Bustamante was (is?) a racist



  • Reply 101 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    They need to pass tests to get a license and show proof of insurance to register their cars. The licenses are delivered to a physical address too, thus creating a record. Yes retard, I think they can afford liability at least.

    Wow, how many times does one need to read one of those signs to understand what they mean? I doubt they're as stupid as you are.

    Let me type this r e a l slow like so your peabrain can understand this-they are going to take a test in spanish-which is ludicrous in the first place, then get their license. A license for someone who doesnt belong in the country in the first place. If you think this is going to make them a good driver you're an idiot.

    Second point-just because they get a drivers license doesnt mean they are going to register their cars-and they won't. You can have a drivers license without owning a car-get it? Drivers licenses are handed to you at the DMV, and even if it were sent to an address to create a 'record', so what? The INS is too incompetent to do anything about it.

    And you really think they will register their cars and then buy liability insurance? Good lord, you're an idiot..........................
  • Reply 102 of 227
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by steve666

    Let me type this r e a l slow like so your peabrain can understand this-they are going to take a test in spanish-which is ludicrous in the first place, then get their license. A license for someone who doesnt belong in the country in the first place. If you think this is going to make them a good driver you're an idiot.

    Ok, let's resort to name calling shall we. We're having a lot of fun here seeing what a F***** IDIOT you are. So they take the test in Spanish...big deal...at least we know they know the traffic laws and can freaking DRIVE a car. In case you hadn't noticed, a DRIVING test is language independent. Are you implying the language you take the test in has a bearing on how well or how badly you drive a car? LMAO...No comment.


    Second point-just because they get a drivers license doesnt mean they are going to register their cars-and they won't. You can have a drivers license without owning a car-get it? Drivers licenses are handed to you at the DMV, and even if it were sent to an address to create a 'record', so what? The INS is too incompetent to do anything about it.

    I never said car registration is mandatory to get a license Einstein.For you to assume that's what I was saying just proves what a moron you are. I was merely citing a few reasons why I'm FOR the new law.

    1-You get a license---odds are good you're gonna be driving. A driver's license is no magic card. You don't need to have a license to get ANY documentation you may want. ANYONE can get ANY document they want illegally.

    2-You need a car---odds are good you're gonna buy it from a dealer (all those new and used car dealerships in hispanic areas and all those car commercials on Spanish TV are not there just because you know) or a private party. You buy a car like that and you need to register it. Even if you bought it from a friend...guess what? The friend is liable for anything related to the car...odds are good the private party will report the sale to the DMV and you will have to register it.

    3-You need to register a car, you need proof of insurance. It's not that difficult for most of us...you being an exception obviously.

    4-More licensed drivers=less uninsured drivers.It's common sense. Will everyone be driving with a valid registration and insurance? Obviously not.

    If you were an illegal alien, why would you want to risk having to deal with the Police or a Court?? You're obviously not going to want to draw attention to yourself due to your status Einstein.


    Drivers licenses are handed to you at the DMV, and even if it were sent to an address to create a 'record', so what?

    Wrong moron. Driver's licenses are not handed out at the DMV. If you had a license you would know that. Just for you, from the DMV website. Emphasis mine:

    "After you pass your driving test you will be issued an interim license valid for 60 days until you receive your new photo license in the mail. Double-check your address before you leave DMV and tell the DMV representative if you have moved or if your address is incorrect."

    License is mailed to your address thus creating a record. A record is important to have not just because of the INS....but of course, you're just too bloody stupid to figure out why.
  • Reply 103 of 227
    Ok Steve666, here are some numbers for you too:

    Yes, Latinos make up about 25% of people incarcerated in the US. However, Latinos also recieve an average of a 14 month longer sentence then white criminals. This is despite the fact that Latinos are twice as likely to be sentenced without a prior criminal record. Latinos are also twice as likely NOT to recieve drug treatment or other alternative sentencing even though the majority are arrested for drug related offenses.

    On the other side, even though Latinos make up only 12% of the US population, they currently make up 20% of the US military (including reservists).

    Here is an excerpt from an article by Teresa Gutierrez:

    "People of color join the military mainly for economic reasons. With few resources to pursue an education and unable to find decent-paying jobs, many join the military to get job training or for educational benefits.

    These conditions amount to an economic draft. But that doesn't mean that compulsory military service would be better. No worker should be ordered to fight the bosses' wars."

    Over the last two years, an all-out recruiting campaign by the armed forces has led to a significant rise in the number of Latin@s joining the military. Officials argue that Latin@ youth are less hostile to the military and therefore make a prime target. New strategies were developed to get them to sign up.

    In 1997, the U.S. Army initiated the "Hispanic Influencer Alliance" to establish relations between Latin@ organizations and local recruiting stations.

    The Army also developed a whole new set of advertising materials. It placed recruiting ads in Latin@ publications and now admits a larger proportion of recruits with alternative education credentials, such as a high school diploma obtained by taking the GED test.

    Once in the armed forces, where can soldiers from oppressed communities be found? According to 2001 Department of Defense statistics, Latin@s make up 17.7 percent of the infantry, gun crews and seamanship occupations in all the service branches."

    Latinos, immigrant or otherwise, may not be fit to recieve health care or social security or respect in this country, but apparently they are more then fit to go out and represent and die for it.
  • Reply 104 of 227
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    This doesn't mean illegals should get licenses.
  • Reply 105 of 227
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by BR

    This doesn't mean illegals should get licenses.

    An agnostic process doesn't even mean illegals should be allowed to get a license.
  • Reply 106 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    >Ok, let's resort to name calling shall we. We're having a lot of fun here seeing what a F***** IDIOT you are. So they take the test in Spanish...big deal...at least we know they know the traffic laws and can freaking DRIVE a car. In case you hadn't noticed, a DRIVING test is language independent. Are you implying the language you take the test in has a bearing on how well or how badly you drive a car? LMAO...No comment.>>

    The name calling started with you, funny how you liberal pansies can't take back what you give. All govmnt forms should be in English only-period.

    >I never said car registration is mandatory to get a license Einstein.For you to assume that's what I was saying just proves what a moron you are. I was merely citing a few reasons why I'm FOR the new law. <

    There isn't one good reason to be for the law. If you don't find this law objectionable on many levels you're braindead.

    >1-You get a license---odds are good you're gonna be driving. A driver's license is no magic card. You don't need to have a license to get ANY documentation you may want. ANYONE can get ANY document they want illegally. <

    Oh, they can get it ilegally, then what the heck lets just give it to them so it will be easier for them. How do you function every day with logic like that?

    >2-You need a car---odds are good you're gonna buy it from a dealer (all those new and used car dealerships in hispanic areas and all those car commercials on Spanish TV are not there just because you know) or a private party. You buy a car like that and you need to register it. Even if you bought it from a friend...guess what? The friend is liable for anything related to the car...odds are good the private party will report the sale to the DMV and you will have to register it.<

    Illegals dont have enough money for toilet paper, and now they're going to buy a new car? Come on, please.

    >3-You need to register a car, you need proof of insurance. It's not that difficult for most of us...you being an exception obviously.<

    Except you're too ignorant to realize that they are NOT going to register their car.

    >4-More licensed drivers=less uninsured drivers.It's common sense. Will everyone be driving with a valid registration and insurance? Obviously not.<

    A drivers license has NOTHING to do with insurance, but I already knew you have no clue.

    >If you were an illegal alien, why would you want to risk having to deal with the Police or a Court?? You're obviously not going to want to draw attention to yourself due to your status Einstein. <

    And when is the last time the INS deported anybody? Um, never. Thanks to limp wrists like you who support politicians who pander to every ethnic lobby they can ass kiss, nothing gets done about illegals. And exactly how would they have to deal with the police? Like they are going to wait around and file a report?

    >Wrong moron. Driver's licenses are not handed out at the DMV. If you had a license you would know that. Just for you, from the DMV website. Emphasis mine:

    "After you pass your driving test you will be issued an interim license valid for 60 days until you receive your new photo license in the mail. Double-check your address before you leave DMV and tell the DMV representative if you have moved or if your address is incorrect."

    License is mailed to your address thus creating a record. A record is important to have not just because of the INS....but of course, you're just too bloody stupid to figure out why. >

    OK, I admit I was wrong about that-but didn't you say why would an illegal want to have to deal with a court or police? So why would an illegal want to hand over an address where they can be found? If they did give a legit address, do you think the INS should go after them and deport them? I'm guessing no because that would make sense and you're too stupid to make any sense whatsoever. I eagerly await your next ignorant remark............................................ ..
  • Reply 107 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    >Once in the armed forces, where can soldiers from oppressed communities be found? According to 2001 Department of Defense statistics, Latin@s make up 17.7 percent of the infantry, gun crews and seamanship occupations in all the service branches."

    Latinos, immigrant or otherwise, may not be fit to recieve health care or social security or respect in this country, but apparently they are more then fit to go out and represent and die for it.<

    Oppressed communities? Give me a break! They are immigrants like any other immigrant group except for the whining. The only group that has ever been systematically oppressed in this country are blacks.

    Latinos join the armed forces for a free education, training, and a better chance of finding a job. Good for them. There are other options, you know. Like graduating High School and going to College. But I guess that didn't factor into your argument, although I'm not sure what point you were trying to make.............................................. .
  • Reply 108 of 227
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by steve666

    [B]All govmnt forms should be in English only-period [B]

    Why? The United States has nothing to do with the English language.


    Originally posted by steve666

    [B]There isn't one good reason to be for the law. If you don't find this law objectionable on many levels you're braindead. [B]

    Not one good reason? The amount of beauracracy needed to keep illegals from getting a license would be cost prohibitive. Unless you like big, intrusive government programs.


    Originally posted by steve666

    [B]Illegals dont have enough money for toilet paper, and now they're going to buy a new car? Come on, please. [B]

    This is, of course, just an ignorant and racist comment.


    Originally posted by steve666

    [B]Except you're too ignorant to realize that they are NOT going to register their car. [B]

    Actually, plenty of them do. I think you're probably woefully misinformed about who and what illegal aliens are in this country.


    Originally posted by steve666

    [B]And when is the last time the INS deported anybody? Um, never. Thanks to limp wrists like you who support politicians who pander to every ethnic lobby they can ass kiss, nothing gets done about illegals. [B]

    Again, the real issue isn't drivers licenses. It's INS. People are taking their anger out on the wrong department.

    Why don't you two guys 1) move this discussion back into a seperate thread and 2) quit calling each other names.
  • Reply 109 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member

    Originally posted by bunge

    Why? The United States has nothing to do with the English language.

    Not one good reason? The amount of beauracracy needed to keep illegals from getting a license would be cost prohibitive. Unless you like big, intrusive government programs.

    This is, of course, just an ignorant and racist comment.

    Actually, plenty of them do. I think you're probably woefully misinformed about who and what illegal aliens are in this country.

    Again, the real issue isn't drivers licenses. It's INS. People are taking their anger out on the wrong department.

    Why don't you two guys 1) move this discussion back into a seperate thread and 2) quit calling each other names.

    And I guess Mexico has nothing to do with the Spanish language. Move there, don't learn how to speak Spanish, and find out how successful you'll be. For over 200 yrs immigrants who moved here, including my Polish Grandparents, expected they would have to learn and should have to learn to speak english. All of a sudden that should change? Bullshit. Immigrants should change to conform to the country they move to, not the other way around.

    There is no beaurocracy needed to keep illegals from getting drivers licenses-they don't have them, except for phony licenses. Whats needed are stricter laws for distributing phony IDs and making the seller responsible for any action taken by the illegal alien in using the ID. Whoever sold those Muslim terrorists phony IDs should have been prosecuted for murder as an accomplice.

    Saying that most illegal aliens dont have enough money to buy a new car is racist? You have a pretty liberal definition of the word, and I place the emphasis on liberal.....................................
  • Reply 110 of 227
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by steve666

    Immigrants should change to conform to the country they move to, not the other way around.

    And that is exactly why I am a strong proponent of ditching this love affair we have with the English language and making the patchwork of Native American languages our great country's o-ffic-ial languages!

    Netsêhesenêstsehe, anyone?
  • Reply 111 of 227
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by ShawnJ

    And that is exactly why I am a strong proponent of ditching this love affair we have with the English language and making the patchwork of Native American languages our great country's o-ffic-ial languages!

    Netsêhesenêstsehe, anyone?

    The more you talk the more you remind me of SDW.
  • Reply 112 of 227
    These seeds were sown along time ago people.

    I don't support giving Illegals Licenses. The problem exists because Americans have grown to be fairly unpatriotic. Yes sure we buy a Flag or put a sticker on our car but there seems to be a new sentiment. That Sentiment seems to be "I'm an American and my Allegiance is with myself".

    Our Gov never has told us we have to give a shiza about this Country. So now you have Mexicans who cross the border to gain access to resources. Some wish to obtain citizenship and I prefer that. Many are just hear to support their family back home. I don't support that. Once you become a Citizen ..fine. There are steps to becoming a Citizen and no one should be able to circumvent those.

    I'm reminded of a post from Pscates a while back. The US Soccer Team defeated Mexico. During the game Mexicans in California were honking their horns and living it it. The Irony of this situation is this. To whom's allegiance do they claim? This is not about right or wrong. It's just a strange Dichotomy.

    I prefer to walk down the street and be surrounded with people that love this country even if their response to it is invective. That's a sign of caring about the country. What we must do is prevent the parasitic types who are only into taking our resources but not adding from gaining ahold.

    I don't care about their desire to speak Spanish. I actually applaud it. Perhaps I'll dust off the old Spanish books and relearn enhancing my opportunities in the future. Europeans generally speak at least 2 languages to communicate with their foreign neighbors...we should be no different.

    So what it's really about is respect for this Country. Respect for our History. Respect for our ideals. If you can meet this challenge then I welcome you with open arms.
  • Reply 113 of 227
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by BR

    The more you talk the more you remind me of SDW.

    That's nice. I've never respected you either- but here I was being completely disingenuous. So lighten up and realize that I know my response to Steve doesn't negate one bit of what he's saying. Why? Because i was kidding.

    I don't really have an opinion either way on this drivers license ordeal.
  • Reply 114 of 227
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    The name calling started with you, funny how you liberal pansies can't take back what you give. All govmnt forms should be in English only-period.

    Wrong, you started the name calling. Liberal pansies? lol Easy there little neocon. Don't pop a vein. Here's one that could maybe cause a couple veins to pop. I'm a registered Republican. Now take a deep breath...move away from the dog....and go for a walk my radical friend.


    There isn't one good reason to be for the law. If you don't find this law objectionable on many levels you're braindead.

    I don't find it objectionable on the same lame levels you do obviously.


    Oh, they can get it ilegally, then what the heck lets just give it to them so it will be easier for them. How do you function every day with logic like that?

    i wasn't talking about getting the license illegally. I was talking about other documents. Are you just not understanding on purpose or are you really that dumb? No one is "just giving it to them'...there are a few qualifications they must meet to apply for the license, but don't let some facts get in the way of making ridiculous comments.


    Illegals dont have enough money for toilet paper, and now they're going to buy a new car? Come on, please.

    There you go little Stevie...show your true colors. You're just a racist idiot. Yeah, no illegals buy cars Go ahead and just admit you don't like hispanics.Stop pretending.


    Except you're too ignorant to realize that they are NOT going to register their car.

    And you know that how? Or is it just another stupid racially motivated comment showing your now proven dislike towards latinos?


    A drivers license has NOTHING to do with insurance, but I already knew you have no clue.

    Nice try. You're the one who failed in your attempt at making the connection between the two.


    And when is the last time the INS deported anybody? Um, never. Thanks to limp wrists like you who support politicians who pander to every ethnic lobby they can ass kiss, nothing gets done about illegals. And exactly how would they have to deal with the police? Like they are going to wait around and file a report?

    Funny. I watch the local news and there appear to be INS raids on a daily basis. Even at places like LAX. Again, another baseless stupid comment from you.


    OK, I admit I was wrong about that-but didn't you say why would an illegal want to have to deal with a court or police? So why would an illegal want to hand over an address where they can be found? If they did give a legit address, do you think the INS should go after them and deport them? I'm guessing no because that would make sense and you're too stupid to make any sense whatsoever. I eagerly await your next ignorant remark............................................ ..

    Another baseless and moronic comment from you. You're good. Could it be because the DMV is not the INS Einstein? lol The INS should go after illegals who are not in the process of obtaining legal residency. Not disagreeing with that.

    I think the only one not making sense is you. So that's your best eh? You obviously don't have the balls to come out and just admit you don't like hispanics. Instead you sprinkle racist and borderline racist remarks here and there and then try to not to appear too radical. Nice try little neocon. PAT ROBERTSON RULES!!!!
  • Reply 115 of 227
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member
    Hmurchison: I agree with most of your post. Re: the soccer comment...I have seen that too....but Pscates failed to mention to you that those Mexicans honking also support the US team...just when not playing vs. Mexico. I have attended a couple of those games and many Mexicans actually wear something US and something Mexico. I wouldn't pay too much attention to that.

    If we wanna be picky let's criticize everyone who has been here many years and still claims to be from somewhere else....e.g/ Jay Leno always claiming to be italian....

    Most people do what Jay does...."I'm Irish"..etc etc...Not a big deal to me.
  • Reply 116 of 227

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    I'm reminded of a post from Pscates a while back. The US Soccer Team defeated Mexico. During the game Mexicans in California were honking their horns and living it it. The Irony of this situation is this. To whom's allegiance do they claim? This is not about right or wrong. It's just a strange Dichotomy.

    Remarkably off-topic, but:

    If you're from Los Angeles, but you move to New York, is it wrong to still support your old hometown team?

    Slightly more on-topic (but not in reply to HMurchison):

    A drivers license should confer no rights upon the bearer, other than the ability to legally drive a car in the country that it is issued.

    I hold two drivers licenses, for two different countries.

    Although many establishments accept drivers licenses for proof of age, I have yet to be in a situation where a drivers license is accepted as proof of citizenship. That's why I have both a birth certificate, and a citizenship card.

    The US border does not accept drivers licenses from other countries as proof of citizenship, and I have been plainly told by a border guard that, "This only proves you can drive".

    Perhaps I don't understand the situation in California properly. Am I right in my understanding that in California you can register to vote with only a drivers license? If so, this should be changed immediately.

    Proof of citizenship should be the required minimum, and since the US doesn't allow other countries drivers licenses to be used as proof when entering the US, it seems that it shouldn't be allowing them to be used in California to register.

    I obviously don't see a problem with providing licenses to anyone, with the proviso that it is only a license to drive - not vote.

    After spending some time on LA freeways, though, a license to drive doesn't seem to confer anything more than the right to sit in a traffic jam.
  • Reply 117 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    >Wrong, you started the name calling. Liberal pansies? lol Easy there little neocon. Don't pop a vein. Here's one that could maybe cause a couple veins to pop. I'm a registered Republican. Now take a deep breath...move away from the dog....and go for a walk my radical friend.<

    Wrong-does this ring a bell?:

    and you know they won't buy insurance how? You buy a car, you register it with proof of insurance.

    I didn't know traffic SIGNS were all worded. Maybe in your own little world they are.

    The exams are written in various languages for that purpose Einstein.

    How "abort" deporting them? By the tone of your rhetoric I get the feeling YOU might want to shoot them too?

    Maybe you should read your little post about "common sense" and "brains". Have a feeling you could use some improvement in both areas.

    That was your first lob in my direction.

    And by the way, I voted for Al Gore. Believe it or not, the majority of Americans support my stance and they sure aren't neocons, nor am I.

    >i wasn't talking about getting the license illegally. I was talking about other documents. Are you just not understanding on purpose or are you really that dumb? No one is "just giving it to them'...there are a few qualifications they must meet to apply for the license, but don't let some facts get in the way of making ridiculous comments. <

    And what are those qualifications? Please enlighten us. Since they don't even have to be a citizen to be able to get one I am assuming the qualifications aren't that extensive. Perhaps not being blind, and not being a human stump. Although I am sure Gray Davis wouldnt want that to stand in their way either, since the 'blind' lobby and 'Those without limbs' lobby will frighten him into allowing them to qualify also.

    >There you go little Stevie...show your true colors. You're just a racist idiot. Yeah, no illegals buy cars Go ahead and just admit you don't like hispanics.Stop pretending.<

    Oh yes, that was such a racist statement. That poor illegals can't afford to spend $14,000 on a new car.

    >Funny. I watch the local news and there appear to be INS raids on a daily basis. Even at places like LAX. Again, another baseless stupid comment from you.<

    Raids? There are hundreds of illegals massing on street corners where I live. All they would need to do is send vans to pick them up. The people in the neighborhoods have been clamoring for the INS to do something and still no sign of any assistance. The INS is worthless, as is George Bush.

    >Another baseless and moronic comment from you. You're good. Could it be because the DMV is not the INS Einstein? lol The INS should go after illegals who are not in the process of obtaining legal residency. Not disagreeing with that.

    I think the only one not making sense is you. So that's your best eh? You obviously don't have the balls to come out and just admit you don't like hispanics. Instead you sprinkle racist and borderline racist remarks here and there and then try to not to appear too radical. Nice try little neocon. PAT ROBERTSON RULES!!!! <

    Only small minds use the word 'racist' in their arguments because you have no point to make. You're trying to cover up the fact that you have nothing to say and you make yourself look like a fool. Not too hard, though, is it?............................
  • Reply 118 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    >Perhaps I don't understand the situation in California properly. Am I right in my understanding that in California you can register to vote with only a drivers license? If so, this should be changed immediately.

    Proof of citizenship should be the required minimum, and since the US doesn't allow other countries drivers licenses to be used as proof when entering the US, it seems that it shouldn't be allowing them to be used in California to register.

    I obviously don't see a problem with providing licenses to anyone, with the proviso that it is only a license to drive - not vote.<

    That is the case. That is one of the reasons that idiot Gray davis signed it into law, even though he was against it 2 years ago. He is pandering to the latino vote, and the Dems hope that if this goes through it will mean more votes for them, even though those voting are not citizens. Pretty disgraceful, isn't it? There are also many other things you can do with a drivers license and that is why the Homeland Security Dept is against this measure, although George W is sadly quiet on the issue. Apparently even a so-called Conservative Republican can be spineless on this issue............................................. ..............
  • Reply 119 of 227
    Quote from Steve666 (sorry, i don't know who to do the official quote thing)

    "Raids? There are hundreds of illegals massing on street corners where I live."

    Impressive, so you went out there and asked all those people "massing" on your corner for proof of citizenship?

    Or did you take one look at their brown skin and assume "illegal Mexicans".

    I guess it never occured to you that they may just be unemployed citizens or legal residents.
  • Reply 120 of 227
    Just to clarify:

    Not all brown skinned Spanish speakers are Mexicans.

    Not all illegals are Mexican, most people just say they are from Mexico so that they get deported they will only be sent back to Tijuana.

    Please, please, please, try not to use the words Mexican interchangably with Illegal.
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