Samsung parodies Apple's iPad Air 'Pencil' ad with new Galaxy Tab Pro spot



  • Reply 61 of 205
    jony0jony0 Posts: 380member

    Originally Posted by icoco3 View Post


    Are you sure you addressed what they actually said? They mentioned actual voicemails not the recents.


    I was answering as well to the further comment he made later of how and why he did it before the iPhone. I simply addressed his specific need to « tell someone else called at a certain time and his number is such and such ». I probably should've included it and could've added the fact that you could also check if the person left a voicemail by clicking on the info ( i ) and ascertain by the duration of the call whether they left a message or not.


    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post


    Before I had an iPhone I used to do it on my flip-phone. There had been several occasions where I wanted to tell someone that someone else called at a certain time and his number is such and such



    As for listening to the actual voicemail, that seems to be currently not possible on the iPhone and I don't know if any other phone would have that capability, I share Tallest Skill's incredulity on that issue. Depending on the circumstances of the possible nature of the voicemail and the parties involved, I would suggest you just add the person to the call while you're at it and avoid the back and forth of listening to the voicemail and come back to the call possibly without the answer or at best some assumptions. In any case I personally don't see a big advantage of such a feature that might not have much use anyway and I feel that an actual conference call is a better contingency, but of course YMMV.

  • Reply 62 of 205

    I'm not sure I understand the comments that keep coming up about "Apple Haters". I'm not sure that has any merit anymoreI when you are the #1 technology company and sell hundreds of millions of devices a year, with record earnings. 


    How many haters are left? Maybe two people living in a cave? 

  • Reply 63 of 205

    Originally Posted by Jony0 View Post


    As for listening to the actual voicemail, that seems to be currently not possible on the iPhone and I don't know if any other phone would have that capability, I share Tallest Skill's incredulity on that issue. Depending on the circumstances of the possible nature of the voicemail and the parties involved, I would suggest you just add the person to the call while you're at it and avoid the back and forth of listening to the voicemail and come back to the call possibly without the answer or at best some assumptions. In any case I personally don't see a big advantage of such a feature that might not have much use anyway and I feel that an actual conference call is a better contingency, but of course YMMV.

    No listen to a voicemail, but see a listing during a phone call of who left a voicemail and when.

  • Reply 64 of 205
    Originally Posted by mistercow View Post

    "Hi, I'm a Mac."

    "And I'm a PC."


    “Hi, I’m referring to a conglomerate of corporations.”

    “And I’m a single company.”

  • Reply 65 of 205
    jony0jony0 Posts: 380member

    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post


    No listen to a voicemail, but see a listing during a phone call of who left a voicemail and when.


    Correct, that's what I had assumed, which is why that was the only answer I had provided the first time.

  • Reply 66 of 205
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    I find these ads utterly pathetic, and utterly disgusting. What a massive contract from Apple's ads- which tend to be inspirational, positive, uplifting, beautiful, and emotive- and for those that show usage of the product, they focus on people using the products in believable real-life scenarios. 


    Although Apple hasn't made an "us vs them" ad in many years (which is a good thing), obviously people will bring up the Mac VS PC ads. Those ads bear no resemblance to Samsung's anti-Apple  ads, because of the following:


    1. The ads were in context of an industry where Apple was a massive underdog- Macs held a marketshare in the single digits. 

    2. The ads were funny, witty, and creative. It's why the've gone down in the advertising history books as classics. They did not lazily use other's companies ads as templates, then throw the product in the end proclaiming "and ours is even better!"

    3. Never once did the ads bash USERS of competing products, which Samsung's ads tend to do.  


    Not only are these Samsung ads ridiculous, they're painfully creatively bankrupt. Size, really? Talk about beating a dead-horse. Stylus, really? I have YET to see a fucking person in real life using a stylus with their phone, even though I know MANY people with Samsung phones, including the Note. But yeah, I guess you need to attract the demographic that has nothing better to do than trace out a photo of Kobe Bryant and text it to people. Can't wait to see how they will spin the "our fingerprint reader is even better!" angle on their next phone.  

  • Reply 67 of 205
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    Originally Posted by AtlApple View Post


    I'm not sure I understand the comments that keep coming up about "Apple Haters". I'm not sure that has any merit anymoreI when you are the #1 technology company and sell hundreds of millions of devices a year, with record earnings. 


    How many haters are left? Maybe two people living in a cave? 


    I guess those 2 people living in a cave must be posting millions of comments each, every day, on every tech blog in existence. 

  • Reply 68 of 205
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    [anything whatsoever]


    Glad to see you back.

  • Reply 69 of 205

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    “Hi, I’m referring to a conglomerate of corporations.”

    “And I’m a single company.”

    What's the difference.  Both ads compare their product to the competition to state that their product is superior.  Doesn't matter if it's a single company or a multitude.  The intention is the same.  You should also learn how to use quotes.

  • Reply 70 of 205
    The begging was funny have to admit but then the galaxy pro comes in and what a peace of shit it looks like!!! The only reason that was made was because they thought the iPad Pro was gonna come. And then the stylus again? Again? Really? That plastic crap that you always loose? I mean come on make your own advert instead of parodying. For f*ck sakes I mean they couldn't tell the defernce between innovation and shit cause there trying to copy innovation with shit!!! And it runs on Android, you know the OS that used by every other competerot BUT Apple. The way samsung put a octacore processor with quad core graphics and it STILL lags!!! Amazing now that's the only innovation they've come across how to make a powerful phone feel like crap!!! And the design.... samsung here over there in every single ad. Nothing special still lags, the screen bigger (again) and it still runs on android. The most valnreable os on the marked, thanks but he'll not Ive had a s2 and a galaxy tab and wow!!! When I switched to Apple !!! Amazing!!! And I mean the adverts wow!!! Crappy there such Apple wannabes. Samsung's adverts says everything about themselves. A GIANT JOKE.
  • Reply 71 of 205
    jony0jony0 Posts: 380member

    Originally Posted by AtlApple View Post


    I'm not sure I understand the comments that keep coming up about "Apple Haters". I'm not sure that has any merit anymoreI when you are the #1 technology company and sell hundreds of millions of devices a year, with record earnings. 


    How many haters are left? Maybe two people living in a cave? 


    I would think not, I think there are almost as many haters as lovers, if not more, certainly within the media alone, even excluding the click-baiters. Even on this Apple centric site there are some threads that attract a bunch of them that are just hot to troll.

  • Reply 72 of 205
    I always felt that making fun of the competitor (comparative advertising) was desperate. What I mean by that is that Samsung knows that people prefer the iPad, so their advertising agency sits around trying to poke holes in the competition to make themselves look better. Then there's the view that companies should tell people the strengths of their products and let the consumer decide. Well, Samsung, I guess you've already come to the conclusion what the consumer has decided and you are just trying to make your products look better by not telling people why they should buy yours, just that you have two "features" that people don't care about. If they did, yours would sell better...
  • Reply 73 of 205
    I recently bought a Samsung refrigerator. It's a nice appliance but I must admit that I've been feeling guilty about it.

    Samsung's business model is technology thievery. Their ripoff of the iPhone and iPad was so blatant that their CEO should go to jail for it. They've ripped off Dyson vacuum cleaners too.

    It's what they do and it is who they are. A company that operates like the Mafia.
  • Reply 74 of 205
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    Originally Posted by MazeCookie View Post



    You can leave the FaceTime app at any time and it will be completely unaffected. Multiple times I have used it and browsed the web to double-check things.


    You can check the voicemails. I have just reproduced it to confirm. I tapped the 5th tab, voicemail, it dialled, I clicked the loud-speaker button so I could still hear it, and clicked the home button to leave the phone app. Voicemail continued.


    The iPhone's screen size is completely irrelevant to this article, and to any post made previous in this thread.


    Design's do not need a stylus, they have their finger. Check out a video of Kyle, an old friend of mine, painting Morgan Freeman on an iPad with just his finger, you may have even seen this video already. 



    EDIT: I misread #2. You must have Visual Voicemail. In the UK, only o2 provides that, so I have to dial for voicemail anyway, which obviously isn't supported whilst already on a call.

    you may need to talk to your friend, some is claiming it fake, it was just a photoshop done in reverse. Really people have time to do this.


  • Reply 75 of 205
    Originally Posted by mistercow View Post

    What's the difference.


    I literally just wrote down the difference in what you quoted.


    Both ads compare their product to the competition…


    A competitor ? the competition.


    Doesn't matter if it's a single company or a multitude.


    Actually that’s the entire point.


    You should also learn how to use quotes. 


    Nothing, anywhere, was used incorrectly.

  • Reply 76 of 205
    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post


    I must say, a multitasking feature on the iPad would be a big plus. On several occasions I wanted to access my email or look something up during a FaceTime session and I was quite annoyed that I couldn't without being kicked out of my session.


    I still cannot believe that I cannot check my list of voicemails on my iPhone without hanging up first.


    I do find the iPhone's narrow portrait screen useless for browsing the web, yes I'd love a larger screen. I browsed the internet on a SG5 and loved it, sorry but that's the truth.


    The stylus would be nice for designers on the iPad, but I feel it would be no more more than a gimmick on a phone.


    First, there is no SG5 out yet as far as I know...  so, oops? You kind of jumped the gun on the "comments advert" there...  


    And now I ask:


    Why can't YOU check your voicemail list without hanging up? (And also, please describe how that's done on your "SG5".)


    Why can't YOU look something up during a FaceTime call without disconnecting? (These sound more like 'operator error' to me...)


    I browsed a web page on my iPad Mini and loved it (a lot more than browsing on my phone, true). Oh, I see! You want a tablet experience. Well then buy a TABLET.


    A 3rd-party Stylus can be had for the iPad if you need it. No point bundling one just for gimmicks/show if it isn't a necessary part of operations. I bought one for "pencil style sketching". I rarely use it though. 



    And what else...?

  • Reply 77 of 205
    jony0jony0 Posts: 380member
    Originally Posted by mistercow View Post


    What's the difference.  Both ads compare their product to the competition to state that their product is superior.  Doesn't matter if it's a single company or a multitude.  The intention is the same.  You should also learn how to use quotes.


    Conceptually there is no difference and of course it "doesn't matter if it's a single company or a multitude". But the circumstances can make the implementation work or not. 

    For one thing, it's usually not a good idea to give your competitor free advertising since it can easily backfire. You'll never convert true believers of a particular product or brand, at best you can sway the undecided only if you make a good case, and of course the better the case the more the sway. Obviously there's very little sway for nearly all of the commenters here. As for the Mac vs PC, the Mac was a seemingly insurmountable underdog and there was considerable differentiation between the 2 platforms with the incentives to switch presented in a humorous and entertaining way. 

    As for the undecided, I think it will only attract the ones who need an excuse to buy something cheaper than an iPad, whether it's to justify it for themselves or even more if it's a gift. For example I think this will work for the people who will just retain that it's thinner as a bullet point, without asking or caring how much thinner. Those who would ask won't be swayed since it's a very weak argument at .2 mm or .008 in. in fact it would probably have the opposite effect.


    As for the use of quotes, I also cringe when I see so many putting a period within the quotes, but that's the American style. I prefer the British style or logical quotation as can be seen on the first line of this comment. However the rule even in this style is to include within quotation marks only those punctuation marks that appeared in the quoted material but otherwise to place punctuation outside the closing quotation marks. So his use is actually correct in this particular instance regardless of the style you adopt, the period was in the quoted material.

  • Reply 78 of 205
    pdq2pdq2 Posts: 270member
    Originally Posted by AtlApple View Post


    I'm not sure I understand the comments that keep coming up about "Apple Haters". I'm not sure that has any merit anymoreI when you are the #1 technology company and sell hundreds of millions of devices a year, with record earnings. 


    How many haters are left? Maybe two people living in a cave? 


    The more successful Apple is, the more lather-y and vehement the haters get.


    Seriously, do you not read comment sections? For example, this is a sampling of comments from a UK site ("Which?") that had the temerity to recently test battery life of the iPad and several Android tabs (which the iPad won handily):



    Apple’s products are heavily overpriced and tie users into the equally expensive iTunes video/music/e-book/e-magazine service which once joined is expensive to leave and whose main aim is to tie customers into their products. Apple is being allowed to run a monopoly so why does Which? ignore this and just talk about the headline issues.



    Why don’t WHICH take more notice of value for money or cost of ownership. Apple fail hugely hugely on these measures.



    What I never understand with Which? reports is how you value a little bit better performance at any cost. It’s always the extremely expensive Apple devices ... Please stop being so snobby.



    IPad air maximum battery 10 hours (600 minutes) on the site Apple it is written. Then how to manage to have figures superior to the value of the claims of the very mark. Thus how to obtain 658 or 777 it is supernatural



    Ah ah ah, this “test” is a piece of s***.



    Good god. At last! I cant remember how many times in the past two years I have critisised “Which” for its obvious bias towards “Apple” products.



    ...and this is fairly typical of the vast horde of what I would call iHaters, at least in my experience. For some reason, these folks just freak out over Apple - it's inexplicable. 


    It's just a battery-life comparison! And perhaps not unexpectedly, the more expensive tablet won. For cryin out loud, wipe that spittle off your screen, learn to spell, and get a life...

  • Reply 79 of 205
    Originally Posted by mistercow View Post



    "Hi, I'm a Mac."

    "And I'm a PC."


    Nope. Not even close.


    The "I'm a mac/I'm a pc" campaign wasn't about snarky, petty and stupid "direct comparisons". It was putting a relationship on display, and highlighting various strengths and weaknesses through the acting out of that relationship.  


    I'm Steve... and I'm Bill.  (Bill has a cold and sneezes), Steve: What's wrong Bill?   Bill: Be careful there's a nasty virus going around.  Steve: Oh don't worry, I'm pretty much not affected by those...  Bill (incredulous): Really? I get them all the time!   Steve: Nope, not a problem here...  (Bill, getting sicker, passes out (locks up), and assistance is called in...).


    It was cute, funny, and (painfully) right on the money.


    The beauty of that campaign was, Apple never directly put down or disparaged Microsoft, never did any hard side-by-side product comparisons, and the series was entirely based on longstanding, well-known and already popularized realities of the two platforms...


    That was brilliant. This Samsung series is cynical, crude, bordering on offensive at times, and panders to the lesser angels of our nature. 


    I spent years in advertising. This kind of campaign isn't effective beyond the low-hanging fruit. In fact, it lessens the company producing them.


    I'm not sure you could really "lessen" Samsung, but there it is.


    It also highlights to me just how clearly they missed the entire point of Apple's "pencil" ad.


    It wasn't all about the physical dimensions. It was a deep and reflective "poem" about the value and ubiquitous nature of a great tool. An Immersive, poetic and philosophical ad. 


    Samsung's? Trite, petty, and cynical. 


    These values are clearly reflected in their products. I can tell you which I choose.....!

  • Reply 80 of 205
    tjwaltjwal Posts: 404member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post



    I think what you're looking for is called a "computer." There are many to choose from.

    Are you implying that the iPad isn't a computer?

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