Because obviously there couldn't possibly be racism in the world, and obviously it's hardly ever targeted at black people. Especially if white people like you don't ever see it.
...and if a group of 'white' students (or Asian, or Indian, or any other group) with backpacks acting 'suspicious' in a store were asked to leave, there would be no headline at all.
...and if a group of 'white' students (or Asian, or Indian, or any other group) with backpacks acting 'suspicious' in a store were asked to leave, there would be no headline at all.
You are probably right. We live in a world now where anytime something happens to a black person, it's always racism, which is ridiculous.
If the kids felt they were profiled, then we can't judge those feelings. Obviously everyone involved are reasonable people as when the store manager apologized, they accepted without issue. I know I've been profiled in Apple stores before here in the US and the feeling is very real, even if I know the employees didn't mean anything personal to me by it and otherwise would have been cool to me if they got to know me.
Liberals and other unsavory types have completely destroyed and diminished the word 'racism'. In 2015 the word has become a huge joke. It's been a joke for a number of years now already.
I applaud racists the world over, and anybody else who has at one time or another been called a racist! Being a 'racist' means nothing anymore. I do not take any claims of racism seriously, as the majority of such claims are completely bogus and are often fabrications from the alleged 'victim'. Sometimes the victim is even the perpetrator behind any acts. Talk about truly disgusting people!
People who make racism claims should be fully investigated and all perpetrators of fraud and false accusations should be prosecuted and sentenced to prison time. It is usually the SJWs who are the real racists and these sorts of people will get what's coming to them, eventually. Throw the bums in jail, regardless of their skin tone.
As for a group of black students in a store, it is a documented problem that large groups of 'minority' youth have engaged in what is known as 'wilding' and there have been numerous incidents of looting also, where a mob of them will invade a store and steal. Anybody who follows the news knows that there have been many such incidents. Trash is trash, and trash comes in all colors and sizes. Trash is colorblind.
As for Apple stores, all groups of youth, regardless of race, should be watched in stores.
While this seems entirely rational, there's also no evidence to the contrary (that it's explicitly not racism). Fighting racism requires sensitivity to it.
Oh no, I've made an Internet faux pas and said the word "sensitivity"! Trolls and biting sarcasm soldiers, ATTACK!!
There's a trend where Internet articles about racism attract comments (usually from entitled and privileged people) denying racism is involved. ("Oh I don't deny it exists", says the commentator, "just in THIS case") This article already has several such meme-like examples of "why are they making it about race?" comments. Commentators like this push for the opinion that race isn't an issue, and therefore contribute to actual institutionalized racism via the notion that it is nonexistent "in this case". The best way to keep an institutional attitude is to deny its existence. Pretending racism isn't still a serious issue only helps preserve racism.
Racism in the "west" was pretty much eliminated or on its way out... The past couple of generations have been born "color blind" in that our young people don't give two hoots about what color you are. It's the "race hustlers" like Sharpton & Jackson for example, who keep dragging up old grievances and inventing completely new ones to perpetuate their industry - which is supported by people in powerful positions as it provides ongoing support for that power. Race relations were really quite fantastic until 2008 when they took a drastic turn downward.
Of course I can say the same thing about the US -- except I will go further. We still have segregation. Mass incarceration of blacks was instituted by President Nixon (his Southern strategy) with the "tough on crime", which put 50% of black men behind bars. The private prison industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the US -- there have been US judges who have recently been convicted of having investments in the private prison systems and having received kickbacks for imprisoning teenagers for minor offenses.
There are companies in the US which used prison labor to feather their bottom line -- Whole Foods being the most obvious example == slavery today.
Former President Carter wrote a recent book, detailing how Atlanta Georgia is the epicenter for importation of female "child" sexual slaves into the US -- it's not a minor number.
And let's not forget about "illegal immigrants" (which may not be the true since, especially in places like Arizona and Texas, you're presumed illegal if you look Mexican and you can be arrested if you don't have citizenship papers with you to prove otherwise == apartheid). They work for low wages so typically white owners can make more money and American consumers can pay less at the store. The pay into Social Security retirement which the last I read was about $50 billion dollars, which they will never be able to get back.
"[T]he USA which had slaves" should read "The USA which has slaves".
Looks like the indoctrination has worked beautifully on you.
This would not now happen in England since some Romanies went to a pub for a drink and were barred at the door of a Weatherspoons pub. The Romanies saught Litigation via a Solicitor (who was also barred because of the colour of his skin) and when it went to court in London, the judge awarded each person £3500 Damages amounting to £24500 in total for the Romani party! Any person who is victimised because of his race, colour of his skin or Religious or Political belief, has a legal case to take it to court and I can provide the names of the Solicitors who would welcome anyone else so victimised to claim against the perpetrator!
And let's not forget about "illegal immigrants" (which may not be the true since, especially in places like Arizona and Texas, you're presumed illegal if you look Mexican and you can be arrested if you don't have citizenship papers with you to prove otherwise == apartheid). They work for low wages so typically white owners can make more money and American consumers can pay less at the store. The pay into Social Security retirement which the last I read was about $50 billion dollars, which they will never be able to get back.
Wow, I can't believe what I just read. So it's apartheid that you are required to have identification papers with you at all times when you are not a citizen of the country you are in? It sounds like you don't travel much. So what's your response on the cost of illegal immigration on the American taxpayer? Last I looked, it was an average of $113 billion a year.
Wow, I can't believe what I just read. So it's apartheid that you are required to have identification papers with you at all times when you are not a citizen of the country you are in? It sounds like you don't travel much. So what's your response on the cost of illegal immigration on the American taxpayer? Last I looked, it was an average of $113 billion a year.
I didn't say they were not citizens. I'm guaranteed not to be asked for my citizenship papers in Arizona and Texas because I'm white, but Mexican Americans (legal, naturalized or born here) can be asked to produce proof of citizenship.
Your citation of the cost of illegal immigration is pure BS.
Of course I can say the same thing about the US -- except I will go further. We still have segregation. Mass incarceration of blacks was instituted by President Nixon (his Southern strategy) with the "tough on crime", which put 50% of black men behind bars. The private prison industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the US -- there have been US judges who have recently been convicted of having investments in the private prison systems and having received kickbacks for imprisoning teenagers for minor offenses.
There are companies in the US which used prison labor to feather their bottom line -- Whole Foods being the most obvious example == slavery today.
Former President Carter wrote a recent book, detailing how Atlanta Georgia is the epicenter for importation of female "child" sexual slaves into the US -- it's not a minor number.
And let's not forget about "illegal immigrants" (which may not be the true since, especially in places like Arizona and Texas, you're presumed illegal if you look Mexican and you can be arrested if you don't have citizenship papers with you to prove otherwise == apartheid). They work for low wages so typically white owners can make more money and American consumers can pay less at the store. The pay into Social Security retirement which the last I read was about $50 billion dollars, which they will never be able to get back.
"[T]he USA which had slaves" should read "The USA which has slaves".
To quote Jeff Goldblum's character in the first Jurassic Park movie:
We here in New Zealand mock Australia for their attitudes. It's our sort of joke between the two nations that Australia is known as the racist country (truth be told NZ probably isn't much better).
Glad to see this article isn't destroying that profiling of Australia. :-)
I didn't say they were not citizens. I'm guaranteed not to be asked for my citizenship papers in Arizona and Texas because I'm white, but Mexican Americans (legal, naturalized or born here) can be asked to produce proof of citizenship.
Your citation of the cost of illegal immigration is pure BS.
Of course you aren't going to be asked for your citizenship papers. There aren't millions of whites flooding across the southern border. Likewise, a black person isn't going to be asked for their citizenship papers. The majority of illegals are coming from Mexico. Your argument is weak.
Take off your liberal blinders for a second and actually think about it. Those numbers are hardly bs. Over $50 billion alone is the cost of educating illegal immigrant children in the public school system. It costs billions to cover the cost of healthcare for illegals. You didn't think all that stuff was free did you?
That is pure bullsh*t.
The fact is that there would not have been a problem if the kids had been white.
Get a clue...
You are just speculating.
Because obviously there couldn't possibly be racism in the world, and obviously it's hardly ever targeted at black people. Especially if white people like you don't ever see it.
...and if a group of 'white' students (or Asian, or Indian, or any other group) with backpacks acting 'suspicious' in a store were asked to leave, there would be no headline at all.
...and if a group of 'white' students (or Asian, or Indian, or any other group) with backpacks acting 'suspicious' in a store were asked to leave, there would be no headline at all.
You are probably right. We live in a world now where anytime something happens to a black person, it's always racism, which is ridiculous.
If the kids felt they were profiled, then we can't judge those feelings. Obviously everyone involved are reasonable people as when the store manager apologized, they accepted without issue. I know I've been profiled in Apple stores before here in the US and the feeling is very real, even if I know the employees didn't mean anything personal to me by it and otherwise would have been cool to me if they got to know me.
Unless that employee was trained on how to spot thieves then he needs to sit back, stfu, sell Apple products and let security do their jobs.
This is discrimination if not racially motivated at the least.
You are just speculating. You weren't there. How would you know if that employee is racist or not? You don't.
Liberals and other unsavory types have completely destroyed and diminished the word 'racism'. In 2015 the word has become a huge joke. It's been a joke for a number of years now already.
I applaud racists the world over, and anybody else who has at one time or another been called a racist! Being a 'racist' means nothing anymore. I do not take any claims of racism seriously, as the majority of such claims are completely bogus and are often fabrications from the alleged 'victim'. Sometimes the victim is even the perpetrator behind any acts. Talk about truly disgusting people!
People who make racism claims should be fully investigated and all perpetrators of fraud and false accusations should be prosecuted and sentenced to prison time. It is usually the SJWs who are the real racists and these sorts of people will get what's coming to them, eventually. Throw the bums in jail, regardless of their skin tone.
As for a group of black students in a store, it is a documented problem that large groups of 'minority' youth have engaged in what is known as 'wilding' and there have been numerous incidents of looting also, where a mob of them will invade a store and steal. Anybody who follows the news knows that there have been many such incidents. Trash is trash, and trash comes in all colors and sizes. Trash is colorblind.
As for Apple stores, all groups of youth, regardless of race, should be watched in stores.
While this seems entirely rational, there's also no evidence to the contrary (that it's explicitly not racism). Fighting racism requires sensitivity to it.
Oh no, I've made an Internet faux pas and said the word "sensitivity"! Trolls and biting sarcasm soldiers, ATTACK!!
There's a trend where Internet articles about racism attract comments (usually from entitled and privileged people) denying racism is involved. ("Oh I don't deny it exists", says the commentator, "just in THIS case") This article already has several such meme-like examples of "why are they making it about race?" comments. Commentators like this push for the opinion that race isn't an issue, and therefore contribute to actual institutionalized racism via the notion that it is nonexistent "in this case". The best way to keep an institutional attitude is to deny its existence. Pretending racism isn't still a serious issue only helps preserve racism.
Racism in the "west" was pretty much eliminated or on its way out... The past couple of generations have been born "color blind" in that our young people don't give two hoots about what color you are. It's the "race hustlers" like Sharpton & Jackson for example, who keep dragging up old grievances and inventing completely new ones to perpetuate their industry - which is supported by people in powerful positions as it provides ongoing support for that power. Race relations were really quite fantastic until 2008 when they took a drastic turn downward.
Of course I can say the same thing about the US -- except I will go further. We still have segregation. Mass incarceration of blacks was instituted by President Nixon (his Southern strategy) with the "tough on crime", which put 50% of black men behind bars. The private prison industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the US -- there have been US judges who have recently been convicted of having investments in the private prison systems and having received kickbacks for imprisoning teenagers for minor offenses.
There are companies in the US which used prison labor to feather their bottom line -- Whole Foods being the most obvious example == slavery today.
Former President Carter wrote a recent book, detailing how Atlanta Georgia is the epicenter for importation of female "child" sexual slaves into the US -- it's not a minor number.
And let's not forget about "illegal immigrants" (which may not be the true since, especially in places like Arizona and Texas, you're presumed illegal if you look Mexican and you can be arrested if you don't have citizenship papers with you to prove otherwise == apartheid). They work for low wages so typically white owners can make more money and American consumers can pay less at the store. The pay into Social Security retirement which the last I read was about $50 billion dollars, which they will never be able to get back.
"[T]he USA which had slaves" should read "The USA which has slaves".
Looks like the indoctrination has worked beautifully on you.
And let's not forget about "illegal immigrants" (which may not be the true since, especially in places like Arizona and Texas, you're presumed illegal if you look Mexican and you can be arrested if you don't have citizenship papers with you to prove otherwise == apartheid). They work for low wages so typically white owners can make more money and American consumers can pay less at the store. The pay into Social Security retirement which the last I read was about $50 billion dollars, which they will never be able to get back.
Wow, I can't believe what I just read. So it's apartheid that you are required to have identification papers with you at all times when you are not a citizen of the country you are in? It sounds like you don't travel much. So what's your response on the cost of illegal immigration on the American taxpayer? Last I looked, it was an average of $113 billion a year.
Wow, I can't believe what I just read. So it's apartheid that you are required to have identification papers with you at all times when you are not a citizen of the country you are in? It sounds like you don't travel much. So what's your response on the cost of illegal immigration on the American taxpayer? Last I looked, it was an average of $113 billion a year.
I didn't say they were not citizens. I'm guaranteed not to be asked for my citizenship papers in Arizona and Texas because I'm white, but Mexican Americans (legal, naturalized or born here) can be asked to produce proof of citizenship.
Your citation of the cost of illegal immigration is pure BS.
Looks like the indoctrination has worked beautifully on you.
Not indoctrinated, educated.
To quote Jeff Goldblum's character in the first Jurassic Park movie:
"That is one big pile of shit."
Glad to see this article isn't destroying that profiling of Australia. :-)
I didn't say they were not citizens. I'm guaranteed not to be asked for my citizenship papers in Arizona and Texas because I'm white, but Mexican Americans (legal, naturalized or born here) can be asked to produce proof of citizenship.
Your citation of the cost of illegal immigration is pure BS.
Of course you aren't going to be asked for your citizenship papers. There aren't millions of whites flooding across the southern border. Likewise, a black person isn't going to be asked for their citizenship papers. The majority of illegals are coming from Mexico. Your argument is weak.
Take off your liberal blinders for a second and actually think about it. Those numbers are hardly bs. Over $50 billion alone is the cost of educating illegal immigrant children in the public school system. It costs billions to cover the cost of healthcare for illegals. You didn't think all that stuff was free did you?
Just don't bring a bag to the Apple store.
Problem solved.
Just don't bring a bag to the Apple store.
Problem solved.
Or they were just holding their bags wrong.