Bustamante was (is?) a racist



  • Reply 121 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member

    Originally posted by cris84

    Quote from Steve666 (sorry, i don't know who to do the official quote thing)

    "Raids? There are hundreds of illegals massing on street corners where I live."

    Impressive, so you went out there and asked all those people "massing" on your corner for proof of citizenship?

    Or did you take one look at their brown skin and assume "illegal Mexicans".

    I guess it never occured to you that they may just be unemployed citizens or legal residents.

    Dude, get real.............................................. .....
  • Reply 122 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member

    Originally posted by cris84

    Just to clarify:

    Not all brown skinned Spanish speakers are Mexicans.

    Not all illegals are Mexican, most people just say they are from Mexico so that they get deported they will only be sent back to Tijuana.

    Please, please, please, try not to use the words Mexican interchangably with Illegal.

    This is true, many are from Central America. There would probably be even more if, ironically, Mexico did not deport them from Mexico as soon as they are noticed.................................
  • Reply 123 of 227

    Originally posted by steve666

    There are also many other things you can do with a drivers license and that is why the Homeland Security Dept is against this measure, although George W is sadly quiet on the issue.

    I think I'm still missing something here.

    A drivers license proves you can do nothing other than drive.

    What are the other things you can do with a drivers license issued by a US State that Homeland Security is so worried about?

    I'd think that changing the requirements for those things would be a priority.
  • Reply 124 of 227
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by audiopollution

    I think I'm still missing something here.

    A drivers license proves you can do nothing other than drive.

    What are the other things you can do with a drivers license issued by a US State that Homeland Security is so worried about?

    I'd think that changing the requirements for those things would be a priority.

    I've said this about a dozen times. Some people pretend it's not true though.
  • Reply 125 of 227
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    There you go little Stevie...show your true colors. You're just a racist idiot. Yeah, no illegals buy cars Go ahead and just admit you don't like hispanics.Stop pretending.


    Originally posted by Steve666

    Oh yes, that was such a racist statement. That poor illegals can't afford to spend $14,000 on a new car.

    How pathetic of you try to misquote me. It will be obvious to anyone who goes back to my last post TO YOU that when I called you a racist....and I wasn't the only one by the way....it was for this little nugget:


    Originally posted by steve666

    Illegals dont have enough money for toilet paper, and now they're going to buy a new car? Come on, please.

    Your lame and pathetic attempt at misquoting me is just further proof of what a cowardly piece of trash you are. All your pathetic little posts are sprinkled with demeaning and offensive implications like:

    -illegals don't buy toilet paper

    -that anyone standing on a corner who looks hispanic is illegal

    -that illegals aren't capable of buying cars

    -that illegals don't register cars

    -that illegals can't afford insurance and if they could, wouldn't get it.


    Only small minds use the word 'racist' in their arguments because you have no point to make. You're trying to cover up the fact that you have nothing to say and you make yourself look like a fool. Not too hard, though, is it?............................

    LMAO...how funny. You used the word racist on the very title of this thread. Thankfully quite a few people pointed out to you and others how ridiculous and baseless your accusing post was.

    Let me correct you. Only worthless minds would make racist and borderline racist remarks and insinuations like you have on this thread.

    You just don't have the balls to come out and admit that you simply don't like hispanics/latinos. Legal (like Bustamante) or illegal.

    Maybe you're just jealous that a lot of those illegals are smarter, make more money, pay more taxes and drive a better car than you do. You poor thing.

    Note to Mods: I think this thread has more than ran it's course. At your discression.
  • Reply 126 of 227
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by bunge

    I've said this about a dozen times. Some people pretend it's not true though.

    A drivers license is a form of id that will get you on an airplane.

  • Reply 127 of 227

    Originally posted by trumptman

    A drivers license is a form of id that will get you on an airplane.


    Would it be a stretch to require a passport to board an airplane?

    Anyone who is a US citizen can get a US passport.

    It still seems to me that if the US requires something more than a drivers license to enter the country, they sure can require more than a drivers license to board a plane.

    The problem is the slackness that has allowed a 'permit to drive' to slowly become a 'permit to do many other things'.

    I'm fairly sure that a passport could be described as a 'permit to travel', in some sense.
  • Reply 128 of 227
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    A drivers license is a form of id that will get you on an airplane.

    So? You can board an airplane without a drivers license too.
  • Reply 129 of 227
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by audiopollution

    Would it be a stretch to require a passport to board an airplane?

    Anyone who is a US citizen can get a US passport.

    It still seems to me that if the US requires something more than a drivers license to enter the country, they sure can require more than a drivers license to board a plane.

    The problem is the slackness that has allowed a 'permit to drive' to slowly become a 'permit to do many other things'.

    I'm fairly sure that a passport could be described as a 'permit to travel', in some sense.

    It's not so much that it is a permit to drive but that it is also a valid photo i.d.

    However with legislation like SB60 that is changing.

    Also yes it would be too much of a stretch to require the ENTIRE COUNTRY to go through the time and expense to get their passport just to fly on a plane.

    The point really is though that folks with illegal status should not force everyone who is legal to go through hoops because they don't want to force illegal immigrants to go through background checks.

    What sort of nonsense is this? I quoted the relevent section from the DMV that said they are allowed to drive here with a license from their own country. Why should they need a license to drive when they already have permission to do so? Why should the whole country have to go get a passport so these folks can avoid a background check?

  • Reply 130 of 227
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by bunge

    So? You can board an airplane without a drivers license too.

    Yes but we are now talking about a form of ID that requires no background check.

    So, fill out Taxpayer Identification number form with false information.

    Get taxpayer indentification number and apply for drivers license.

    Use license to get on a plane.

    Hijack plane and fly it into buildings.

    Anything that would allow ol'Osama himself to pretty much get an unquestionable form of id and use it is bad in my book.

  • Reply 131 of 227

    Originally posted by trumptman

    It's not so much that it is a permit to drive but that it is also a valid photo i.d.

    However with legislation like SB60 that is changing.

    Also yes it would be too much of a stretch to require the ENTIRE COUNTRY to go through the time and expense to get their passport just to fly on a plane.

    The point really is though that folks with illegal status should not force everyone who is legal to go through hoops because they don't want to force illegal immigrants to go through background checks.

    What sort of nonsense is this? I quoted the relevent section from the DMV that said they are allowed to drive here with a license from their own country. Why should they need a license to drive when they already have permission to do so? Why should the whole country have to go get a passport so these folks can avoid a background check?


    I totally understand what you're saying, and honestly I'm in agreement with much of it.

    My only concern is that the US (and many other countries) have allowed what was originally just a 'permit to drive' to become much much more.

    I don't know about the US, but in Canada, the UK, Australia, and a few other countries I have visited you are only allowed to drive on another countries drivers license for a certain amount of time before you are required to get a local license.

    Unfortunately, the only way to enforce this is to have proof of citizenship when applying for a vehicle permit ... and then this assumes that the person isn't driving someone elses vehicle, but is purchasing their own. Unfortunately, there will always be people skirting the bureaucracy.

    No one wants more goverment intervention/forms/regulations/permits. The framework is already in place for the correct documents to be used and received by the people who meet the criteria (citizenship, etc.)

    Yes, many people don't have a passport. How much does a passport cost in the US? $10/year? Is this a large price to pay for a secure US airspace?

    Do we agree that a drivers license is a poor form of ID for things as important as voter registration and travel security?

    How do we solve this, without requiring everyone to purchase a passport? Do we step into new territory?

    We start to get into a hazy area for many people now.

    A goverment issued single standard ID card that would replace your DL, Passport, Social Security, etc.

    In principle I'm not too afraid of such a measure, and if it will solve security, immigration, and social-service problems I'm less leery ...

    ... but then we're now forced to jump through a new hoop because of the illegal immigrants. This hoop is only in place, though, because of the fact that the drivers license has become such an ubiquitous form of positive ID.

    (I still contend that a drivers license should not infer anything other than the ability to drive, and the fact that it has a photo on it means nothing other than 'the person pictured on this card can legally drive a car', and not 'the person pictured on this card can legally travel'.)

    One of those single cards would save a lot of wallet space, but I'm a little worried about the new barcode that would be tattooed on my forearm.
  • Reply 132 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    >Originally posted by Gilsch

    How pathetic of you try to misquote me. It will be obvious to anyone who goes back to my last post TO YOU that when I called you a racist....and I wasn't the only one by the way.<

    Its a little difficult to misquote a copy and paste. Slow down your typing hand so your brain can follow along.

    >Your lame and pathetic attempt at misquoting me is just further proof of what a cowardly piece of trash you are. All your pathetic little posts are sprinkled with demeaning and offensive implications like:

    -illegals don't buy toilet paper

    -that anyone standing on a corner who looks hispanic is illegal

    -that illegals aren't capable of buying cars

    -that illegals don't register cars

    -that illegals can't afford insurance and if they could, wouldn't get it.<

    And you proved nothing. Illegals basically have very little money. I would think thats an obvious point, but you're a little slow so I'll cut you some slack.

    >LMAO...how funny. You used the word racist on the very title of this thread. Thankfully quite a few people pointed out to you and others how ridiculous and baseless your accusing post was. <

    Really, show me where I used the word racist? Are you really this stupid or are you just acting?

    >Let me correct you. Only worthless minds would make racist and borderline racist remarks and insinuations like you have on this thread.

    You just don't have the balls to come out and admit that you simply don't like hispanics/latinos. Legal (like Bustamante) or illegal.

    Maybe you're just jealous that a lot of those illegals are smarter, make more money, pay more taxes and drive a better car than you do. You poor thing. <

    I guess anyone that disagrees with you is a racist, or whatever else you can make up. I state facts and opinions. My opinions differ from yours because I have common sense and I can form a thought by myself. I know you have problems with rationality-perhaps a little Prozac can help you?

    >Note to Mods: I think this thread has more than ran it's course. At your discression. <

    No, actually the thread is moving along fine. You have run your course. Now, take a hike and leave the discussion to the adults. Put on your diapers and go back to watching Barney............................................ .............
  • Reply 133 of 227
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Yes but we are now talking about a form of ID that requires no background check.

    You're arguing to keep a system that allows anyone to get on a plane.
  • Reply 134 of 227
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by steve666

    Its a little difficult to misquote a copy and paste. Slow down your typing hand so your brain can follow along.

    Another nugget from this moron. Too funny. I guess you're too stupid to even get a copy and paste right.

    Here's what you should've copied(go back to page 3 to see idiot)and pasted...yeah, try to weasel yourself out of this one... again:

    (Start of copy and paste from Page 3)quote:


    Illegals dont have enough money for toilet paper, and now they're going to buy a new car? Come on, please.


    There you go little Stevie...show your true colors. You're just a racist idiot. Yeah, no illegals buy cars Go ahead and just admit you don't like hispanics.Stop pretending. (End of copy and paste)

    You copied the wrong sentence.How convenient of you to quote the wrong sentence.Of course you did it on purpose because you didn't want to quote your own little cowardly and racist tidbit. Coward.


    Originally posted Steve666

    And you proved nothing. Illegals basically have very little money. I would think thats an obvious point, but you're a little slow so I'll cut you some slack.

    You did prove you're a coward with a racist bias. Good job Stevie!!


    Originally posted by Steve66]

    Really, show me where I used the word racist? Are you really this stupid or are you just acting?

    PLease don't stop now! You're calling ME stupid when you can't even read the title YOU chose??

    Now I feel bad for taking advantage of you. You're the biggest IDIOT I've ever attempted communication with. No one else comes close.

    Here, let me show you....again. Go to the top of the page...let's do this slowly so you won't miss it...or God forbid you try to copy and paste it!

    See the top of the page? The title YOU chose...

    "Bustamante was (is?) a RACIST" See the little R word there? The one you claim to not have used?


    Originally posted by Steve666

    I guess anyone that disagrees with you is a racist, or whatever else you can make up. I state facts and opinions. My opinions differ from yours because I have common sense and I can form a thought by myself. I know you have problems with rationality-perhaps a little Prozac can help you?

    Facts and opinions? Facts?? In your own little pathetic world maybe. Your OPINIONS are racially biased. I wasn't the only one noticing and commenting about them. I'd "copy and paste" other people's comments about them...but you'd probably "miss" them

    Please don't stop now Stevie...let's see how stupid you can be.
  • Reply 135 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    Gilsch, you inbred, the title of this topic has the word racist in it but you said all of my posts contained the word racist. Not true.

    Good lord, you know I would respond to your other forms of verbal diarrhea but you keep repeating yourself. Seriously, you need help. You're ignorant, you don't know how to argue, and your laughable attempts at a reply are just embarassing.

    Please, do everyone here a favor and just stop posting. There are 2 or 3 people here who agree with you that giving drivers licenses to illegals is no big deal. Let them argue your case. You are incapable of putting together a rational thought, plus you have the IQ of a thumbtac.......................................... .............
  • Reply 136 of 227
    steve666, are you the same guy who was pissed off a few years ago because your iMac was made in Mexico?
  • Reply 137 of 227

    Originally posted by steve666

    Gilsch, you inbred, the title of this topic has the word racist in it but you said all of my posts contained the word racist. Not true.

    Good lord, you know I would respond to your other forms of verbal diarrhea but you keep repeating yourself. Seriously, you need help. You're ignorant, you don't know how to argue, and your laughable attempts at a reply are just embarassing.

    Please, do everyone here a favor and just stop posting. There are 2 or 3 people here who agree with you that giving drivers licenses to illegals is no big deal. Let them argue your case. You are incapable of putting together a rational thought, plus you have the IQ of a thumbtac.......................................... .............

    Reading your posts is a bit like watching the Jim Rose Circus Sideshow.

    When I first read your posts, I liked your lack of inhibitions. It was fresh and interesting to read - kind of like how watching some guy stick needles in his eyes was equal parts disgusting and enthralling.

    Over time, I've come to realize that you're probably just an attention hound, with some serious social problems, like many of Jim's freaks.

    Call Jim, perhaps he has an opening for a someone.

    Your ability to participate in a social situation like AO has obviously diminished to zero, so quit while you're ahead and go join the guy who eats glass.

    Hopefully, for your sake, Jim checks that everyone he hires is a legal US citizen.
  • Reply 138 of 227
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member
    Here we go again:


    Originally posted by steve666

    [B]Gilsch, you inbred, the title of this topic has the word racist in it but you said all of my posts contained the word racist. Not true.

    Here's what I said idiot:


    Originally posted by Gilsch

    LMAO...how funny. You used the word racist on the very title of this thread. Thankfully quite a few people pointed out to you and others how ridiculous and baseless your accusing post was.

    To which you replied:


    Really, show me where I used the word racist? Are you really this stupid or are you just acting?

    It's all there for all to see. Do you even know what a thread means? What a stupid cunt. You're laughable. I really feel sorry for you now...well, maybe not.


    Originally posted by Stevie666a.k.a Stupid Coward

    Please, do everyone here a favor and just stop posting. There are 2 or 3 people here who agree with you that giving drivers licenses to illegals is no big deal. Let them argue your case. You are incapable of putting together a rational thought, plus you have the IQ of a thumbtac.......................................... .............

    Actually most everyone disagreed with me. What I said, but you're too stupid to understand and too much of a coward to actually quote , was this...


    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Facts and opinions? Facts?? In your own little pathetic world maybe. Your OPINIONS are racially biased. I wasn't the only one noticing and commenting about them. I'd "copy and paste" other people's comments about them...but you'd probably "miss" them

    Please don't stop now Stevie...let's see how stupid you can be.

    Maybe it's you who should stop posting the racist crap and move on to another THREAD. I'm starting to get tired of educating a stupid cunt like yourself for free.
  • Reply 139 of 227
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by bunge

    You're arguing to keep a system that allows anyone to get on a plane.

    No I'm arguing that government issued photo ID's shouldn't allow for identity theft or false identities to be used. Thus illegal immigrants shouldn't be allowed to get them without an extensive background check.

  • Reply 139 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member

    Originally posted by ColanderOfDeath

    steve666, are you the same guy who was pissed off a few years ago because your iMac was made in Mexico?

    That was me. If I remember correctly I was upset that Apple was now producing computers outside the country for low wages and still charging us prices that are way too high. I still feel that way...............................................
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