Apple begins taking pre-orders for redesigned, American-made Mac Pro



  • Reply 101 of 141
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    bfulda wrote: »
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Same to you man and welcome to AI. It is a different kind of blog, a very good one and many of us have been here for many years. Just so you know, Soli is one of the elders here we all look up to, his posts are far more than it seems ... he starts over at 10,000 usually (hint, Soli you have gone over already ...I am nearly there!) :D
  • Reply 102 of 141
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally Posted by Wovel View Post

    Our friends down under need to stop complaining about Apple and start looking for a new government.

    They just got a new government, and the new government is dredging the great barrier reef out of the way so that they can export more coal.  I think that they were better off with high apple prices, tbh.

    My father in law donated $300k to get the new government in, which is weird from a US perspective where we are so limited on political donations.   Canada and Australia are more right wing than the US in certain ways.

  • Reply 103 of 141
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    e1618978 wrote: »

    They just got a new government, and the new government is dredging the great barrier reef out of the way so that they can export more coal.  I think that they were better off with high apple prices, tbh.

    My father in law donated $300k to get the new government in, which is weird from a US perspective where we are so limited on political donations.   Canada and Australia are more right wing than the US in certain ways.

    Talking of the new government in Oz, I read somewhere the first department to be 'let go' was the one on climate change research ... I guess dear ol' Rupert is involved? This totally said from a pro science view point, not political at all ... nope not one bit.
  • Reply 104 of 141
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post


    The new Mac Pro really is the future of Workstations. Just like 2 years after the iPhone came out, all phones looked like the iPhone, same will happen with this workstation.


    The reason is, OpenCL is not a gimmick limited to a few specialised apps any more, it is the future of performance computing. CPUs have been getting what, 10-15% faster with each new generation, but when I run programs on my GPU (provided it's a data parallel task, which is a lot of tasks if you model it right) it is 1000x faster (and I mean that literally not hyperbolically).


    Currently I develop my OpenCL solns on my Mac with it's Nvidia 650M and then port them to my Linux compute box where I leave them running for days on end. It has dual AMD GPUs. In theory the Mac Pro should be able to take it's place. But the best the Mac Pro has is D700s which is the equivalent (I believe) of dual HD 7970 consumer cards, which is what my "slow" compute box has. My fast compute box has already been upgraded to dual R9 290x's in the last few weeks.


    But it depends: Apple always take a whole-of-system approach, so I suspect they would have spent a long time optimising OS X OpenCL drivers, ready for release at the same time as this box, so I'll definitely be looking with interest.

    Actually the D700's are equivalent to the FirePro GL W9000 card from AMD.  There fastest FirePro.  Both the W9000 and the D700's have 6 GB DDR5, and 264GB bandwidth.  So I would say there the same GPU.  But unlike the consumer HD 7970, the FirePro has EEC error correcting memory which guarantees computational accuracy.  Consumer cards do not.  Workstation class cards do.  But there is a slight performance hit because of the EEC Memory.

  • Reply 105 of 141

    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post


    My understanding is that the U.S. store doesn't charge taxes whereas the Australian store charges the G.S.T. at 10%. Makes a difference if I am correct. :)

    The US store charges taxes.  $389 on the new mac pro I just purchased.

  • Reply 106 of 141
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    mechanic wrote: »
    The US store charges taxes.  $389 on the new mac pro I just purchased.

    Is the Australian store's taxes added into the price like a VAT in the UK or at the end like in the US?
  • Reply 107 of 141
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,829member
    Originally Posted by Mechanic View Post


    The US store charges taxes.  $389 on the new mac pro I just purchased.

    My mistake, I should have written that 'the U.S. store doesn't quote the taxes', they are certainly collected in accordance with local laws. The Australian price includes a goods and services tax (GST) at the rate of 10% in the displayed price. Have I got that correct now?
  • Reply 108 of 141
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,829member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Is the Australian store's taxes added into the price like a VAT in the UK or at the end like in the US?

    Like the VAT, the price you see is the final price including taxes.

  • Reply 109 of 141

    Originally Posted by bfulda View Post


    What are you, 12? Big e-bully is going to verbally taunt me. OOOHHHHHH.  Your not an adversary, you just get your feelings hurt easy, like a girl.


    You are taking my comments way too seriously.


    Too seriously? He thought he was talking to an adult.

  • Reply 110 of 141
    [B]Melgross[/B] pointed out the cost of those GPUs elsewhere but I just price checked that 4K display Apple is offering for $3,595. Sharp's website lists 5 different online stores selling that model. Four of the 5 list $3,949 and the last one, PC Connection, listing the same price as Apple. I wonder if PC Connection price matched today, vice versa, or if it's just a coincidence. Either way, Apple and PC Connection seem like the best way to get this display today.

  • Reply 111 of 141
    What the new Mac Pro needs is a flat and wide Thunderbolt expansion chassis, designed to sit underneath the MacPro, so that it looks like the Cray-1 (How appropriate, given its number crunching capabilities) !

    cf. this [URL=]Cray-1 picture[/URL]

    A Thunderbolt connector underneath the MacPro to invisibly dock with the expansion chassie would come in handy.
    Such an expansion chassis would have room for an indeterminate number of expansion HDs, optical drives, even expansion cards.
    Also a drawer for tucking away unused connectors, cables, and other small stuff, could be an option (e.g., for $29.99, or $199:) -- make that Eur29.99 or Eur199 including the overseas markup for Europe's Apple Stores), exactly as the service drawers in the bottom of the Cray-1.
  • Reply 112 of 141
    Too seriously? He thought he was talking to an adult.

    And your comment is about as constructive. I said my apologies to the respective people. Apparently sarcastic jabs are ok and telling people their ideas are foolish and flawed is acceptable. And telling people that being an adversary is the norm for these boards if you have a view different than those who are moderating. Save your sarcastic wit for your wife. I don't need it.
  • Reply 113 of 141
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member
    Originally Posted by bfulda View Post

    And your comment is about as constructive. I said my apologies to the respective people. Apparently sarcastic jabs are ok and telling people their ideas are foolish and flawed is acceptable. And telling people that being an adversary is the norm for these boards if you have a view different than those who are moderating. Save your sarcastic wit for your wife. I don't need it.

    You weren't imagining the antagonism, it was very real. I agree with you that having a difference of opinion doesn't mean you need to be adversarial. It is very easy to politely disagree without being antagonistic. He has done the same thing to me numerous times with the sarcasm and taunting to elicit anger. There are a certain group of people posting here that are unable to discuss any difference of opinion without using snarky comments. They have posted here long enough to know the line not to cross but do their absolute best to get you to cross it. This site now has some great mods and some very good comments if you can just avoid the local self appointed tough guys. I suggest blocking them completely because any discussion you have with this group will lead to nowhere fast. They are never wrong and seem to have channeled to the Oracle of delphi when it comes to all things Apple. Any dissenting opinion is treated as blasphemy so it really is a waste of time to even attempt a civil discussion with them. A good tip for identification is frequent use of the upside down exclamation mark and an extremely high post count. I hope you stick around and don’t let them run you off. We are in need of some fresh opinions around here.

  • Reply 114 of 141

    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post


    You weren't imagining the antagonism, it was very real. I agree with you that having a difference of opinion doesn't mean you need to be adversarial. It is very easy to politely disagree without being antagonistic. He has done the same thing to me numerous times with the sarcasm and taunting to elicit anger. There are a certain group of people posting here that are unable to discuss any difference of opinion without using snarky comments. They have posted here long enough to know the line not to cross but do their absolute best to get you to cross it. This site now has some great mods and some very good comments if you can just avoid the local self appointed tough guys. I suggest blocking them completely because any discussion you have with this group will lead to nowhere fast. They are never wrong and seem to have channeled to the Oracle of delphi when it comes to all things Apple. Any dissenting opinion is treated as blasphemy so it really is a waste of time to even attempt a civil discussion with them. A good tip for identification is frequent use of the upside down exclamation mark and an extremely high post count. I hope you stick around and don’t let them run you off. We are in need of some fresh opinions around here.

    Thanks for the afirmation.  I am glad to hear that I am not the only one noticing it.   I totally agree with what you said above.  IMHO  Moderators should do just that, moderate.


    Definition of moderate (adj)

    Bing Dictionary

    • mod·er·ate

    1. small or slight: not large, great, or severe

    2. reasonable: not excessive or unreasonable

    3. middle-of-the-road: not extreme or radical


    And at least one of these guys was not being either 1 or 2.  And I pointed that out to him.  You can't be a moderator and be biased.  As a matter of fact, if you are a moderator, you really should be more in a passive mode than active.  Don't use your status/privilage to do what you are calling others out on.  And for frack sake, if you want to post your opinons, then do it under another name and role.  It really is not a badge of honor to have 13000+ posts under your belt if your job is to just monitor the boards. Not unless you have been there 20 years and it has not rolled over.  If you have that many, you are too active with 'your opinion' and need another job.


    And while I am here, allow me to point out an error I did make.  I responded that I had not made a certain statement, when in fact I did.  I tried to search for it in the topic search and it didn't pull up, so I assumed then that it wasn't said by me and I will own that fault.


    I wonder if the management of AI knows how screwed up this little system is that they have with this board.  It is not favorable to the AI brand.  It is Adversarial, which is not a positive thing btw. And they need to invest in some type of training, remedial or otherwise, for this position.  Bubba management or oversite is too easy to spot these days and it flows from the top down.  Professionalism is key and it is noticeably lacking here by this power play with those in control.

  • Reply 115 of 141
    melgross wrote: »
    I'm having a severe problem with Appleinsider, and have been for a few days on my iPad Air. Safari keeps crashing. Sometimes it happens when I'm doing nothing, after 30 seconds, or so. Other times when I touch something, or when writing a post. Just totally random. Sometimes typing is so slow that the characters appear more than a second after typing. Back to 1975!

    Not happening anywhere else.

    Am I the only one?

    Same here. For quite some time now. Can only post from my desktop. Or copy paste from Notes or something. And even then, crashes on occasion, for no apparent reason.

    bfulda wrote: »
    It really is not a badge of honor to have 13000+ posts under your belt if your job is to just monitor the boards.

    He's not a moderator but a respected poster, just like many moderators here. This can go hand in hand.
  • Reply 116 of 141
    melgross wrote: »
    I'm having a severe problem with Appleinsider, and have been for a few days on my iPad Air. Safari keeps crashing. Sometimes it happens when I'm doing nothing, after 30 seconds, or so. Other times when I touch something, or when writing a post. Just totally random. Sometimes typing is so slow that the characters appear more than a second after typing. Back to 1975!

    Not happening anywhere else.

    Am I the only one?

    Same here. For quite some time now. Can only post from my desktop. Or copy paste from Notes or something. And even then, crashes on occasion, for no apparent reason.

    bfulda wrote: »
    It really is not a badge of honor to have 13000+ posts under your belt if your job is to just monitor the boards.

    He's not a moderator but a respected poster, just like many moderators here. This can go hand in hand.
  • Reply 117 of 141
    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    He's not a moderator but a respected poster, just like many moderators here. This can go hand in hand.

    you guys are championing a bully then, his comments had progressively gotten more antagonistic and adversarial with each of my replies and it wasn't even pointed out by the moderators.  A little one sided.  Since when does being a 'respected poster' become a badge of honor.  And does that imply that they can not do anything wrong?  I hope not.  Sounds like he needs a life outside of these boards.  13500/365 = 36.98  that is a DAY! every day of the WEEK, Monday - Sunday.  No wonder he thinks he is king and you guys as well apparently.  It is oobvious that a negative pervasive mentality has gotten a foot hold here.  This used to be a good board.  Enjoy your world, this is EOD for me, I have a life.

  • Reply 118 of 141
    bfulda wrote: »
    you guys are championing a bully then, his comments had progressively gotten more antagonistic and adversarial with each of my replies and it wasn't even pointed out by the moderators.  A little one sided.  Since when does being a 'respected poster' become a badge of honor.  And does that imply that they can not do anything wrong?  I hope not.  Sounds like he needs a life outside of these boards.  13500/365 = 36.98  that is a DAY! every day of the WEEK, Monday - Sunday.  No wonder he thinks he is king and you guys as well apparently.  It is oobvious that a negative pervasive mentality has gotten a foot hold here.  This used to be a good board.  Enjoy your world, this is EOD for me, I have a life.

    I don't understand why you feel like you're being bullied here.

    Like you said yourself, the word adversarial might be differently interpreted. I simply use a 3 finger tap on my touchpad and get this:


    Seems like an appropriate word. And why do you think moderators should point 'this' out to you?

    Of course he doesn't have a badge of honour, though many people consider his posts to be honourable as they are researched, open minded and insightful. It is precisely these posts, these discussions that make this board of value.

    PS your math is off by 25,711 levels.
  • Reply 119 of 141
    philboogie wrote: »
    melgross wrote: »
    I'm having a severe problem with Appleinsider, and have been for a few days on my iPad Air. Safari keeps crashing. Sometimes it happens when I'm doing nothing, after 30 seconds, or so. Other times when I touch something, or when writing a post. Just totally random. Sometimes typing is so slow that the characters appear more than a second after typing. Back to 1975!

    Not happening anywhere else.

    Am I the only one?

    Same here. For quite some time now. Can only post from my desktop. Or copy paste from Notes or something. And even then, crashes on occasion, for no apparent reason.

    bfulda wrote: »
    It really is not a badge of honor to have 13000+ posts under your belt if your job is to just monitor the boards.

    He's not a moderator but a respected poster, just like many moderators here. This can go hand in hand.

    I had the same problem... I was able to bypass it by turning off Safari JavaScript. It disappeared as suddenly as it appeared -- now works as expected.
  • Reply 120 of 141
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    I went for a few weeks where I could actually produce a crash on AI at will on the Mac. All I had to do was edit a post and bang Safari crashed totally. Then a week or so later it still crashed but (and I am on an SSD) after it crashed then retuned to where I'd been in a blink of an eye. There have been so many developer updates I quite honestly am not sure if AI fixed something or Apple did but given only AI crashed you have to wonder! I rarely use the iPad for AI as I only have a mark 2 version and it's a dog on AI. Again I don't notice this so much on other sites.

    I'm using the Air now, and it's fast indeed. In fact, even the crashes are faster! Almost all my posting is done an iPad.
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