Teens 'tepid' on Apple Watch as iPhone and iPad steal Android marketshare



  • Reply 261 of 284
    bluefire1bluefire1 Posts: 1,309member

    Remember to consult a doctor if it lasts more than 4 hours. ;)

  • Reply 262 of 284
    @Relic@ - loved your write up about the BB, I'm just curious whether you think teens are more "tepid" towards the Apple Watch or the new BB? :D

    And how much longer do you have to stay in the hospital? I'd like to hear that it's not too much longer, and that your feeling better... and that the doctors have caught everything and you can get on the road to recovery.... and Rotterdam soon!
  • Reply 263 of 284
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    @Relic@ - loved your write up about the BB, I'm just curious whether you think teens are more "tepid" towards the Apple Watch or the new BB? image

    And how much longer do you have to stay in the hospital? I'd like to hear that it's not too much longer, and that your feeling better... and that the doctors have caught everything and you can get on the road to recovery.... and Rotterdam soon!

    You would actually be surprised at how many kids in my daughters school have a BlackBerry Q10, I know, I thought it strange to but apparently they like texting on it. Swisscom has even added it to their student phone collection do to their popularity, nothing like the iPhone of course, the deal consists of unlimited Internet, SMS and calls made in Switzerland, 40 bucks a month for students below the age of 25. Both my kids are on the plan and for an additional 20CHF a month it includes a tablet. My son has a Nokia 930 phone, Nokia 2520 tablet and my daughter has an iPhone 5s, iPad Air. Though we had to pay something up front for the tablets, wasn't much, still a good deal.


    I'm currently in the assistant living quarters of the hospital, it's really the same thing as a normal hospital room except a little larger and private, I even got a little plaque with my name and picture on next to the door for donating a bunch of Nvidia Shield tablets and handhelds to the children's ward, which I have become more loved their, then the children's parents, who says you can't buy affection. The room has all the little amenities that I need like a espresso machine, mini fridge, microwave, I have even setup a projector with screen, a couple of bluetooth speakers and two of those bendy, adjustable monitor arms for my Surface Pro 3 and iPad Air, just to make the experience a little more bearable. When I finally leave here I'm going to need to hire a moving truck, which hopefully should be before Christmas where I plan on spending it in our winter home in Disentis, the home of Globi, the Swiss equivalent of Mickey Mouse but without all of that antisemitism attached behind it.


    These are great for the bed bound or some of our fat and lazy members;


    My room in the hospital;





    Disentis in the winter;


    The wellness spa I'm going to lock myself in for a week;


    Globi, just another corporate plant to indoctrinate our children at a early age;


    ....and last, the coffee machine that keeps me going (in more ways than one, what, morphine will block you up faster than a drain gets after a few of you hairy gorillas get done man-scaping), my Swiss made Gotec Kiss. It takes capsules, very small, yeah I know, I asked my husband to get me a small machine for the room and he comes back with something taken out of the Delorean from Back To The Future, Apparently it was a left over customer gift, not complaining though, coffee is sublime and it's one of the easiest espresso machines I have ever used, so what do I care if it needs plutonium to run.


  • Reply 264 of 284

    Originally Posted by Relic View Post


    You would actually be surprised at how many kids in my daughters school have a BlackBerry Q10, I know, I thought it strange to but apparently they like texting on it. Swisscom has even added it to their student phone collection do to their popularity, nothing like the iPhone of course, the deal consists of unlimited Internet, SMS and calls made in Switzerland, 40 bucks a month for students below the age of 25. Both my kids are on the plan and for an additional 20CHF a month it includes a tablet. My son has a Nokia 930 phone, Nokia 2520 tablet and my daughter has an iPhone 5s, iPad Air. Though we had to pay something up front for the tablets, wasn't much, still a good deal.


    I'm currently in the assistant living quarters of the hospital, it's really the same thing as a normal hospital room except a little larger and private, I even got a little plaque with my name and picture on next to the door for donating a bunch of Nvidia Shield tablets and handhelds to the children's ward, which I have become more loved their, then the children's parents, who says you can't buy affection. The room has all the little amenities that I need like a espresso machine, mini fridge, microwave, I have even set upped a projector with screen, a couple of bluetooth speakers and two of those bendy, adjustable monitor arms for my Surface Pro 3 and iPad Air, just to make the experience a little more bearable. When I finally leave here I'm going to need to hire a moving truck, which hopefully should be before Christmas where I plan on spending it in our winter home in Disentis, the home of Globi, the Swiss equivalent of Mickey Mouse but without all of that antisemitism attached behind it.


    These are great for the bed bound or some of our fat and lazy members;


    Disentis in the winter;


    The wellness spa I'm going to lock myself in for a week;


    Globi, just another corporate plant to indoctrinate out children at a early age;


    ....and last, the coffee machine that keeps me going (in more ways than one, what, morphine will block you up faster than a drain gets after a few of you hairy gorillas get done man-scaping), my Swiss made Gotec Kiss. It takes capsules, very small, yeah I know, I asked my husband to get me a small machine for the room and he comes back with something taken out of the Delorean from Back To The Future, Apparently it was a left over customer gift, not complaining though, coffee is sublime and it's one of the easiest espresso machines I have ever used, so what do I care if it needs plutonium to run.


    Fantastic place and machine ^^

  • Reply 265 of 284
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    relic wrote: »
    Sorry Phil, I didn't forget about you. Yea, we'll talk more in private but I would love to meet up with you soon, you can show me the real Amsterdam or any other city that you prefer, I've never been to Rotterdam.

    I'll be happy to accommodate. You'll get the grand tour, whichever city you prefer. Or I make suggestions.
    The little Bose is actually a really nifty portable speaker, it's amazing how much bass they pump out for such a small unit. It's also a much better speaker then the Beats Pill at the same price. I have absolutely no doubt that you will go head over heals for it, especially once you hear the sound quality. The battery is also very long lasting. The only thing that you might not like about it is the weight, it's a little on the heavy side for such a small thing, personally I actually like the heft, it makes it feel like it's worth something. I've never really gone for Bose stuff in the past as the stores around here never carried them. I found this little Bose at the Apple store, sales guy said it was their most popular Bluetooth speaker. This od course was before the Beats deal went through, I'm sure their singing a different tune now huh.

    I haven't listened to them, yet, but did lift it up the other day and I agree, it feels solid, robust.

    [/quote]Let me know what you think of them and thank you as always for such kind words, your an absolute gem of a human being.[/quote]

    Will do. And thank you for your kind words, you 'resonate positive vibes'.
  • Reply 266 of 284
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    relic wrote: »
    You would actually be surprised at how many kids in my daughters school have a BlackBerry Q10, I know, I thought it strange to but apparently they like texting on it.

    I'm not surprised as my sisters kids also use BB phones. Yup, easier typing they tell me. Though with kids it could very well be that they don't feel like using an iPhone as 'everyone already has that'.
    I'm currently in the assistant living quarters of the hospital, it's really the same thing as a normal hospital room except a little larger and private

    Good for you Relic! A friend of mine is also battling cancer and since he can afford it he too is in a private room. Which makes a lot of sense as you already have the worrying and fighting to do you don't want to be annoyed by other people and their visitors at that moment.
    <a class="H-lightbox-open" href="http://forums.appleinsider.com/content/type/61/id/50596/" style="line-height:1.4em;"><img alt="" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="50596" data-type="61" src="http://forums.appleinsider.com/content/type/61/id/50596/width/200/height/400/flags/LL" style="; width: 200px; height: 400px">

    Without an iPad attached to it it looks like something from Alessi. For some strange reason it also made me think of the

    drunken octopus:

  • Reply 267 of 284
    When I finally leave here I'm going to need to hire a moving truck, which hopefully should be before Christmas

    Great news!
    These are great for the bed bound or some of our fat and lazy members;

    ... I take that back... WT........?....... (see below)
    philboogie wrote: »

    drunken octopus:


    Thanks a lot guys for the mobbing! I've had this "poor man's" equivalent (2x) since the iPad 2... one of which is attached to my bed!

    Amazon.de for ~€50.


    1) I'm not lazy, I just hate holding the bloody thing up while reading or watch movies.

    2) FAT?... well I could use to drop another 5 kilos... but I love cookies and tortilla chips purchased by the kilo from my favorite Mexican restaurant.... while reading and watching movies on my iPad (well that's one excuse anyway...)

    3) Drunken... I live in Germany with the best beer in the world, so it's not unknown to "go out of bounds" once in awhile... my iPad thanks me for it's sturdy prop...


    4) Octopus?... I learned a long time ago to keep my "arms" to myself.... although my "tentacles" do get raised for redheads, at which times certain appendages decide to have a mind of their own. Please excuse me if this happens in connection with stepping out of bounds(!)

    **** Relic is forgiven... but as for you Mr. Boogie.... you're getting meaner every day aren't ya..?! :p

    [@]Relic[/@] - just kidding... I'm really happy to hear you're getting out soon and feeling better(!)

    There's so much in your last post to love... however, it's never been proven that Walt Disney or MM were antisemites themselves (or drawn that way)... regardless of Walt's affiliation with the antisemite group, Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals, which was an anti-Communist and antisemitic organization.

    Criminalization by association.... where have we seen that trope before?
  • Reply 268 of 284

    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    There's so much in your last post to love... however, it's never been proven that Walt Disney or MM were antisemites themselves (or drawn that way)... regardless of Walt's affiliation with the antisemite group, Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals, which was an anti-Communist and antisemitic organization.

    Criminalization by association.... where have we seen that trope before?

    In the interesting facts category, the Mafia has disrupted Nazi meetings in America ("disrupt" is violent when the Mafia and the Nazis both get involved). The reason was, they were allies of the Jewish mobsters, who obviously had reasons to not appreciate the ideals of the nazis.

    I find it fascinating to look at the motivations of diverse groups. The fact that some anti-communists found allies in the nazis (the FBI itself has had very high members who could be linked to this behaviour) doesn't demonstrate that they were antisemitic by nature anymore than the Mafia was Jewish, but it does  demonstrate an order of priority. it was less important for these people to protect a given set of human beings than to protect Capitalism and Property.

    Where have we seen THAT trope before?

  • Reply 269 of 284
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    even though it's thicker then a real passport or as flexible, it feels just fine in your back pocket.

    I tested the Plus yesterday, and to be honest I'm astonished at how easy it is to use. I still am a sucker for smaller screens, so for want of an iPhone 4 or 5 form factor I'll probably go with the 6, but I can easily see my Dad go for the 6+. Anyway, he'll put that in some watertight case and take it around in his sea kayak, so back pockets issues are not a problem ^^

  • Reply 270 of 284

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    Acquiring common sense would achieve the same effect and save you at least $350, too.

    I think I'll get a ?Watch very soon myself. It seems like a game changer to me.

  • Reply 271 of 284
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    philboogie wrote: »
    drunken octopus:


    Drunk and looking for a fight. :lol:
  • Reply 272 of 284
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member

    I wish you the best In your recovery. But seriously, can you provide me an executive summary of your posts? :)
  • Reply 273 of 284
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    relic wrote: »
    That reviewer is definitely entitled to her own opinion but she glanced over a lot of important aspects of the phone, specifically the OS, focusing mostly on the looks and keyboard, typical female gadget reviewer. First, I have Instagram, it was one of the first apps I installed, how, I installed another app store, simple enough, I'm not a big fan of Amazon's solution as it's missing a lot, instead I opted for MoboGenie, which can be side loaded using apk's directly from their site. Once installed, apps like Instagram are just a single install button away and work perfectly fine. I have been discussing the Passport with other owners for over a week now and all of us genuinely agree that we absolutely love the phone, especially the OS. We're not just saying it to bash Apple or Samsung as many of us also own of those phones as well, no, we honestly like the passport because you can actually create on it instead of simply consume. I agree with the women that you won't be as fast with typing on the Passport as say if you were using a Bold but I guarantee you will still be faster than if you were was using a virtual keyboard.

    Like I said over at the Bose thread, for every negative review someone finds I can find at least 5 that are good. It's all in the eye of the beholder, the biggest problem with reviewers is they only use the phone for a day or two. Never really trying to do anything substantial with it but the most basic of activities one would do with a phone. The second she would have typed a typed a two page document, transferred large amounts of data from one machine to another, had written a script using the terminal and VI,, streamed a movie to a TV while still being able to surf the Internet, had 8 apps running, not paused in the background, the light at the end of her negativity tunnel would have turned on and shown her the path to positivity. Is the phone perfect, to many probably not but it's a niche phone, my niche and I absolutely adore it, so do a lot of other people as the phone has been sold out for weeks. Ignore the stupidity, negativity, the only thing you can do is try it out for yourself, reading about something can never substitute actually physically touching and using it. The Passport is worth a look, I wouldn't waste you guy's time if it wasn't.

    Actually, this phone has gotten far more bad reviews than good ones. One of the worst aspects of the phone is that keyboard. Reviewers have complained that the poor placement of the space bar messes up their typing. They also mention that requiring the screen for the extra keys, such as the question mark, etc. makes the entire thing clumsy. In addition, the shape and weight of the phone over the keyboard makes it very top heavy.

    This is another Blackberry phone that will fail.
  • Reply 274 of 284
    In the interesting facts category, the Mafia has disrupted Nazi meetings in America ("disrupt" is violent when the Mafia and the Nazis both get involved). The reason was, they were allies of the Jewish mobsters, who obviously had reasons to not appreciate the ideals of the nazis.
    I find it fascinating to look at the motivations of diverse groups. The fact that some anti-communists found allies in the nazis (the FBI itself has had very high members who could be linked to this behaviour) doesn't demonstrate that they were antisemitic by nature anymore than the Mafia was Jewish, but it does  demonstrate an order of priority. it was less important for these people to protect a given set of human beings than to protect Capitalism and Property.
    Where have we seen THAT trope before?

    Two "themes" I love reading and watching research/documentaries about.
    The Mob: Jewish, Irish, Italian, Russian, Irish... is their a nationality that DOESN'T have it's "mob" to fetishize?

    The Nazis... both of them: the real antisemites... and the true nationalists with not an antisemite bone in their body.

    My dad likes to point out on discussions about the Nazis with him, that in the US mid-west, it wasn't a forgone conclusion that the predominantly German populace that had America's "bread basket" in their hands, would go along with America getting involved in Europe to fight Hitler. Fighting "the Germans" was rarely used in the US propaganda, for just that fear of turning German farmers against the effort, thus causing possible food shortages. There was a large swath of the population that, while they hated Hitler and the march of the Third Reich, they also didn't believe that "Germans" were involved in or capable of the Holocaust, which in many quarters was considered just a nasty rumor by of all people.... Stalin and the Communists to pull us into the fight. Naturally the other quarters were Jewish, which again at the time didn't have a lot of friends around the world.... including the US.

    Does the original series from the 60's and 70's "World At War" still play on US television? Just curious. My father made me stay up late sometimes to watch it with him, calling it "furthering my education" against liberal educators. Where have we heard that before...? ;)

    NOTE: Meyer Lansky has always been one of my favorite mobsters to read about. That guy embodied "chutzpah".
  • Reply 275 of 284
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    melgross wrote: »
    Actually, this phone has gotten far more bad reviews than good ones. One of the worst aspects of the phone is that keyboard. Reviewers have complained that the poor placement of the space bar messes up their typing. They also mention that requiring the screen for the extra keys, such as the question mark, etc. makes the entire thing clumsy. In addition, the shape and weight of the phone over the keyboard makes it very top heavy.

    This is another Blackberry phone that will fail.

    Again I truly believe they just didn't spend the time necessary to learn the new setup. They were expecting a similar experience they had with their old BlackBerries. As I stated above I to had my issues but after using it for a week I learned all the ins and outs, I am now extremely proficient with it. As far as sales are concern, BlackBerry has sold out of their initial stock and orders are backed up for the foreseeable future. We will see what we will see but I would bet on success at least as much as a current BlackBerry can achieve. As for my personal use, I'm extremely happy with it.
  • Reply 276 of 284
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    relic wrote: »
    Again I truly believe they just didn't spend the time necessary to learn the new setup. They were expecting a similar experience they had with their old BlackBerries. As I stated above I to had my issues but after using it for a week I learned all the ins and outs, I am now extremely proficient with it. As far as sales are concern, BlackBerry has sold out of their initial stock and orders are backed up for the foreseeable future. We will see what we will see but I would bet on success at least as much as a current BlackBerry can achieve. As for my personal use, I'm extremely happy with it.

    Maybe, but some of those reviewers had the phone for almost a week, and they are experienced at using many differing forms of technology, so they find it easier to adapt than the regular user is.

    I don't believe a thing the leaders of Blackberry have to say. They've lied to us for years now, and that includes Chen. We also haven't heard a single word about sales after that one announcement. The truth is that even now, Blackberry 7 phone sales consist of almost 70% of Blackberry's production. That doesn't say much for Blackberry 10.
  • Reply 277 of 284
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    melgross wrote: »
    Maybe, but some of those reviewers had the phone for almost a week, and they are experienced at using many differing forms of technology, so they find it easier to adapt than the regular user is.

    I don't believe a thing the leaders of Blackberry have to say. They've lied to us for years now, and that includes Chen. We also haven't heard a single word about sales after that one announcement. The truth is that even now, Blackberry 7 phone sales consist of almost 70% of Blackberry's production. That doesn't say much for Blackberry 10.

    Fair enough, all I can do is report my experience and it's a top notch product, regardless of a few reviews. Specifically in the area of multitasking, I enjoy it immensely so that's all that matters, well to me anyway, in fact it's the the best phone I have owned in a long while, since my Nokia 950. There just isn't many phones on the market that cater to power users that isn't Android and the Passport comes pretty darn close to my idea system
  • Reply 278 of 284
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member
    relic wrote: »
    Haha, but most peoples common sense is missing that all important alarm feature.

    Common sense . How the heck can apple make money if I had that.? Anyways as an apple stock holder I have made $22k in 16 months since I bought at a basis of $58 so really. So who has more common sense? I think I have more common sense than someone who buys a Rolex the apple watch is only $350 that's really very cheap imho
  • Reply 279 of 284
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Never mind.

  • Reply 280 of 284
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    relic wrote: »
    Fair enough, all I can do is report my experience and it's a top notch product, regardless of a few reviews. Specifically in the area of multitasking, I enjoy it immensely so that's all that matters, well to me anyway, in fact it's the the best phone I have owned in a long while, since my Nokia 950. There just isn't many phones on the market that cater to power users that isn't Android and the Passport comes pretty darn close to my idea system

    Seriously, if you enjoy using it, and you find it useful, that's really all that matters. The problems come when you're ready to get another phone. Blackberry may not be making phones then. That's something that even Chen has acknowledged. What will you do then?
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