Matrix Reloaded: SPOILER THREAD



  • Reply 181 of 253
    pyr3pyr3 Posts: 946member

    Originally posted by ThunderPoit

    what i was saying is that it is obvious that the only way to kill zion is to physically go there. also, trinity cant be an agent, as neo can see the code in the matrix and would have seen her as being a program, like he did w/ the oracle's assistant.

    Trinity being an agent would only fall under the 'matrix in a matrix' theory. If the 'real world' was a matrix itself, then it could be written so that Trinity looks like a normal human when she is in the 'inner' matrix since the 'inner' matrix is just part of the simulation of the outer matrix. I don't believe this is true, but you're reasoning for her to not be an agent doesn't work.
  • Reply 182 of 253
    pyr3pyr3 Posts: 946member

    Originally posted by Ifok5

    A simple thought on the sentinals, Neo and (outside)Smith at the end of the movie.

    They are all connected to the matrix. Smith is Smith, Neo can feel the sentinals and the sentinals are machines. They all go off at the same time, at least the sentinals and Neo do. Perhaps, the system failure actually happened? The most logical explanation is that something to the matrix. What, I don't know. All connected died, temporary reboot or shutdown, etc...

    The way I understood it, the sentinals aren't connected to the matrix. The matrix is just a VR program that keeps the humans producing power for the machines.
  • Reply 183 of 253
    thunderpoitthunderpoit Posts: 709member

    Originally posted by torifile

    What doesn't quite make sense to me is the beginning scene: "Did everything go as planned?" Smith asked what seemed to be the same agent he changed into himself.

    you mean this part?

    that wasnt an agent, that was simply one of smiths many friends. the agents that attacked neo were not assosciated w/ smith at all.
  • Reply 184 of 253
    thunderpoitthunderpoit Posts: 709member
    btw, on weather the agent that saw the smiths and neo fighting was going after neo or smith, i believe it was both. they want to keep the matrix under as much control as they can. if many people would have seen what the woman saw before she was taken by an agent, they would all reject the matrix, which is bad.(for them)
  • Reply 185 of 253
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by ThunderPoit

    you mean this part?

    that wasnt an agent, that was simply one of smiths many friends. the agents that attacked neo were not assosciated w/ smith at all.

    You freakin' show off! Where the hell did you get that??? HOOK ME UP!!

    Yes, that's the part I was talking about. For some reason I thought that it was one of the other agents who initially started talking to Smith and then the next shot was of Smith & Smith.
  • Reply 186 of 253
    pyr3pyr3 Posts: 946member

    Originally posted by dolphyjazz

    Is the architect human? If so where does he hang out? It seemed like his quarters were in space as he looked out over the universe.

    He hangs out at the Prancing Pony , in Bree. Oh wait, wrong trilogy...
  • Reply 187 of 253
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member

    Originally posted by ThunderPoit

    you mean this part?

    that wasnt an agent, that was simply one of smiths many friends. the agents that attacked neo were not assosciated w/ smith at all.

    Show off.
  • Reply 188 of 253
    thunderpoitthunderpoit Posts: 709member

    Originally posted by torifile

    You freakin' show off! Where the hell did you get that??? HOOK ME UP!!

    Yes, that's the part I was talking about. For some reason I thought that it was one of the other agents who initially started talking to Smith and then the next shot was of Smith & Smith.

    i went online w/ direct connect and found it sunday night
  • Reply 189 of 253
    gambitgambit Posts: 475member
    Pyr3 has an excellent point about the Matrix redundancy. After all, you have no reason to believe the 'real' world is another Matrix once you're free from the first. It would be a perfect twist and even follow machine logic. If you can't control that .01% that keeps cropping up in the first Matrix, keep them controled in a redundant Matrix. That would also explain why Neo felt the machines and no other 'One' was able to: they never had the choice Neo was given so they would have no way to find out what it was like in the 'real' world after entering the core.

    I just came back from seeing it and it made much more sense this time. My friend, however, was more or less completely overwhelmed, as was I the first time I saw it. heh
  • Reply 190 of 253
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    there is no matrix within a matrix.... all the machines want is control... they have that by means of the prophesy... it goes back to the counselor's conversation with neo in the machine room... "what is control"?

    there is no reason to believe that the "real world" is another matrix... the only thing abnormal that we have seen in the real world is that neo can "feel" the sentinels... I believe that neo did NOT stop the sentinels... there was a random EMP that possibly came from the neb. the EMP knocked neo unconscious, just like it did to smith... neo and smith are both part machine and part human... they are "connected"...

    if someone wants to be helpful, type up the dialogs between neo and smith...

    also, the oracle may or may not be the 'mother' of the matrix... but she certainly feels that the machines and the humans have to come to a truce... "the only way to get through this is together"

    neo has "spidey sense"(sp?) but i dont think he has any control over things... for example... he can only stop bullets in the matrix... he cannot move people as he sees fit... so to be able to stop the sentinels, even in the matrix, would be impossible...

    the dialog neo has with the oracle is important and the dialogs with persephone and the merovingian are important... they are both machine programs... the references to "predecessors" are odd because it implies that he has seen "the one" before... if this is true, then he must be aware of the fact that he can stop bullets, but he is surprised by this...

    in revolutions neo fights smith... i believe that smith wants EVERYTHING to be destroyed and that neo is fighting for both the humans AND the machines...

    ThunderPoit, does the copy you have include the teaser for revolutions? if it does can you copy just the teaser and send it to me via IM? In the teaser you hear the oracle speak again... I think she is talking about smith... cant remember for sure...

    also, at the very end of the movie when the 5 captains are having a meeting... where are they? and who is at the meeting? that dialog is important as well...

    so who feels like typing?
  • Reply 191 of 253
    gambitgambit Posts: 475member

    Originally posted by Paul

    there is no reason to believe that the "real world" is another matrix... the only thing abnormal that we have seen in the real world is that neo can "feel" the sentinels... I believe that neo did NOT stop the sentinels... there was a random EMP that possibly came from the neb. the EMP knocked neo unconscious, just like it did to smith... neo and smith are both part machine and part human... they are "connected"...


    I've watched that movie twice. Neo stopped the Sentinels. It's that simple. "I can feel them." And as they approached, he stuck out his hand and stopped them at the last moment, knocking them out of the sky and knocking him into dream world.

    The EMP did not knock Smith into unconsciousness. He was already unconscious when the crew from Nyobi's ship found him. He was the last survivor, the only survivor, of the sentinel attack.

    Neo is NOT a machine, he's not even PART machine. Just because he can do incredible things in the Matrix doesn't mean he's a machine; just because he's been introduced to the core does not make him a machine.

    Agent Smith is CERTAINLY not human, either. He's a program who was able to free himself from the confines of the Matrix when Neo destroyed him, and he was able to replace the consciousness of Bane when he took over his body. In old OS 9 terms, he replaced a certain part of the resource fork which controlled how the program (in this case, Bane's behavior) with a copy of his own behavior programming. (By the way, y'all ever do that? Alter some OS 9 resources with ResEdit to change dialogues and stuff? lol Those were the days.) Anyway, that doesn't make Smith human, but it does gain Smith control of one.

    Anyways, it's too late for this. See ya.
  • Reply 192 of 253
    dmgeistdmgeist Posts: 153member
    Maybe i can offer some answers, or just more nonsense...

    What happened to tank: I read in a news article that

    Marcus Chong (Tank) is sueing Warner Brothers for

    reneging his contract for the sequels.

    Here's a quote from a Time Magazine article: "In the

    six months that elapsed between the plots of the first

    and second movies, what happened to Tank, the

    driver who saved them all in the first movie? Marcus

    Chong, the adopted son of Tommy Chong (one half

    of Cheech and Chong), is gone. Neither the studio

    nor Chong would comment on why, but Warner Bros.

    replaced him with Harold Perrineau, the guy in the

    wheelchair from HBO's Oz. Chong told Entertainment

    Weekly that after he was replaced he tried to crash a

    Matrix press junket and he took food from the Matrix lot."

    Here is a News Week Article from the first of the year about

    reloaded and revolutions.

    Also here is some info from a Time magazine article.

    Here's my take on (the real) world in the matrix: It definatly

    would behouve the machines to create a redundant system for

    the 1% that reject the matrix. Like any modern operating system

    today you have individual layers upon which different processes

    run. Take for instance the GUI, which could be seen in the movie

    as the matrix. Where as the real could be viewed as the kernel or

    the core of the operating enviroment. In an article i read which i

    swear it was the newsweek article the interviewer noted that

    (the real) was just another layer and was'nt acutally real at all.

    Theres probly hidden visual references in certain scenes that

    give reference to there being another layer to the system. A layer

    beyond the real. We all know that this how it will turn out, but

    what will surprise even the most clairvoyant is how it ends.
  • Reply 193 of 253
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member

    Originally posted by Paul

    ThunderPoit, does the copy you have include the teaser for revolutions?

    Revolutions trailer
  • Reply 194 of 253
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    I saw Matrix Reloaded last night and loved it. Kick ass movie. Then I sat down and read this thread from the beginning.

    Some comments. Corporate sponsors are increased. Cadillac, Ducati et al. Could have done without the Oz guy's "color" but the original had that so ... it aint so bad. Great plot twist. Didn't see it coming but I'm a simple person.

    It seems to me that early on too many posters here were overlooking the relationship between Smith and Neo. It's important because Smith is something new that the other "The One"'s didn't interact with. Smith got something from Neo. Neo is the remainder (I would have preferred "residual") of the imperfect Matrix. Neo got something from Smith, Smith is separate from the Matrix.


    Something very important happened to Smith. He's on his own. Also Agents seem to be outside the "equation of the Matrix" unlike Neo. He can copy himself even to real people in the real world. He's able to "open all the doors"; Neo et al needs the keymaker to do that.


    We learn that Neo is just another "One" like the ones before him. Nothing that special. But if that were the end of it, the movie wouldn't be as good. Why is this "The One" different? Love? Hummm I don't know. Seems like love it part of the plan? Smith? I think so. What did Smith do to Neo? I'm not sure.


    In case you didn't get it "choice" is the important overriding theme. The Matrix is imperfect because humans need some control over the choices they make. The perfect Matrix failed because people had no choice in their lives. Remember in the first movie Smith said it failed because people didn't believe in such a perfect world. Was he wrong or just didn't know? Maybe in the end giving The One a choice needed to be built into the Matrix to make it work.


    The other major theme is that the machines need the people and people need machines. The consoler seems to argue that this is the case. Almost sets Neo up to accept the compromise and start over. Is this part of the plan of the Matrix? Did he know more than he let on? Neo and smith seem to be two sides of the same coin. Neo wants to smash the machines, Smith want to kill the virus. I think the key of the movie is with these two. The Oracle seems to know this. Does she have something to do with Smith? Right after her and Neo talk Smith shows up.

    Oh and the whole "Matrix within a Matrix" is bunk. For one thing people seems to think that it's need to control the "1%" that don't accept the matrix. Crap! That 1% would be turned into goo for others to consume. No big loss. Also the only reason people seem to push this is that Neo has "powers" in the real world. I think rather Neo the "real" person got something from Smith that can be used in the real world. Maybe nothing more than control over the machines, not a real super natural power that some thing he showed.

    Anyway I think I'll go back and see it again.
  • Reply 195 of 253
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member

    Originally posted by Tulkas

    Revolutions trailer

    nope, the teaser after the movie is different... similar, but different...
  • Reply 196 of 253
    thunderpoitthunderpoit Posts: 709member
    no, the guy w/ the camera cut out right at the start of the credits. makes snese considering that by the time the teaser showed up, he would probally have been the only one in the theater (as i was) and would have been fairly obvious
  • Reply 197 of 253
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    yeah, thats what i was thinking...
  • Reply 198 of 253
    pyr3pyr3 Posts: 946member

    Originally posted by Paul

    there is no matrix within a matrix.... all the machines want is control... they have that by means of the prophesy... it goes back to the counselor's conversation with neo in the machine room... "what is control"?

    Uh, the machines would also have control with a second matrix. MORE control than with the prophecy. With the prophecy some will reject it, like that general (can't remember the name). The Second Matrix being there is a 'redundant fail-safe'. Just like when you have a redundany RAID setup just incase one of the harddrives fails.


    there is no reason to believe that the "real world" is another matrix... the only thing abnormal that we have seen in the real world is that neo can "feel" the sentinels... I believe that neo did NOT stop the sentinels... there was a random EMP that possibly came from the neb. the EMP knocked neo unconscious, just like it did to smith... neo and smith are both part machine and part human... they are "connected"...

    Smith was not knocked unconscious due to EMP. We are led to believe that Smith triggered the EMP that was too early and downed the ships initially. All the sentinals then attacked the ships. 'it was a slaughter'. The ship that picked up Neo/Morpheous/etc picked up Smith from what was left of the ships. They then proceeded to find the Nebuchadnezzar (I knew how to spell that by heart before Matrix 1 :P). I think that you are confused into thinking that the Smith-infected 'Bane' and Neo/Morpheous were picked up in the same place.

    Smith is not a machine either. Smith is a 'sentient program'. He is 'one the side of the machines'. But EMP won't kill ANY Smith. It only affects electronics. So you would only kill the hardware that Smith is running on. The Smith-infected 'Bane' (that's the dude's name) is a human. No electronic parts. Therefore EMP doesn't knock him out. Smith's program-routines have over-written Bane's consciousness from what I gather. Therefore EMP didn't knock Smith out.

    EMP would not have stopped the Sentinals in their tracks like they did either. EMP destroys electronic circuits so EMP would have fried them, but it in no way affects their momentum. If it was just EMP they wouldn't have stopped in mid-flight.

    Neo is not a machine. Although I believe that Architect said that he had some 'code' in him. Neo might be a program inserted into a human body, or maybe he's a human that had some 'code' inserted into him or something. Either way, he isn't affected by EMP.


    if someone wants to be helpful, type up the dialogs between neo and smith...

    Or find a link.


    also, the oracle may or may not be the 'mother' of the matrix... but she certainly feels that the machines and the humans have to come to a truce... "the only way to get through this is together"

    neo has "spidey sense"(sp?) but i dont think he has any control over things... for example... he can only stop bullets in the matrix... he cannot move people as he sees fit... so to be able to stop the sentinels, even in the matrix, would be impossible...

    Neo stopped the Sentinals in mid-flight and they stayed suspended in mid-air. This is VERY similar to his bullet stopping powers. He then proceeded to overload their circuits. This is similar to destroying Smith in the original. As to why he can't move humans, maybe because the bullets are part of the environment of the matrix and not real. Also the bullets are created and governed by a program, as per the speak by the Oracle. Maybe Neo is only powerful enough to control SOME of the programs. Maybe Neo's real power is in the Second Matrix, and they regulate his power in the Inner Matrix since it plays more to their game of control on the inside.


    the dialog neo has with the oracle is important and the dialogs with persephone and the merovingian are important... they are both machine programs... the references to "predecessors" are odd because it implies that he has seen "the one" before... if this is true, then he must be aware of the fact that he can stop bullets, but he is surprised by this...

    Maybe the predessessors never knew they had that ability. Maybe they just dodged all the bullets by acting like the Agents or by jumping around or something and then disarming the men shooting. Maybe the Merovingian never had that many men lined up with guns pointed at 'the one' before. He was obviously surprised by persephone betraying him too. Maybe in the past 'the one' had to make an assault on the merovingian's building. Maybe the merovingian hasn't seen every single 'the one' before. The keymaker probably wasn't always kept by him. Maybe every single thing that happened with the merovingian and the ky maker and the ghosts was part of the design to drive Neo to make his choice in front of the Architect.
  • Reply 199 of 253
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member

    Originally posted by pyr3


    Smith was not knocked unconscious due to EMP. ...

    You don't know that. He was found unconscious. Neo fell unconscious after he "stopped" the sentinels. That's about all we know.
  • Reply 200 of 253
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    I think that the fact that there has been this much discourse over the film proves that it is a good movie.

    despite what anyone says. If a movie can make you think, and debate and really question what it is trying to say, all the while, never giving you the answer until the very end....then it's good in my book.
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