Earlier MWSF keynote = more new hardware



  • Reply 61 of 142
    Well this show should be baller.

    I just hope for Apple's sake and my sake that it is a big show with iMac LCD and the PowerMac G5. I could really use a G5 for my senior project. I'm almost fed up with the p.o.s. I'm typing on right now.
  • Reply 62 of 142

    Please Jobs introduce a stunning brand new G5, that would be my sweetest Christmas gift!!!
  • Reply 63 of 142
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    With 2.5 hours to play with Steve might take out the entire first row in a flurry of flying digital cameras!
  • Reply 64 of 142
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Anyone know if TechTV will bropadcast it again? I just hope they don't feel burnt after broadcasting the NY show, they ripped Apple after the show.
  • Reply 65 of 142
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Amorph, I'd LOOOOOOVE a cube, got one for me?

    Just poking a bit of fun.
  • Reply 66 of 142
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    Here's the run down:

    1) Steve on stage and stands still <---- 5 minutes

    2) Starting talking about OSX. Some genie effect demos, then introduce a 'brand new' minimize effect 'suck' <---- 30 minutes

    3) Introduce new iMac. Same case, same screen, same video card, Speed up to 800Mhz G3. And then introduce some new colors - Grass, cashmere. Explain how they make these colors <----- 45 minutes

    4) Introduce the new PowerMac G4 with speed up to a steller 933Mhz. Using Photoshop to do the bake off with the 2Ghz P4 PC. G4 is 30% faster than the P4 <---- Total time 20 minutes

    5) An extended version of Megahurts myth <----- 45 minutes

    6) iDVD demo, new iTools demo, iPod demo <--- 30 minutes

    7) Steve says thankyou for joing the show and goodbye. The crowd bitch at him for another 5 minutes

    That's it. 2.5 hours of time is gone
  • Reply 67 of 142
    jobesjobes Posts: 106member
    hehe, i'm just made up because I happen to be in SF from the 8th onwards ...

    just enough time to watch the keynote at home, downlaod all the web write-ups onto my palm, and fly across the atlantic ...

    I do believe this'll be a biggie ... i'm just hoping its big enough to warrant me flying back with a new toy I'm really looking fwd to this as its the biggest keynote since the yosemite launch, i think ...

    Well, i hope, rather than think ....
  • Reply 68 of 142
    [quote]Introduction - 1 minute

    *\tTout iPod - 10 minutes

    *\tTout Mac OS X 10.1 - 10 minutes

    *\tIntroduce guy from Lucas Arts for demo of new "Jar-Jar Binks Teaches Spelling" port - 15 minutes

    *\tIntroduce Phil Shiller for crappy PhotoShop bake-off - 15 minutes (margin note: Frickin' Adobe...)

    *\tDemonstrate new iTool: iHotOrNot? - 10 minutes

    *\tBeat stage hand to death after inevitable system crash - 2 minutes

    *\tReveal new kind of iBooks: pre-scratched - 15 minutes

    *\tJuggle - 5 minutes

    *\tSum up - 5 minutes

    *\tOne more thing: Free iPod screen saver firmware update ($20 shipping and handling from Apple Store)<hr></blockquote>

  • Reply 69 of 142
    Well, that sucks for me. I'll be on a flight back home on the 7th. I was looking forward to a nice satellite broadcast on the 8th. Oh, well. I wonder how much internet access costs on trans-pacific flights?
  • Reply 70 of 142
    Isn't it like $4 a minute or something?
  • Reply 71 of 142
    It seems pretty clear that they weren't sure until today that they would have 2.5 hours of stuff to talk about. So there must be something(s) pretty cool and new that got approval for production, TODAY.

    We are go for launch!

    But for what???

    Not an 800Mhz G3 iMac with an "improved" 15 CRT I hope....
  • Reply 72 of 142
    [quote]Remember at past Keynotes we had a lot of stories the day before from people who were working at other booths and snuck over to the Apple booth to get a looksie? Well, Apple doesn't even have to start setting up now until Monday at 12pm....AFTER the keynote. Maybe Steve is doing this to really keep a wrap on things.<hr></blockquote>

    Actually, that's not entirely true. The Apple booth will be open to the media after Monday's keynote.
  • Reply 73 of 142
    The iPeeCee will be announced.

    The 'revolutionary' OS will be based on the original Apple DOS.

    The 'revolutionary' GUI will look like X (X11 that is).

    The 'revolutionary' casing will be a beige plastic/tin box.

    It comes with a 5GHz CPU that is as fast as a 500Mhz Celeron (it is in fact just a 500Mhz Celeron).

    Over 250,000 shareware/freeware products will run on it, albeit very poorly. All existing PC software will run on it just not all the time and not very well either.

    The multitude of crappy semi free software full of bugs, together with poor performance and stability of both hardware and software will finally get PC lovers ditching their current systems for these new iPeeCee's.

    New models and versions of both hardware and software will be introduced on a monthly basic.

    No real performance advantage or features will be included however an aggressive naming scheme will be introduced to make them appear better.

    And one more thing - A version of the iPod for the iPeeCee will be announced called the iPud. As firewire will not be available on the iPeeCees it will use thin-wire and will come in a variety of recycled tuppaware containers. Again this will be 'the' accessory for all PC owners.

    Steve has finally realised that being the best doesn't sell to the gullible masses.

  • Reply 74 of 142
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    [quote]Originally posted by Mr_B8er:

    <strong>The iPeeCee will be announced.

    The 'revolutionary' OS will be based on the original Apple DOS.

    The 'revolutionary' GUI will look like X (X11 that is).

    The 'revolutionary' casing will be a beige plastic/tin box.

    It comes with a 5GHz CPU that is as fast as a 500Mhz Celeron (it is in fact just a 500Mhz Celeron).

    Over 250,000 shareware/freeware products will run on it, albeit very poorly. All existing PC software will run on it just not all the time and not very well either.

    The multitude of crappy semi free software full of bugs, together with poor performance and stability of both hardware and software will finally get PC lovers ditching their current systems for these new iPeeCee's.

    New models and versions of both hardware and software will be introduced on a monthly basic.

    No real performance advantage or features will be included however an aggressive naming scheme will be introduced to make them appear better.

    And one more thing - A version of the iPod for the iPeeCee will be announced called the iPud. As firewire will not be available on the iPeeCees it will use thin-wire and will come in a variety of recycled tuppaware containers. Again this will be 'the' accessory for all PC owners.

    Steve has finally realised that being the best doesn't sell to the gullible masses.


    umm....yeah....nice first post there. Way to start out....
  • Reply 75 of 142
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    I think that this "day early thing" and the lengh change means something. They wouldn't just do it to **** with us....at least I don't think they would.

    This has got to mean something....
  • Reply 76 of 142
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by Leonis:

    <strong>Here's the run down:

    1) Steve on stage and stands still &lt;---- 5 minutes

    2) Starting talking about OSX. Some genie effect demos, then introduce a 'brand new' minimize effect 'suck' &lt;---- 30 minutes

    3) Introduce new iMac. Same case, same screen, same video card, Speed up to 800Mhz G3. And then introduce some new colors - Grass, cashmere. Explain how they make these colors &lt;----- 45 minutes

    4) Introduce the new PowerMac G4 with speed up to a steller 933Mhz. Using Photoshop to do the bake off with the 2Ghz P4 PC. G4 is 30% faster than the P4 &lt;---- Total time 20 minutes

    5) An extended version of Megahurts myth &lt;----- 45 minutes

    6) iDVD demo, new iTools demo, iPod demo &lt;--- 30 minutes

    7) Steve says thankyou for joing the show and goodbye. The crowd bitch at him for another 5 minutes

    That's it. 2.5 hours of time is gone </strong><hr></blockquote>

    I sure hope not. That would be horrible! :eek:
  • Reply 77 of 142
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    Oh...what about this.....

    Steve monkey dances in the entire keynote?
  • Reply 78 of 142
    All it means is that AppleInsider will be DOWN a day earlier than usual

  • Reply 79 of 142
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by Macmedia:

    <strong>All it means is that AppleInsider will be DOWN a day earlier than usual


    Hopefully not.
  • Reply 80 of 142
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    Actually Escher, my ballooning friend, I wish I spoke/wrote French and had Apple inside information, but alack. As it is, the only other language I'm vaguely fluent in is Tongan and that helps me communicate with almost no one!

    When I contemplate Steve Jobs on-stage for that amount of time, I think of two things: lots of "guest speakers," and perhaps a new product matrix or some other vision-thing. Apple's digital hub vision still doesn't show a continuity yet and this would be a good time to outline one. The iPod is the beginning, but there needs to be some greater sense of what the future will hold.

    As for big time guests:

    1. How about the head of RealNetworks. It would be almost like inviting Bill Gates, but there is alot of behind-the-scenes things going on with media on the internet now. He could come out describing how RealNetworks recently decided to support MPEG4 as used by the next QuickTime version 6. Why, maybe that may trigger non-Microsoft standardizations for wireless mediaplayers and that might mean extra time devoted to announcing the next digital appliance, like the rumored iWalk. A mobile QT player w/ Firewire and Airport.

    2. How about the head of Adobe demonstrating Photoshop for OS X...good for the pro's to see.

    3. How about celebrities showing their use of Final Cut Pro 2.

    4. School district reps?


    The iMac seems like a good bet.

    The G5 seems a little too far away, but a quad-PowerMac should be feasible at the lower speeds.

    The next digital appliance (iWalk)would be great!

    Anyway it does bode well, but I think I can finally be realistic and not get my hopes up too much.

    And perhaps enough time to show a commercial in the same vein as the Newsweek advertisement that describes Apple products as tangentially digging at Microsoft's monopoly.

    Anyway its great to see Appleinsider up again, I sure missed Future Hardware.

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