Really? Sounds like you aren't very happy. Maybe some of us don't give a rip about Christmas.
Maybe you are part of the collective conscious that's been brainwashed into thinking the this time of the year is supposed to be happy for everyone. Well, it isn't. Lots of people don't have jobs. Lot's of people don't have much in the way of money. Lot's of people don't have the people they care about around to spend time with. Lot's of people aren't Christian, or Jewish or belong to any other brainwashing religious cult trying to manipulate people into thinking they can go to heaven, even though they committed crimes against other people.
Why do you have to put ME down for not wanting any of these "FREE" songs? What's wrong with me not wanting to have a religion "PUSHED" on me? What's wrong with getting 8 free songs of my choice rather than THEIRS?
I just disagree with this and I don't think Jobs would have agreed to this either.
You have the simple option of NOT DOWNLOADING THEM!!'
While I agree that Christmas has been über commercialized, I still think it's nice to have a day in which one gives gifts to others to counter the self serving, and self indulgent lot we've become.
I've given to a LOT of people over the years and found out that I shouldn't have since they ended up doing things against my civil rights and never gave back, they only took from me.
I think Apple, in the spirit of gift giving, should have just decided on how many free song downloads and not specified to anyone what songs they had to download, so that all of their customers could enjoy the spirit of gift giving rather than just a subset of their customer base. That's all I was trying to say.
I just find it annoying when the gift is religious related because that's what Christmas songs really are. Christmas is a RELIGIOUS holiday and I'm not of any religion that promotes that holiday.
You have the simple option of NOT DOWNLOADING THEM!!'
It is not that hard to understand.
What's hard to understand that it would be better if we ALL got so many free song download credits instead? Is that so hard to understand?
How come YOU feel entitled to download free songs and not others? Because you're Christian? Christmas is a RELIGIOUS holiday and I though it was in poor taste for this promotion. It's just bad taste.
The original post is religion inspired due to the free song giveaway. I wish they would have just NOT posted it and Apple would have decided to give away a small handful of free song credits so it wouldn't make this a religious problem in the first place.
Apple did not make this a religious problem. Your narrow-minded views did. And no, I am not religious but I do enjoy Christmas and many Christmas songs.
What's funny to me is that Jesus Christ, the person's who's birthday it's SUPPOSED to be a celebration of wasn't even born on December 25th and I'll bet that even he would see this as a bunch of BS. That's MY OPINION and I'm sure there are plenty of others that share the same OPINION.
Apple did not make this a religious problem. Your narrow-minded views did. And no, I am not religious but I do enjoy Christmas and many Christmas songs.
They aren't narrow minded, they are pragmatic.
Christmas is a religious holiday. PERIOD. It's pretty straightforward.
Why do you enjoy Christmas? What happens when you don't get any presents? I'm not Christian and I gave away some presents to people that I know and it didn't have to be Christmas or their birthday and I didn't get anything back nor was I expecting anything in return, but it wasn't even Christmas. I gave them a present because I thought they might like it.
?But that'd still mean getting stuff from iTunes, what about people outside that walled garden?: better they just give everyone gold, you know to avoid any insulting national currency issues.
There isn't one outside the walled garden... there are only nobodys out there. Not real people. Real people buy Apple products, the more they buy, the more real they are. You're either "IN" the walled garden, or you are wandering out in the wilderness with no personal relationship with Apple. I can still remember how it was before I bought my first Mac in 1984 and made my first step upon that narrow road!
Christmas is a religious holiday. PERIOD. It's pretty straightforward.
Why do you enjoy Christmas? What happens when you don't get any presents? I'm not Christian and I gave away some presents to people that I know and it didn't have to be Christmas or their birthday and I didn't get anything back nor was I expecting anything in return, but it wasn't even Christmas. I gave them a present because I thought they might like it.
Come on guys, keep religion and politics off this blog. The winter solstice if a time for having fun.
What's funny to me is that Jesus Christ, the person's who's birthday it's SUPPOSED to be a celebration of wasn't even born on December 25th and I'll bet that even he would see this as a bunch of BS. That's MY OPINION and I'm sure there are plenty of others that share the same OPINION.
It's a day to celebrate Jesus' birth, not actually his 'birthday' because that's unknown.
Christmas is a religious holiday. PERIOD. It's pretty straightforward.
Nope, you are exceedingly narrow minded and pat yourself on the back by thinking you are pragmatic. But at the end of the day, you are frustrated, threatened, irritated and mad that the world does not have the same exact belief system as you. That is narrow minded.
I don't care if Christmas is a religious holiday. Why does it chap you backside so much that many people simply enjoy Christmas and Christmas music? Apple is not pushing this down your throat. You can simply choose to ignore it.
And no, life is not always fair, you have the right to be offended and people have the right to not care one little bit that you are so easily offended.
It's a day to celebrate Jesus' birth, not actually his 'birthday' because that's unknown.
So what? Why is that so important? He's not the only Ascended Master to have been put in a man's body. Why so much importance on just Jesus? To those that are part of other religions, they put importance on others instead of Jesus. I don't know what the big deal is. Why don't they just make it Ascended Master's Birthday to represent ALL of the Ascended Masters from ALL religions and make it a non-denominational holiday instead? To people that are into Buddism think of Budda as their representation of what Jesus represents to Christians.
And it's actually chosen to be December 25th because it's a week apart from Jan 1, which is the new year and this gives people a week (as long as you're not in certain job positions) off.
Nope, you are exceedingly narrow minded and pat yourself on the back by thinking you are pragmatic. But at the end of the day, you are frustrated, threatened, irritated and mad that the world does not have the same exact belief system as you. That is narrow minded.
I don't care if Christmas is a religious holiday. Why does it chap you backside so much that many people simply enjoy Christmas and Christmas music? Apple is not pushing this down your throat. You can simply choose to ignore it.
And no, life is not always fair, you have the right to be offended and people have the right to not care one little bit that you are so easily offended.
You are using the term narrow minded because you hate people that don't believe in Christianity or YOUR way of thinking. It's called being a grown up, knowing that we don't need religion to behave properly as a society. Especially since you are casting falsehoods against another. Isn't that a sin to do that?
Why don't you agree that it would be better if Apple just gave away 8 free song credits to everyone that wanted it and wasn't forced into downloading only Christmas related songs? What's wrong with my opinion? Because it doesn't support yours? For shame. You sound very close minded to having others that don't believe in YOUR religion to enjoy the Holiday season. Sounds like your not very Christian.
Nope, you are exceedingly narrow minded and pat yourself on the back by thinking you are pragmatic. But at the end of the day, you are frustrated, threatened, irritated and mad that the world does not have the same exact belief system as you. That is narrow minded.
I don't care if Christmas is a religious holiday. Why does it chap you backside so much that many people simply enjoy Christmas and Christmas music? Apple is not pushing this down your throat. You can simply choose to ignore it.
And no, life is not always fair, you have the right to be offended and people have the right to not care one little bit that you are so easily offended.
Enough with the religion already ...
But yes an atheist i love Christmas so I agree ... now move on people before the Mods put you all on the naughty list!
I was just thinking that giving away 8 free songs of the person's choice would be better than just Christmas songs, and then a bunch of Christians get their panties in a bunch over it. Most of the holidays like Halloween, Easter, etc. are Pagen holidays anyways masqueraded as Christian holidays. So you think ganging up on people is right? I just think they should just give people 8 song credits and that's what would be a BETTER alternative and I see NOTHING wrong with that.
Even though the only reason they are giving the songs out is because of Christmas? How about stuff at Christmas sales? Did you do Black Friday and get any deals? So you don't like/agree/want religion (or just Christianity?) but you'll take advantage of it or get some benefit from it, right?
You seem like the kinda guy who, if someone walked in and handed everyone $10 for no reason at all, you'd complain that it's not $20.
Apple did not make this a religious problem. Your narrow-minded views did. And no, I am not religious but I do enjoy Christmas and many Christmas songs.
What's wrong with my opinion of them just giving a small handful of free songs for people to choose instead of just Christmas songs? You still haven't answered that question. In fact, no one has that likes this give away.
I was just thinking that giving away 8 free songs of the person's choice would be better than just Christmas songs, and then a bunch of Christians get their panties in a bunch over it. Most of the holidays like Halloween, Easter, etc. are Pagen holidays anyways masqueraded as Christian holidays.
So you think ganging up on people is right? I just think they should just give people 8 song credits and that's what would be a BETTER alternative and I see NOTHING wrong with that.
Even though the only reason they are giving the songs out is because of Christmas?
How about stuff at Christmas sales? Did you do Black Friday and get any deals?
So you don't like/agree/want religion (or just Christianity?) but you'll take advantage of it or get some benefit from it, right?
Black Friday? I stayed away from the stores. Far away. Too busy. I don't buy something JUST because I get a deal on Black Friday. I actually have gotten plenty of deals on stuff before and after Black Friday. Heck, I got some nice shirts that were 40% off about a month ago.
So what? Why is that so important? He's not the only Ascended Master to have been put in a man's body. Why so much importance on just Jesus? To those that are part of other religions, they put importance on others instead of Jesus. I don't know what the big deal is. Why don't they just make it Ascended Master's Birthday to represent ALL of the Ascended Masters from ALL religions and make it a non-denominational holiday instead? To people that are into Buddism think of Budda as their representation of what Jesus represents to Christians.
And it's actually chosen to be December 25th because it's a week apart from Jan 1, which is the new year and this gives people a week (as long as you're not in certain job positions) off.
Lol, that date was chosen sometime in late 2nd century, I highly doubt people were thinking about vacation time back then. Jesus was chosen simply because the countries that went around trying to conquer the world were primarily Christians and thus many of the conquered converted and adopted the 'holy days'which is now called holidays. It's not really that hard.
Lol, that date was chosen sometime in late 2nd century, I highly doubt people were thinking about vacation time back then. Jesus was chosen simply because the countries that went around trying to conquer the world were primarily Christians and thus many of the conquered converted and adopted the 'holy days'which is now called holidays. It's not really that hard.
Who gives a crap? It's a religious holiday promoted by a bunch of hypocrite Christians is what it is nowadays. This world would be much better off with no religion and just honest law abiding people that don't promote hypocrisy.
Lol, that date was chosen sometime in late 2nd century, I highly doubt people were thinking about vacation time back then. Jesus was chosen simply because the countries that went around trying to conquer the world were primarily Christians and thus many of the conquered converted and adopted the 'holy days'which is now called holidays. It's not really that hard.
And what happens to those that don't give presents to people?
You have the simple option of NOT DOWNLOADING THEM!!'
It is not that hard to understand.
While I agree that Christmas has been über commercialized, I still think it's nice to have a day in which one gives gifts to others to counter the self serving, and self indulgent lot we've become.
I've given to a LOT of people over the years and found out that I shouldn't have since they ended up doing things against my civil rights and never gave back, they only took from me.
I think Apple, in the spirit of gift giving, should have just decided on how many free song downloads and not specified to anyone what songs they had to download, so that all of their customers could enjoy the spirit of gift giving rather than just a subset of their customer base. That's all I was trying to say.
I just find it annoying when the gift is religious related because that's what Christmas songs really are. Christmas is a RELIGIOUS holiday and I'm not of any religion that promotes that holiday.
You have the simple option of NOT DOWNLOADING THEM!!'
It is not that hard to understand.
What's hard to understand that it would be better if we ALL got so many free song download credits instead? Is that so hard to understand?
How come YOU feel entitled to download free songs and not others? Because you're Christian? Christmas is a RELIGIOUS holiday and I though it was in poor taste for this promotion. It's just bad taste.
Apple did not make this a religious problem. Your narrow-minded views did. And no, I am not religious but I do enjoy Christmas and many Christmas songs.
What's funny to me is that Jesus Christ, the person's who's birthday it's SUPPOSED to be a celebration of wasn't even born on December 25th and I'll bet that even he would see this as a bunch of BS. That's MY OPINION and I'm sure there are plenty of others that share the same OPINION.
Apple did not make this a religious problem. Your narrow-minded views did. And no, I am not religious but I do enjoy Christmas and many Christmas songs.
They aren't narrow minded, they are pragmatic.
Christmas is a religious holiday. PERIOD. It's pretty straightforward.
Why do you enjoy Christmas? What happens when you don't get any presents? I'm not Christian and I gave away some presents to people that I know and it didn't have to be Christmas or their birthday and I didn't get anything back nor was I expecting anything in return, but it wasn't even Christmas. I gave them a present because I thought they might like it.
There isn't one outside the walled garden... there are only nobodys out there. Not real people. Real people buy Apple products, the more they buy, the more real they are. You're either "IN" the walled garden, or you are wandering out in the wilderness with no personal relationship with Apple. I can still remember how it was before I bought my first Mac in 1984 and made my first step upon that narrow road!
Come on guys, keep religion and politics off this blog. The winter solstice if a time for having fun.
It's a day to celebrate Jesus' birth, not actually his 'birthday' because that's unknown.
I don't see it. Is this another example of Apple thinking the world ends at the US border?
Nonsense. Apple works hard to bring California to all corners of the Earth.
Nope, you are exceedingly narrow minded and pat yourself on the back by thinking you are pragmatic. But at the end of the day, you are frustrated, threatened, irritated and mad that the world does not have the same exact belief system as you. That is narrow minded.
I don't care if Christmas is a religious holiday. Why does it chap you backside so much that many people simply enjoy Christmas and Christmas music? Apple is not pushing this down your throat. You can simply choose to ignore it.
And no, life is not always fair, you have the right to be offended and people have the right to not care one little bit that you are so easily offended.
It's a day to celebrate Jesus' birth, not actually his 'birthday' because that's unknown.
So what? Why is that so important? He's not the only Ascended Master to have been put in a man's body. Why so much importance on just Jesus? To those that are part of other religions, they put importance on others instead of Jesus. I don't know what the big deal is. Why don't they just make it Ascended Master's Birthday to represent ALL of the Ascended Masters from ALL religions and make it a non-denominational holiday instead? To people that are into Buddism think of Budda as their representation of what Jesus represents to Christians.
And it's actually chosen to be December 25th because it's a week apart from Jan 1, which is the new year and this gives people a week (as long as you're not in certain job positions) off.
Nope, you are exceedingly narrow minded and pat yourself on the back by thinking you are pragmatic. But at the end of the day, you are frustrated, threatened, irritated and mad that the world does not have the same exact belief system as you. That is narrow minded.
I don't care if Christmas is a religious holiday. Why does it chap you backside so much that many people simply enjoy Christmas and Christmas music? Apple is not pushing this down your throat. You can simply choose to ignore it.
And no, life is not always fair, you have the right to be offended and people have the right to not care one little bit that you are so easily offended.
You are using the term narrow minded because you hate people that don't believe in Christianity or YOUR way of thinking. It's called being a grown up, knowing that we don't need religion to behave properly as a society. Especially since you are casting falsehoods against another. Isn't that a sin to do that?
Why don't you agree that it would be better if Apple just gave away 8 free song credits to everyone that wanted it and wasn't forced into downloading only Christmas related songs? What's wrong with my opinion? Because it doesn't support yours? For shame. You sound very close minded to having others that don't believe in YOUR religion to enjoy the Holiday season. Sounds like your not very Christian.
Enough with the religion already ...
But yes an atheist i love Christmas so I agree ... now move on people before the Mods put you all on the naughty list!
I was just thinking that giving away 8 free songs of the person's choice would be better than just Christmas songs, and then a bunch of Christians get their panties in a bunch over it. Most of the holidays like Halloween, Easter, etc. are Pagen holidays anyways masqueraded as Christian holidays.
So you think ganging up on people is right? I just think they should just give people 8 song credits and that's what would be a BETTER alternative and I see NOTHING wrong with that.
Even though the only reason they are giving the songs out is because of Christmas?
How about stuff at Christmas sales? Did you do Black Friday and get any deals?
So you don't like/agree/want religion (or just Christianity?) but you'll take advantage of it or get some benefit from it, right?
You seem like the kinda guy who, if someone walked in and handed everyone $10 for no reason at all, you'd complain that it's not $20.
Apple did not make this a religious problem. Your narrow-minded views did. And no, I am not religious but I do enjoy Christmas and many Christmas songs.
What's wrong with my opinion of them just giving a small handful of free songs for people to choose instead of just Christmas songs? You still haven't answered that question. In fact, no one has that likes this give away.
I was just thinking that giving away 8 free songs of the person's choice would be better than just Christmas songs, and then a bunch of Christians get their panties in a bunch over it. Most of the holidays like Halloween, Easter, etc. are Pagen holidays anyways masqueraded as Christian holidays.
So you think ganging up on people is right? I just think they should just give people 8 song credits and that's what would be a BETTER alternative and I see NOTHING wrong with that.
Even though the only reason they are giving the songs out is because of Christmas?
How about stuff at Christmas sales? Did you do Black Friday and get any deals?
So you don't like/agree/want religion (or just Christianity?) but you'll take advantage of it or get some benefit from it, right?
Black Friday? I stayed away from the stores. Far away. Too busy. I don't buy something JUST because I get a deal on Black Friday. I actually have gotten plenty of deals on stuff before and after Black Friday. Heck, I got some nice shirts that were 40% off about a month ago.
Lol, that date was chosen sometime in late 2nd century, I highly doubt people were thinking about vacation time back then. Jesus was chosen simply because the countries that went around trying to conquer the world were primarily Christians and thus many of the conquered converted and adopted the 'holy days'which is now called holidays. It's not really that hard.
Lol, that date was chosen sometime in late 2nd century, I highly doubt people were thinking about vacation time back then. Jesus was chosen simply because the countries that went around trying to conquer the world were primarily Christians and thus many of the conquered converted and adopted the 'holy days'which is now called holidays. It's not really that hard.
Who gives a crap? It's a religious holiday promoted by a bunch of hypocrite Christians is what it is nowadays. This world would be much better off with no religion and just honest law abiding people that don't promote hypocrisy.
Lol, that date was chosen sometime in late 2nd century, I highly doubt people were thinking about vacation time back then. Jesus was chosen simply because the countries that went around trying to conquer the world were primarily Christians and thus many of the conquered converted and adopted the 'holy days'which is now called holidays. It's not really that hard.
And what happens to those that don't give presents to people?