New iMac's in Sept - **CONFIRMED**



  • Reply 21 of 302
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    Okay, I back off my paranoid hack theory.

    But I maintain the anti-aliasing sucks Must have been a quickie.

    Anyway, any news is good news at this point. (As long as Apple doesn't pull a Bungie).
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  • Reply 22 of 302
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  • Reply 23 of 302
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Jeez-louise, do any of you conspiracy/doubting clowns EVER just simply believe something that's written? Ever? No, you have to start talking "hacking" and stuff.

    Get a grip. It's real, you delusional nutballs.
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  • Reply 24 of 302
    odedhodedh Posts: 53member
    looks like some people here might have to apologize to Kormac, and it seems suprisingly I have to say considering his track record that Nick Depulme's sources were wrong about Apple laughing at an iMac rumor
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  • Reply 25 of 302

    Originally posted by pscates

    Jeez-louise, do any of you conspiracy/doubting clowns EVER just simply believe something that's written? Ever? No, you have to start talking "hacking" and stuff.

    Get a grip. It's real, you delusional nutballs.

    I don't think it's a hack. Just odd that Apple ran out of inventory and didnt have the next gen ready to go.
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  • Reply 26 of 302
    chris cuillachris cuilla Posts: 4,825member

    Originally posted by Matsu

    The site was not hacked. I have confirmation. I vote that Apple has one more ACD screen to release (hint, a 17") and that they will use make use of the VESA mount and make us proud.

    "VESA mount"?

    Would you say 17" only iMac or 17" and 20" as now?
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  • Reply 27 of 302
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Isn´t this really close to the worst way of saying this?

    What benefit do they have from this that wouldn´t be achieved by Steve at least saying on stage "Oh one more thing. If you like the iLamp now is your last chance. Have a nice WWDC"
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  • Reply 28 of 302
    bborofkabborofka Posts: 230member
    So we're going to be having no inventory of iMacs for the next 2+ months? Way to go! I'm sure it's going to look good as far as unit sales go (not). There is absolutely no Mac in the price range of $1,000 - $2,000 now unless you can find an iMac in stock somewhere. But then, it hasn't been updated since last September, why would you want to pay so much for that thing now?

    They're once-a-year update cycle for Mac desktops (which seems to be the norm now) is really pathetic.
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  • Reply 29 of 302
    alephaleph Posts: 15member
    OK I became a believer.

    So the new iMac G5 will be there right in time for the Apple Expo 2004 in Paris (31 aug to 4 sep).

    Strange though that Apple seemed to have planned a silent update (or did the iMac sell better then they expected?).
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  • Reply 30 of 302
    dont know what to say,first time ever that i see apple doing this,something weird is happening 'round here
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  • Reply 31 of 302
    odedhodedh Posts: 53member

    Originally posted by bborofka

    So we're going to be having no inventory of iMacs for the next 2+ months? Way to go! I'm sure it's going to look good as far as unit sales go (not). There is absolutely no Mac in the price range of $1,000 - $2,000 now unless you can find an iMac in stock somewhere. But then, it hasn't been updated since last September, why would you want to pay so much for that thing now?

    They're once-a-year update cycle for Mac desktops (which seems to be the norm now) is really pathetic.

    Well Apple did say in their statement they still have a few weeks inventory, and also, other countries i'm sure also have inventory. so it's not bad Apple will anounce the iMac with imeediate availability, I guess they didn't want the backlog which happened with the 2nd generarion iMac, which was a big reason why it lost it's sex appeal people got rid of the wait, and more pissed off when Apple had to raise prices, so Apple won't have an iMac to sell for the entire month of August, it won't be the first time, usually they announce a product and say avilable in a month, this time they decided not to show itm until it's avilaible i guess
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  • Reply 32 of 302
    odedhodedh Posts: 53member
    on a related note, AAPL is dropping like hell, 1.90$ on after hours as of right now
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  • Reply 33 of 302
    tadunnetadunne Posts: 175member
    be sure to tune into Apples financial results on the 14th.. may be interesting...
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  • Reply 34 of 302
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    So when will they take pre-orders, they need a log of preorders to ship with their usual tardyness (see ipod mini and PMG5)

    lets hope VT doesnt want an iSupercomputer...

    and when will we see pix and spex?
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  • Reply 35 of 302
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by Odedh

    on a related note, AAPL is dropping like hell, 1.90$ on after hours as of right now

    Everything tanked today, I don't think it had anything to do with this, which seems to have happened after the markets closed anyway.

    The best bet for the reason for the delay has to be the 970fx. But if that's the case, why didn't they upgrade the iMac several months ago to 1.5 Ghz G4s, 8x Superdrives, etc.? It's not like they didn't know there was a delay with the chip.
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  • Reply 36 of 302
    3.14163.1416 Posts: 120member

    Originally posted by Odedh

    on a related note, AAPL is dropping like hell, 1.90$ on after hours as of right now

    As expected. Glad I got out at 32. Now I have to decide whether to get back in tomorrow.
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  • Reply 37 of 302
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member
    Holy friggin' crap!!! I cannot believe this stealth announcement. Now we'll be waiting with baited breath for 60 days.


    Originally posted by Matsu

    I vote that Apple has one more ACD screen to release (hint, a 17") and that they will use make use of the VESA mount and make us proud.

    Let's hope you're right, Matsu. A headless iMac that could mate with the new Alu displays and a new 17" widescreen via the VESA mount would be brilliant. Apple could join them at the factory. Then both the AIO camp and the headless iMac camp would be well served.


    Originally posted by pscates

    Get a grip. It's real, you delusional nutballs.

    pscates: Your wording always cracks me up. Even more so than the "delusional nutballs" in this thread.

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  • Reply 38 of 302
    3.14163.1416 Posts: 120member

    Originally posted by BRussell

    Everything tanked today, I don't think it had anything to do with this, which seems to have happened after the markets closed anyway.

    Nope: . Down 0.24 in regular trading, down 1.90 after hours.
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  • Reply 39 of 302
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Maybe it's something other than the chip...

    [whistles innocently...]
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  • Reply 40 of 302
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    Right, perversely, shortages tend to make the price go up. Don't expect much more than a $1-3 the details come out it'll just build anticipation.
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