Earlier MWSF keynote = more new hardware



  • Reply 81 of 142
    I think Apple realizes that a G5 launch is finally realistic for MWSF since they may have found out from Motorola that the G5 is done, and that's why they upped the keynote length in order for Steve to talk about all the details of the new processor, and also to perform tons of bake-offs against the 2 GHz Pentium 4 and maybe even the Athlon XP.

    More time will also be given so he can talk about the LCD iMac (which was the original solo star), maybe do a iMovie 3 intro, Image Capture Studio/iStudio?, as well as QuickTime 6. (Or maybe the QT6 intro will wait til the conference in Feb.) Who knows. I just think the extra time was added in order to make way for 2 show-stoppers. Kinda like MWSF '99 when Jobs unveiled the multi-color iMacs and the B&W G3 tower.
  • Reply 82 of 142
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    groverat wrote:

    [quote]Amorph, I'd LOOOOOOVE a cube, got one for me? <hr></blockquote>

    I've got one in my pocket with your name on it, hot stuff.

    That's what it's gonna be, folks: 2.5 hours of Cubes! Yeah!

    Or not. I'm still hoping that the LCD iMac design is carried over to all the LCD monitor sizes, but what are the odds that that's gonna happen?

    Oh, and maybe the iPod will get a stablemate?
  • Reply 83 of 142
    tjmtjm Posts: 367member
    TigerWoods99 had a thread of "The Night Before MacWorld" earlier this evening that apparently got deleted, but not before inspiring me to the following:

    A Visit From Saint Steve

    (with profound apologies to Clement C. Moore)

    Twas the night before MacWorld and all through the house

    Not a pixel was stirring, not even my mouse.

    The Internet access was checked with great care

    With hopes that Steve?s keynote would soon broadcast there.

    The AppleInsiders were all snug in their beds

    While visions of G5 chips danced in their heads.

    My PowerMac was wailing iTunes in the night

    While the Pismo was showing a flashing green light.

    When suddenly a power surge spun the disk platter

    On my iMac, which began an incessant loud chatter!

    Away to the keyboard I flew at a dash

    Unplugged the printer and emptied the trash.

    The screen on the monitor started to glow

    And started a really remarkable show

    When, what to my wondering eyes should appear

    A new Quicktime window and a bottle of beer (!)

    With a man in a turtle-neck shirt with long sleeves,

    I knew in a moment it must be Saint Steve!


    More rapid than Gigabit Ethernet frames

    Came the sights of the hardware Steve started to name:

    ?New iMac, new PBook, new iBook and more!

    The G5! Apollo! and gadgets galore!

    To the highest known FLOPS, past the GigaHertz wall!

    Now stash away, stash away, stash away all!?

    As transfers with FireWire connections imply,

    When hot-swapped to Macintosh ports on the fly,

    So his aides and associates hid the new stuff

    Making pre-Macworld rumors all seem like a bluff.

    Then a new Quicktime window appeared on my screen

    With Avie Tevanian making the scene.

    As Photoshop turned the P4s into toast,

    His Steveness was making another big boast.

    He was dressed all in black from his head to his foot,

    And he walked like an Admin logged into the root.

    With a ?Micro$oft $ux? sticker glued to his back,

    He looked like a Slash-dotter ready to hack.

    His eyes - how they twinkled, his haircut - how scary!

    A bottle of water he always would carry.

    He smiled as he thought of the upcoming show

    With his ?Oh, one more thing? speech all ready to go.

    The stump of a pencil he held in his hand,

    Computing the reception of AirPort through sand.

    My hard drive by this time was getting quite smelly,

    Like a dead fish with Celeron chips in its belly.

    I coughed from the smoke and Steve looked up at me

    I feared I was caught and would no longer see.

    But a smile crossed the lips of the iCEO

    And I knew he was going to let this one go.

    He spoke not a word but pulled out a remote

    That was hooked to an iPod and held up a note.

    The camera zoomed in ?til the note could be read

    ?Macintosh Rules!? was all that it said.

    He showed once again each new Mac and device,

    From the Gigawire hubs right down to the mice.

    And I heard him exclaim as he faded from sight,

    ?Happy MacWorld to All, All The Rumors Were Right!?

    <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    [ 12-13-2001: Message edited by: TJM ]</p>
  • Reply 84 of 142
    [quote]Originally posted by MacGregor:


    1. How about the head of RealNetworks. It would be almost like inviting Bill Gates, but there is alot of behind-the-scenes things going on with media on the internet now.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Geez, I'd rather see Bill Gates there... <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 85 of 142
    TJM: Wow man. That must have taken some time. Very amusing though. I was entertained!
  • Reply 86 of 142
    Oh man, that was great. Kinda what I am predicting too, although not in verse. (I can't remember the meter that's written in, it has something to do with 12)

    Do you mind if I repost that with attribution to the Macintoshian Achaia on Ars Technica?
  • Reply 87 of 142
    Where is the keynote held? I've been to Moscone Center but have never figured out where they hold the keynote. What time do you need to start lining up in order to get in?
  • Reply 88 of 142
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member

    Damn! That's great!
  • Reply 89 of 142
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member
    I bet a good chunk of the time will be taken up with that new hit sensation...

    the iPod Dancers!

    All the moves are based on the guy in the TV commercial.

    The iPods will be synchronized via airport, so all the dancers wearing their headphones will all look too goofy to write about at the exact same time. to demonstrate the iPods storage capacity, the iPod Dancers will keep on dancing, through all 1,000 songs in their pockets!

    Some of the moves will also be incorporated as a salute to idiot dance moves everywhere. Significant ones include any of the Brady Bunch dances/songs, most of Devo's gyrations, a few from Lawrence Welk's shows (mainly used to let the audience go PEE), and a special tribute to the King of Pop, Steve Ballmer!
  • Reply 90 of 142
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    Just remember, anything that wasn't introduced at Paris Expo (which probably isn't much after TiBook and iBook's updates shortly after) should be released in SF.

    [ 12-13-2001: Message edited by: CosmoNut ]</p>
  • Reply 91 of 142
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    [quote]Originally posted by Outsider:


    iBook bumped to 100MHz bus and 750MHz.


    This has already happened.
  • Reply 92 of 142
    tjmtjm Posts: 367member
    [quote]Originally posted by KD5MDK:

    <strong>Oh man, that was great. Kinda what I am predicting too, although not in verse. (I can't remember the meter that's written in, it has something to do with 12)

    Do you mind if I repost that with attribution to the Macintoshian Achaia on Ars Technica?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Go right ahead! I had a blast just writing it. I'm glad others are enjoying it, too.

    Let's see now... Where did I leave my copy of "The Iliad"? I feel another parody coming on.
  • Reply 93 of 142
    Um, it did?
  • Reply 93 of 142
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    The iBook is still at 600MHz and you're right, all but the lowest end iBook has a 100MHz bus. I meant all iBooks having a 100MHz bus and bumped to 750MHz..
  • Reply 95 of 142
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member
    [quote]Originally posted by MacGregor:

    <strong>Actually Escher, my ballooning friend, I wish I spoke/wrote French and had Apple inside information, but alack. As it is, the only other language I'm vaguely fluent in is Tongan and that helps me communicate with almost no one!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    MacGregor: I felt compelled to ask on the off chance that you had a second personality of which I wasn't aware. Tongan? You speak the language of Heaven on Earth. That's pretty tough to beat. (I hear from friends who went there for their honeymoon that Tonga's beauty and serenity is just otherworldly.)

    As for the latest twist in the One-Day-Early-Keynote-Saga, <a href="http://www.macminute.com/"; target="_blank">MacMinute</a> is reporting that: "Yesterday's announcement regarding the change in Apple CEO Steve Jobs' Macworld Expo San Francisco keynote?which was pushed ahead a day?was a decision made solely by Apple and Jobs himself, with little input from IDG World Expo, MacMinute has learned."

    Boy am I excited. Maybe this time I'll finally manage to get that streaming webcast working...

  • Reply 96 of 142
    This is one of the best threads yet.

    Anyway, ATI are set to release 8500 and 7500 Mac AGP cards at the expo. (Register)

    Also, there is an item on yourdailymac (which I am very cautious of) which states that G4 LCD iMacs and an unbelievable 'tower' have been demoed.

    Makes you wonder...

    Steve may need the 2.5 hours.
  • Reply 97 of 142
    [quote]Originally posted by DaveLee:


    Also, there is an item on yourdailymac (which I am very cautious of) which states that G4 LCD iMacs and an unbelievable 'tower' have been demoed.


    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  • Reply 98 of 142
    eh, maybe its 2.5 hours long because Stevo is retiring and its his fairwell speech

    or maybe he will talk about the new AppleWorks 7 for 2.5 hours..

    or maybe FCP 3

    or maybe....
  • Reply 99 of 142
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    TJM: Brilliant! LOL!

    In more prosaic news, <a href="http://www.macintouch.com"; target="_blank">macintouch</a> is now saying that a "source" claims the LCD iMac will be revealed along with an "imaging" digital hub device.

    Unfortunately, macintouch has a fairly dismal track record with rumors.
  • Reply 100 of 142
    [quote]Originally posted by Escher:


    Tongan? You speak the language of Heaven on Earth. That's pretty tough to beat.



    The language of Heaven on Earth? I always thought that was <a href="http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/misc/local/TolkLang/"; target="_blank">Quenyan</a> <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    -- ShadyG
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