Official World Series Topic



  • Reply 61 of 130
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by _ alliance _

    why? i dont care if he's going to the HOF. if someone's a terrible person, he doesn't get my respect. respect must be earned, and that doesn't come from being a good athlete alone. and i don't respect players/people that follow money over loyalty, part of why i despise so many of the yankees...

    terrible person? grow up. he's a pitcher. don't make claims of who he is as a person

    loyality? ever think he didn't want to be a red sox anymore? i sure as hell wouldn't. why do you assume the red sox earned his loyality? if anything he has shown great the yankees.

    and let me remind you, this is a business. i find it hard to believe you wouldn't follow money either.

    tired of these stupid arguments, it's so played that it's pathetic.
  • Reply 62 of 130
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    I don't think this is a bad way to go out considering the only runs he gave up were in the 1st inning. This is much better than Game 7 of the ALCS where he was pulled in the 3rd or 4th...I forget.

    Tha Yankees should be able to get more than ONE run off a guy that was demoted to the bullpen for the latter half of the season though.
  • Reply 63 of 130

    Originally posted by applenut

    terrible person? grow up. he's a pitcher. don't make claims of who he is as a person

    loyality? ever think he didn't want to be a red sox anymore? i sure as hell wouldn't. why do you assume the red sox earned his loyality? if anything he has shown great the yankees.

    and let me remind you, this is a business. i find it hard to believe you wouldn't follow money either.

    tired of these stupid arguments, it's so played that it's pathetic.


    what's 5 million versus 10 or 15?? let's not get into the frivilous argument of athletes again...

    although i will give you that Clemens isnt nearly as bad about this as that PayRod character playing for the worst-run franchise in baseball (possibly in all of history).

    and no, i wouldnt follow money. yes, if it came with where i wanted to be, it would be nice to have. but there are a few teams that i would never play for even for all the money that is thrown around these days. sorry, i not everyone is a greedy capitalist in this country, like some people like to believe. oh thats right, you're from new york, so you dont know any better...
  • Reply 64 of 130

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Tha Yankees should be able to get more than ONE run off a guy that was demoted to the bullpen for the latter half of the season though.

    maybe they learned the true art of choking by playing the sox and watching the cubs and giants...
  • Reply 65 of 130
    who the f*ck cares what the clemens kids will be doing next summer...???? what is wrong w/ fox...?!?!?!
  • Reply 66 of 130
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    BAH...his wife annoys me.

    whatever, clemens sucks :P


    what's 5 million versus 10 or 15?? let's not get into the frivilous argument of athletes again...

    um....its 5 million. im a bit shocked you consider that inconsequential.


    and no, i wouldnt follow money. yes, if it came with where i wanted to be, it would be nice to have.

    i don't believe you. would you turn down another job that paid a lot more right now? keep in mind, its the SAME job and its a job that you are doing now.


    but there are a few teams that i would never play for even for all the money that is thrown around these days

    is it so strange than that perhaps Clemens wanted out of Boston? I would have...and so would many others. you're contradicting yourself with this argument.


    oh thats right, you're from new york, so you dont know any better...

    that a way. further prove your ignorance and sheer stupidity.


    maybe they learned the true art of choking by playing the sox and watching the cubs and giants...

    like they have for the past century....riiiight

    yawn, you are a broken record babe
  • Reply 67 of 130
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member

    Originally posted by _ alliance _

    who the f*ck cares what the clemens kids will be doing next summer...???? what is wrong w/ fox...?!?!?!

    No kidding. The fact that they drag out the family every time that Clemens is in a 'big game' is getting old. The fact that he has to live in 'Katy' and the first names of all of his kids begin with 'K' too is very disturbing.

    As for Clemens and Boston, I'm not going to get into it beyond this: He begged McNamara to pull him in Game 6 in 1986, and that's all I have to say about it.
  • Reply 68 of 130
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Going out on a strike-out, a standing ovation, and the stadium chanting "ROGER, ROGER." Now the Yankees need to get a few runs.
  • Reply 69 of 130
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by Fran441

    No kidding. The fact that they drag out the family every time that Clemens is in a 'big game' is getting old. The fact that he has to live in 'Katy' and the first names of all of his kids begin with 'K' too is very disturbing.

    As for Clemens and Boston, I'm not going to get into it beyond this: He begged McNamara to pull him in Game 6 in 1986, and that's all I have to say about it.

    fran, get over it already, you are so bitter about someone who you apparently's like your a divorced wife. red sox suck, and it isn't because of clemens. he was the only bright spot for your team in the 80s.

    as for the K thing.....yea, clemens is a frickin weirdo....goes back to his cattle bone theme in his house...... and his wife.....her voice....owwwwwwww

    so he goes out with a happy for him.
  • Reply 70 of 130

    Originally posted by applenut

    um....its 5 million. im a bit shocked you consider that inconsequential.

    i don't believe you. would you turn down another job that paid a lot more right now? keep in mind, its the SAME job and its a job that you are doing now.

    is it so strange than that perhaps Clemens wanted out of Boston? I would have...and so would many others. you're contradicting yourself with this argument.

    that a way. further prove your ignorance and sheer stupidity.

    like they have for the past century....riiiight

    yawn, you are a broken record babe

    a) 5 million isnt inconsequential. but what would 5 or 10 extra million do me? i dont need that money. i'm going into a career that pays a considerable amount less than i am qualified for--i dont follow money, sorry.

    b) depends on the location and the company. if it was in new york, then yes i would turn it down. if it's here in texas, then yes i would turn it down. etc etc.

    c) dont really know where either of us are going with this one and dont care about it, honestly.

    d) you act so arrogant, i assume that it's because you're from new york. am i wrong? maybe it's cause you're just another arrogant little teenage punk who thinks he's always right. i dunno...

    e) i was joking. and i wasnt talking to you anyway...
  • Reply 71 of 130
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    that extra 5 million is the taxes and more that you would have to pay


    d) you act so arrogant, i assume that it's because you're from new york. am i wrong? maybe it's cause you're just another arrogant little teenage punk who thinks he's always right. i dunno...

    you act like an old **** who wants respect because he's in his 20s and wants some kind of prize for making it that it wrong to assume its because you're from texas?

    arrogant little teenage ****? .im not sure i'd classify as little..... but who knows..... but assume all you want since eldest knows best. Don't Mess With Texas?

    what's ironic is that you always assume you're right. when im wrong i admit it. you on the other hand feel threatened and have to use the age card and the im from texas, your from new york card and the im ur elder, respect me card.

    its laughable, in fact, once you straight out just said, im older, you have to respect me....... can you BE more pathetic
  • Reply 72 of 130
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    stupid move by fox cutting away when clemens left the field.

    baseball lives on history and memorable moments. this was one of them....and they went to commercial.
  • Reply 73 of 130
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member

    can you BE more pathetic?

    He could always be a Yankees fan......
  • Reply 74 of 130
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by Fran441

    He could always be a Yankees fan...... should talk.

    keep whining, its what your fans and your players do best.
  • Reply 75 of 130

    Originally posted by applenut

    that extra 5 million is the taxes and more that you would have to pay

    you act like an old **** who wants respect because he's in his 20s and wants some kind of prize for making it that it wrong to assume its because you're from texas?

    arrogant little teenage ****? .im not sure i'd classify as little..... but who knows..... but assume all you want since eldest knows best. Don't Mess With Texas?

    what's ironic is that you always assume you're right. when im wrong i admit it. you on the other hand feel threatened and have to use the age card and the im from texas, your from new york card and the im ur elder, respect me card.

    its laughable, in fact, once you straight out just said, im older, you have to respect me....... can you BE more pathetic


    stop crying, boy.

    i have never seen you admit that you are wrong in ANYTHING. only complain and bitch until the other people lose interest and stop replying.

    i have never used the "im from texas" card, mainly because i'm not from texas. i hate this POS state. i'm from california, but am stuck in this backwards shithole until i finish professional school.

    oh, and most of what i used to say to you was meant as a joke, but you turn it around and think that it's some kind of ammunition to use later. whatever, dude...
  • Reply 76 of 130

    Originally posted by applenut should talk.

    keep whining, its what your fans and your players do best.

    you missed your calling as a Sox player/fan then, i guess...

  • Reply 77 of 130
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by _ alliance _


    stop crying, boy.

    i have never seen you admit that you are wrong in ANYTHING. only complain and bitch until the other people lose interest and stop replying.

    i have never used the "im from texas" card, mainly because i'm not from texas. i hate this POS state. i'm from california, but am stuck in this backwards shithole until i finish professional school.

    oh, and most of what i used to say to you was meant as a joke, but you turn it around and think that it's some kind of ammunition to use later. whatever, dude...

    perhaps you should extend your AI reading to outside baseball threads then.

    California propz to you.


    you missed your calling as a Sox player/fan then, i gues

    use your own graphics if you're gonna try to be witty.

    that was midly amusing the first time i saw it earlier this week.
  • Reply 78 of 130
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    bah, i cant take this anymore. why cant they score earlier, why must they come alive late every time.

    bah, im too stressed for this....big day tomorrow....i get my training wheels off.
  • Reply 79 of 130

    Originally posted by applenut

    perhaps you should extend your AI reading to outside baseball threads then.

    California propz to you.

    i have--and i used to live where you seem to love so much...

  • Reply 80 of 130
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    horrible at bat by posada.

    half the yankees have quality at bats every time up. the other half especially SORIANO are embarrassing

    I've never seen such a bad playoff performance as soriano
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