Earlier MWSF keynote = more new hardware



  • Reply 41 of 142
    reason the keynote is longer:

    as you approach the event horizon, time appears to slow down....

    Check you red shift! it's going to be a big one
  • Reply 42 of 142
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
  • Reply 43 of 142
    Well, attending the show two years ago, I decided to watch the webcast of the new products - which was choppy (evne on my cable) and cut out a bit. Then, when I went to the show, I found out that I could have watched the whole thing on Apples big screen at their booth. And I'd get to see the new products as he announced them (with the taking down of the paper and cloth)

    So the next year (last year), I went to the show and was pissed off with everyone else when they wouldn't let us in. We could see all the people who were exhibitors watching the big screen (through the cracks in the red doors), but we couldn't see it. Then, about 50 minutes before the speech ended they let us in.

    I wish I could have seen that on the webcast.


    Oh yeah - I'd expect something bigger...or just that S.J. just wanted more time, and they suggested that if he took 2.5 hours on the first day of the show, people would be angry cause that's less time the attendies would get for confrences and to walk the floor.

  • Reply 44 of 142
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by Bozo the Clown:

    <strong>Point is, that we know no more or no less than before the keynote was moved. So keep your pants on.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Not true BtC...

    We now know the keynote is hour longer than it was set for and yes. that along will keep people talking things up (till the very last minute).

  • Reply 45 of 142
    I agree, the length of the keynote is more telling than the date. Suggests Steve-O will have lots to talk about.

    All I'm saying is that you can't conclude that a particular product will or will not be released based on the date of the keynote...

    I'm cautiously optimistic for some real speed improvements at this point.
  • Reply 45 of 142
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by AirSluf:

    <strong>before a 340 pound foul smelling clod not so unceremoniusly moved them out of the way and gets Cheetos sludge all over the keyboard..</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hey you know that guy too? He seems to show up at every MW I've been able to attend and the *$%@ always has on the same stupid tee-shirt too!

  • Reply 47 of 142
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by Bozo the Clown:

    <strong>All I'm saying is that you can't conclude that a particular product will or will not be released based on the date of the keynote...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I don't know why not BtC?! Everyone else seems to have no problems doing it!

  • Reply 48 of 142
    *l++*l++ Posts: 129member
    Here is a more accurate translation from the French courtesy me:

    Here is what our anonymous informant has just sent us a few minutes ago. Apple would thus have decided to announce two new Powerbooks, that would differ only through the inclusion of a combo CDRW-DVD drive in place of the current DVD drive. It would hence have taken the Apple a few weeks to succeed in producing a "slot-in" model that fits in the TiBook specific design. Nothing too exciting, but if confirmed it is still quite a pleasant enhancement. Visibly, this update should be imminent... Eventually :-)

    [ 12-12-2001: Message edited by: *l++ ]</p>
  • Reply 49 of 142
    [quote]Originally posted by DaveGee:


    I don't know why not BtC?! Everyone else seems to have no problems doing it!


  • Reply 50 of 142
    Who's MCing the keynote?
  • Reply 51 of 142
    [quote]Originally posted by amidala:


    So the next year (last year), I went to the show and was pissed off with everyone else when they wouldn't let us in. We could see all the people who were exhibitors watching the big screen (through the cracks in the red doors), but we couldn't see it. Then, about 50 minutes before the speech ended they let us in.


    At MacWorld NY in July of this year they had a seperate room downstairs where you could watch the Keynote for free with only a Hall pass. I know because thats exactly what I did. They didnt' announce it, they didn't post signs, it was just down there on 2 big screens. I saw an open auditorium and heard the speech through the doors. There was a security guard standing there and he looked at my badge and said "don't be shy, come right in". There were even plenty of open seats.

    So either he was colorblind, very generous, or you really could watch it for free. I mean hell, you could watch it at Apple's Marketcenter for free, so why not at the Expo itself?

    I guess they don't do this at the Moscone Center?
  • Reply 52 of 142
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    The moving of the keynote has no significance, except for the fact that now I'll be on vacation when the webcast is on, so I can watch my first keynote at home.

    2.5 hours doesn't mean much really. You can read it two ways:

    A. More cooler hardware

    B. Less cooler hardware, more excuses
  • Reply 53 of 142
    Yeah but then Steve-O wouldn't be "hyping" it by saying they want it to be the most exciting expo to date. Remember how they toned things down after the great letdown of 2001 that was MWNY? They even announced there would be no new hardware for the event after that. Not sure if "that" was Seybold but I do remember people speculating that "new" didn't mean "revised" products could be announced. Anyway, I think its safe to assume this is going to be a big Macworld.

    Revolution 2 everybody.
  • Reply 54 of 142
    [quote]Originally posted by Grizelmac:


    Sadly, this designation is already held by Dec, 7 1941 and Sept. 11 2001.

    Sorry for the downer, but we need a little more perspective.</strong><hr></blockquote>
  • Reply 55 of 142
    tjmtjm Posts: 367member
    [quote]Originally posted by rollerdexter:

    <strong>From the email from Apple announcing the date change:

    "This is the first time in the 18 year history of Macworld Conference & Expo that

    the Keynote will take place the day before the exhibit floor opens, and Apple

    and IDG World Expo promises it will be well worth attending."

    this is going to be big, Big, BIG!!!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Sorry, BtC and other pessimists. There really will be a lot of new stuff at MWSF. I agree that we should not get our hopes too set on any specific hardware, but it obvious that there will be a bonanza this time around.

    Apple could have given a bland announcement to downplay this keynote move, such as "Due to scheduling conflicts [i.e. Steve's jet is scheduled for a tune-up on Tuesday... ], we have been forced to move the keynote speech up a day," or something to that effect - killing any chance of reading something into it. Instead they deliberately made the point that this is THE FIRST TIME IN ITS 18-YEAR HISTORY that they're doing it and bragging that it will be something special.

    If they *don't* have lots of new stuff, I think we will can be justifiably angry at this point. Apple is deliberately pouring gasoline onto the rumor fires with this announcement. I'm not going to speculate on precisely what I think they may have coming, but Apple has made it clear it will be a big.

    I recall a quote of someone overhearing Jobs as he left the stage at MWNY last July to the effect of, "that really stunk - we should have had the good stuff ready...". I'm not sure what "the good stuff" was that he was referring to, but I don't think he is going to have two "downers" in a row. Particularly not after the wording of this keynote announcement.

    So, let's let some visions of sugar-plums and G5 chips dance in our heads. Let's drop the "If there's no 2.8 GHz G5 and a 1.4 GHz G4 iMac I'm changing to Windows!" type nonsense (which makes us sound like Angelica of Rugrats fame). We should instead look at January 7 as a second Christmas, and see what kind of goodies Santa Jobs brings us. It should be a quite a load.
  • Reply 56 of 142
    I'm not really that pessimitic; I just think with people assuming every product will magically hit the 1GHz mark will be disappointed. All signs do point to an exciting expo...
  • Reply 57 of 142
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    Apple seriously needs to reschedule it's expos. They have the most moronic times for releasing new products.

    MWNY: Products released late July, usually available in September. In time for education market but stale by holidays.

    MWSF: Products announced just after Holiday rush.

    Push the expos back a month for god's sake!
  • Reply 58 of 142
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    Or of course beleive it or not but Apple and IDG need to make sure that people show up for the keynote even though the floor isn't open.

    Let me pose this to you: Do you really think that the person that writes those has any idea whatsoever what will be announced. Jobs thought that the iMacs at MWNY were the "coolest ever..."

    I am just trying to set myself up to be excited rather than disapointed like MWNY. Trying not to get my hopes too high! :cool:
  • Reply 59 of 142
    I would translate this into the LCD iMac. I think Apple is going to try to have a big rebirth of the iMac and it is going to rock.

    I can not wait now! If Apple was trying to get people exited they have sucseded!! I am going to be there and the extra hour is totaly ok buy me!!

    I just hope Apple lets us play with the products that day! I will not be able to sleep with out touching the new iMac!
  • Reply 60 of 142
    cobracobra Posts: 253member
    2.5 hour keynote. :eek:

    I guess Steve better have a few bottles of water on stage!
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