Teens 'tepid' on Apple Watch as iPhone and iPad steal Android marketshare



  • Reply 221 of 284
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    relic wrote: »

    This image is very telling; finally a phone where you get to read what you wrote, and get to read what you're replying to.

    This phone looks really great. No idea why it has stereo speakers, but other than that one really ought to appreciate the attention to detail here: that keyboard is the best solution I've ever seen. All the HW specs look really good, and the fact that it can run Android apps is completely new to me; they really should shout that from the rooftops.

    Thanks for your review and the videos!
  • Reply 222 of 284
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    philboogie wrote: »
    This image is very telling; finally a phone where you get to read what you wrote, and get to read what you're replying to.

    This phone looks really great. No idea why it has stereo speakers, but other than that one really ought to appreciate the attention to detail here: that keyboard is the best solution I've ever seen. All the HW specs look really good, and the fact that it can run Android apps is completely new to me; they really should shout that from the rooftops.

    Thanks for your review and the videos!

    Even when using a tablet the virtual keyboard takes up a huge amount of space. Like I said before I cannot express enough just how nice this thing is to type up emails, documents, specifically forum posts. Thank you for the kind words, I always have fun writing these things up.
  • Reply 223 of 284
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    relic wrote: »
    Even when using a tablet the virtual keyboard takes up a huge amount of space. Like I said before I cannot express enough just how nice this thing is to type up emails, documents, specifically forum posts. Thank you for the kind words, I always have fun writing these things up.

    Thank you for thanking. Good to read that you don't have a problem writing these things, as it would kinda suck if it were merely done to make a point that no one was interested in.

    That keyboard really is the best. Here's another review, with funny tiddybits but without a happy ending:


    And a boring keyboard review:

  • Reply 224 of 284
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    Thank you for thanking. Good to read that you don't have a problem writing these things, as it would kinda suck if it were merely done to make a point that no one was interested in.

    That keyboard really is the best. Here's another review, with funny tiddybits but without a happy ending:

    And a boring keyboard review:


    That reviewer is definitely entitled to her own opinion but she glanced over a lot of important aspects of the phone, specifically the OS, focusing mostly on the looks and keyboard, typical female gadget reviewer. First, I have Instagram, it was one of the first apps I installed, how, I installed another app store, simple enough, I'm not a big fan of Amazon's solution as it's missing a lot, instead I opted for MoboGenie, which can be side loaded using apk's directly from their site. Once installed, apps like Instagram are just a single install button away and work perfectly fine. I have been discussing the Passport with other owners for over a week now and all of us genuinely agree that we absolutely love the phone, especially the OS. We're not just saying it to bash Apple or Samsung as many of us also own of those phones as well, no, we honestly like the passport because you can actually create on it instead of simply consume. I agree with the women that you won't be as fast with typing on the Passport as say if you were using a Bold but I guarantee you will still be faster than if you were was using a virtual keyboard.


    Like I said over at the Bose thread, for every negative review someone finds I can find at least 5 that are good. It's all in the eye of the beholder, the biggest problem with reviewers is they only use the phone for a day or two. Never really trying to do anything substantial with it but the most basic of activities one would do with a phone. The second she would have typed a typed a two page document, transferred large amounts of data from one machine to another, had written a script using the terminal and VI,, streamed a movie to a TV while still being able to surf the Internet, had 8 apps running, not paused in the background, the light at the end of her negativity tunnel would have turned on and shown her the path to positivity. Is the phone perfect, to many probably not but it's a niche phone, my niche and I absolutely adore it, so do a lot of other people as the phone has been sold out for weeks. Ignore the stupidity, negativity, the only thing you can do is try it out for yourself, reading about something can never substitute actually physically touching and using it. The Passport is worth a look, I wouldn't waste you guy's time if it wasn't.

  • Reply 225 of 284
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post



    That reviewer is definitely entitled to her own opinion but she glanced over a lot of important aspects of the phone, specifically the OS, focusing mostly on the looks and keyboard, typical female gadget reviewer. First, I have Instagram, it was one of the first apps I installed, how, I installed another app store, simple enough, I'm not a big fan of Amazon's solution as it's missing a lot, instead I opted for MoboGenie, which can be side loaded using apk's directly from their site. Once installed, apps like Instagram are just a single install button away and work perfectly fine. I have been discussing the Passport with other owners for over a week now and all of us genuinely agree that we absolutely love the phone, especially the OS. We're not just saying it to bash Apple or Samsung as many of us also own of those phones as well, no, we honestly like the passport because you can actually create on it instead of simply consume. I agree with the women that you won't be as fast with typing on the Passport as say if you were using a Bold but I guarantee you will still be faster than if you were was using a virtual keyboard.


    Like I said over at the Bose thread, for every negative review someone finds I can find at least 5 that are good. It's all in the eye of the beholder, the biggest problem with reviewers is they only use the phone for a day or two. Never really trying to do anything substantial with it but the most basic of activities one would do with a phone. The second she would have typed a typed a two page document, transferred large amounts of data from one machine to another, had written a script using the terminal and VI,, streamed a movie to a TV while still being able to surf the Internet, had 8 apps running, not paused in the background, the light at the end of her negativity tunnel would have turned on and shown her the path to positivity. Is the phone perfect, to many probably not but it's a niche phone, my niche and I absolutely adore it, so do a lot of other people as the phone has been sold out for weeks. Ignore the stupidity, negativity, the only thing you can do is try it out for yourself, reading about something can never substitute actually physically touching and using it. The Passport is worth a look, I wouldn't waste you guy's time if it wasn't.


    Why on frack's earth did you hijack this thread? I don't care how good or not you think it is, stay on topic.

  • Reply 226 of 284
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    relic wrote: »
    That reviewer is definitely entitled to her own opinion but she glanced over a lot of important aspects of the phone, specifically the OS, focusing mostly on the looks and keyboard, typical female gadget reviewer.

    I know, that was simply one persons' opinion. I think the phone is great, software-wise. The FF is way too large for my taste; heck I even think the new 4.7" iPhone 6 is too large and won't buy it. But honestly I think I'm screwed next year if they EOL the 4" model.

    Anyway, the fact that apps are available is great; they should really market this. Plus that keyboard; quite a clever design.
    Like I said over at the Bose thread, for every negative review someone finds I can find at least 5 that are good. It's all in the eye of the beholder, the biggest problem with reviewers is they only use the phone for a day or two.

    The Passport is worth a look, I wouldn't waste you guy's time if it wasn't.

    Indeed, all in the eye of the beholder. Think I'll take a listen to that wireless speaker from Bose. At €199 one can't go wrong there and it might be nice to have in my kitchen.

    The Passport I won't be checking out as a potential phone, but would like to see it in person. No idea if they are available in my small country though.
  • Reply 227 of 284
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by foggyhill View Post



    Why on frack's earth did you hijack this thread? I don't care how good or not you think it is, stay on topic.

    The thread had ran it's course, relax, there are plenty of other threads where you continue your infuriating bitching and complaining about the smallest insignificant of things, case in point.

  • Reply 228 of 284
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    I know, that was simply one persons' opinion. I think the phone is great, software-wise. The FF is way too large for my taste; heck I even think the new 4.7" iPhone 6 is too large and won't buy it. But honestly I think I'm screwed next year if they EOL the 4" model.

    Anyway, the fact that apps are available is great; they should really market this. Plus that keyboard; quite a clever design.

    Indeed, all in the eye of the beholder. Think I'll take a listen to that wireless speaker from Bose. At €199 one can't go wrong there and it might be nice to have in my kitchen.

    The Passport I won't be checking out as a potential phone, but would like to see it in person. No idea if they are available in my small country though.

    Switzerland is tiny too ;) We should get together the next time I'm in Amsterdam.

  • Reply 229 of 284
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    foggyhill wrote: »
    Why on frack's earth did you hijack this thread? I don't care how good or not you think it is, stay on topic.

    relic wrote: »
    The thread had ran it's course, relax, there are plenty of other threads where you continue your infuriating bitching and complaining about the smallest insignificant of things, case in point.

    relic wrote: »
    Switzerland is tiny too ;) We should get together the next time I'm in Amsterdam.

    1) Good point

    2) Oh, I'd love that. The combination of your witty mind and the 'impeccable' sense of humor makes me smile at any given time of the day. People ask me "what's up" but I just can't bring across your... 'weirdness'. Simply love it.
  • Reply 230 of 284
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    Originally Posted by foggyhill View Post



    Why on frack's earth did you hijack this thread? I don't care how good or not you think it is, stay on topic.

    The thread had ran it's course, relax, there are plenty of other threads where you continue your infuriating bitching and complaining about the smallest insignificant of things, case in point.

    Relic I fuckin love you.  You win the internet for today.


    Having gone back through it all, this thread is much appreciated. 


    Edit:  It appears this post makes 69, hehehe.

  • Reply 231 of 284
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    This images tells it all, there is already complaints about the i6+ and Samsung's S4/5 and Notes being too big for your pockets. Imaging trying to put a Passport in your pockets.  Most pockets tend to be long and narrow not wide and shallow, Not even sure why they are comparing to glasses since most people do not put them in their pockets. Think about putting the BB in you back pocket, talk about bending and bendgate and broken displays. Yes there is a group of people who will like this but not the mass market the people they are marketing too is even smaller then Apple's.


    So what it runs Android apps, hell not all Android apps run on all Android phone and screen sizes, image the issue when you load an Android app on this and it is trying to figured out what you just installed it on. Not only is BB making something that is awkward in size they relying on the fragment Android market. The only problem they solves was being able to see more text in one screen view, but created a whole set of issues to achieve that one thing


  • Reply 232 of 284
    maestro64 wrote: »
    ^ post

    Yes yes, awkward device, but certainly not "relying on the fragment Android market". They are relying on BB customers, either long standing ones, or even people who have flipped to another device. This, and other phones from them, still has customers, just like Apple had during the 'dark days'. I really can see this device take of for business people who simply live in email, like my manager.
  • Reply 233 of 284
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post


    This images tells it all, there is already complaints about the i6+ and Samsung's S4/5 and Notes being too big for your pockets. Imaging trying to put a Passport in your pockets.  Most pockets tend to be long and narrow not wide and shallow, Not even sure why they are comparing to glasses since most people do not put them in their pockets. Think about putting the BB in you back pocket, talk about bending and bendgate and broken displays. Yes there is a group of people who will like this but not the mass market the people they are marketing too is even smaller then Apple's.


    So what it runs Android apps, hell not all Android apps run on all Android phone and screen sizes, image the issue when you load an Android app on this and it is trying to figured out what you just installed it on. Not only is BB making something that is awkward in size they relying on the fragment Android market. The only problem they solves was being able to see more text in one screen view, but created a whole set of issues to achieve that one thing



    Your assuming a lot without actually having had used or even seen one for that matter. Do people carry their passports in pockets, yes they do, well guess what, this has the exact same dimensions of a passport except for the width, hence the name, even though the width is a little thicker it's not enough to make it uncomfortable and no it won't break, it's built like a tank. Android apps are resolution independent, so if an app can be used on a say a Samsung Tab S with 2560 x 1600 resolution, then their is no reason to believe BB's Passport's 1400 x 1400 would be much of a difference and it isn't. I have yet to come across an app that doesn't look good or at the least doesn't function correctly on the Passport. Now you don't have to use Android apps as their are plenty of native BB apps to cover most things. Though Android apps run so well on the Passport that there is absolutely no reason why you wouldn't want to use them. There is also no reason you would need to hunt for apps, I have my core list of apps that I need, took me 15 minutes to find and install all of them without problems. I don't know how you use your mobile devices but  I use mine a lot as a remote terminal to my Unix server at home, especially while I'm in the hospital. However when I have my laptop with me I wouldn't even consider using my phone because the display realistate is consumed by the virtual keyboard. The BB not only gives back this missing space but also gives the user a much more natural way of imputing text with it's mechanical keyboard. I'm sure you're fast with a virtual keyboard but once you mastered the Passports keyboard you can be even faster, 50 words plus a minute faster. Once logged into my Unix server via a terminal app, I can edit code like I was using a laptop. Do you have an iPhone, minimize your terminal app and see how long it takes before it drops the connection, oooh it paused it huh. BB OS 10.3 keeps all minimized apps active unless the user specifically tells it to pause, which means I can stream a movie to a wireless display via Miracast or DLNA, download another movie for when the current one is finished, have something being compiled in the terminal, chat with my daughter via Viber while posting in a forum, do a remote install of Arch linux to one of my virtual machines using VNC, wait, in fact I'm doing those things this very moment.


    Look this phone isn't for everyone, I'm sure you're happy as a clam with your choice but don't think for instant that I haven't used every single mobile OS out there, currently has a working development environment for each of those systems as well as a physical phone that runs each of those platforms, including obscure phones like Jolla. I'm as geek as they come, so when I say the Passport is something special I don't expect you to listen or even agree but you should at least know a little of what you're talking about before trying to make my purchase decision look stupid. It's one thing to read about something and then make assumptions based on that information but it's a whole different conversation when you've actually used the thing that you're criticizing. The Passport is a good work phone, is it better than the iPhone 6, certain things most defiantly, others not so much but no phone is the perfect one, decide what your ultimate goal is for the phone and buy accordingly but there is no need to generalize a phone as useless, you won't get any brownie points from the folks around here and it makes you look arrogant, if not ignorant. I understand that this is an Apple forum but as I'm currently fighting breast cancer I just don't have the energy to post in multiple forums. As I consider this place to be my home on the net I like sharing my toys and taste in gadgetry. I am not trying to convert or even persuade you into buying any of the many things I showcase here but as a geek yourself try to put yourself in my situation. All alone in a hospital room with no one to talk with except for children (I'm in the childrens ward) who don't care about tech except for the games I give or play with them. So is it so bad that I post a few pictures and a few lines about one of the few things that still makes me happy.

  • Reply 234 of 284
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    relic wrote: »
    ^ post

    Good point Relic. We all need to keep an open mind to, well, anything in life. If we don't allow other views on a subject how is mankind ever going to keep innovating in their thinking? Change is good when done right.

    Oh, and if you ever feel the need to talk to someone other than your children, feel free to call. I have time and am in the same zone.
  • Reply 235 of 284
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    Originally Posted by Relic View Post



    Your assuming a lot without actually having had used or even seen one for that matter. Do people carry their passports in pockets, yes they do, well guess what, this has the exact same dimensions of a passport except for the width, hence the name, even though the width is a little thicker it's not enough to make it uncomfortable and no it won't break, it's built like a tank. Android apps are resolution independent, so if an app can be used on a say a Samsung Tab S with 2560 x 1600 resolution, then their is no reason to believe BB's Passport's 1400 x 1400 would be much of a difference and it isn't. I have yet to come across an app that doesn't look good or at the least doesn't function correctly on the Passport. Now you don't have to use Android apps as their are plenty of native BB apps to cover most things. Though Android apps run so well on the Passport that there is absolutely no reason why you wouldn't want to use them. There is also no reason you would need to hunt for apps, I have my core list of apps that I need, took me 15 minutes to find and install all of them without problems. I don't know how you use your mobile devices but  I use mine a lot as a remote terminal to my Unix server at home, especially while I'm in the hospital. However when I have my laptop with me I wouldn't even consider using my phone because the display realistate is consumed by the virtual keyboard. The BB not only gives back this missing space but also gives the user a much more natural way of imputing text with it's mechanical keyboard. I'm sure you're fast with a virtual keyboard but once you mastered the Passports keyboard you can be even faster, 50 words plus a minute faster. Once logged into my Unix server via a terminal app, I can edit code like I was using a laptop. Do you have an iPhone, minimize your terminal app and see how long it takes before it drops the connection, oooh it paused it huh. BB OS 10.3 keeps all minimized apps active unless the user specifically tells it to pause, which means I can stream a movie to a wireless display via Miracast or DLNA, download another movie for when the current one is finished, have something being compiled in the terminal, chat with my daughter via Viber while posting in a forum, do a remote install of Arch linux to one of my virtual machines using VNC, wait, in fact I'm doing those things this very moment.


    Look this phone isn't for everyone, I'm sure you're happy as a clam with your choice but don't think for instant that I haven't used every single mobile OS out there, currently has a working development environment for each of those systems as well as a physical phone that runs each of those platforms, including obscure phones like Jolla. I'm as geek as they come, so when I say the Passport is something special I don't expect you to listen or even agree but you should at least know a little of what you're talking about before trying to make my purchase decision look stupid. It's one thing to read about something and then make assumptions based on that information but it's a whole different conversation when you've actually used the thing that you're criticizing. The Passport is a good work phone, is it better than the iPhone 6, certain things most defiantly, others not so much but no phone is the perfect one, decide what your ultimate goal is for the phone and buy accordingly but there is no need to generalize a phone as useless, you won't get any brownie points from the folks around here and it makes you look arrogant, if not ignorant. I understand that this is an Apple forum but as I'm currently fighting breast cancer I just don't have the energy to post in multiple forums. As I consider this place to be my home on the net I like sharing my toys and taste in gadgetry. I am not trying to convert or even persuade you into buying any of the many things I showcase here but as a geek yourself try to put yourself in my situation. All alone in a hospital room with no one to talk with except for children (I'm in the childrens ward) who don't care about tech except for the games I give or play with them. So is it so bad that I post a few pictures and a few lines about one of the few things that still makes me happy.

    An actually pass port is paper and it bends and does not break and most people who travel (like me) do not carry their passport in their front pockets or back pockets, why it can be easily pick pocketed. Passports are usually put in a safe place or inside a clothes coat or suite pocket.


    Also all the things you mention about the BB doing all these things in the background keeps the processor alive which in turns heats up which uses more battery and heat is bad for batteries long term life. I have use Android phones since they have come out for work and i am my 5th one due to the battery life due to the fact Android which allow apps to continue running in the background and the phone heats up and eventually the batteries is toast in a year time.


    I also have ISO devices in my house and they can do things in the back ground, I play and stream music will I do other things and notication center keep my up to date on things. The only thing BB has is the keyboard and I never really like them on my original Android and Motorola Q. I actually like using swipe on my current Android can not wait until it shows up on IOS which it will now with iOS8. The other advantage that BB had was the live email, you always knew when a new email arrived. Having been using Email for longer than I like to admit, used it before most company even knew what it was. Today I do not want to know immediate I have email, and I am finding more people feeling that same way. I use to carry a pager around so management could get hold of you at any moment. Not required and people have to start disconnect electronic world. So I like it when I hit sync and see the mail when I want to deal with it not when something thinks I should deal with since they know you are getting it in real time. BB promotes bad work habits of being always connected 


    Unlike most people who say they either like or dislike something I have used these products more than an hour so I know what the end results will be beyond the initial that is cool feature. I am not saying android or even iOS is perfect, but Apple is closer then most and BB has not figure out why they are no longer relevant anymore. BB for some reason thing making it square will make them stand out of the crowd for good reasons. I do not see it

  • Reply 236 of 284
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    Yes yes, awkward device, but certainly not "relying on the fragment Android market". They are relying on BB customers, either long standing ones, or even people who have flipped to another device. This, and other phones from them, still has customers, just like Apple had during the 'dark days'. I really can see this device take of for business people who simply live in email, like my manager.

    Yeah I get that part but BB made their way in to the consumer space via business and business has moved on. Look how long it took apple to make it into the business space. Companies move slowly on these things we talking years and BB does not have the Capital to wait years to get the tide to change. Also the switch at most companies did not happen at the CIO level it happen at the CEO telling the CIO to move to Apple and make Apple work. 

  • Reply 237 of 284
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    maestro64 wrote: »
    An actually pass port is paper and it bends and does not break...

    That may be true for a U.S. passport, but not for Europe. We have a plastic, hardened, first page (technically page 3 and 4 if your in the book binding business) which does bend but when trying to fold it this plastic will break. Now this info may be new to you but it does show the point Relic was making: you're ignorant to things you did not know. And please don't take this as an insult, it isn't meant as such, I'm merely showing you there are things 'out there' that you don't know, causing you to form a view without having 'the full picture'.
    maestro64 wrote: »
    Yeah I get that part but BB made their way in to the consumer space via business and business has moved on. Look how long it took apple to make it into the business space. Companies move slowly on these things we talking years and BB does not have the Capital to wait years to get the tide to change. Also the switch at most companies did not happen at the CIO level it happen at the CEO telling the CIO to move to Apple and make Apple work. 

    Good point. I do think, also, that it was, or still is actually, the employees requesting to BYOD and the CIO simply has to comply, as 'resistance is futile'.
  • Reply 238 of 284
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    relic wrote: »
    Your assuming a lot without actually having had used or even seen one for that matter. Do people carry their passports in pockets, yes they do, well guess what, this has the exact same dimensions of a passport except for the width, hence the name, even though the width is a little thicker it's not enough to make it uncomfortable and no it won't break, it's built like a tank.

    Having the same footprint as something else doesn't make it the exact same as something else. That rigidity, thickness and weight make considerably worse to have in your pocket than a gov't. isssued passport. Hell, even much smaller handsets are more uncomfortable in your pocket than a gov't. issued passport because it's has more volume, weight and doesn't bend when you clothing bends.
  • Reply 239 of 284
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    philboogie wrote: »
    That may be true for a U.S. passport, but not for Europe. We have a plastic, hardened, first page (technically page 3 and 4 if your in the book binding business) which does bend but when trying to fold it this plastic will break.

    The US has plastic passport cards, too, but they are the size of a CC so they fit in your wallet. What are the dimensions of yours?

    The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) issues passport standards which are treated as recommendations to national governments. The size of passports normally comply with ISO/IEC 7810 ID-3 standard, which specifies a size of 125 × 88 mm (4.921 × 3.465 in). This size is the B7 format.

    edit 2: This doesn't list the dimensions, just pointing out what they look like and how their uses differ. Do EU countries have something similar since it's so easy to travel between countries?
  • Reply 240 of 284
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    @SolipsismX You know what I meant, it can fit in your pocket and it's no more uncomfortable than any other large mobile phone. You didn't have to jump on me for something so trivial.
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