AI member awards



  • Reply 121 of 178

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Isn't it dark under there?

    My work table is tempered glass... but that's besides the point, you know what I ment.
  • Reply 122 of 178
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by \\/\\/ickes

    My work table is tempered glass... but that's besides the point, you know what I ment.

    Yeah, I kno\\/\\/ \\/\\/hat you ment, but \\/\\/hat you said was too funny to resist.
  • Reply 123 of 178
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    I think this thread needs an award.
  • Reply 124 of 178
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member

    Originally posted by Amorph

    I think this thread needs an award. about the newbie bashing thread?

    No, that won't work...other threads have bashed newbies more...

    Or the "No newbie would understand anything in this thread" thread

    Cause, none who hasn't hung around AI too long would know what's going on. Sorry guys, start a new thread in a couple years so you can confuse the new newbies.

    All this talk of newbies has made me wanna make fun of one...hey quagmire...haven't seen him around for a while. But I promise the second he posts something stupid I'll be all over that like a fat kid on a cupcake.

    I think quag* needs another about the "forever newbie award"

    All in know the drill.
  • Reply 125 of 178

    Originally posted by DMBand0026 about the newbie bashing thread?

    I think quag* needs another about the "forever newbie award"

    I really have been waiting for an opportunity to use this one.

  • Reply 126 of 178
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member
  • Reply 127 of 178
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member

    Originally posted by Brad

    I really have been waiting for an opportunity to use this one.

    Ouch, first LoCash, now you! All ya'll are against me.

    Funny picture

    And funnier that you called me a newbie on my 2000th post


    Just realized that Brad didn't call me a newbie. Whoops, haha. But it's still my 2000th post. Yea for me!!!
  • Reply 128 of 178
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member
    'Member who posts too much, yet still pretends to have a life' would be a nice award too...
  • Reply 129 of 178
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member

    Originally posted by DMBand0026

    And funnier that you called me a newbie on my 2000th post

    Just realized that Brad didn't call me a newbie. Whoops, haha. But it's still my 2000th post. Yea for me!!!

    Hum, before anyone calls me a noob I nominate myself for the Lurker award. I've been lurking on AI under varius names since around 1997? Lost my previous screename when the boards were upgraded.
  • Reply 130 of 178
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member

    Originally posted by Defiant

    'Member who posts too much, yet still pretends to have a life' would be a nice award too...

    I nominate DMBand for that:

    "I've been to 1,267 Dave Matthews concerts in the last 2 years!"

    Nuttin' but love, homey.
  • Reply 131 of 178
    709709 Posts: 2,016member
  • Reply 132 of 178

    Originally posted by 709

    Best noob 'Welcome' thread ever.

    OMG you guys are crule! *holds in laugh*

    Who's leg did he forget to hump after that thread?
  • Reply 133 of 178
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Defiant

    'Member who posts too much, yet still pretends to have a life' would be a nice award too...

    Gee talk about hitting close to home
  • Reply 134 of 178
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member

    Originally posted by 709

    Best noob 'Welcome' thread ever.

    Yeah, that one does rule...

    Jub...we just lost our title. Except they meant to ruin that thread, we just do it completely on accident.

    Keep up the fine work boys

    And Cosmo...that's 19 since December of 1998, it'll be 20, 21, and 22 this summer
  • Reply 135 of 178
    mac+mac+ Posts: 580member

    Originally posted by 709

    Best noob 'Welcome' thread ever.

    ROTFLMAO - I think I just ruptured my spleen reading that ...

    BR's first line: "I'll get the tar." - priceless!
  • Reply 136 of 178
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by LoCash

    Probably something mindless and vulgar that would sit around the evolutionary level of trilobite farting.

    Of all the people we've had to "bounce", he was the most worthwhile. Too full of himself with nothing to really back it up besides his reminders that he spent a summer at Stanford (I taught there for a summer, it ain't hard - the regular semesters are where it counts), that he is a supposed badass from "Brooklyn", and that he is supposedly some hotshot baseball player.

    I was never really amused or taken by him. If I stood alone on that, he'd still be here. It wasn't just Jonathan that wanted him ousted either, a number of people never wanted him made a moderator.

    Right, so to keep it on topic, I guess applenut can have a posthumous award: The "and stay out" award

    look CHILD, this coming from a clearly bitter guy who went into hiding after i tore him a new asshole does not hold much

    1. Spent a summer at what. you want a cookie for knowing that about me? Never said it was hard. Focus of the program wasn't even the classes to be honest.

    2. I am not from Brooklyn. I'm from a private community in the Bronx that's on the water and has a gorgeous view of the Whitestone Bridge and the NYC skyline behind

    3. I was a good baseball player. I'm now on the Cal heavyweight crew team and just won the San Diego Crew classic and have enjoyed hanging up the 17 college tanks that i got.

    4. You're right it wasn't just Jonathon. It was Brad and you as well. why those 3? Brad is an egomaniac. Jon cries because of what i reveal about him. and o do you CHILD.

    5. Plenty of people wanted me as moderator. What you don't know is that Jon loved me so much that I've had access to the moderator forum for over 2 years now. I wonder how many other people he gives that to. I suppose anyone who talks to him on AIM.

    6. I'll gladly stay out of a shithole full of college twats who aren't getting any and spend their time in front of a computer taking cheap shots at a forum member they somehow feel the need to personally attack even when they left the forum.
  • Reply 137 of 178
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member

    Originally posted by applenut


    Welcome back Applenut!!!

    Even though I'm pretty sure this is the first and last post we'll see from you in a while, it's good to see your name again. I flipped out when I saw you had the last post in GD...thought someone was playing a trick on me.
  • Reply 138 of 178
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member

    Originally posted by LoCash

    Right, so to keep it on topic, I guess applenut can have a posthumous award: The "and stay out" award

    If it makes you feel better, I didn't like him much either. But then again, nor did he like me. I think it was in that thread about the weight lifter where I accused him of spending too much time "hitting on busted oriental chicks."
  • Reply 139 of 178
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member

    Originally posted by CosmoNut


    Originally posted by Defiant

    'Member who posts too much, yet still pretends to have a life' would be a nice award too...

    I nominate DMBand for that:

    "I've been to 1,267 Dave Matthews concerts in the last 2 years!"

    Nuttin' but love, homey.

    I thought that he?d be the perfect member for that kind of award. Maybe we can also toss in a special kind of recognition: ?Member who isn?t gay, yet still says he isn?t?- Award

    [Edit: And I always liked A-nut]
  • Reply 140 of 178
    thoth2thoth2 Posts: 277member

    Originally posted by Mac+

    ROTFLMAO - I think I just ruptured my spleen reading that ...

    BR's first line: "I'll get the tar." - priceless!

    Having just recovered from reading that thread, I'll note that I enjoyed it much more than applenut's jeremiad.

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