Apple rolls out 'Holiday Cheer' playlist with 8 free Christmas songs



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  • Reply 110 of 129
    trydtryd Posts: 143member

    I don't see this promotion either - so does it stop at the US border? I'm not Christian, but I do enjoy music written for religious events. I like Schütz, Bach, Händel, Monteverdi, Palestrina, Dufay etc. etc. But this music is probably not included in this promotion? I don't know because the promotion does not appear in my store (I'm outside US).


    Let's be realistic though - Christmas is just a celebration put in a time of year when "everybody" was celebrating the winter solstice - the return of the sun. If there ever was a person Jesus, he was not born in year 0, and he was probably not born in December. When you want to convert somebody it isn not a good policy to take a way a feast/celebration they are used to. The vikings celebrated the winter solstice long before they had ever heard of Chrisitanity, and I'm sure most other cultures did the same. SO, yes, most cultures "celebrate" Christmas, but for different reasons.

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  • Reply 111 of 129
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    [CONTENTEMBED=/t/161046/apple-rolls-out-holiday-cheer-playlist-with-8-free-christmas-songs/80#post_2443480 layout=inline]Deleted[/CONTENTEMBED]

    Oh my, what have you done now? 8-)

    Edit: from a photography view point, it looks rather nice.

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  • Reply 112 of 129
    steven n.steven n. Posts: 1,229member
    drblank wrote: »
    You are using the term narrow minded because you hate people that don't believe in Christianity or YOUR way of thinking.  It's called being a grown up, knowing that we don't need religion to behave properly as a society.  Especially since you are casting falsehoods against another.  Isn't that a sin to do that? 

    Why don't you agree that it would be better if Apple just gave away 8 free song credits to everyone that wanted it and wasn't forced into downloading only Christmas related songs? What's wrong with my opinion?  Because it doesn't support yours?  For shame.  You sound very close minded to having others that don't believe in YOUR religion to enjoy the Holiday season.  Sounds like your not very Christian.

    Except I am not Cristian. As I said, you are a very narrow minded person with no acceptance of views that do not match yours.
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  • Reply 113 of 129
    adybadyb Posts: 205member

    Originally Posted by TheUnfetteredMind View Post


    Thanks for the free stuff Apple, I for one appreciate you offering it whether I take advantage of it or not. Nor will I be offended if you offer different free stuff to others in different locations, it's all good.

    Here in the UK you get a free Photo Cookbook!

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  • Reply 114 of 129
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    philboogie wrote: »
    Oh my, what have you done now? 8-)

    Edit: from a photography view point, it looks rather nice.


    Most likely a internet hiccup. It's happened to me a few times.
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  • Reply 115 of 129
    mknoppmknopp Posts: 257member

    Originally Posted by aelegg View Post

    I think people have Diversity backwards.

    If Apple released:

    8 songs for Christmas, or

    8 songs for Hannukah, or

    8 songs for a Muslim Holiday, or

    8 songs for New Years, or

    8 songs for Summer, or

    8 songs to celebrate Hungarian Beef Stew,

    my reaction would all be the same, "That's Nice".

    If a town with lots of Christians puts up a Christian Kresh, "That's Nice".

    If a town with lots of Jews puts up a Star of David and a Mennorah, "That's Nice."

    I don't understand all the rage when people not in a demographic freak out about expressions from those that are, esp when that demographic is the clear majority.

    If Apple was in England, and released Patriotic songs for the Queen's birthday, would Americans freak out that English culture was being rammed down our throats? No.

    People who recognize Diversity would say, "That's Nice."

    Apple is a US-based company in a country that's generally-Christian that generally recognizes Christmas, even if 25% of US citizens have no religious affliation.


    Exactly, people who complain about this aren't interested in diversity. They are only interested in pushing their beliefs on others. Interestingly, it is usually this very behavior that they condemn in their "enemy". Hypocrits.


    Oh, and stating that Christmas is a religious (read Christian) holiday is technically true but realistically false. Many of the symbols of Christmas were appropriated from pagan religious practices as a way for Christianity to supplant those earlier religions in Europe. Also, many non-Christians celebrate Christmas around the world as a secular holiday.


    Just look at how the Japanese have appropriated Christmas. A nation that is a majority of non-Christians celebrate Christmas, but not as people in the West do. Look up the crucified Santa for an example. Also, fried chicken was a favorite of Japanese to eat during Christmas because of the similarity between Santa and Colonel Sanders. Then there is the fact that many Japanese actually consider Christmas to be a lover's holiday. I read once that it is one of the busiest days for the Japanese Disney World because of the couples who go there on dates.


    So, is Christmas really a religious holiday? Yes and no. Even the majority of Christians who celebrate Christmas spend more time on the secular/commercial aspect than the religious.

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  • Reply 116 of 129
    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    What's hard to understand that it would be better if we ALL got so many free song download credits instead?


    Oh, dear. A right ol’ religious argument has broken out here, hasn’t it? Seems a shame: there’s really nothing to talk about regarding the article. 


    It’s the Christmas season. Therefore Apple gave out free Christmas songs. If you don’t celebrate Christmas, don’t download the songs. If you don’t celebrate something during the Christmas season, you’re not part of society anyway and wouldn’t have any means to download or listen to them. Shouldn’t be that confusing, yeah?

    How come YOU feel entitled to download free songs and not others?


    Who on Earth said anything about entitlement other than you?! Why are you entitled to free songs of “any genre” simply because you don’t celebrate anything during Christmas? See what you’re saying here?

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  • Reply 117 of 129

    It's FREE, what is your problem? If you don't celebrate Christmas, that's fine. don't take the FREE gift Apple is providing The simple fact is Apple is giving FREE songs, you can take them or leave them. I don't believe in any religion, and I don't believe in God, but I like the Christmas season. It represents the slow return of the sun to the northern hemisphere. This occasion was celebrated long before the Wise Men and the Baby Jesus.


    Get over yourself, it's sour people like you who give atheists like me a bad name.

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  • Reply 118 of 129

    Next you're going to say you don't believe in the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. You know what no one, and I mean no one gives a hoot about what you believe or don't believe. 


    You mentioned buying on Black Friday and made it sound evil. Well, on Cyber Monday (just a Black Friday extension) my printer (8 years old) went kapooy. I got on line and got a fantastic deal saving me $130, it arrives today. What's not to like? The big brown truck will bring me a shiny new printer that now costs $130 more than I paid for it. Joy to the world! What would really be great is if instead of the printer I got one of the new Mac Pros, fully decked out. If that happens I will put a nativity scene on my roof with 20,000 sparkling LED lights, and I will spend all day Christmas Eve in a church praising the Lord Jesus at the top of my lungs.


    Why don't you go away and pour boiling water on some ants or something?

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  • Reply 119 of 129
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member

    Originally Posted by tryd View Post


    I don't see this promotion either - so does it stop at the US border? I'm not Christian, but I do enjoy music written for religious events. I like Schütz, Bach, Händel, Monteverdi, Palestrina, Dufay etc. etc. But this music is probably not included in this promotion? I don't know because the promotion does not appear in my store (I'm outside US).


    Let's be realistic though - Christmas is just a celebration put in a time of year when "everybody" was celebrating the winter solstice - the return of the sun. If there ever was a person Jesus, he was not born in year 0, and he was probably not born in December. When you want to convert somebody it isn not a good policy to take a way a feast/celebration they are used to. The vikings celebrated the winter solstice long before they had ever heard of Chrisitanity, and I'm sure most other cultures did the same. SO, yes, most cultures "celebrate" Christmas, but for different reasons.

    It's tucked away in a weird place: I found it by opening the "Applestore" APP on my iPhone and then scrolling down, one of the group selections was the songs offer, close to the bottom: "Holiday Cheer": when I clicked on it and followed the directions it opened iTunes and once I re-entered my account password and hit "next" on a screen that had a "redeem code" the songs started downloading..


    Though there may be something about international copyrights and such that's restricting the offer to the one country...

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  • Reply 120 of 129
    Free Christmas songs. About as popular as free kittens.

    This is for the xmas haters, courtesy of DEVO:


    [B]Merry Something To You![/B]

    Whether You're Christian, Muslim or Jew
    Happy Holidays

    Any Old Dance That You Like To Do
    Happy Holidays

    Eat Bite Drink Up Nibble Gobble Chew
    Happy Holidays

    Believe What You Want To Nothing's Really True
    Happy Holidays

    Merry Something! To You!
    Merry Something! To You!
    Merry Something! To You!
    Merry Something! To You!

    Deedle Deedle Deet Deet, Deedle Deedle Deet Deet
    Doodly Doodly Doo!

    Deedle Deedle Deet Deet, Deedle Deedle Deet Deet
    Doodly Doodly Doo!
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