Matrix Reloaded: SPOILER THREAD

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Well, I was hoping to be the first with a post after seeing it. Close, but not quite There were no midnight shows around here, just a bunch at 10:00. Don't really get it, but 'm not complaining.

I could complain a little about t he audience I saw it with...not as enthusiastic as I had hoped. Well, my verdict...I need to ee it again. I mean, it was awesome, but I need to see it again. And I need to see revolutions. And I need to play Enter the Matrix, and I need to see the animatrix shorts, but most of that's irrelevant. The bit where they go after the power plant, it gets really confusing there for a little bit. Then it straightens out some and then gets weird again at the end.

This one throws a lot of complexity into the story of the Matrix. Not all of it needs working out (the ghosts and vampires and stuff) some of it does. Hopefully the stuff that needs working out, gets worked out in Revolutions.

Those are my thoughts for now. I'll post again later. But for now I'd like to hear what you all have to say.


  • Reply 1 of 253
    daverdaver Posts: 496member
    I caught The Matrix Reloaded tonight with a couple of friends, right after I'd gotten out of a showing of The Pianist (which was superb).

    The movie is NOT underwhelming, but it IS so completely full of itself that I never could maintain interest in the characters or story after sitting through 40 slow minutes of initial exposition. Does every character inside the Matrix have to be an enigmatic, self-important blowhard that proceeds to tease us with information about the future? No wonder Keanu is so confused all the time -- everyone seems to know what's going on except him.

    Still, it's fun. The kung fu has all been done before, but the Agent Smiths versus Neo fight and ESPECIALLY the highway chase scene are outstanding, and worth the price of admission.
  • Reply 2 of 253
    mrmistermrmister Posts: 1,095member
    For starters, wake me up when they stop saying that the humans are used as batteries. That is so f*cking stupid i can't stand it...did they make it more complex/less dumb?
  • Reply 3 of 253
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member

    Originally posted by mrmister

    For starters, wake me up when they stop saying that the humans are used as batteries. That is so f*cking stupid i can't stand it...did they make it more complex/less dumb?

    Almost never mentioned.

    Not as confusing in some ways, but a little disconnected in others.

    Lots of 'disconnected' programs running around added to the story, but didn't make it harder to follow. Neo's choice near the end was a little strange. The Architect seems to think he would make one choice, yet seems to expect him to make the choice that he did.


    So, Neo had 2 what his predecessors did and allow Zion to be totally destroyed, where upon he would select a group of people from within the Matrix to be removed and with them, start Zion up again. What would ten happen to him? Since previous iterations of Zion wated for the One, that would imply that once Zion was started again, previous 'One's' would die/leave and the people would search for the next, until he was found and was faced with the same choice. So, all of the previous iterations of the One chose to abandon Zion to destruction and assisted with the rebuiding of the next Zion group.

    My question is this, why would the other choice be so different. If the Architect beleieved that regardless of what choice was made Zion would be destroyed, why give Neo the choice at all? Unless, as it seems, Neo developed powers in the real world, Zion would face destruction anyway and the machinces could release a few humans from the matrix on their own to rebuilt Zion again.

    I need to see it again and I HAVE to see Revolutions to get answers to this part.
  • Reply 4 of 253
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    The Zion rave + Neo/Trinity sex scene was the stupidest Matrix moment so far.

    The Agent Smiths superfight was far too incoherent for my tastes...a lot like Yoda vs Dooku...lame.

    Freeway chase...freaking beautiful, especially the bike bits.

    I think I'm actually getting sick of the Wire-Fu. They need something fresh...I don't have an ideas though.

    5 minutes of Ms. Belluci. She doesn't even look that good now that I've seen her profile on film.

    Link was badass.

    Trinity used SSH to login to the power-grid, haha.

    Neo flying at the end was the coolest thing ever.

    I don't know how I feel about the whole perpetual cycle explanation at the end. Despite the explanation, I can't think of a good reason for the machines to keep allowing how ever many people they let survive rebuild Zion.

    And what happened to Tank? Goddammit.
  • Reply 5 of 253
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Ooh, Tulkas, you had the same beef as me. They didn't do a very good job of tying things together with the whole Architect scene. It just doesn't make sense, but I guess we're only human.

    There's no reason for Zion to exist other than to speed along the perpetual motion of building the Matrix, allowing people to become aware of the Matrix, and letting the course alone. Why are the machines in such a rush to fix it by dangerously programming in hope and belief into The One?
  • Reply 6 of 253
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    The Zion rave + Neo/Trinity sex scene was the stupidest Matrix moment so far.

    The Agent Smiths superfight was far too incoherent for my tastes...a lot like Yoda vs Dooku...lame.

    Freeway chase...freaking beautiful, especially the bike bits.

    I think I'm actually getting sick of the Wire-Fu. They need something fresh...I don't have an ideas though.

    5 minutes of Ms. Belluci. She doesn't even look that good now that I've seen her profile on film.

    Link was badass.

    Trinity used SSH to login to the power-grid, haha.

    Neo flying at the end was the coolest thing ever.

    I don't know how I feel about the whole perpetual cycle explanation at the end. Despite the explanation, I can't think of a good reason for the machines to keep allowing how ever many people they let survive rebuild Zion.

    And what happened to Tank? Goddammit.

    Dude...the very end was a total mindfvck. Matrix within a matrix? Eh? Eh?
  • Reply 7 of 253
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Ooh, Tulkas, you had the same beef as me. They didn't do a very good job of tying things together with the whole Architect scene. It just doesn't make sense, but I guess we're only human.

    There's no reason for Zion to exist other than to speed along the perpetual motion of building the Matrix, allowing people to become aware of the Matrix, and letting the course alone. Why are the machines in such a rush to fix it by dangerously programming in hope and belief into The One?

    The scene wasn't that hard to follow. The original perfect world that the architect created failed because of humanity's innate imperfection. He then builds The Matrix as we know it such that 99% of the population find it utterly believable. The 1% that don't need to have somewhere to go and that is Zion. The One is built into the system as a failsafe to prevent Zion from ever reaching critical mass or ever causing real harm. Of course, that's what the Architect says is the truth. Me? I don't believe it. There has to be two layers of the Matrix for Neo to have done that at the end.
  • Reply 8 of 253
    what do you mean by two layers?

    i really liked the movie. not as "clean" as the first one. the plot was a little heavy, and the movie could have been trimmed a little. the sex scene and the zion rave, was unneccessary, as mentioned above...

    the special fx were awesome. but i found the freeway chase a little underwhelming. maybe too many things happened at once? can anyone recall the memorable parts of the chase? besides the head on rig collision, which was awesome...

    the superman thing at the end was niiiice.

    was the guy lying on the table at the end of the movie next to neo an agent smith clone?

    EVERYONE in the audience was pissed off at the cliffhanger.

    I need to see it again.
  • Reply 9 of 253
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Ahhh the Rave and Sex Scene were fine to me. In times of War Dancing, Singing and Sex are the favorite pastimes. Although whatsup with the end of the sex scene showing Keanu's ass. I wanted to see CAM in all the buff.

    The chick at the table who had the "Pie Orgasm" was alright. Small ta tas though.

    I think the "Creator" is lying. I believe HE is the failsafe..instituted to offset the Oracle and cause doubt. He is a rogue program.

    Wire-Fu...yeah it's getting old but I can't believe my eyes when I'm seeing Keanu "Whoa" Reeves doing that choreagraphy. I once again bow..humbled by the amazing talents of the Master Y. Wo Ping. He needs to help Wesely Snipes now. After the pathetic action scenes in Blade II.

    Man I gotta say. I love Zion. Is it just me or all the Women there HOT!

    What's with Dr Neo. This guys Matrix Talents are amazing. Removing bullets and bring hearts back to life. Where's Dr Neo when you need him.

    Hey are the Twin Albino Rastafarians dead or are they still waiting to drop from being blow sky high LOL

    I'm definitely seeing this again. So I can pick up on details I might have missed. Revolutions here I come.

    Oh yeah. Agent Smith is still a Badass. :P
  • Reply 10 of 253
    dmgeistdmgeist Posts: 153member
    For those that have seen the movie, you should head over to

    Matrix: Reloaded Production Notes It may help answer some of your questions, or just f*ck with your mind more.....Geist
  • Reply 11 of 253
    709709 Posts: 2,016member
    You will find the answers to all things in Revolutions.....



    The Matrix is just a bad dream induced by Mr. Anderson's love of sushi.
  • Reply 12 of 253
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    I had to pee so bad, I held it as long as possible. When I came back into the theater it was the Architect explaining why there was 'The One'. From what I caught, he said Neo was pretty much just a memory leak in the program, or something like that. What was all that talk about remainders of numbers that had to go somewhere, was that supposed to be Neo? And when Neo went to see the Oracle he walked into that room and that guy was there. Why, when Neo saw him as code, was he glowing like that crazy dessert that girl in the restaurant ate, what's significance, of that glowing?
  • Reply 13 of 253
    klinuxklinux Posts: 453member
    More spoilers...

    Agent Smith says to Neo: "Look, I am your father!"
  • Reply 14 of 253
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by BR

    The scene wasn't that hard to follow. The original perfect world that the architect created failed because of humanity's innate imperfection. He then builds The Matrix as we know it such that 99% of the population find it utterly believable. The 1% that don't need to have somewhere to go and that is Zion. The One is built into the system as a failsafe to prevent Zion from ever reaching critical mass or ever causing real harm. Of course, that's what the Architect says is the truth. Me? I don't believe it. There has to be two layers of the Matrix for Neo to have done that at the end.

    There is no reason for the machines to perpetuate Zion by keeping 13 people alive. None. The One is built-in as a failsafe yet it is the source of the problem. I don't buy that. There shouldn't be any urgency in the machines to pefect the Matrix. How would a handful of humans protect themselves from the machines without the machines letting them? Why would the machines allow Zion to exist at all?

    And I bet your last revelation isn't true despite how Smith can somehow enter the real world and Neo being able to put up his hand and kill the Sentinela in the real world too.
  • Reply 15 of 253
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member

    I don't know how I feel about the whole perpetual cycle explanation at the end. Despite the explanation, I can't think of a good reason for the machines to keep allowing how ever many people they let survive rebuild Zion.

    ok, my understanding of this is the following.

    the architect makes the matrix. turns out that somoene like Neo always shows up within the matrix. this "the one" carries within them a bit of code that's necessary for the Matrix to function. for the Matrix to continue, the One has to voluntarily go back to the source, then the Matrix starts over.

    the reason for Zion is that when the One is faced with a choice, he has to have another choice besides "die and go back to the source". so the machines created/allowed Zion. Zion is humanities hope, so here's what happens.

    the city gets to grow under it's own steam. eventually "the one" is born within the matrix. when the one is born, the growth of Zion goes up astronomically. (hence the quote "zion has grown more in 6 months than in 6 years" after Neo shows up).

    when this happens, the Matrix has run its course, and needs to be reset.

    the Oracle shows up, places this false hope, all to direct "the one" back to the source, so it can start over.

    so "the one" is told, "all of humanity dies, or you sacrifice yourself and you'll be allowed to recreate Zion"

    all the past "ones" had chosen to save humanitiy. neo did not.

    at least that's what i got out of it.
  • Reply 16 of 253
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Nice points Alcimedes. Well it sounds like Neo is a greedy Bastard
  • Reply 17 of 253
    serranoserrano Posts: 1,806member
    Worst. Movie. Evah.
  • Reply 18 of 253
    serranoserrano Posts: 1,806member
    Worst. Music. Evah.
  • Reply 19 of 253
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    the reason for Zion is that when the One is faced with a choice, he has to have another choice besides "die and go back to the source". so the machines created/allowed Zion. Zion is humanities hope, so here's what happens.

    That's the same choice...

    The choice is simple, the extinction of mankind and loss of all hope as the machines resort to other means of sustainining themselves or to go back to the source and restart the Matrix with the slim chance that things will change.

    Zion is still irrelevant.
  • Reply 20 of 253
    westonmwestonm Posts: 140member
    Couldn't Zion be used as a kind of containment for those who have been "freed"? The machines know that eventually some people will get free from the matrix, and having Zion lets the machines know exactly where all the humans are headed. Making destroying them efficient (the are all clustered), and making it harder for "the one" to choose to continue fighting. Without Zion, why wouldn't "the one" try to stop the machines? There wouldn't be any "freed" humans so only "the one" would die in the case of failure.

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