Invitation to AppleInsider for Folding@Home



  • Reply 141 of 170

    Originally posted by MrMacMan

    MacRumors we have a FAQ

    And your point is?


    Originally posted by MrMacMan

    The speed that all units can get in is a G3/G4 400... but all units submitted will give you points.



    Your FAQ gives a G3 and a G4, I'd say thats a very broad range, and a magical number of 400 MHz.

    I have a lot more respect for people that really go thought some process for their answers, compile results from fellow folders, a little mathematical plotting, or in other words, research the results to find the answers.

    Now for my answer, of the magical number of GHz for a G3 of 233. Which MrMaMan seams to scuff at. This number was not pulled out of a hat. I was passing out the best information that I know for this particular subject.

    At Team Mac OSX, we try to help one and other, in an open source kind of way. The main goal is to help those, that care, care enough to fold.

    This info is quoted form a very respected, and dedicated Folder...

    I apologize for the technical aspects, and feel free to ask any questions in a PM.


    Originally posted by "Ohairy1" - Folding-community dot org

    Shown below is a graph of frame time versus frame number for p724, a Gromacs project, on a Celeron 500 and on our iMac 600 G3. For the iMac, the first four frames at about 152.3 minutes per frame were run under Gromacs core 1.48. Frames 6 through 40 have been run under the new optimized core 1.53 just announced by Guha. The average frame time there is ~65.9 minutes per frame, excluding the first few frames (when my son was using the machine). Data for the Celeron was contributed by Bruce, running Windows.

    If this behavior holds across other Gromacs units, with other G3s, it will prove a significant increase in performance such that almost ANY G3 made should now be able to make the Gromacs deadlines on time (with something like a 233 MHz running 24/7 of course).

  • Reply 142 of 170
    That's great to hear, since I just hooked up my 333Mz iMac. I don't use it for much else anymore so I thought "why not"? If it can't handle the larger WUs I can always take it back off, but every little bit helps something that may benefit us all in a great way.

    In just the last generation, my family has lost one grandmother and grandfather, 2 uncles and an aunt to cancer. My dad is in the early stages of altzheimers. to see them taken one by one, slowly wasting away was hard, is hard. It's humbling when you realize how powerless we really are against these types of illnesses.

    Joining F@H has afforded me the opportunity to help in some small way. For me the competition isn't important, it's that together we can make a real difference for families that are going to face these same circumstances.

    So, whatever team your on, fold away. While trying to best each other, maybe we'll do some real good!
  • Reply 143 of 170
    Wascally Wabbit,

    Congratulations - You have just posted the most pertinent message (by far) in this thread. This is what it's all about folks.

    You are not alone in your motivation for joining this project. Many of us have dealt with similar situations, or are faced with them now. I am.

    Thank you very much for sharing your personal experience.

    We are proud to have you as a member of our TEAM.

  • Reply 144 of 170
    So what's the production of a Lombard?

    I have one that could possibly be brought online, no firewire either, oh brother. Then it's on OS "9", with a unusable screen. Smashed to bits.

    If I do a wipe and Panther install, I'll probably lose mirroring ability with my TV.

    Once I do access it, Panther it and get Apple Remote Desktop on it, I can control it from my G5 without a montior.

    Any suggestions?



    Folding@home FAQ
  • Reply 145 of 170
    Nice to see so many Macs joining, and doing well in folding!

    I have done distributed stuff for MacNN for a good while, althought for the moment it is my Athlon XP system doing the crunching!

    Nice to see we are teaching the PC teams a thing or two...
  • Reply 146 of 170

    Originally posted by Wascally Wabbit

    That's great to hear, since I just hooked up my 333Mz iMac. I don't use it for much else anymore so I thought "why not"? If it can't handle the larger WUs I can always take it back off, but every little bit helps something that may benefit us all in a great way.

    In just the last generation, my family has lost one grandmother and grandfather, 2 uncles and an aunt to cancer. My dad is in the early stages of altzheimers. to see them taken one by one, slowly wasting away was hard, is hard. It's humbling when you realize how powerless we really are against these types of illnesses.

    Joining F@H has afforded me the opportunity to help in some small way. For me the competition isn't important, it's that together we can make a real difference for families that are going to face these same circumstances.

    So, whatever team your on, fold away. While trying to best each other, maybe we'll do some real good!

    I lost my Dad to cancer at christmas (on Christmas day)... He had Mesothelioma caused by Asbestos exposure, but due to funding issues no research has been done as to finding a treatment.

    As you say, I guess every little helps...

    I am also really sorry to hear of your families sadness and tragedy, I really hope you all can all have the stength to get through things.

    It really make sad that we know so little medically about certain things. Here's to a future where next generations won't have to face what we have gone through.


  • Reply 147 of 170

    I lost my Dad to cancer at christmas (on Christmas day)... He had Mesothelioma caused by Asbestos exposure, but due to funding issues no research has been done as to finding a treatment.

    I understand completely, ( a tragedy in my life as well.)

    There are hundreds of thousands, millions, of computers out there that if people would just have heart and run some simple software we could lick these diseases once and for all.

    Turnout has been excellent, but quite small, given how many computers there are out and able to run the software.

    If you want to get involved please join us we welcome PC "switchers" on Team Mac OS X #1971 as well.
  • Reply 148 of 170
    Thank you, Marc for sharing your personal motivation to join the fold.


    Originally posted by KA4EYT

    You are not alone in your motivation for joining this project. Many of us have dealt with similar situations, or are faced with them now. I am.

    Thank you very much for sharing your personal experience.


    This story and cause is a real motivator, and is what has kept me involved as deeply as I am, Thanks again, Ken
  • Reply 149 of 170

    Originally posted by KA4EYT

    Many have asked this same question, and to be honest with you, we have no answer.

    First off, why the hell are you trying to argue with me?

    No good reason.

    Please Lay off I didn't do anything to you, if anything this thread created by a MacRumors sponsored member has helped you so lay off.


    My suspicion is that a considerable number of AppleInsider members consider your Corporate Sponsor to be a competitor of this site. Why don't you expend your efforts "at home"?


    CORPORATE SPONSOR? What the hell are you on?

    Would AppleInsider be a competitor or Apple? What the hell...


    We are strictly a Grass-Roots effort without any corporate or other sponsorship. This apparently appeals to many.

    Um, okay, this Guy named 'Arn' started up the site, he isn't making money off the site. Its not like It was MacAddict or NortonUtil Team, that would be corporate sponsored.


    Now to be honest, my primary motivation has always been to solicit new folders for the Pande Project at Stanford University. That is what this whole exercise is about, isn't it?

    Yes, it is folding for dieases, many people lose sight of this... Some people here only post how you beat ____ team... gah.


    MrMaMan, MrMukMan, MrMacMan (or whomever you are) - have you run any WUs past their deadlines recently? Try one and show me where your points are. I suspect that you will have edited your post prior to many seeing it. Too bad that they will not be able to share my amusement

    No, WorkUnits submitted after deadline will give you point, but will not be used for the folding project, as such they are useless for curing dieases, but rather only give people points.

    No I'm not going to edit my post because I am correct.


    Originally posted by Mac_ken_Cheez


    And your point is?

    I have no point. It was a link... I think most teams have a FAQ, but replying to that is nothing, I'm not sure why you picked that out of my paragraph...



    I have a lot more respect for people that really go thought some process for their answers, compile results from fellow folders, a little mathematical plotting, or in other words, research the results to find the answers.

    Okay, fair enough, but this has been done on the Folding Board itself so I don't see a reason each team needs to make their own...


    Now for my answer, of the magical number of GHz for a G3 of 233. Which MrMaMan seams to scuff at. This number was not pulled out of a hat. I was passing out the best information that I know for this particular subject.

    I didn't 'seam to scuff at.' <--- BTW Spelling = horrible

    I didn't scoff when my iMac Bondi Blue 233 was running Folding it didn't make the deadline... 3/5 WU submitted after the deadline... so I uninstalled it on that computer because there is no use for a WU being submitted that can't be used for acual research...


    This info is quoted form a very respected, and dedicated Folder...

    I apologize for the technical aspects, and feel free to ask any questions in a PM.


    I see the graph, I guess I don't expect people to have idle machines like that one says... A few of my WU were over the limit a few weren't, not scientific but never the less...

    I started folding because I know it was the right thing to do, only supported by the loss of family members (aunt...) and my best friends mother.

    I know its the right thing to do, thats why, unlike SETI, Folding has realistic goals...

    MacRumors for the Few out there who Do think Different.
  • Reply 150 of 170
    Now, now you two! If you don't start playing nice your both going to your rooms for a timeout! And your computer privileges will be suspended for the evening! Am I making myself clear!? Fold on fellas!
  • Reply 151 of 170

    Originally posted by MrMacMan

    No good reason.

    That was sure a long winded reply, you know is there any way we can avoid the word that starts with the letter H and contains 4 letters, and is on my 6 year old sons no list...

    Furthermore, Why such negativity, Relax the election season still down the road a bit. I'm sure we will be bombarded with negative adds all over the boob tube just soon enough. Perhaps a positive attitude will keep you healthy as well!

    Keep up the fold,

    Please keep "folding at home" a positive project,

    Thank you, Ken
  • Reply 152 of 170

    Originally posted by Mac_ken_Cheez

    That was sure a long winded reply, you know is there any way we can avoid the word that starts with the letter H and contains 4 letters, and is on my 6 year old sons no list...

    Furthermore, Why such negativity, Relax the election season still down the road a bit. I'm sure we will be bombarded with negative adds all over the boob tube just soon enough. Perhaps a positive attitude will keep you healthy as well!

    Keep up the fold,

    Please keep "folding at home" a positive project,

    Thank you, Ken

    Luckily I'm Jewish... so I don't have to worry about any words that are 4 letters long and start with H.

    No five letter word that starts with 'd' or seven letter word that starts with 'L'

    Ahh, its good.

    I've been a little stressed, but with everyone here from another team, I felt some need to have a response.

    I am done.

    Let this thread die peacefully.
  • Reply 153 of 170
    Thank you, hope all is well...

    I believe were really on the same team, that is were using our computing power in the name of good. Fold a good fight against diseases.

    You know I saw a great bumper sticker, at least I hadn't seen it before.

    It went something like this:

    Support Education,

    The best protection against Aids

    Now unfortunately, as of today, I don't believe that this research is aimed directly towards Aids research.

    Education is what this is all about. Educating the masses of what a great project, such as this, can achieve. Together each person that reads this tiny thread, will have had of at least heard of the concept in "Folding at home." Put that together with the many other sources of word of mouth, Web site that address this type of info, Team participation, ect, ect... Through the power of many and a distributed project such as this, we soon have created a super computer larger than any the world has seen. The best thing about this "super computer," it for our own good. Its not owned by some neo political machine, or a corporate power.

    In the spirit of open source...

    Now the part, which brings me to the Mac users, other than being a devoted Mac user myself, well there only something like 6000 Mac processors involved in the project. And that figure is not the amount of Mac users, boxes that have two processors count as two... and many users have more than one box. So as you see, Folding at home really needs more Mac user participation...

    I'm proud to use a Mac.... and I'm proud to contribute to the fold.... Ken
  • Reply 154 of 170
    Thanks to all who have joined the cause! We hope that many more will consider contributing their otherwise wasted uP cycles to this Project.

    Some may be interested in this link: The Science of Protein Folding. You might even find the relatively technical links off of this page fascinating. If anyone would like more along this line, I have a ton of them.

    TEAM MAC OSX was extremely proud recently when a Scientist who is actually involved in protein and drug research joined our TEAM. He spoke very highly of the work at Stanford. (We already knew this.)

    Come join your friends who have already begun folding for TEAM MAC OSX. They certainly seem to be deriving both personal satisfaction and enjoyment from their new venture.

    Some from the now large AppleInsider ranks are even to the stage where they are showing signs of becoming "Folding Addicts". (We encourage that.)

    Drop in our new Forums any old time! You will probably find someone there 24/7.
  • Reply 155 of 170
    I prefer to look at the results page.

    Know what they are doing with my CPU and who it is benefiting.

    Or even the greater detailed Projects page (rather large page)

    I want to know who I am potentially helping, not that any of the projects they have are evil or anything...

    Ah, My loyalty runs strong in me as well and the desire to do good.

    Find me here:


    Edit: I spell Horribly
  • Reply 156 of 170
    Well, just to throw in my support of the team...

    I joined team Mac OS X last year and the folks over there are great

    I'm coffey.m and was enjoying a top 20 spot until lately. Keep up the folding


    Support 1971!

    On a side note. Our team was the number 1 Mac team for a while was it not?

    We were like spot 17 or something....
  • Reply 157 of 170

    I'm coffey.m and was enjoying a top 20 spot until lately.

    Hey coffey.m - thanks for the nice comments. Your present ranking on the TEAM "ain't" exactly shabby! Good work, my friend.

    I managed to slip past you a short time ago. Come and get me, and help good science in the process!

    John aka 314159 TEAM MACOSX

    Volunteers still needed. Try it, you'll like it.
  • Reply 158 of 170
    I was asked by one of our newbies at out team site what exactly our our goals in respect to Folding@home, this is what I said:

    "I had my heart checked out with a ultrasound device the other day, it was amazing to watch as the valves opened and closed, the passages contracting and expanding with every beat. Hopefully everything will be fine, I get my results in a few weeks."

    You know there has been hundreds of thousands of PowerMac G5's sold in the last few months, millions of Mac's on OS X,

    yet we only have a small fraction of those as active users on our team.

    Disease affects everyone, and those who are so fortunate to own a powerful Mac should be lending their spare CPU to help scientists help all of us beat these diseases.

    So my goal is a small one, just 5,000 steady users on our team.

    I can't do it all on my own, so I hope others will help and get others involved, who will get others involved etc.

    Combined we will not only beat a few teams on the stats, but lending a enormous hand to the scientists at Stanford University.

    Another thing I thought of is just how people will see us as Mac users if we contribute more than our "minority platform" share towards this project.

    What does that tell the world about us?

    So if you haven't already gotten involved, please do so now.

    Folding FAQ
  • Reply 159 of 170
    Just to let folks know, the Folding@home stats database has been corrupted and is presently under repair. Repair time is estimated to be a few days.

    If you haven't started Folding yet, please come join us.

    Folding FAQ
  • Reply 160 of 170
    Everything is fixed! Time to break out Handel's Messiah and listen to a few hallelujah choruses! Fold on my friends! 8)
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