Hey Kane! What kind of desk is that there!!?? I gotta get one! Mine has two sides on it but it does not go all the way across, and I wish it was higher..... (I'll post a pic sometime soon.)
The more stationary side of my set up is an oxygen8, digitech BNX3, iPod 20GB, my 2 basses(fodera monarch and MTD kingston(fretless)) my philips headphones, and the iSight
Damn kid hogging the new iBook. (she turned 3 yesterday)
Here's a shot from further back:
iBook G4, 640MB RAM, 60GB HD, AirPort Extreme, Bluetooth
Dual 533, 1.5GB RAM, 2x40GB HD, CD-RW, AirPort
Beside the iBook is my Lacie 52x FW CD-RW drive, complete with appropriate decal.
The display I just got for $80 CAD used from a local shop. They had it on their counter for a year. Can't remember the brand, but the bastard does 100Hz at 1280x960. It's awesome, albeit ugly. About 500 times better picture quality than any of the eMacs I've had.
Scanner and Canon i450 printer on the floor... I really should straighten up the cords and stuff some day...
Uhhh...did anyone see my setup. Look above. You can't say Luca Rescigno's is messy after looking at mine. I know I said I cleaned my desk, but it has since gotten messy again and will soon see the addition of quite a bit of musical equipment.
Originally posted by >_>
Um.. Here are all the things on my desk with the prices. =P
Headphones - MDR-V700DJ (Sony) - $140
Mice - Apple wireless - Logitech Bluetooth - $70 / $100
Keyboard - Apple wireless - $70
Bluetooth - Dlink - $50
Tablet - Wacom - $99
Speakers - Creatures - $120
iPod - 30GB - $410
iBook - 800mhz G3 cdrw 30gig 640mb - $1100
Laptop stand - Podium Pad (white) - $30
Total : $2189
... ouch ...
- Xidius
wow you have too many mice. for my taste anyways.... you think 2189 is bad, i'm looking at 5400 for my new g5 when they relese new ones
Originally posted by ipodandimac
wow you have too many mice. for my taste anyways.... you think 2189 is bad, i'm looking at 5400 for my new g5 when they relese new ones
I have only two mice.
And then I have a mouse that goes with the tablet. I don't really consider it a mouse.
- Xidius
Here is a picture of my new setup.
15" AlBook and my first Mac ever.
Canon S50 Powershot took the pic
Canon ZR-25 Digital Camcorder
iMac 800 Mhz G4 Superdrive 512 MB RAM
Panasonic TV Remote
Apple Pro Keyboard-Black Keys- because my white one got water damge!
(taken on my iSight)
The more stationary side of my set up is an oxygen8, digitech BNX3, iPod 20GB, my 2 basses(fodera monarch and MTD kingston(fretless)) my philips headphones, and the iSight
From left to right:
PowerMac G4/450 dual processor
Apple Keyboard on top
10 GB 3rd Gen. iPod w/ blue iSkin Exo2
Yamaha YST-MS201 speakers
MS Natural Multimedia keyboard
Gateway EV700 17" monitor
Clear Apple PlainTalk microphone on top of monitor
Logitech MX500 mouse
Memorex 19" TV
GameBoy Pocket
Babylon 5 season 2 DVD set (I've since gotten season 3 as well, with season 4 coming soon)
GameCube on the floor
From left to right:
Canon i850 Printer
iPod 40 GB
A Plant
iMac 17" 1.25 GHz, 768 MB RAM, 80 GB hard disk
Logitech Optical Wheel Mouse
Originally posted by Luca Rescigno
From left to right:
PowerMac G4/450 dual processor
Apple Keyboard on top
10 GB 3rd Gen. iPod w/ blue iSkin Exo2
Yamaha YST-MS201 speakers
MS Natural Multimedia keyboard
Gateway EV700 17" monitor
Clear Apple PlainTalk microphone on top of monitor
Logitech MX500 mouse
Memorex 19" TV
GameBoy Pocket
Babylon 5 season 2 DVD set (I've since gotten season 3 as well, with season 4 coming soon)
GameCube on the floor
It looks like someone is in need of a crib-clean!
Originally posted by Luca Rescigno
Sad thing is, that's relatively clean compared to how my room USUALLY is.
How horrible!
Here's a shot from further back:
iBook G4, 640MB RAM, 60GB HD, AirPort Extreme, Bluetooth
Dual 533, 1.5GB RAM, 2x40GB HD, CD-RW, AirPort
Beside the iBook is my Lacie 52x FW CD-RW drive, complete with appropriate decal.
The display I just got for $80 CAD used from a local shop. They had it on their counter for a year. Can't remember the brand, but the bastard does 100Hz at 1280x960. It's awesome, albeit ugly. About 500 times better picture quality than any of the eMacs I've had.
Scanner and Canon i450 printer on the floor... I really should straighten up the cords and stuff some day...
Originally posted by KANE
How horrible!
Dude, you haven't seen anything. You really should go back through some of the older posts in last year's thread. Luca's is one of the cleaner setups.
I have the same desk as you. Only mine is a little dirty.
Originally posted by Luca Rescigno
Oh come on, it's not THAT bad.
Uhhh...did anyone see my setup. Look above. You can't say Luca Rescigno's is messy after looking at mine. I know I said I cleaned my desk, but it has since gotten messy again and will soon see the addition of quite a bit of musical equipment.
That is a 64-oz mug you are looking at, my friends.
I drink a lot of water.
There's a ghetto PC I built 4 years ago.
The speakers eskimo gave me.
The Apple keyboard shanny gave me.
The mouse I stole from UT.
My fiancee's printer.
A white plastic bag full of schwag acquired from a bridal expo.
My racquetball "uniform" (lower right-hand corner).
My phone.
A ticket to Gosford Park from 2 years ago that I use as a bookmark.
A sharpie.
The DSL modem/wireless router.
CDs full of copyrighted material.
A spindle of blank CDs waiting to be filled with copyrighted material.
Another sharpie.
A monitor (with the number for the court reservation line taped to the front).
The blue change purse o' heaviness.