- It is OSX based for reason!-He will tell it later.
- You can watch HDTV ( 720P mode: 1280 x 720 )on it.
- You can watch TV program from all over the world using new MPEG-4 based internet TV which is using QuickTime 6.
- And with Gigawire, You will be able to control many new digital device for the HOME appliance which will be coming from many company. He introduce SONY, SAMSUNG as their partner !
- It might have new audio connector which is Dolby surround mode ?
Steve say that " We have showed iPod and there will be more to come. And iMac is the THE Home network server for Digital Hub.
Everybody think it is O.K but not that much!
Where is the beef?
Than Steve begin to talk about use of G4 in iMac.
Steve: Now you know that we used G4 for iMac. Then what should we do for PowerMac line ?
IT will be G5 base from Now!
All the function of iMac II plus this.
- it will have new Case.
- It will have two Raycer chipset for faster Rendering on 3D: Now we know Raycer chip can be multi-process capable.
- It have AGP x8 and 4 slot of PCI-X slot. More difference is that it use New super fast Bus architecture that each PCI-X slot can have Maximum data pass.
- The final announcement is that:
Steve: we had MHz fighting with other CPU. Now no more! low one is 1.2GHz, Middle one is 1.4GHz, High one is 1.6GHZ. AND......
All in Dual CPU configuration!!.
-We have to help Moto's sales to keep up with their CPU production to continue!
Part3 will come tommorow!.
P.S.: If you read old KORMAC76 post, many of this function was there 7 month ago!
- It is OSX based for reason!-He will tell it later.
- You can watch HDTV ( 720P mode: 1280 x 720 )on it.
- You can watch TV program from all over the world using new MPEG-4 based internet TV which is using QuickTime 6.
- And with Gigawire, You will be able to control many new digital device for the HOME appliance which will be coming from many company. He introduce SONY, SAMSUNG as their partner !
- It might have new audio connector which is Dolby surround mode ?
Steve say that " We have showed iPod and there will be more to come. And iMac is the THE Home network server for Digital Hub.
Everybody think it is O.K but not that much!
Where is the beef?
Than Steve begin to talk about use of G4 in iMac.
Steve: Now you know that we used G4 for iMac. Then what should we do for PowerMac line ?
IT will be G5 base from Now!
All the function of iMac II plus this.
- it will have new Case.
- It will have two Raycer chipset for faster Rendering on 3D: Now we know Raycer chip can be multi-process capable.
- It have AGP x8 and 4 slot of PCI-X slot. More difference is that it use New super fast Bus architecture that each PCI-X slot can have Maximum data pass.
- The final announcement is that:
Steve: we had MHz fighting with other CPU. Now no more! low one is 1.2GHz, Middle one is 1.4GHz, High one is 1.6GHZ. AND......
All in Dual CPU configuration!!.
-We have to help Moto's sales to keep up with their CPU production to continue!
Part3 will come tommorow!.
P.S.: If you read old KORMAC76 post, many of this function was there 7 month ago!
There is no 8xAGP. nVidia is using AGP 6x on their new nForce mobos.
Apple never seems to use the LATEST technologies. We still don't have ATA133 ferchrissake... it took almost a year before Apple had AGPx4.
I can only think of G4 in iMac if G5 WILL come out. But even then... G4 is too damn expensive. It would cost as much or maybe even more than the LCD screen alone. I last recall G4s costing about 3-400$. Just an LCD plus G4 would cost Apple about 5-600$. Then there is the casing, mobo, ram, hd, optical drive, etc. No way.
Would Apple dare to make their own graphics processors and dump ATI/nVidia etc? It might seem like a good idea in the short term, but then it means that Apple will have to CONTINUE to spend in grpahics R&D and basically we will have to pay more for something that certainly will as fast or faster made by 3rd partys.
Raycer was bought for their intellectual capital, not the hardware.
Anyway, this is just alll WAAAAAAY out there. Wishful thinking, yes, but waaaaay out there.
[quote] Apple never seems to use the LATEST technologies. We still don't have ATA133 ferchrissake... it took almost a year before Apple had AGPx4. <hr></blockquote>
Didn't the geforce3 get introduced at a mac event?
firewire sure did. Airport was real early. gigabit ethernet... etc.
There is no 8xAGP. nVidia is using AGP 6x on their new nForce mobos.
Apple never seems to use the LATEST technologies. We still don't have ATA133 ferchrissake... it took almost a year before Apple had AGPx4.
Oh, but there is. Straight from NVidia's site regarding the nForce feature list:
[quote]AGP4X/8X Port
External discrete graphics support. Allows the user to add a higher-end graphics card to the IGP for high-end gaming and multimedia performance.<hr></blockquote>
If you're going to revamp everything, why not do it right?
Well, if Apple were to release what Kormac is saying, then surely the hype is well placed. In fact, no amount of hype could be enough.
Yet, I somehow doubt it. 1.6GHz G5s, dual, means singlehandedly, and overnight, taking the lead in performance AND achieving GHz parity with AMD... A G5 at the same clockspeed as an AthlonXP would definitely trounce it, and trounce the best PIV available. This would be unprecedented. It's what Apple needs, but I doubt it.
Kormac, would you mind answering Mandricard's question a bit higher in the thread?
[quote] - You can watch HDTV ( 720P mode: 1280 x 720 )on it. <hr></blockquote>
Hold on a sec....who out there really wants to watch HDTV on their iMac?! I mean c'mon, have you seen the size of the HDTV's they sell in Circuit City? I can't say that I've seen one that's only 15"! This just does not seem like a feature that people will ever use....
Haven't you guys ever heard of cold reading: when psychics play back the information you've already given them gussied up as some kind of ther-worldly knowledge?
Kormac is doing the same thing here. i****? Please. Can you get more non-descript than that? Now someone else has filled in the blanks (be it fake or real) *with the iWalk* and some of you are crediting it to Kormac. Even if we go back to the old posts, and you must read the whole threads to get a feel for it, you see the same pattern. Lots of non-descript stuff, latter filled in by other readers or other web sources, and then confirmed upon Kormac's cloak and dagger return.
At some point (like he's done in this thread) he took to adding the 'perhaps not yet' stipulation. Here in the form of "what will Steve show later if he shows it all now".
It is a hall mark of psychic devination -- the event may come at any time in te future. It is nondescript enough, yet nearly always a major life occurence of some kind. Births, deaths, changes in social, personal, and business relations, etc... THESE THINGS HAPPEN TO THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE. When they happen to the individual who has been subjected to the reading they incorrectly associate the event with the cold reading because of the psychic's skill in creating the drama.
The process is highly transportable. To marketing, and market analysis especially. Look it up, see how well most market analysts fair (even ones with excellent reputations) next to both lesser knowns and total random selections. You'll be surprised, a lot of people are paying way too much for their brokerage services.
But it is perhaps no where more applicable than to the world of technology and rumor (about technology). Nothing rushes forward as fast as technology, but in the way that (especially consumer) technology rushes forward is the real key. It moves very quickly to meet the desires of the public/market. Just about every major computer world development was forseen by a whole host of people, and then also in the form of wishes by a very large buying public, before it ever was credited to whatever market luminary now enjoying those recognitions. Unlike other indutries, where outlandish predictions might quickly be shot down, it is much easier to find the balance where technology is concerned simply because it will most likely catch up to your dreams and speculation faster than you consciously expect.
Kormac has played this game very well, created/exploited the appropriate drama, but he has not offered anything that was earlier and generally concieved by a very large virtual community.
To have genuine insider info you need incontrovertable proof: pictures, exact dates and specs, clear expressions of concept, where that concept is genuinely new -- in short, testable propositions. Kormac has not exhibited any of these things, but has often implied that his info is genuine inside information. It is not. It is just specially packaged (and actually quite general) speculation passed off deceitfully as something more.
Or to say, in much shorter form, every one already knows what tech companies are trying to do. To say that Apple wil also do this is just to state the obvious. To state the obvious in a careful open ended way, allows a plethora of quite different future developments to fit the prediction. To give enough time for the event to happen is (in the world of technology) a guarantee that it will. It amounts to, neither prediction nor inside information, just non-commital discussion disguised to look like those things.
<strong>Or to say, in much shorter form, every one already knows what tech companies are trying to do. To say that Apple wil also do this is just to state the obvious. To state the obvious in a careful open ended way, allows a plethora of quite different future developments to fit the prediction. To give enough time for the event to happen is (in the world of technology) a guarantee that it will. It amounts to, neither prediction nor inside information, just non-commital discussion disguised to look like those things.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I disagree. There are some unique predictions in Kormac's post this time, and best of all we only have to wait 3 days to verify:
-multi-processor Raycer chips
-Sony as partner (we've always heard as Sony-as-competitor)
-dual G5s across the line
Matsu, I'm really amazed that you put the amount of effort you do into trying to debunk Kormac's posts. It's as if you take it personally or something. NOTHING is worth that amount of time/energy/stress. Just chill and enjoy the fun (life IS fun for you, is it not? If not, there are drugs available: Prozac, Wellbutrin, Ecstasy, Viagra...)
Please keep this civil. We have all repeatedly read your opinion of Kormac, and there is no need to repeat what you have already said.
There are no sycophants here, just folks interested in hearing what Kormac proposes. I for one find his discussions fun and interesting. So, rather than ad hominem attacks and credibility attacks, why don't you just treat this, as do the rest of us (I think) as speculation. There is no need to stifle what could be an interesting discussion. If it bothers you so, there is a simple solution: do not read the thread.
I think you have interesting things to say, and I, for one, would prefer to hear your ideas about Apple's hardware etc. than your ideas about fellow posters on these boards.
I think that post was quite civil actually. Now this does have some specifics, and there are only three days till verification. But a few caveats still exist: There is still the ever present 'maybe it's for later' issue. G5's can be caught under this umbrella because firstly they are on everyone's radar, and secondly if they don't materialize it can fall neatly into the 'maybe for later' argument.
Sony as partner is the only thing of substance. Yet even this is rife with hedged specu-speak. 'Gigawire' -- nobody's really certain what this is. Is it the next version of Firewire, or something to do with HAVI? That would neatly incorporate the HDTV stuff. However HDTV 720p is not beyond the capabilities of most computers. Unless I see a tuner built in, I assume this refers only to a connection spec. (There are no HDTV DVD's to play back on such a system, and won't be for quite a while yet) If so, then it's nothing that hasn't alredy been suggested widely on the internet in general. Also if so, Sony and others who promote the standard are default partners in the sense that they all support it. Sony was also a big backer of firewire before anyone else (Apple excepted of course). Sorry nothing new here. Lots of companies are invovled in multiple digital conection standards groups. HAVI, firewire, USB, etc... All jostling for future position. How does this make Apple and Sony Partners? What is the EXACT nature of their partnership? Or what exactly is Gigawire for that matter?
As usual, there is still nothing of substance from Kormac.
Forgot another major one that neatly falls into the 'maybe later' specu-speak.
Raycer. Well duh, they bought them for something, and those engineers are certainly working on something that will eventually be used by Apple. Who exactly has't been mentioning this for the past year? If it's due, lets see something exact. There are quite a few members who've been saying "It's coming, it's coming" Eventually something will come, EVENTUALLY they'd be right. Let's have something a little more verifiable please.
Anyway, I believe in you Kormac, if you are the real deal. If not, you're a jerk.
I think that "iWalk" is new version of i****v1.
If you read old post , the i****v1 concept is fit close to this iWalk.
But, I think PALM NOT Apple, will be the company who will bring it to market!
That mean , We will not see i****v1 until middle of this year or later.
I don't know why Apple made this new one, if it is real. But I think Apple is up to something.
Some of the person is telling that Apple might buy Palm. But I think otherwise. There is another company in horizen
I will post Part2 soon.
[ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: kormac77 ]</p>
Instead, let's talk about Quicktime 6, MPEG4, the new iMac, HDTV and the possibility of a new display.
[ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: Nostradamus ]</p>
Steve is showing the many new function of iMac.
- It is OSX based for reason!-He will tell it later.
- You can watch HDTV ( 720P mode: 1280 x 720 )on it.
- You can watch TV program from all over the world using new MPEG-4 based internet TV which is using QuickTime 6.
- And with Gigawire, You will be able to control many new digital device for the HOME appliance which will be coming from many company. He introduce SONY, SAMSUNG as their partner !
- It might have new audio connector which is Dolby surround mode ?
Steve say that " We have showed iPod and there will be more to come. And iMac is the THE Home network server for Digital Hub.
Everybody think it is O.K but not that much!
Where is the beef?
Than Steve begin to talk about use of G4 in iMac.
Steve: Now you know that we used G4 for iMac. Then what should we do for PowerMac line ?
IT will be G5 base from Now!
All the function of iMac II plus this.
- it will have new Case.
- It will have two Raycer chipset for faster Rendering on 3D: Now we know Raycer chip can be multi-process capable.
- It have AGP x8 and 4 slot of PCI-X slot. More difference is that it use New super fast Bus architecture that each PCI-X slot can have Maximum data pass.
- The final announcement is that:
Steve: we had MHz fighting with other CPU. Now no more! low one is 1.2GHz, Middle one is 1.4GHz, High one is 1.6GHZ. AND......
All in Dual CPU configuration!!.
-We have to help Moto's sales to keep up with their CPU production to continue!
Part3 will come tommorow!.
P.S.: If you read old KORMAC76 post, many of this function was there 7 month ago!
[ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: kormac77 ]</p>
Wouldn't a 667Mhz G4 seem a little inadequate in comparison to a dual 1.6GHz G5?
I'm also not sure Quicktime 6 is ready yet. Perhaps Apple will release a "public preview" at MWSF?
[ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: Nostradamus ]</p>
I think between now to March, there will be 3 mor announcemet,
Macworld Tokyo, Quicktime Live and one special announcement!
See ya later!
[ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: kormac77 ]</p>
Steve is showing the many new function of iMac.
- It is OSX based for reason!-He will tell it later.
- You can watch HDTV ( 720P mode: 1280 x 720 )on it.
- You can watch TV program from all over the world using new MPEG-4 based internet TV which is using QuickTime 6.
- And with Gigawire, You will be able to control many new digital device for the HOME appliance which will be coming from many company. He introduce SONY, SAMSUNG as their partner !
- It might have new audio connector which is Dolby surround mode ?
Steve say that " We have showed iPod and there will be more to come. And iMac is the THE Home network server for Digital Hub.
Everybody think it is O.K but not that much!
Where is the beef?
Than Steve begin to talk about use of G4 in iMac.
Steve: Now you know that we used G4 for iMac. Then what should we do for PowerMac line ?
IT will be G5 base from Now!
All the function of iMac II plus this.
- it will have new Case.
- It will have two Raycer chipset for faster Rendering on 3D: Now we know Raycer chip can be multi-process capable.
- It have AGP x8 and 4 slot of PCI-X slot. More difference is that it use New super fast Bus architecture that each PCI-X slot can have Maximum data pass.
- The final announcement is that:
Steve: we had MHz fighting with other CPU. Now no more! low one is 1.2GHz, Middle one is 1.4GHz, High one is 1.6GHZ. AND......
All in Dual CPU configuration!!.
-We have to help Moto's sales to keep up with their CPU production to continue!
Part3 will come tommorow!.
P.S.: If you read old KORMAC76 post, many of this function was there 7 month ago!
[ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: kormac77 ]</strong><hr></blockquote>
There is no 8xAGP. nVidia is using AGP 6x on their new nForce mobos.
Apple never seems to use the LATEST technologies. We still don't have ATA133 ferchrissake... it took almost a year before Apple had AGPx4.
I can only think of G4 in iMac if G5 WILL come out. But even then... G4 is too damn expensive. It would cost as much or maybe even more than the LCD screen alone. I last recall G4s costing about 3-400$. Just an LCD plus G4 would cost Apple about 5-600$. Then there is the casing, mobo, ram, hd, optical drive, etc. No way.
Would Apple dare to make their own graphics processors and dump ATI/nVidia etc? It might seem like a good idea in the short term, but then it means that Apple will have to CONTINUE to spend in grpahics R&D and basically we will have to pay more for something that certainly will as fast or faster made by 3rd partys.
Raycer was bought for their intellectual capital, not the hardware.
Anyway, this is just alll WAAAAAAY out there. Wishful thinking, yes, but waaaaay out there.
Didn't the geforce3 get introduced at a mac event?
firewire sure did. Airport was real early. gigabit ethernet... etc.
There is no 8xAGP. nVidia is using AGP 6x on their new nForce mobos.
Apple never seems to use the LATEST technologies. We still don't have ATA133 ferchrissake... it took almost a year before Apple had AGPx4.
Oh, but there is. Straight from NVidia's site regarding the nForce feature list:
[quote]AGP4X/8X Port
External discrete graphics support. Allows the user to add a higher-end graphics card to the IGP for high-end gaming and multimedia performance.<hr></blockquote>
If you're going to revamp everything, why not do it right?
Yet, I somehow doubt it. 1.6GHz G5s, dual, means singlehandedly, and overnight, taking the lead in performance AND achieving GHz parity with AMD... A G5 at the same clockspeed as an AthlonXP would definitely trounce it, and trounce the best PIV available. This would be unprecedented. It's what Apple needs, but I doubt it.
Kormac, would you mind answering Mandricard's question a bit higher in the thread?
Hold on a sec....who out there really wants to watch HDTV on their iMac?! I mean c'mon, have you seen the size of the HDTV's they sell in Circuit City? I can't say that I've seen one that's only 15"! This just does not seem like a feature that people will ever use....
Kormac is doing the same thing here. i****? Please. Can you get more non-descript than that? Now someone else has filled in the blanks (be it fake or real) *with the iWalk* and some of you are crediting it to Kormac. Even if we go back to the old posts, and you must read the whole threads to get a feel for it, you see the same pattern. Lots of non-descript stuff, latter filled in by other readers or other web sources, and then confirmed upon Kormac's cloak and dagger return.
At some point (like he's done in this thread) he took to adding the 'perhaps not yet' stipulation. Here in the form of "what will Steve show later if he shows it all now".
It is a hall mark of psychic devination -- the event may come at any time in te future. It is nondescript enough, yet nearly always a major life occurence of some kind. Births, deaths, changes in social, personal, and business relations, etc... THESE THINGS HAPPEN TO THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE. When they happen to the individual who has been subjected to the reading they incorrectly associate the event with the cold reading because of the psychic's skill in creating the drama.
The process is highly transportable. To marketing, and market analysis especially. Look it up, see how well most market analysts fair (even ones with excellent reputations) next to both lesser knowns and total random selections. You'll be surprised, a lot of people are paying way too much for their brokerage services.
But it is perhaps no where more applicable than to the world of technology and rumor (about technology). Nothing rushes forward as fast as technology, but in the way that (especially consumer) technology rushes forward is the real key. It moves very quickly to meet the desires of the public/market. Just about every major computer world development was forseen by a whole host of people, and then also in the form of wishes by a very large buying public, before it ever was credited to whatever market luminary now enjoying those recognitions. Unlike other indutries, where outlandish predictions might quickly be shot down, it is much easier to find the balance where technology is concerned simply because it will most likely catch up to your dreams and speculation faster than you consciously expect.
Kormac has played this game very well, created/exploited the appropriate drama, but he has not offered anything that was earlier and generally concieved by a very large virtual community.
To have genuine insider info you need incontrovertable proof: pictures, exact dates and specs, clear expressions of concept, where that concept is genuinely new -- in short, testable propositions. Kormac has not exhibited any of these things, but has often implied that his info is genuine inside information. It is not. It is just specially packaged (and actually quite general) speculation passed off deceitfully as something more.
<strong>Or to say, in much shorter form, every one already knows what tech companies are trying to do. To say that Apple wil also do this is just to state the obvious. To state the obvious in a careful open ended way, allows a plethora of quite different future developments to fit the prediction. To give enough time for the event to happen is (in the world of technology) a guarantee that it will. It amounts to, neither prediction nor inside information, just non-commital discussion disguised to look like those things.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I disagree. There are some unique predictions in Kormac's post this time, and best of all we only have to wait 3 days to verify:
-multi-processor Raycer chips
-Sony as partner (we've always heard as Sony-as-competitor)
-dual G5s across the line
Matsu, I'm really amazed that you put the amount of effort you do into trying to debunk Kormac's posts. It's as if you take it personally or something. NOTHING is worth that amount of time/energy/stress. Just chill and enjoy the fun (life IS fun for you, is it not? If not, there are drugs available: Prozac, Wellbutrin, Ecstasy, Viagra...)
Please keep this civil. We have all repeatedly read your opinion of Kormac, and there is no need to repeat what you have already said.
There are no sycophants here, just folks interested in hearing what Kormac proposes. I for one find his discussions fun and interesting. So, rather than ad hominem attacks and credibility attacks, why don't you just treat this, as do the rest of us (I think) as speculation. There is no need to stifle what could be an interesting discussion. If it bothers you so, there is a simple solution: do not read the thread.
I think you have interesting things to say, and I, for one, would prefer to hear your ideas about Apple's hardware etc. than your ideas about fellow posters on these boards.
Respectfully submitted,
Are you thinking of the old Apple-SGI rumors, or do you think it is something new, like Adobe?
Good to have you back on the boards, if indeed it is you.
Sony as partner is the only thing of substance. Yet even this is rife with hedged specu-speak. 'Gigawire' -- nobody's really certain what this is. Is it the next version of Firewire, or something to do with HAVI? That would neatly incorporate the HDTV stuff. However HDTV 720p is not beyond the capabilities of most computers. Unless I see a tuner built in, I assume this refers only to a connection spec. (There are no HDTV DVD's to play back on such a system, and won't be for quite a while yet) If so, then it's nothing that hasn't alredy been suggested widely on the internet in general. Also if so, Sony and others who promote the standard are default partners in the sense that they all support it. Sony was also a big backer of firewire before anyone else (Apple excepted of course). Sorry nothing new here. Lots of companies are invovled in multiple digital conection standards groups. HAVI, firewire, USB, etc... All jostling for future position. How does this make Apple and Sony Partners? What is the EXACT nature of their partnership? Or what exactly is Gigawire for that matter?
As usual, there is still nothing of substance from Kormac.
Raycer. Well duh, they bought them for something, and those engineers are certainly working on something that will eventually be used by Apple. Who exactly has't been mentioning this for the past year? If it's due, lets see something exact. There are quite a few members who've been saying "It's coming, it's coming" Eventually something will come, EVENTUALLY they'd be right. Let's have something a little more verifiable please.