Apple Hypes MWSF 2002



  • Reply 501 of 1761
    will somebody please kill "WeEeEeEdAsH"'s post its killing the formating of the page!
  • Reply 502 of 1761
    agent302agent302 Posts: 974member
    damn, i was really hoping for "1800? Ha!" That would've been a good tagline.
  • Reply 503 of 1761
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    So where no PC has gone before-

    Speed wise


    feature wise?
  • Reply 503 of 1761
    [quote]Originally posted by WeEeEeEdAsH:

    <strong>dope. Apple is supreme!!!! they are going to take over the industry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! </strong><hr></blockquote>'re fucked up like a soup sandwich <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    and back on topic, i can't believe i stayed up until 2 am to see a teaser graphic. now i'm going to where no pc has gone before (my shower, then to bed).

    hey, there you go, the shower mac. waterproofey goodness ensues.

    [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: poor taylor ]</p>
  • Reply 505 of 1761
    I hope it's speed wise , feature wise AND PRICE wise
  • Reply 505 of 1761
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by Kins C:

    <strong>LOOK AT THE PARALLEL --

    Steve Jobs (many times in last year): "The G5 is the future of Apple Computer."

    Apple Computer (03 jan 2002): "It's like a backstage pass to the future."

    Translation: What will be presented on Jan. 7 will be "The Future", of Apple Computer, of the PC industry. That is, what will be presented is the G5.

    KINS COLLINS</strong><hr></blockquote>

    No I bet steve only said OS X is the future of Apple... I dont think he ever mentioned the G5. But its not like i know the guy...

  • Reply 505 of 1761
    27ray27ray Posts: 26member
    To go where no PC has gone before.

    Wearable cpu. think the ideo stuff from a few years ago, this would be the next PC, the next PDA... this would allow Steve to be First again... how long they make them is another matter al together.

  • Reply 505 of 1761
    My vote for where the PC could go:

    1. iPocket

    A REAL PC in the pocket...

    Not a watered down OS

    A REAL OS-X-in-the-pocket demon

    2. G5 to 2.4Ghz

    3. A Dell Inspiron shoved up Bill Gates butt...or wait..did that already happen?
  • Reply 509 of 1761
    the wearable thing is a cool thing...

    you can go where no pc has gone before making it usable, wearable, and full featured...

    it's that simple
  • Reply 510 of 1761
    Wearable is an interesting prospect...but I'm not sure if the public...and gadget consuming public, would know what to do with it.

    I know I'd did it...already have plans for em...


    [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: thesilent ]</p>
  • Reply 510 of 1761
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by Jack Meggan:

    <strong>I hope it's speed wise , feature wise AND PRICE wise</strong><hr></blockquote>

    PRice wise would most probably meand OURTAGOUSLY PRICED. No pc has ever gone there either...

  • Reply 512 of 1761
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by psantora:


    PRice wise would most probably meand OURTAGOUSLY PRICED. No pc has ever gone there either...


    The $400 e-Machines wasn't outragiously priced?
  • Reply 513 of 1761
    sliceslice Posts: 10member
    "To go where no PC has gone before"

    64-bits, of course?

    (and no, Sparcs and Itaniums are NOT PCs, they

    are high-end workstations)
  • Reply 514 of 1761
    prestonpreston Posts: 219member
    PDAs are for geeks

  • Reply 515 of 1761
    Sparc...nice thought...that could work too.

    So is Apple playing 20 questions (7 questions) with us or what...this is definately a hint
  • Reply 515 of 1761
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by slice:

    <strong>"To go where no PC has gone before"

    64-bits, of course?

    (and no, Sparcs and Itaniums are NOT PCs, they

    are high-end workstations)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ah, and we'd need a G5 to run that wouldn't we
  • Reply 517 of 1761
    zoranszorans Posts: 187member
    This formats driving me nuts, can we get this thread back to normal please
  • Reply 518 of 1761
    "To go where no PC has gone before"

    In your pocket? A fully functional handheld computer rather than a PDA? Doesn't sound right.
  • Reply 519 of 1761
    format is fine under omniweb...what browser are you using?
  • Reply 520 of 1761
    "To go where no PC has gone before"....

    maybe space? As in Apple buying or having an exclusive deal with Skycorp, as in global broadband for Apple owners ONLY.

    I believe that Apple's future plans rely HEAVILY on broadband for the masses, which just hasn't happened yet.. Once they do, Quicktime TV and global connectivity for all!! Computers, PDA's, Ipods, etc....
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