Hands-on with the new 64-bit A7-powered iPhone 5s with new M7, camera features & Touch ID



  • Reply 101 of 166

    Originally Posted by Soundvision View Post


    People are foolish if they are arguing why Apple doesn't need larger screen phones. For me personally, I love the size of the iPhone 5 and if they created a larger phone, I would stick to the 4" inch screen if I had to guess. With that said, there is a huge demand for larger sized iPhones. I know some people who are practically giants and typing on the iPhone is next to impossible.


    Just like Apple has an 11", 13", 15", previous 17" laptops and even 21.5" and 27" iMacs clearly show that their is a need for various sizes. I would expect these phones to come next year if I had to guess.


    Where does it end? 5-inches? 6-inches? 7-inches? 8-inches? 9-inches? 10-inches? 11-inches? 12-inches? 13-inches? 14-inches? 15-inches? 16-inches? 17-inches? 18-inches? 19-inches?? I guarantee that if Apple makes a 4.5" phone or a 5" phone, you'll be saying the same thing.


    Here's what you don't understand:


    Apple's view is: a well-designed portable device has an ideal size that hits all the right trade-off for most people. That might evolve over time with changes in technology, but it's not going to be a new screen size every frigging year.


    Phablet fans never say, "X-inches is the right size." What they're saying is "Apple needs to compete in the screen size oneupmanship race. Apple is falling behind. Apple isn't leading." It's like, if you put 20-inch chrome dubs on your Chrysler 300, then I gots to put 22-inch chrome dubs on mine. Then you get 24-inchers and we begin the cycle again. Never mind that larger and heavier wheels actually slow your car and reduce its fuel efficiency. Tradeoffs don't matter in the game of oneupmanship. And that's just sad.

  • Reply 102 of 166
    Which version is for T-Mobile?
  • Reply 103 of 166
    Which version is for T-Mobile?
  • Reply 104 of 166
    Where does it end? 5-inches? 6-inches? 7-inches? 8-inches? 9-inches? 10-inches? 11-inches? 12-inches? 13-inches? 14-inches? 15-inches? 16-inches? 17-inches? 18-inches? 19-inches?? I guarantee that if Apple makes a 4.5" phone or a 5" phone, you'll be saying the same thing.

    Here's what you don't understand:

    Apple's view is: a well-designed portable device has an ideal size that hits all the right trade-off for most people. That might evolve over time with changes in technology, but it's not going to be a new screen size every frigging year.

    Phablet fans never say, "X-inches is the right size." What they're saying is "Apple needs to compete in the screen size oneupmanship race. Apple is falling behind. Apple isn't leading." It's like, if you put 20-inch chrome dubs on your Chrysler 300, then I gots to put 22-inch chrome dubs on mine. Then you get 24-inchers and we begin the cycle again. Never mind that larger and heavier wheels actually slow your car and reduce its fuel efficiency. Tradeoffs don't matter in the game of oneupmanship. And that's just sad.

    4.5 - 4.75 would bring me back into the fold. It's simply about button and text size, and web page readability. Please don't assume that all of us who want a bigger screen are unsophisticated losers who want to get into some kind of race every year. The sense of immediacy I feel (for a change in 2014) comes from my concern, as an Apple fan, that Apples's failure to act in this area is a costly, squandered opportunity, not to mention my own selfish desire to come back (have I mentioned in other posts yet that Android sucks?).

    I have see this written here and repeated it myself already: How many who now think 4" is the perfect size used to think the same about 3.5"?
  • Reply 105 of 166

    Originally Posted by Adam Foosaner View Post


    First, I want to note that I enjoy Apple products and plan to purchase the 5s when it gets released.


    That being said, why all of the Samsung bashing? A hands-on article like this on a pro-Apple website (nothing wrong with that) should focus exclusively on the phone itself. Instead, this "hands-on" article just seems to be trying to defend Apple's design choices against Samsung. Even the sub-header of the article states that, "Without any of Samsung's embarrassing show stereotypes and circus theatrics, Apple unveiled its "forward thinking" new iPhone 5s as not just "what's next," but "what should be next," advancing mobile devices into the 64-bit computing world for the first time". How does a header like that portray any sort of professionalism whatsoever? Few people would disagree that Samsung's Galaxy S4 unveiling was inappropriate, but how is that even remotely relevant to this article? Samsung shouldn't be mentioned at all on a pro-Apple website unless there is actual news about them that pertains to what is going on with Apple in some respect. There are ways to be in favor of one company or product without having to be against another. People who visit blogs like this have every right to their opinion, but they shouldn't be spoon-fed reasons not to like another company that makes millions of other people happy as well.


    ***Full disclosure*** - I used to own a Galaxy S4 and ended up not liking it. That is why I am switching to the iPhone 5s, since it is a product that works better for me. However, I can see why many other people enjoy the Galaxy series of phones so I do not hold hate for having diversity in the industry. 


    Am I the only person who follows this site that believes that Apple Insider takes things too far sometimes with the bashing of other companies? Am I wrong to ask for a more professional style of writing?


    Well, this IS an Apple site after all. Have you not seen all the Apple bashing by Fandroids on Engadget, and virtually every other forum? Frankly, its the Mac vs. PC debates all over again. Not a big deal, I pretty much ignore it any more. I have more important things to do, like work, family, and fishing. Don't really have the time to spend customizing my Android.  Re: Samsung, looks like it won't be too long till they abandon android anyway, with their own OS.

  • Reply 106 of 166

    Originally Posted by iVince View Post

    They 'really' do not need to go bigger with the screen size. Anything bigger and it isn't a phone, so just buy an iPad mini instead if you just want a bigger screen, because you'd look stupid sticking it up to your face and using it as a phone. The current size is perfect.


    Right..............keep drinking the kool aid.

  • Reply 107 of 166
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    larrya wrote: »
    4.5 - 4.75 would bring me back into the fold. It's simply about button and text size, and web page readability. Please don't assume that all of us who want a bigger screen are unsophisticated losers who want to get into some kind of race every year. The sense of immediacy I feel (for a change in 2014) comes from my concern, as an Apple fan, that Apples's failure to act in this area is a costly, squandered opportunity, not to mention my own selfish desire to come back (have I mentioned in other posts yet that Android sucks?).

    I have see this written here and repeated it myself already: How many who now think 4" is the perfect size used to think the same about 3.5"?

    I still think 3.5 makes a better sized phone. 4" is better for video, but I would rather carry an iPod touch separately than have a 4" phone sticking out of my shirt pocket.

    I just know these guys at Apple hate the idea of making a larger-screened phone. They are practical, sensible people, rational arts & crafts types, who harbor no nonsense notions of forcing a Galaxy-sized slab into their pants. They aren't going to enjoy tapering the edges like Samsung does to make it easier to shoehorn the slab into a pocket either. They are committed to square sides, bricks, to make picture taking more precise.

    If Apple makes a larger-screened device it's going to have some better reason for existence than anything we've seen so far. For example, maybe pixel densities can be boosted to the point where autostereoscopic 3D can be used to treat dyslexia or something. But just following Samsung into this space would be prohibitively repugnant, and I agree. Big screens are the SUVs of portable electronics. I hate them just as much.
  • Reply 108 of 166
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,409member


    Originally Posted by Adam Foosaner View Post

    ...why all of the Samsung bashing? A hands-on article like this on a pro-Apple website (nothing wrong with that) should focus exclusively on the phone itself. Instead, this "hands-on" article just seems to be trying to defend Apple's design choices against Samsung. Even the sub-header of the article states that, "Without any of Samsung's embarrassing show stereotypes and circus theatrics, Apple unveiled its "forward thinking" new iPhone 5s as not just "what's next," but "what should be next," advancing mobile devices into the 64-bit computing world for the first time". How does a header like that portray any sort of professionalism whatsoever?

    Am I the only person who follows this site that believes that Apple Insider takes things too far sometimes with the bashing of other companies? Am I wrong to ask for a more professional style of writing?


    If Samsung hadn't ripped off Apple's hardware designs in the past, you would be spot on.  And had Samsung not compounded their evils by also using an iOS knock-off (Android), you would again be correct.  But since Samsung did these things and remains unapologetic, such takes the professionalism and shine of your own words.  With literally everyone bashing Apple these days, it's refreshing to come to AppleInsider and see they are not playing that game at all.  They boldly take issue with anyone who has wronged Apple in the past, and rightly so.


    AppleInsider, thank you for ignoring the silly comments that some people post in your forums!

    Keep up the great work!

  • Reply 109 of 166
    I find it much harder to see anything on a gigantic Galaxy phone than on the iPhones I have had. It is much easier to see, especially outdoors in high light conditions on the iPhone than the galaxy with a huge screen. That's just my opinion, but that's the way I see it. And the galaxy faded-looking screen just leaves me cold, especially since it deteriorates over time.
  • Reply 110 of 166
    Just wonderful to see an article that explains the importance of [B]sensible[/B] capabilities that are truly useful and not focused on all kinds of ridiculous gimmicks. As a household where the two of us have about 14 Apple devices with quite a large WIFI network, it all simply works.

    Apple continues to build upon and evolve the ecosystem I continue to see natural increases in the value of our investment. I just joined iTunes Match as I noticed that it would soon provide no-commercial access to iRadio. That is an example of how an additional capability put it over the threshold for us. I must say, it's nice having the music everywhere.

    Focusing on putting capabilities into each and every devices that actually multiplies the value of ecosystem capabilities including apps is why I don't question my Apple loyalty.

    This article reminded me of why I stay so satisfied. Too bad many consumers don't focus on real value.
  • Reply 111 of 166

    C'est tellement drôle et résume tout sur vous les fans d'Apple! Le plus drôle commence à 12:30!



  • Reply 112 of 166
    Originally Posted by Adam Foosaner View Post


    First, I want to note that I enjoy Apple products and plan to purchase the 5s when it gets released.


    That being said, why all of the Samsung bashing? A hands-on article like this on a pro-Apple website (nothing wrong with that) should focus exclusively on the phone itself. Instead, this "hands-on" article just seems to be trying to defend Apple's design choices against Samsung. Even the sub-header of the article states that, "Without any of Samsung's embarrassing show stereotypes and circus theatrics, Apple unveiled its "forward thinking" new iPhone 5s as not just "what's next," but "what should be next," advancing mobile devices into the 64-bit computing world for the first time". How does a header like that portray any sort of professionalism whatsoever? Few people would disagree that Samsung's Galaxy S4 unveiling was inappropriate, but how is that even remotely relevant to this article? Samsung shouldn't be mentioned at all on a pro-Apple website unless there is actual news about them that pertains to what is going on with Apple in some respect. There are ways to be in favor of one company or product without having to be against another. People who visit blogs like this have every right to their opinion, but they shouldn't be spoon-fed reasons not to like another company that makes millions of other people happy as well.


    ***Full disclosure*** - I used to own a Galaxy S4 and ended up not liking it. That is why I am switching to the iPhone 5s, since it is a product that works better for me. However, I can see why many other people enjoy the Galaxy series of phones so I do not hold hate for having diversity in the industry. 


    Am I the only person who follows this site that believes that Apple Insider takes things too far sometimes with the bashing of other companies? Am I wrong to ask for a more professional style of writing?


    Apple Insider isnt the main problem.  Most of the authors do not do what you described above.  They are usually tactful.  That said, I have largely started to avoid articles written by Daniel Eran Dilger for various reasons, including the reason you have stated.  I love apple products and reading about them; I am not fond of android products, but there are occasionally neat uses for it, however I would never own an android phone, tablet, or set top box. I do not think it's is necessary for constant bashing I see in his articles, regardless if I agree with the position or not (I do agree that samsung and google have largely and blatantly copied apple's designs in many areas).


    I can usually spot the articles he has written just by the title, but once in a while I get click baited or I'll see one that may be interesting, but I go into the article expecting to filter out some drivel.

  • Reply 113 of 166
    Originally Posted by faZZter View Post


    Bigger screen so that they can see easier? Exactly! It is also nice just to have a little more screen real estate to see things like spreadsheets or read web pages.  I already switched to a Lumia 920 last year and the size is not an issue. (I am not saying it is the perfect phone, but it does have some great features not found on Apples phones) Besides this most of the time I "talk" on the phone it is through bluetooth in the car, so the size doesn't matter at all.


    In fact I use the phone as a portable computer much more than a phone. I hardly make any phone calls except when I really need to. Most messaging is texts for me.  However I still wish Apple would get it together and offer what a lot of people want.....a 4.8-5" iPhone. Not an iPhone 5c with a big screen, but the top tier iPhone with a larger screen.  They are making billions, why not make even more?


    I believe Apple has. Amazing that with the hundreds of millions of bigger Galaxies, Apple's iOS commands the internet mobile arena. Makes one wonder just what the are using their big phones for. 



    Originally Posted by mutoneon View Post


    Have you failed to notice how many people are rocking Galaxy phones these days?  They're everywhere.  If that's a niche market, I'll take it.


    No they are not. And I get around North America and China. A lot. Quite a lot.


    Originally Posted by connector View Post

    Then why not just get an iPad mini with your iPhone. As i type this with my thumb with one hand on my iPhone.


    Agree. In fact, and unfortunately that's how my wife sees it.


    So far, I have bought every iteration of the iPhone: upgrading and passing down to rest of the family. When I got the iPad mini for my wife, she handed back our dual owner iPad. When I am on my computer programming, I use the iPad/DisplayPad as a fourth screen particularly for making international calls via Skype.


    Now, I would like to upgrade to the 5S, but the better half says she doesn't want or need my 5. We have a family plan and share data. Have yet to exceed the monthly allowance. So in effect, each of the older iPhones are 'free'. Can't argue with her (that would never be a winning strategy). She uses her iPhone seldomly. And her iPad all day and night. 


    Her solution. Best you get another kid…along with your new wife.

  • Reply 114 of 166
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    [B]@ExceptionHandler[/B] And dishing out some well-deserved punches to Samsung are one of the reasons I enjoy DED's articles.

    Maybe y'all missed the part of recent history where we see Samsung copying, denying copying, spreading lies about Apple products and their buyers, orchestrating evil anti-Apple PR campaigns, and contributing to the devaluation of Apple stock.

    Most journalists have to ignore all this stuff out of their pretense of objectivity. Daniel is more in the tradition of the pugnacious muckrakers of the early 20th century. We need such people to correct injustice, which we are seeing plenty of these days coming from Samsung. It's a struggle for good to prevail in the world, and you guys, including Dick Applebaum, are getting all prissy about it.
  • Reply 115 of 166
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by patpatpat View Post



    Could perhaps is the operative word. On my nexus 4 I can change screen fonts from small/normal/large/huge


    I can do that on my S4, but guess what, half the digits on my clock widget disappear.

  • Reply 116 of 166
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by Harry Wild View Post

    ...I doubt it is 4GB or more. More like 2GB! You need that for operating it in 64 bit mode...




    The AMD 64 bit Linux box I built in 2004 only had 1GB of RAM, which at that time was high end and quite expensive.

  • Reply 117 of 166

    having a 64 bit chip does absolutely nothing, even with 2x size of registeres, because 64bit instructions are 2x size instructions, so they will fill up registers twice as fast as well, you'll get most of the time get no performance increase in All 32bit application, most 64bit applications.  The ONLY time you'll possibly get any performance advantage is when its a 64bit application that uses a certain 64bit instructions (RARE) , and even that is a guess.


    Additionally, you WILL run out of memory as with only 1gb of it, which is really the bottleneck of the system.  


    overall, you'l likely feel a performance decrease with most applications.  32bit application run slower due to conversion, 64bit application run slower due to insufficient memory.

  • Reply 118 of 166
    Who dragged in all these 2-bit faceless stupid posters who don't have 1 bit of common sense?
  • Reply 119 of 166

    Originally Posted by BearzJack View Post


    having a 64 bit chip does absolutely nothing, even with 2x size of registeres, because 64bit instructions are 2x size instructions, so they will fill up registers twice as fast as well, you'll get most of the time get no performance increase in All 32bit application, most 64bit applications.  The ONLY time you'll possibly get any performance advantage is when its a 64bit application that uses a certain 64bit instructions (RARE) , and even that is a guess.


    Additionally, you WILL run out of memory as with only 1gb of it, which is really the bottleneck of the system.  


    overall, you'l likely feel a performance decrease with most applications.  32bit application run slower due to conversion, 64bit application run slower due to insufficient memory.


    No, no and no. Having a 64 bit wide memory bus will significantly improve moving blocks of memory around. While this in itself is not a huge overall performance advantage (depending on how much memory block moving your app does) it does tend to increase performance on average about 6%.  All implementations of memmove() memcpy() etc are optimized to use the widest int size of the platform for exactly this reason. Everything from the cache width to the registers to bus size has doubled and this does definitely boost performance.


    You will not run out of memory due to 64-bit architecture. Sure some of the apps will get marginally bigger and maybe consume a little more runtime memory but we're not talking double here, not even close.

  • Reply 120 of 166
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by BearzJack View Post


    having a 64 bit chip does absolutely nothing, even with 2x size of registeres, because 64bit instructions are 2x size instructions, so they will fill up registers twice as fast as well, you'll get most of the time get no performance increase in All 32bit application, most 64bit applications.  The ONLY time you'll possibly get any performance advantage is when its a 64bit application that uses a certain 64bit instructions (RARE) , and even that is a guess.


    Additionally, you WILL run out of memory as with only 1gb of it, which is really the bottleneck of the system.  


    overall, you'l likely feel a performance decrease with most applications.  32bit application run slower due to conversion, 64bit application run slower due to insufficient memory.


    ...unless you are using Apple's version of UNIX 64 bit.

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