »
    Yeah, except Steve now sells only 13 eggs. Last year he did sell 30, and two years ago he sold 45. But not anymore. So, something must be wrong with Steve's eggs. Maybe, just maybe, Steve is too greedy and he's eggs are not worth the price he asks for them?

    Whatever you're smoking, it's going to kill you. Take a sabbatical to hit rehab. This is just plain stupid.
  • Reply 126 of 148
    nikiloknikilok Posts: 383member


    Originally Posted by mrrodriguez View Post

    Do you actually have an app on both platforms or are you using a hypothetical?

    I do have multiple apps on both :)

  • Reply 127 of 148
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member

    Next year about same time I expect iPhone market share to be around 30% globally even from IDS's reports. Profits? I don't even dare to mention them, because plastic iPhone will slaughter Samsung's biggest profit segment.


    Consequently, App Store and iTunes will establish even stronger domination. When Apple releases larger screen iPhone, then Samsnug will have a real chance to show its invention skills, because there will be no more product segment to escape from iPhone.


    Not to mention Apple has become smarter and learned from mistakes, market and competitors and believe me, they will bring new distinctive features that will be harder and harder to copy. Next year Apple comes back in shiny armor and I wouldn't want to hold to  much Samsnug shares then... :D

  • Reply 128 of 148
    nikiloknikilok Posts: 383member


    Originally Posted by poksi View Post

    Next year about same time I expect iPhone market share to be around 30% globally even from IDS's reports. Profits? I don't even dare to mention them, because plastic iPhone will slaughter Samsung's biggest profit segment.


    Consequently, App Store and iTunes will establish even stronger domination. When Apple releases larger screen iPhone, then Samsnug will have a real chance to show its invention skills, because there will be no more product segment to escape from iPhone.


    Not to mention Apple has become smarter and learned from mistakes, market and competitors and believe me, they will bring new distinctive features that will be harder and harder to copy. Next year Apple comes back in shiny armor and I wouldn't want to hold to  much Samsnug shares then... :D


    I don't know if Apple will go out of the way doing things just to compete for market share alone.

    Its never been Apple's culture. Like the bigger screen just for gaining market share I doubt it. They so far reason that bigger screens wouldn't give the end user the right User Experience (unless a day comes were they manage to give the same User experience with a big screen).


    A lower cost iPhone's a very likely option.. We saw that with the iPad mini already.

  • Reply 129 of 148
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member


    Originally Posted by nikilok View Post


    I don't know if Apple will go out of the way doing things just to compete for market share alone.

    Its never been Apple's culture. Like the bigger screen just for gaining market share I doubt it. They so far reason that bigger screens wouldn't give the end user the right User Experience (unless a day comes were they manage to give the same User experience with a big screen).


    A lower cost iPhone's a very likely option.. We saw that with the iPad mini already.


    That is the catch! They won't go for the sake of market share, it will just happen. If they would go for market share, they could make 80% in year and half. They are out to get service customers form mid market, that don't require top devices and they will also go for similar kind of service consumers that just need bigger screen for whatever reasons. This rounds up to roughly 30%. Apple doesn't really need the rest 70% that spend no money on apps, media and other IP.

  • Reply 130 of 148
    nikiloknikilok Posts: 383member

    Apple's true advantage lies around the fact they build both there hardware and software, enabling them to leverage the design aspects of both the worlds in a manner none of the others can really do.


    Think about it, the iPhone 5 packing in the horse power it has, while becoming light, and compact (height , width , thickness) and at the same time building an Eco System that's integrated so well with Apple Tv, Air Drop (Coming in iOS 7 to iOS).


    I love Air Drop as its a way to transfer files via both wifi and bluetooth, it just detects the best way to discover others automatically.

    You don't have to go around the room actually bumping your phone with each person you wanna transfer files too :P


    Top that off with iTunes Radio (in iOS 7) you have great music discoverability, and then being able to buy music with a single tap. 


    We now know they are bringing Bio metrics in.

    iOS in the Car is another area of expansion the others haven't even started think off yet.


    The competition is bewildered at all the directions Apple's expanding.


    What do we make of all this ?


    User Experience, Customer Satisfaction is taken up way off the charts. Those elements built what's called Brand Loyalty among its users, something that NO platform has managed to build today the way Apple has.


    So with a mid level iPhone rumored, what do you get ? You get more to experience Apple's flavor and most of them are going to be tempted to move to its premium offering or buy into there Eco System since they understand the value then first hand.

  • Reply 131 of 148


    Originally Posted by Soloman View Post

    Money is money. The more ways you can find to make it the better.


    If you don't have a strong gag reflex, there may be a money-making opportunity for you at some local truck stops.

  • Reply 132 of 148
    I don't understand the attraction, but here in Hong Kong, at least 7 out of 10 people I see using a phone or a tablet are using Samescum
  • Reply 133 of 148
    nikiloknikilok Posts: 383member
    aussieinhk wrote: »
    I don't understand the attraction, but here in Hong Kong, at least 7 out of 10 people I see using a phone or a tablet are using Samescum

    Market share not equal to mind share
  • Reply 134 of 148
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    As everyone else has said, these numbers are pretty useless. I'm pretty sure including the junk that is free in Christmas crackers from the Android camp isn't really comparing 'apples to apples' is it?
  • Reply 135 of 148
    solomansoloman Posts: 228member
    jungmark wrote: »
    Surely you're not being this dense. Cheap means low cost but lower cost doesn't mean cheap.

    Relatively is the keyword. We refer to things that are poorly made as cheap but in actuality that's wrong. Cheap and poorly made are not one and the same.
  • Reply 136 of 148
    solomansoloman Posts: 228member
    nikilok wrote: »
    Market share not equal to mind share

    But Samsung's mind share is growing. Here's a conversation I overheard in a department store.

    Young man to young lady "what phone do you have?"
    Young lady "I have the iPhone"
    Young man "ewwww really?"
    Young lady "I know I know I'm saving up for a SGS 4"

    With it's marketing blitz Samsung has been able to effectively buy mind share.
  • Reply 137 of 148
    solomansoloman Posts: 228member
    As everyone else has said, these numbers are pretty useless. I'm pretty sure including the junk that is free in Christmas crackers from the Android camp isn't really comparing 'apples to apples' is it?

    Agreed. The vast majority of those Android phones are nothing more than glorified feature phones and it's users contribute little or nothing in the way of app, music, video, or ebook purchases.
  • Reply 138 of 148
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    soloman wrote: »
    But Samsung's mind share is growing. Here's a conversation I overheard in a department store.

    Young man to young lady "what phone do you have?"
    Young lady "I have the iPhone"
    Young man "ewwww really?"
    Young lady "I know I know I'm saving up for a SGS 4"

    With it's marketing blitz Samsung has been able to effectively buy mind share.


    Was that "department store" a dollar general?

    Sounds like people with no class.
  • Reply 139 of 148
    solomansoloman Posts: 228member
    blackbook wrote: »

    Was that "department store" a dollar general?

    Sounds like people with no class.

    Nope it was a Macy's in a affluent neighborhood that I go to whenever I need a suit because they have a larger selection. You could be right though, money doesn't necessarily mean that they have class, but nevertheless they're buying Samsung phones.
  • Reply 140 of 148
    There is only one phone that uses iOS whereas every other phone uses Android or Windows. So shouldn't Android be selling more phones, because they have more companies using them? Whereas with iOS only Apple sells them.
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