Bustamante was (is?) a racist



  • Reply 81 of 227
    serranoserrano Posts: 1,806member

    mecha is not some racist organization. mecha exists today, is alive and well on college campuses across the country. many influential hispanics were once a part of mecha, to renounce mecha would be political suicide, especially in california. mecha raised california's hispanic elite.

    here is my universities mecha page, specifically their mission statement... below the requisite, official, statement, is plain english explaining how it all applies...


    ok, and for all you gringos out there, raza is your people, raza is your roots, la raza is the community standing tall, la raza is about pride for who you are, and where you came from - not about racial purity - hispanics in america have been made to feel less than proud of their heritage, and their brown skin - mecha is about turning that on its head, and relying on each other, building on the community...

    why would the news not bother to tell you this? i can't imagine...
  • Reply 82 of 227
    serranoserrano Posts: 1,806member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    There have been women candidates for President. They didn't end up getting the nomination of either of the two major parties, but there have been women "running" for President.

    Carol Moseley-Braun is running right now. Carol for prez I know Elizabeth Dole ran a while back. She ran against George Bush for the Republican nomination in 2000.

    So I can name two women right off the top of my head.

    Nick, please...

    Obviously any candidate who hopes to win the US presidency would have to be the republican or democratic candidate.
  • Reply 83 of 227
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Federal Taxpayer Identification Number

    So is the argument now changing to be against the Feds for making the TIN# so easy to get?
  • Reply 84 of 227
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by serrano


    mecha is not some racist organization. mecha exists today, is alive and well on college campuses across the country. many influential hispanics were once a part of mecha, to renounce mecha would be political suicide, especially in california. mecha raised california's hispanic elite.

    here is my universities mecha page, specifically their mission statement... below the requisite, official, statement, is plain english explaining how it all applies...


    ok, and for all you gringos out there, raza is your people, raza is your roots, la raza is the community standing tall, la raza is about pride for who you are, and where you came from - not about racial purity - hispanics in america have been made to feel less than proud of their heritage, and their brown skin - mecha is about turning that on its head, and relying on each other, building on the community...

    why would the news not bother to tell you this? i can't imagine...

    Mecha divides. Be proud of being an American living in America. Screw the color of your skin or where your grandpa came from.
  • Reply 85 of 227
    That's easy to say when you're white.

    Plenty of whites celebrate the various heritages...

    Irish, Italian... Polish... whatever. And it used to be that those nationalities were descriminated against.

    This country is far from color blind... and why should people from different backgrounds give up their culture? So they can be accepted as people first... which we both know doesn't happen? When the first thing people see is their color and race?

    Finding support within their community and with peers is common sense. They're taking pride in who they are because they're constantly being told that they're valued less than a "true" american.
  • Reply 86 of 227
    ok guys, this is my first post, so i will try to keep this as polite as possible.

    First off, can someone explain to me what it means to be "American"? A lot of people here seem to have some very specific criteria so i would like to hear your reasoning. I only ask because so many of you seem to be in favor of things like deporting illegal immigrants and making english the "official" language and telling people not to worry about where their grandparents came from.

    As far as I understand it, America was built on diversity. It was a place where people from all over the world could come for a second chance. I mean, look at the words on the statue of liberty (i won't bother quoting because all you true americans must know them by heart). America has a history of welcoming immigration when there was a need for cheap manual labor, for example the "Bracero Program" of 1942. When the economy turns, suddenly immigrants are a strain on our great country.

    I suppose the issue here is the "illegal" part of the immigration right? It is ridiculously expensive and time consuming to become a legal resident of this country. I have worked for an immigration law firm for a couple summers and i can promise you that those offices are full of people shelling out 10 grand apiece for the right to work and live in this country without shame. There is not an illegal immigrant in this country who wouldn't love anything better then to be here legally. It takes some time to get together that kind of money. These people are not criminals, they are only looking for a chance.

    You should see the way people in Latin American countries talk about the US. To them, this is the land of opportunity, the place where everyone can live like a human being without having to scrape by.

    What in the world is more American then having faith in the basic goodness of this country?
  • Reply 87 of 227
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by serrano

    Nick, please...

    Obviously any candidate who hopes to win the US presidency would have to be the republican or democratic candidate.

    I understand that. The claim was that no woman had even run for president.

    As for the women winning their respective primarires, especially since more women vote Democratic they could have simply voted in a woman as nominee. However it appears that both men and women consider more than just gender when considering a president.

  • Reply 88 of 227
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by bunge

    So is the argument now changing to be against the Feds for making the TIN# so easy to get?

    Actually it would be that the state is seeking to use the TIN for 1) a purpose for which it was specifically not intended. (The page says quite clear what it is used for and immigration status is not one of the reasons to use it and 2) to get around the need for a Social Security card which requires validated background information.

  • Reply 89 of 227
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by chu_bakka

    That's easy to say when you're white.

    Plenty of whites celebrate the various heritages...

    Irish, Italian... Polish... whatever. And it used to be that those nationalities were descriminated against.

    This country is far from color blind... and why should people from different backgrounds give up their culture? So they can be accepted as people first... which we both know doesn't happen? When the first thing people see is their color and race?

    Finding support within their community and with peers is common sense. They're taking pride in who they are because they're constantly being told that they're valued less than a "true" american.

    I think you are about half right on this issue. (A first! )

    You are right that people should be able to find support within their communities and also from their peers. They should also have pride in who they are as well.

    I think in this game of life there are always people who seek to make others feel devalued. However as Elenore Roosevelt said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

    I think when these types of organizations seek to promote and create inclusive ways to celebrate a culture it is most positive.

    However some groups do not do that. They seek segregation and seperatism. That is wrong, even if the group feels oppressed.

    I do think that some organizations have attempted to act as if they are doing the former while really attempting the latter.

  • Reply 90 of 227
    I think seperatism is wrong too.

    I feel bad for those kids that felt the need for a gay high school because the adults wouldn't do their job and protect them. High school is pretty brutal as it is... imagine how bad it is for them. Until schools can figure out how to include them or exclude bullies... it's probably an alright thing temporarily.
  • Reply 91 of 227
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Actually it would be that the state is seeking to use the TIN for 1) a purpose for which it was specifically not intended. (The page says quite clear what it is used for and immigration status is not one of the reasons to use it and 2) to get around the need for a Social Security card which requires validated background information.

    Are you going back to the SB60 argument? I've never said it's a good bill. I've always said the opposite. That has no bearing on the license issue though.
  • Reply 92 of 227
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by chu_bakka

    I think seperatism is wrong too.

    I feel bad for those kids that felt the need for a gay high school because the adults wouldn't do their job and protect them. High school is pretty brutal as it is... imagine how bad it is for them. Until schools can figure out how to include them or exclude bullies... it's probably an alright thing temporarily.

    I'm not sure how I feel about gay school. I haven't really read that much about it to formulate an opinion either way.

    Maybe Trumptman who works in an elementary school could provide some insight on the matter.

    By the way guys, the word is SEPARATISM, not seperatism.
  • Reply 93 of 227
    I knew it was one or the other and was too lazy too look it up. Thanks!
  • Reply 94 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    And you know they won't buy insurance how? You buy a car, you register it with proof of insurance.

    I didn't know traffic SIGNS were all worded. Maybe in your own little world they are.

    The exams are written in various languages for that purpose Einstein.

    How "abort" deporting them? By the tone of your rhetoric I get the feeling YOU might want to shoot them too?

    Maybe you should read your little post about "common sense" and "brains". Have a feeling you could use some improvement in both areas.

    They are being given drivers licenses, moron. Where are they being forced to register their cars? Do you think they can afford car insurance? Next time you get broadsided by an illegal you'll find out the hard way.

    Traffic signs are not worded-how about 'slow down', 'men at work', 'detour', etc etc. Not all signs use icons.

    I want them deported because they are here illegally. Not that difficult to understand , at least if you had an IQ............
  • Reply 95 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member

    Originally posted by cris84

    ok guys, this is my first post, so i will try to keep this as polite as possible.

    First off, can someone explain to me what it means to be "American"? A lot of people here seem to have some very specific criteria so i would like to hear your reasoning. I only ask because so many of you seem to be in favor of things like deporting illegal immigrants and making english the "official" language and telling people not to worry about where their grandparents came from.

    As far as I understand it, America was built on diversity. It was a place where people from all over the world could come for a second chance. I mean, look at the words on the statue of liberty (i won't bother quoting because all you true americans must know them by heart). America has a history of welcoming immigration when there was a need for cheap manual labor, for example the "Bracero Program" of 1942. When the economy turns, suddenly immigrants are a strain on our great country.

    I suppose the issue here is the "illegal" part of the immigration right? It is ridiculously expensive and time consuming to become a legal resident of this country. I have worked for an immigration law firm for a couple summers and i can promise you that those offices are full of people shelling out 10 grand apiece for the right to work and live in this country without shame. There is not an illegal immigrant in this country who wouldn't love anything better then to be here legally. It takes some time to get together that kind of money. These people are not criminals, they are only looking for a chance.

    You should see the way people in Latin American countries talk about the US. To them, this is the land of opportunity, the place where everyone can live like a human being without having to scrape by.

    What in the world is more American then having faith in the basic goodness of this country?

    You dont need a lawyer to become a legal citizen if you came here legally. You apply from your home country and wait for acceptance. If illegals would love to come here legally than they can do the same thing legal immigrants do-wait your turn. Not a foreign concept is it?

    As for them not being criminals, over 25% of federal prisoners are illegals. Do you really think all illegals in this country are sweet hard working Mexicans and Central Americans patiently waiting at a corner for a few hours work? Thats not the case.

    The US lets in almost 1 million LEGAL immigrants which in itself is way too high. We have every right to expect our immigration laws to be respected by all.................................
  • Reply 96 of 227
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by steve666

    They are being given drivers licenses, moron. Where are they being forced to register their cars? Do you think they can afford car insurance? Next time you get broadsided by an illegal you'll find out the hard way.

    Traffic signs are not worded-how about 'slow down', 'men at work', 'detour', etc etc. Not all signs use icons.

    I want them deported because they are here illegally. Not that difficult to understand , at least if you had an IQ............

    They need to pass tests to get a license and show proof of insurance to register their cars. The licenses are delivered to a physical address too, thus creating a record. Yes retard, I think they can afford liability at least.

    Wow, how many times does one need to read one of those signs to understand what they mean? I doubt they're as stupid as you are.
  • Reply 97 of 227
    wait... is the topic "is steve666 a racist?" hehe

    New York City... where I live... has a very diverse immigrant population... I like it. The city seems to handle it fine... and our economy isn't as large as California's.
  • Reply 98 of 227
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by bunge

    Are you going back to the SB60 argument? I've never said it's a good bill. I've always said the opposite. That has no bearing on the license issue though.

    I think then you have confused me to the point that I don't know which sub-discussion we are having in this thread anymore.

    I think I need a drink with a paper umbrella.

    What do they use for documentation and background checks in Chicaco?

  • Reply 99 of 227
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    I'm not sure how I feel about gay school. I haven't really read that much about it to formulate an opinion either way.

    Maybe Trumptman who works in an elementary school could provide some insight on the matter.

    By the way guys, the word is SEPARATISM, not seperatism.

    Trumptman has been working with children too long. He cannot spel kno mor.

    No true homosexual issues in elementary school yet. Just the occasional boy who likes jump rope a bit too much and has all female friends.

    I'm personally hoping that is about how it stays as well.

  • Reply 100 of 227
    Oh no! A boy jumping rope... and bonding with the girls! Someone get him into therapy! hehe... you have to admit it's really not a big deal.
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