Matrix Reloaded: SPOILER THREAD



  • Reply 81 of 253
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    This is great, I just saw the movie, and in my quest to understand more of what has going on, I (naturally) turned to the internet.

    this is the 5th forum I have been to that has had it's major matrix discourse, and so far EVERYONE has so many great theories and ideas and explanations, but EVERYONE is stumped by the neo/bane emp powers at the end in the real world.

    so far the explanation that has come up the most is "matrix within a matrix" This, definitely would be kind of cheap, and "taking the easy way out" as some here suggested.

    Another theory I heard somewhere, was that Neo and Agent Smith are fundamentally connected, and that in the real world, Smith can affect machines wirelessly(some how) and since neo and smith are connected somehow, they both possess this power.

    Another thing I heard was that Neo can control the machines(thus causing them to stop and then short circuit)because he has been to the inter layers of the matrix and he sees how it all works. Of course that doesn't explain how he could actually physically affect the sentinals, but who knows.

    When you look at it, the way that the sentinels fail, is not as though they were EMP'ed, but rather, that they were halted(exactly as Neo halted the bullets in the first matrix movie, after he comes back to life)then they blew a fuse. This is discouraging because it really does lead to the conclusion that it has to be a matrix within a matrix, and while that is a moderately tricky solution, I was hoping for more.

    The matrix 2 has opened the playing field to quite an ambitous scenario that will required quite a lot of explaining and resolution. I just hope that 3 elegantly explains everything in a way that isn't to lame.
  • Reply 82 of 253
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    Loved it.

    Know the guy who now owns the trailer body used in the highway fight sequence, he kept the LONGPATH artwork on the side. Look for the same trailer to appear ever-so-briefly again in another movie coming out on Joon 6th with an ad for Turbo-Lax (stops constipation FAST!) stuck on the side. Not nearly as exciting a sequence as Matrix though....
  • Reply 83 of 253
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Paul

    I understood that as meaning like I'm supposed to die now, so don't feel bad... but I don't think the keymaker dies multiple times... that doesn't make sense... esp since the french guy was really trying to keep him...also the french guy has been around for more then one version of the matrix, no? "have seen your kind before" or something...

    what I thought was intresting was the way the agents were trying to kill the keymaker as well... would they really kill him? I mean don't they need him as well? or was that just to put on a show for the humans so neo would make the "correct" choice...

    Everything happened the way it was supposed to. Merovingian's no more independent from the chain of events than any other program. There's no deviation. Neo didn't really choose anything when he went through the door.
  • Reply 84 of 253
    To answer one of my questions from earlier:

    Merovingian: A Frankish ruling dynasty (c. a.d. 450-751) founded by Merovech (fl. fifth century) and brought to prominence by Clovis I.

    (ps does it bother anyone else that you can't copy and paste from Watson's dictionary?)
  • Reply 85 of 253
    kraig911kraig911 Posts: 912member
    Some interesting theories... I don't necessarily think a matrix within a matrix is a cop out if you ask me, in fact I think its clever enough for the general populace to notice, and still artistically speaking get the plot in question "what is consciousness" out too. Personally I think it obviously implies matrix within a matrix... we all know that they always refer to all of them being meerly human throughout the whole thing, using 'the matrix' as a whole new universe to control and exist in and implies that outside of this 'matrix operating system' that his super powers wouldn't exist/work. Thus it has to be a matrix(virtual environment) for him to do what he did. Remember that they still use their tagline.. the matrix has you all over the place still. They thought they were all free.

    Personally plot wise I see some inner power struggles within the matrix itself from the old programs and the new existing matrix which I think operates as a whole collective rather than a bunch of seperate programs (ie the old matrix beta version... whatever?) I think that the oracle and the architect imply that their jobs are their purpose and thats what they are supposed to do. I'm getting the feeling that the karate guy around the oracle where neo saw his code and that he was golden implied that there was an outside code inside of the matrix operating system... (the different color, and text pattern?)

    what I'm implying is that yes there are more than one virtual environment for humans to exist in, and that they are given a CHOICE (hint possibly? from the oracle) and that there are more to their parts than we see, maybe there are some good programs/bad programs? maybe there are other virtual environments out there entirely? maybe the oracle, and the architect have had an epiphany and see their viscious cycle?

    Overall I really like this movie.. especially the storyline... only western cinema takes on such paramount stories anymore it seems in the span 2 hour blocks. I don't like keanu reeves, he's always playing "clueless guy in an chaotic environment of variables i can't control, but if i work hard I'll do good" thing... from bill n ted to the matrix.. same character.
  • Reply 86 of 253
    ifok5ifok5 Posts: 22member
    When Neo met the Architect, he was told that he had to reinsert the code inside of him into the mainframe in order to save humanity. The Architect also said that the imperfect matrix had a planed anomoly, a planed restart. Former Agent Smith meantions that Neo and him are connected. Neo, the one, was born 'in the matrix.' Is it possible that Neo and all of the other 'ones' are just programs inserted into human bodies? From Smith's clone's exscape into the real world, it is shown that this is posible. That a program can 'kill' a human mind and take control of the body, inside and outside the matrix. This means that a program has control of itself inside and outside of the matrix at the same time.

    Since Neo is the only program allowed into the mainframe, he might also has a strong connection to the machines. That may be why he can disable the Sentinals while outside the matrix.

    This allows Neo to have a connection to Smith and control of Sentinals. \

    Former Agent Smith is most likly a virus. He attacks agents of the system, has his own agenda and infects others by taking over their minds. This is like a virus in the human body. A virus in the body inserts itself into a cell and takes control, making the cell produce copies of the virus and whatever else it wants.
  • Reply 87 of 253
    This is one theory presented by a friend of mine in an e-mail discussion I've been participating in:


    A possible explanation for Neo's control of the machines in the outside world could be that since the robots are powered by the neural energy of humans (brain power), a properly conditioned human brain

    should be able to control them.

    Something that could have been a lot more thought provoking, but which I don't think the Matrix will do, is the idea that instead of a war between robots and humans, suppose the movie's state of affairs is in

    fact a natural evolution of the present. Man, with continual advances in virtual reality simulation and in technology and AI in general, left more and more of the work of living to the robots and voluntarily spent

    most of his time in a pre-Matrix (think of the Internet or the Sims taken to the next level), that was much more pleasant than the outside world that man had destroyed and polluted. With natural resources depleted and the Matrix world far more attractive than the real world, man made a deal with the machines -surrendering their freedom and their energy in returnfor safety and a virtual paradise (the first Matrix) through a quasi-Hobbesian political/social contract. Those humans that didn't comply were forced to, (forced to be free a la Rousseau), or were destroyed in the name of the common good. Gradually the robots advanced to complete control of all and assumed the overlord mentality they display in the movies. When the original paradise failed, the robots created the

    present Matrix cycle, maybe even with the approval of the earlier humans, to continue the orginal deal. How is that for a thinking man's plot twist? What do you think?

    Certainly an interesting idea (though I don't imagine this will actually turn out to be the case).
  • Reply 88 of 253

    Originally posted by SledgeHammer

    ...the robots are powered by the neural energy of humans (brain power)...

    Where does he get this from? It has to do with body heat and fussion. I don't recall any mention of 'brain power'.
  • Reply 89 of 253
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member
    My 2¢: Agent Smith f*ed it all up when he became "freed." Otherwise, the keymaker wouldn't have died, the resistance wouldn't have been screwed by the Smith-infected human in Zion and things would have gone way more smoothly for the Architect.

    At the beginning of the movie, during the first meeting of Morpheus, Nyobi, et al, what was up with Smith going to the other agents and asking if things went as planned? If Smith is no longer a real agent and he's actually working against the real agents, what was that about?
  • Reply 90 of 253
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member
    Also, did anyone notice when Persephone said that the Merovingian used to be like Neo? He and his cronies are all old skool Matrix for sure.
  • Reply 91 of 253
    joecooljoecool Posts: 97member

    Originally posted by torifile

    Also, did anyone notice when Persephone said that the Merovingian used to be like Neo? He and his cronies are all old skool Matrix for sure.

    I agree....and what about Merovangian's big spiel about cause and effect. Jeeezus. 2 minute speech on the subject!!!!!!
  • Reply 92 of 253
    hjordis71hjordis71 Posts: 45member
    CosmoNut and Sledgehammer are both onto something; Neo & the Counselor's conversation is very important to the overall storyline. The main thrust of the talk was about man's dependence on machine qnd tools, and vice versa: how machines cleaned Zion's water, kept it lit, etc., while man kept the machines in working order. Right now you are using a machine (a computer) designed and built by men to communicate with people around the world, and quite possibly in the process learning and evolving (unless you spend all your time in Future Hardware.) Think about the opening of Kubrick's 2001: man's precurser touches the monolith evolves to use tools. And that tool can be as simple as a bone fragment or complex as a space shuttle. Both allow the same thing, the evolution of the species.

    The turning point is when the machines become sentient: they can no longer and will no longer be treated as tools, but beings in their own right. How do human's cope with no longer being the dominant species on the planet? As with any other sentient being, a symbiosis must form. Biologists will tell you that of any given species, 5% of the population is evolving while the other 95% remains stagnant. The same is true for humans, and probably is true for AI. So we have The One, who recontributes code back to the Matrix, furthering its evolution, while the Matrix allows the 5% that are evolving (or in this case, 1%) to remain, in a sense, free to evolve outside the Matrix. Of course this doesn't anwer all the film's questions, but does supply more fodder to speculation table.

    So the film's obvious themes of choice and purpose are underscored by two not so explicitly stated: symbiosis and evolution. I should note that in a recent interview, the lead effects guru (John Gaeta??) made some similar comments. If you want to look it up, it started out as a highly technical conversation about the effects, and dwelled into the more philosophical aspects. I believe is was last month's Wired magazine, but don't hold me to it. I am, afterall, only human.
  • Reply 93 of 253
    hjordis71, the only 'flaw' I see is that we CREATED these tools. They aren't some other species that naturally popped up. They aren't slaves because they are not people. They have no undying soul and so can't be seen as anything equal to humans. How can there be a symbiosis?

    For example... Do bees make a symbiosis with the honey comb they create? Certainly not! (at least they don't kill each other and turn each other into batteries)

    Do monkeys in the jungle which use sticks to aid them in eating termites make a symbiosis with the stick they used? No of course not. So I don't see this as so much an 'evolution' and 'symbiosis' thing as much as I see it as a 'terrible plot' and 'poorly written' thing.

    I sure hope the nasty pants writers who wrote this evil train wreck of a hobbit hole movie read some of these posts on the Internet and realize how dissatisfied fans are of their half hearted attempt at a sequel.

    As so many people have mentioned the Rave sceen was a joke, so were several scenes. There was WAYYY to much philisophical BS and not enough answers. 2 parter, or 3 parter, shouldn't matter. Even Empire Strikes back gets you some kick butt answers before giving you the cliffhanger.

    Same dealie with Episode 2. Same thing with Back 2 the future 2. There are many trilogies which were written in excellent form. This will not join there ranks. Much like Highlander or The Crow, best to STOP at one.....
  • Reply 94 of 253
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member
    There is no matrix within a matrix. The writers are smarter than that.

    Agent Smith "possessed" -for lack of a better term - a human right before he left the matrix. When Smith picked up the phone he essentially left the matrix and possessed the REAL body of this man.

    The man that he possessed was on the mission to strike the sentinels that we are told failed. What happened on this mission? An EMP was sent out and all of the humans died except one - the one that Agent Smith possessed. What happened to him? He appeared to be in a Coma at the end of the movie. Remember? He was lying across from Neo. It was the last shot of the movie.

    Back in the Matrix, Neo was nearly possessed himself by Agent Smith. He said it felt like he was dying.

    What if some of Smith's "code" actually did take over Neo's body. Making Neo more in tune with the machines (after all, Smith is from the machine world, right?)

    So when Neo is back in the real world and a sentinel is approaching he can sense it (like Agent Smith) and send out an EMP (like Agent Smith). And just like the human Smith possessed, Neo was knocked into a coma.

    Now if a human can easily stop a sentinel like Neo did, doesn't it seem like there's still hope for humanity?

    There is no matrix within a matrix - CONFIRMED - just kidding...but I'll bet any amount of money on it.
  • Reply 95 of 253
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member
  • Reply 96 of 253
    thunderpoitthunderpoit Posts: 709member
    willoughby, that is the most sensible thing i have heard yet now if you could only make sense of the ending of the new planet of the apes, we would all be happy
  • Reply 97 of 253
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    sorry willoghby, but a few exceptions to the above scenario.


    Agent Smith "possessed" -for lack of a better term - a human right before he left the matrix. When Smith picked up the phone he essentially left the matrix and possessed the REAL body of this man.

    problem is that Agent Smith had already possesed that body before Neo had the huge fight with him in the Matrix. he never left the Matrix. he was in it and in the human host at the same time. remember when the body he possesed was going to try and kill Neo before they took off after the rave? he was interrupted by that kid no one knows anything about.

    as for the EMP deal with the sentinals, the humans LOST that fight. the body Angent Smith possesed set off an EMP and killed off all the humans before the sentinals got there. then the sentinals were trying to dig his body out. my guess is that he set off one of the ships EMP's early, which is what they said happened.
  • Reply 98 of 253
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by Willoughby

    The man that he possessed was on the mission to strike the sentinels that we are told failed. What happened on this mission? An EMP was sent out and all of the humans died except one - the one that Agent Smith possessed. What happened to him? He appeared to be in a Coma at the end of the movie. Remember? He was lying across from Neo. It was the last shot of the movie.

    But it wasn't the EMP that killed the humans. It couldn't have been. Remember the EMP only affects machines and it doesn't appear to have ill effects on humans (remember the end of the first Matrix?). It couldn't have been the EMP that put Neo and the human Smith in a coma.

    Also, if Smith infected Neo, why didn't he infect Morpheus as well? And why didn't Neo notice something 'different' immediately following the failed infection by Smith rather than later?

    And no one has answered why Smith asked the other agents if things went as planned at the very beginning of the movie. Anyone have any ideas?
  • Reply 99 of 253
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    sorry willohby, but a few exceptions to the above scenario.

    1. problem is that Agent Smith had already possesed that body before Neo had the huge fight with him in the Matrix. he never left the Matrix. he was in it and in the human host at the same time. remember when the body he possesed was going to try and kill Neo before they took off after the rave? he was interrupted by that kid no one knows anything about.

    as for the EMP deal with the sentinals, the humans LOST that fight. the body Angent Smith possesed set off an EMP and killed off all the humans before the sentinals got there. then the sentinals were trying to dig his body out. my guess is that he set off one of the ships EMP's early, which is what they said happened.

    I'm not sure I see what your point is here. The clone of Agent Smith definitely LEFT the matrix. Thats why he tried to kill Neo in the real world. So a part of Agent Smith entered that human body. It doesn't matter when Smith fought Neo because it appears that any of his clones can continue to clone and/or leave the Matrix
  • Reply 100 of 253
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member

    Originally posted by torifile

    But it wasn't the EMP that killed the humans. It couldn't have been. Remember the EMP only affects machines and it doesn't appear to have ill effects on humans (remember the end of the first Matrix?). It couldn't have been the EMP that put Neo and the human Smith in a coma.

    Also, if Smith infected Neo, why didn't he infect Morpheus as well? And why didn't Neo notice something 'different' immediately following the failed infection by Smith rather than later?

    And no one has answered why Smith asked the other agents if things went as planned at the very beginning of the movie. Anyone have any ideas?

    You're right, the EMP didn't kill the humans but it affected the machines. No, the EMP did not put Smith/Neo into a coma but expensing that EMP power from their bodies knocked them out...drained them, if you will. After all, they're only part human

    I think Morpheus was infected too, he just doesn't know it yet.

    Neo didn't notice it until he was outside the ship and the sentinels were approaching. How would he sense something approaching before if it wasn't approaching? So he didn't notice his new powers until he was in that situation.

    I can't answer your last question though. That was weird. \
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