college football 2003-2004



  • Reply 101 of 132
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Ouch. My Hokies got smoked by WVU. Ouch.
  • Reply 102 of 132
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    That 3rd quarter was insane-all those late hits, Beamer smacking his player-quite the meltdown.

    And then there were 2...

  • Reply 103 of 132
    This is how Eskimo Tech's season turns out every year. No surprise at all. You can alway speculate that this year might be different but anyone who really thought that they had proven anything to date against that pansy schedule was trippin. They do the same thing every year.
  • Reply 104 of 132
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Yea weak schedule doesn't help. Every year Va Tech does okay, loses to Miami and blows a game to some scrub team they never should lose to.

    Go Hokies!
  • Reply 105 of 132

    Originally posted by Scott

    Yea weak schedule doesn't help. Every year Va Tech does okay, loses to Miami and blows a game to some scrub team they never should lose to.

    Go Hokies!

    WV is playing some pretty good ball right now. played miami to the wire. beat VT. not to shabby. definitely a program to watch.
  • Reply 106 of 132
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    WVU is always a good match up. I'm not calling them one of the "scrub" teams. We'll lose to Radford at some point in time
  • Reply 107 of 132
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    I'm still thinking Tech is more dangerous to big teams than OSU. That Tech offense is just ridiculous.

    A&M is fighting with Iowa State and Baylor for the "Worst In The Big XII" title.
  • Reply 108 of 132
    jobjob Posts: 420member
    If both OU and Miami happen to end up in the Sugar Bowl I'm rooting for OU. While I don't really like either team in particular, I can't stand Florida college teams. And I especially can't stand Winslow Jr. Ass.
  • Reply 109 of 132

    Originally posted by groverat

    A&M is fighting with Iowa State and Baylor for the "Worst In The Big XII" title.

    we're #1!!!
  • Reply 110 of 132
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member

    Originally posted by _ alliance _

    we're #1!!!

    Not so fast, my friend!

  • Reply 111 of 132

    Originally posted by groverat

    I'm still thinking Tech is more dangerous to big teams than OSU. That Tech offense is just ridiculous.

    your probably right, but i'm more worried about osu than tech. mainly because they've beaten us 2 straight. we'll have no more of that, i'm hoping. tech on the other hand hasn't really done shit against us in the last 5 years or so. leach know his stuff, but bob and company have his playbook memorized. the way you guys have be playing, i think you might have your hands full with both teams. i hope you guys kick the shit out of the pokes though. i hate them more than i hate ut.
  • Reply 112 of 132
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    You'll hate us more than OSU once we start beating you regularly again.

    It's easy to be diplomatic when you're dominant.
  • Reply 113 of 132

    Originally posted by groverat

    You'll hate us more than OSU once we start beating you regularly again.

    It's easy to be diplomatic when you're dominant.

    get there and we'll talk.

    i can swallow getting beat by ut a whole lot easier than getting beat by those dirt pushers up in stoolwater.
  • Reply 114 of 132
    Texas Tech's defense is just so bad. Like unbelievably bad. Worse than that even. NC State put up 49 on them, Mississippi put up 45, OK State put up 51, Missouri has 34 before halftime. Tech can throw the ball around all day but if they give up a few picks or have to punt a few times than any decent opponent will outscore TT as long as their defense gives up 50 points a game. I think Oklahoma and even Texas will beat Texas Tech fairly comfortably. Colorado's defense is terrible so TT may beat them but them but even that is somewhat questionable. I'd be much more worried about OK State than TT by a good margin.
  • Reply 115 of 132
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Texas Tech has the worst defense ever in the history of recorded everness.
  • Reply 116 of 132

    Originally posted by groverat

    Texas Tech has the worst defense ever in the history of recorded everness.

    that's pretty bad on the badness scale of badness i'd say.
  • Reply 117 of 132
    Mostest points allowed by the bad guys:

    Texas Tech is #113 out of 117 teams.

    Mostest yards allowed by the bad guys:

    Texas Tech is #117 out of 117 teams.

    Btw, Colorado is #116 in scoring D and #111 in total D. Probably a good week for the punters to go on vacation.

    They have had some soft offenses on that schedule too. SMU, New Mexico, IA State and TAMU all have below average offenses. Absolutely atrocious defense.
  • Reply 118 of 132
    who want's some?

    although i would have dearly loved to have seen miami get their assses handed to them by the sooners at the sugarbowl, i think it's quite funny to see them loosing two straight. he-he. i can't see anyone stopping the sooners at this point. usc may have the best shot of all the once beaten teams, but we'll see if there are any more shake-ups before january. the way things look now, OU could conceivably loose a game and still make it to new orleans, though i think very unlikely.
  • Reply 119 of 132
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    Cal chokes again in the closing minutes

    getting tired of this shit. yea, lets run on 3rd and 19.

  • Reply 120 of 132

    Originally posted by applenut

    Cal chokes again in the closing minutes

    getting tired of this shit. yea, lets run on 3rd and 19.


    could be worse. you could be an aggie. \
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