Apple rolls out 'Holiday Cheer' playlist with 8 free Christmas songs



  • Reply 81 of 129

    Now I can't wait for the posts when Apple has their "12 days of Christmas." Woohoo!! Bring on the spiced rum and eggnog!!

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  • Reply 82 of 129
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    What's better? 8 free song downloads or only 8 free Christmas songs?  I think 8 free song downloads.  Heck, even if I only got 5, it's certainly better than 8 Christmas songs I would never download.  They are probably songs that wouldn't sell very well even if they only sold them. Most Christmas songs don't do that well in the sales department, only a couple have actually made any serious dent in the music industry.  They are usually for artists that have nothing original to do and they just want to promote themselves and have something for sale during a time when people get wrapped up into buying things.

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  • Reply 83 of 129
    drblank wrote: »
    I just find it annoying when the gift is religious related because that's what Christmas songs really are.  Christmas is a RELIGIOUS holiday and I'm not of any religion that promotes that holiday.
    Please don't be annoyed. I happen to be religious, but don't care for Christmas music in the context of how it's often used to goad shoppers into spending more in stores. However, the assumption that everyone is Christian was much more prominent in the past. A lot of "holiday" music you hear now is free of religious references and celebrates the season.

    Apple, has the right to make any promotion they wish, which reaches out to any group they wish. Recently Apple promoted the work to cure AIDS, I'm not gay, so that promotion means far less to me than the cure for cancer. It's good that a company focus their promotions. In some Asian countries Apple promotes gift bags in which some have a valuable Apple product. It appeals to certain cultures and not others.

    Now, if you feel "left out" and ignored, I will buy you an iTunes gift card so you can pick out your own songs and feel inclusive and warmed by human compassion during this season of short sunlight and cold days. It will my gift to you, given in the celebration of the coming days of Spring ahead. First, I need your iTunes ID?
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  • Reply 84 of 129
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    Black Friday?  I stayed away from the stores.  Far away.  Too busy.  I don't buy something JUST because I get a deal on Black Friday.

    That was just an example. Besides, if you want/need something and it is on sale on Black Friday, wouldn't that be a good time to get it (notwithstanding crowds?) And notice I wrote, "want/need". I don't buy stuff "just because" it's on sale.
    So you don't take advantage of ANYTHING related to any religious holiday? Or are you just being hypocritical?
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  • Reply 85 of 129
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    And what's up with Satan Claus?  I mean Santa Claus?  Another fictitious story to manipulate little children?

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  • Reply 86 of 129
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post


    Wow. Talk about the Christmas spirit in this thread..... Yuck.


    Back on topic, there are three Christmas albums that are standouts for me -- so much so that I offer money-back guarantees to friends to whom I recommend it (and often give them as stocking stuffers for family):


    1) JAZZ TO THE WORLD (some incredible performances by jazz legends such as John McLaughlin, Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, The Brecker Brothers....)

    2) MAHALIA SINGS SONGS OF CHRISTMAS (if her renditions of 'What Child Is This' and 'No Room at the Inn' don't melt your heart, you have no heart....)

    3) BRUCE COCKBURN: CHRISTMAS (an amazingly talented, under appreciated Canadian singer/songwriter/guitarist).


    All available on iTunes. Merry Christmas! :D 

    Don't forget the Bony M Christmas album. One of my favourites songs " Mary's Boy Child" I play every year along the old standbys. I'll definitely look into your mentions...especially Jazz To The World. Pink Floyd I can play anytime of the year.

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  • Reply 87 of 129
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    drblank wrote: »
    Who gives a crap?  It's a religious holiday promoted by a bunch of hypocrite Christians is what it is nowadays.  This world would be much better off with no religion and just honest law abiding people that don't promote hypocrisy.

    There's all forms of hypocrisy, not just religious. It's 8 songs, less than $10 worth. You're elitist sense of entitlement has become tiresome. People are corrupt from birth so they'll never be a Utopian society.
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  • Reply 88 of 129
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Methinks thou doth protest too much...

    You're really a priest, aren't you?
    Go on, tell us it ain't so!
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  • Reply 89 of 129
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post

    Please don't be annoyed. I happen to be religious, but don't care for Christmas music in the context of how it's often used to goad shoppers into spending more in stores. However, the assumption that everyone is Christian was much more prominent in the past. A lot of "holiday" music you hear now is free of religious references and celebrates the season.

    Apple, has the right to make any promotion they wish, which reaches out to any group they wish. Recently Apple promoted the work to cure AIDS, I'm not gay, so that promotion means far less to me than the cure for cancer. It's good that a company focus their promotions. In some Asian countries Apple promotes gift bags in which some have a valuable Apple product. It appeals to certain cultures and not others.

    Now, if you feel "left out" and ignored, I will buy you an iTunes gift card so you can pick out your own songs and feel inclusive and warmed by human compassion during this season of short sunlight and cold days. It will my gift to you, given in the celebration of the coming days of Spring ahead. First, I need your iTunes ID?

    People that get AIDS aren't always gay.  I had a friend of mine who's husband got it and he was in the military so the only plausible thing was he might have contracted it while he was in the military and it just surfaced years later since they didn't do any screening for that virus. This was a long time ago when it first surfaced and people actually knew what it was.  You don't have to buy me any songs, I just think Apple should have just given out whatever many free songs and let people decide what they want to DL. It's not that big of a deal.  But to promote a religious holiday like they are, isn't as they say "KOSHER" in my book.


    Well, maybe it's my screen name?


    I just feel they would have made MORE people happy to have equal ability to down load some free songs during this time of year and select what they wish.  That's all I was saying.  Even if I was a Christian and was into Christmas, there are other recordings that I probably much prefer to listen to.


    BTW, I actually helped someone write a Christmas song and perform on it that was just supposed to be given away to just close family members and friends, but instead, the idiot that had the idea took full credit for writing the song, which he didn't do by himself AND then he starts selling copies of it and he did so without legal permission.  And he calls himself a Christian.  Go figure that one out.  I've dealt with a lot of those types over the years.  He pays other people, but didn't pay me anything and I actually needed money to pay bills since I was out of job and money was not something I had lots of.

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  • Reply 90 of 129
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by VisualZone View Post


    Don't forget the Bony M Christmas album. One of my favourites songs " Mary's Boy Child" I play every year along the old standbys. I'll definitely look into your mentions...especially Jazz To The World. Pink Floyd I can play anytime of the year.

    Bony M?  Who's that?  Maybe I shouldn't ask.  I liked the Bing Crosby David Bowie version of Drummer Boy because those are two people that are unlikely to be seen in the same room with one another singing a song. 

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  • Reply 91 of 129
    hentaiboyhentaiboy Posts: 1,252member
    Originally Posted by aelegg View Post

    If a town with lots of Christians puts up a Christian Kresh, "That's Nice".

    If a town with lots of Jews puts up a Star of David and a Mennorah, "That's Nice."

    People who recognize Diversity would say, "That's Nice."

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  • Reply 92 of 129
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    There's all forms of hypocrisy, not just religious. It's 8 songs, less than $10 worth. You're elitist sense of entitlement has become tiresome. People are corrupt from birth so they'll never be a Utopian society.

    My elitist?  All I suggested that if they wanted to give away free songs during this time of the year, they should have just done free songs and not been specific that's related to a religious holiday by selecting songs that are associated with that holiday.


    People are corrupt from birth?  You really think that?  I think they are taught to be corrupt through various outside sources.


    You still haven't answered my question.


    Which do you think is better?

    A handful of free song downloads or just specific Christmas songs?  It's a simple question that you, for some reason, can't seem to answer.  Seriously, I didn't say they HAD to give away free songs, but if they are, then they should have done it in a manner that wasn't specific to a religious holiday.   And what would you do if the only gave out free Jewish holiday songs or free Hindu holiday songs but no Christian holiday songs during this holiday period?  I think you would be pissed off.

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  • Reply 93 of 129

    I don't think Apple is forcing you to celebrate Christmas, it is offering you some free songs if you want them. If not, don't download them. I do understand that you may not celebrate Christmas, but there are a great many people that do and appreciate the kind gift that Apple is offering. I also don't believe that by offering free songs that anyone if pushing religion on you. If Christianity is not for you, that is your choice that you are free to make, but please allow those of us that do believe in Christ to have the freedom to do so. You mentioned some people don't have jobs, live near loved ones, etc. I have not had the easiest life myself, but that is why I love Jesus. He has sustained me and loved me through all the hard times and my failings and has given me joy and a purpose to life, and I choose to follow Him. 

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  • Reply 94 of 129
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post


    Black Friday?  I stayed away from the stores.  Far away.  Too busy.  I don't buy something JUST because I get a deal on Black Friday.

    That was just an example. Besides, if you want/need something and it is on sale on Black Friday, wouldn't that be a good time to get it (notwithstanding crowds?) And notice I wrote, "want/need". I don't buy stuff "just because" it's on sale.

    So you don't take advantage of ANYTHING related to any religious holiday? Or are you just being hypocritical?

    Hypocritical? What are you babbling about now?  I don't go to a store JUST because they are having a Christmas sale.  I go because they have something I want at a discount and I happen to want it or need it. Sometimes it's not even on sale, even though they are having a Christmas sale.   But generally speaking, i don't normally go to ANY store on Black Friday with the exception of maybe getting food.  I usually hate going to malls and stores when they are crowded.   Sometimes it coincides with Christmas and sometimes it doesn't. I got 40% off on some shirts recently because I signed up for a service that notifies you of specific brand name clothing that I like and they survey a bunch of stores and they send you an email listing of what specific products from that clothing mfg are on sale and then you go to the specific store that has it.  I get emails daily, so i just buy which product I want/need and it has nothing to do with Christmas per se.  Sometimes I buy presents that I end up giving to someone during the holiday season that i bought for them months in advance that wasn't even on sale.


    I certainly don't wait for Christmas sales to buy something.  I don't think I've ever done that.   Some years when I was buying presents for people because we prearranged that we would exchange presents, I went when the stores weren't so packed to buy something.   I am always miffed by some of these people that get into fist fights at stores during the Christmas Black Friday Sales.  There were some strange ones last week. Plenty of YouTube videos of people at WalMart and other stores. Kind of pathetic.



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  • Reply 95 of 129
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    Come on guys, keep religion and politics off this blog. The winter solstice if a time for having fun.
    Mithras be praised!
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  • Reply 96 of 129
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,864member
    jfc1138 wrote: »
    Mithras be praised!

    Indeed! Pass the egg nog.
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  • Reply 97 of 129
    Indeed! Pass the egg nog.

    What happened to the buttered rum???

    We should all sit around an open flame and roast drblank's chestnuts... all in the spirit of Christmas, of course. We could sing some songs as well, I just got 8 free religious Christmas songs off of iTunes. God bless you, Tim Cook, what a wonderful Christian gesture. Don't tell drblank, but Amazon gave away a whole album of Christmas music last year. Stuff about sleigh rides, snowmen, and visiting family over the holidays... that sort of religious drivel. It's about that time of the year I go over to my neighbor's yard and chop down one of his blue spruce while he's at work.

    Now, about that buttered rum...? ?
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  • Reply 98 of 129
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    [quote]I certainly don't wait for Christmas sales to buy something.[/quote]
    I never suggested you do.
    However, you do take advantage of sales (when you need/want something) that are happening ONLY because of the religious holiday.
    That is being hypocritical.
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  • Reply 99 of 129

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  • Reply 100 of 129
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