college football 2003-2004



  • Reply 21 of 132

    i don't think OSU's season will hinge too greatly on clarett. how they continue defensively will be more of an issue me thinks. defense is what carried them last year, defense is what will make or break them this year. how many starters return this season?

    I agree to some extent. They won with defense last year. And will need to again because Krenzel, while very efficient, isn't going to throw the ball around enough for them to put up big yards or points passing. However I think they need a basic level of offense to be competitive for a national championship which they will only have with Clarett. Ross is solid but they are a BCS contender rather than a national championship contender with him at RB IMO. I believe they return 6 players on D, they return all 11 on offense.

    As far as OK, yes their losses to TAMU and to OKState were due to defensive breakdowns. But that doesn't mean they can't lose games due to offensive shortcomings this year. If they put up 13 points or 17 points in some games that leaves the defense with little room for error. I think the 2001 Nebraska and OKState games showed that can happen to Oklahoma and I think it is more likely to be a problem than what you saw in 2002.


    Aug 30th will show this as I'm calling for an upset of the Bucks by the UW.

    Washington will crumble at Ohio State. They won't get blown out but OSU will control the game and win safely IMO.

    Bottom line is that Washington could not do much defensively last year. As far as all the purported change at Montlake, I'll wait to see. It's hard to believe in Phil Snow based on what he did with UCLA's defense, ie nothing. as you say, the run defense was good but that didn't stop people from scoring comfortable on Washington as I said. Other than Washington State after Gesser was hurt, basically every decent team did well offensively against UW. Finished the season 60th in scoring defense, which doesn't count the bowl game either. Besides that, they still have no running game on offense. This is a bit above average team team that is dangerous because of their passing game, but has way too many weakness to be a great team.
  • Reply 22 of 132

    Originally posted by ColanderOfDeath

    As far as OK, yes their losses to TAMU and to OKState were due to defensive breakdowns. But that doesn't mean they can't lose games due to offensive shortcomings this year. If they put up 13 points or 17 points in some games that leaves the defense with little room for error. I think the 2001 Nebraska and OKState games showed that can happen to Oklahoma and I think it is more likely to be a problem than what you saw in 2002.

    as long as OU's offfensive line stays healthy, they will be as productive, or more so than last year. getting banged up there early on in the season would be my only real concern. white is solid. he knows the O and even with two bad knees, has got a better step than nate or josh ever had.
  • Reply 23 of 132
    looks like clarett is lost for the first six games or more. i bet there are a lot of pissed off buckeys right now.
  • Reply 24 of 132

    Aug 30th will show this as I'm calling for an upset of the Bucks by the UW.

    Forgot about this one last week. To paraphrase Evander Holyfield, "hmurchison, come out and getcha whoopin."

    UW blows and why they are ranked again this week is beyond me. They still can't run the ball for shit and their defense is still very average overall.

    I guess the biggest development so far this season is that we've learned that Auburn sucks donkey testicles.
  • Reply 25 of 132

    Originally posted by ColanderOfDeath

    I guess the biggest development so far this season is that we've learned that Auburn sucks donkey testicles.

    3 points of total offense in 2 games. pretty pathetic.
  • Reply 26 of 132
    38-28 hogs over sips.

    poor sips...

    and i thought this was the year they were gonna be national champs.
  • Reply 27 of 132

    Originally posted by ColanderOfDeath

    Forgot about this one last week. To paraphrase Evander Holyfield, "hmurchison, come out and getcha whoopin."

    UW blows and why they are ranked again this week is beyond me. They still can't run the ball for shit and their defense is still very average overall.

    I guess the biggest development so far this season is that we've learned that Auburn sucks donkey testicles.

    Colander...thanks for that yummy plate of crow. God our Offensive Line pretty much sucks. We did get a some plays last week for our younger RS Frosh Runningbacks and they did well. I'm hoping for a good game next saturday. It's bad enough when WSU infests our boards gloating over their win against Blarney at Colorado. Whoopeee..they still "cooged it" againt Notre Dame.

    Speaking of which. My Gawd UM put a hurtin' on them!

    Wish NC State could have pulled the upset.

    Texas...WTF??? Lost to Arkansas????

    Why isn't Alabama ranked?? My God Oklahoma could have lost that game and Shaud Williams is tha sheeeeit.

    USC. OMG these guys will dominate for the next 3 years. They have so much talent on hand it's disgusting. Ask Hawaii after they got beat by 56 points or so.
  • Reply 28 of 132
    cooopcooop Posts: 390member

    USC. OMG these guys will dominate for the next 3 years. They have so much talent on hand it's disgusting. Ask Hawaii after they got beat by 56 points or so

  • Reply 29 of 132
    We all eat crow, as long as you broil it you won't catch the West Nile virus so it is pretty much all good.

    Ugly as it was, I think Washington will come out in the long run better for having gotten rid of Neuheisal sooner than later. The issues were all the same as those at Colorado, a deterioration of record after the second year (11-1 to 8-4 to 7-6), a failure to be able to run the ball, reports of practices that were not crisp, average defenses with questionable secondary play etc. That's aside from his clear flouting of recruiting rules, the smaller ones at least and his penchant for looking longingly at the next available job opening. 2000 was nice but that was gonna be the one good season of his tenure, ala 96 at Colorado. Both with players and teams schooled mostly by his predecessors. Who knows if Gilbertson is the answer and even if he is it will take a while to fix things but in the long run things are more likely to turn out better with him than with Neuheisel.

    The good news at least for this season for Washington is that everyone but USC looks pretty vulnerable. Arizona blows. ASU is an unknown still. Stanford blows. Cal already has lost 3 games, bad D. Oregon State is tolerably decent but not top 20 material. Oregon has a terrible defense. UCLA has not looked good either. WSU may be solid again but UW gets them at home and seems to own them lately. Maybe ASU turns out to be good but it is too early to tell on them yet and so that leaves a bunch of teams that are all just as flawed as UW. Next season may be rough though without Pickett and Williams is sure to go pro.
  • Reply 30 of 132

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Why isn't Alabama ranked?? My God Oklahoma could have lost that game and Shaud Williams is tha sheeeeit.

    i'm curious about that myself. good tough game. i must admit i was a little nervous about that one. but stoops is still the master.


    USC. OMG these guys will dominate for the next 3 years. They have so much talent on hand it's disgusting. Ask Hawaii after they got beat by 56 points or so.

    SC looks good but they really haven't been tested so far yet. their schedule gets a bit tougher with 4 top 25 teams (for now) in fairly short order. they should win the pac 10 out right, but you never know with those teams. they crazy.
  • Reply 31 of 132
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member

    Originally posted by _ alliance _

    38-28 hogs over sips.

    poor sips...

    and i thought this was the year they were gonna be national champs.

    Have fun in Blacksburg, sheep-****er.
  • Reply 32 of 132

    Originally posted by groverat

    Have fun in Blacksburg, sheep-****er.

    now that's not very nice...

    are you turning into a gutless redraider and throwing around random insults because you have a tiny penis? let me ask you this also: do you drive a big truck to compensate, like most of this shitty state...?
  • Reply 33 of 132
    Groverat has no vehicle. He just walks around in true aggie style, wandering aimlessly while imitating a dying elephant. Oops, did I just say a senior word?
  • Reply 34 of 132

    Originally posted by ColanderOfDeath

    Groverat has no vehicle. He just walks around in true aggie style, wandering aimlessly while imitating a dying elephant. Oops, did I just say a senior word?

    yeah, you might have to do some pushups now...
  • Reply 35 of 132
    hey groover, is mack getting a lot shit from you guys over your loss to the hogs this past weekend? are they calling for his head yet? i can't imagine them getting rid of him anytime soon considering the talent he's able to get year to year, but how secure is his job. me, i hope he stays on for while. he makes me smile.

    as far as thread goes, are we the only ones that give a toss about college football these days? what happened to all the usual suspects from last year? it's sadly quiet in here of quiet. aside from hmurch, not much smack being thrown around.
  • Reply 36 of 132
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member

    Let's not dicuss name-calling when the third word of your post is "sips". Boo-hoo.



    Have fun in Blacksburg.




    hey groover, is mack getting a lot shit from you guys over your loss to the hogs this past weekend? are they calling for his head yet?

    Lots and lots of folks calling for lots and lots of heads. Head coach, offensive coordinator, defensive coordinator and possibly their extended families as well.

    Myself, I'm down for replacing DC Carl Reese, he's old and we continually get our ass beat by teams who know how to exploit our D, mainly because Reese doesn't make adjustments.

    True freshman Eric Foreman (who played QB in high school) whiffed a tackle on Arkansas QB Matt Jones while playing Weakside Linebacker.

    A couple of months ago he is playing quarterback, now you're asking him to defend the weakside on a bootleg against a solid running QB... genius ****ing coaching.
  • Reply 37 of 132

    Originally posted by running with scissors

    as far as thread goes, are we the only ones that give a toss about college football these days? what happened to all the usual suspects from last year? it's sadly quiet in here of quiet. aside from hmurch, not much smack being thrown around.

    I had a lot to say last year, especially early when Iowa State was the darling of college ball. We had our 5 game winning streak against Iowa broken this weekend, though and it looks like another tough year in the XII.

    I'm hitching my wagon to K-State nationally. Do they play Oklahoma this year? It's fun that the BCS race looks to be wide open.

  • Reply 38 of 132

    Originally posted by jeffyboy

    I'm hitching my wagon to K-State nationally. Do they play Oklahoma this year? It's fun that the BCS race looks to be wide open.


    we don't play kitties this year, but we get them back for the next 2. they have to play texas in austin in few weeks. should be a good game if roberson back in the line up. without him, their not the same team. be interesting to see how texas bounces back from thier loss to the hogs when they meet up. i think i'd have to favor k-state on this one and they should win the north as well. i think if all goes well we'll be playing them in the big xii championship, but that's still a long way away. plenty of football between now and then.
  • Reply 39 of 132

    Originally posted by running with scissors

    i think if all goes well we'll be playing them in the big xii championship, but that's still a long way away. plenty of football between now and then.

    Oooh, undefeated matchup in the XII title game would be sweet! Unless of course the 'Clones shock the world (me included) against one of them.

    Like you said, though, long way to go.

  • Reply 40 of 132

    Originally posted by groverat


    Let's not dicuss name-calling when the third word of your post is "sips".

    do you deny your own existence...?
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