i**** v2 & beyond !



  • Reply 101 of 254
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Still nothing new here.

    MacNN reported on the displays and the fact that the 23W fits existing 22" designs a while ago.

    If you read the early firewire concepts, it was to be a bus that alllowed a computer or various computers to connect to each other and components. Wide ranging applications were conceived from the get go.

    You may mean 802.11g which is a faster version of airport (not firewire). currently we have b. The a spec improves speed to 54Mbps or 72Mbps, but is incompatible with 802.11b devices. The g spec on the other hand matches the performance of the a spec but remains compatible with our current 802.11b devices. G has nothing to do with firewire, but it is part of wireless.

    New displays? Well duh. As new glass becomes available Manufacturers will use it. Apple has been seriously discounting LCD 'bundles' so it is a possibility that they will change around their display offerings. But none of this is for the iMac, guaranteed. At least not for a while.

    You're risking your job by telling us what exactly? The tech industry news? Quick, everyone with an NDA, STOP reading the paper.
  • Reply 102 of 254
    Matsu, if it's so obvious, why aren't you suggesting the things kormac is now saying?

    [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Nostradamus ]</p>
  • Reply 103 of 254
    merlionmerlion Posts: 143member
    [quote]Originally posted by Nostradamus:

    <strong>Matsu, if its so obvious, why aren't you suggesting the things kormac is now saying?</strong><hr></blockquote>


  • Reply 104 of 254
    Well Matsu, Kormac was right about one prediction, that you'd be back to the thread soon. Honestly I don't see why you are so bothered by his postings.
  • Reply 105 of 254
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Hey Kormac,

    I've garnered a mention by your illustrious personage. wow. Of course you don't really need to change your tune, since it's always an very open-ended one

    But hey, at least you said that you have no insider connection at all. Good Boy; although, you did sneak in that "I might be part of the chain" quip. Matsu shakes finger at Kormac, "Naughty boy!" But old habits die hard, this I understand. hehe...

    To the rest,

    I haven't said the things Kormac is posting because many others have said them before me, so I see no need to repeat.

    Panels, G5s, firewire, airport, gigawire, and possible Mobo technologies have all been headline news on tech pages and rumor/news sites. As have patent registrations, product releases and roadmaps. It's there for anyone to read and has been read many times over, both here and elsewhere. Perhaps he has some connection to panels, but at the level he is involved his admitted speculation is no closer that that of an enthusiastic/involved lay reader of the tech press/industry.

    Keep in mind that none of his predictions about computers has ever come true. He was way off on all i**** and e**** stuff, the P1/iBook, the good-better-best iMacs, etc...

    When similar stuff eventually comes out, keep in mind that it was due in the whole industry, and simply a product of general/natural trends. Bet on A/V integration over the next 5 years you're going to be right about it sooner or later. Anyone can predict technology will get smaller lighter, cheaper, more integrated, and feature rich. That's the natural evolution of consumer electronics.


    Isn't it interesting that with the iPod these evolutions were not expected at all in the way they materialized. Apple looked at a very focused functionality while we were all scrambling for the do everything PDA or set-top. Simple MP3 player? Nah, never happen. But that's the brilliance of it, it is nearly the perfect simple MP3 player. And NOBODY predicted it months in advance. It was a true surprise mainly because of the elegance with which it approached evolutions of miniaturization and integration. Everyone else was thinking of cumbersome hodge-podges, not Apple. Did Kormac (or anyone) predict that? No. Because Kormac (and the rest of us) were thinking about techno evolution in very gross terms. The industry also makes gross evolutionary changes, but just about everyone has predicted those -- mainly because everyone has already demanded them. On the sum, this i**** e**** PDA/slate wireless web pad etc etc... stuff is very simplistic consumer-fetish driven demanding/hoping dressed up as rumor.

    [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Matsu ]</p>
  • Reply 106 of 254
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:


    Keep in mind that none of his predictions about computers has ever come true. He was way off on all i**** and e**** stuff, the P1/iBook, the good-better-best iMacs, etc...


    He was dead on with the C2 iMacs.
  • Reply 107 of 254
    This whole "viewing HDTV on computer monitor" is not unheard-of. You can get HDTV receiver cards for Windows, and display HDTV programming on your monitor (or output to an HD television if you have one, and the right connectors), even record HDTV programming on your hard drive. There's a whole category of "HTPC" or Home Theater PC, which people hook up to their HDTV (or computer monitor) and use as a high-quality DVD player, line doubler, and/or OTA (over the air) HDTV receiver.
  • Reply 108 of 254
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    He was not 'dead on' about C2 iMacs. He predicted they would have LCD panels in different sizes (for the different price points) It's amazing how some people have invented this fantasy of his being dead on. That is a major detail. One, I might add, that we're still expecting nearly two years later.
  • Reply 109 of 254
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member
    Anyone remember Steve's comments in Fortune magazine? At least I think it was Fortune. He said that people go to the TV to "turn their brain off" and go to the computer to "turn their brain on". He made it sound like he didn't buy into the Computer/TV convergence idea.

    So why would Apple make HDTV viewable on a Mac???

    Unless Jobs has changed his view on this.
  • Reply 110 of 254
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>He was not 'dead on' about C2 iMacs. He predicted they would have LCD panels in different sizes (for the different price points) It's amazing how some people have invented this fantasy of his being dead on. That is a major detail. One, I might add, that we're still expecting nearly two years later.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Umm, do you even know what C2 is?
  • Reply 111 of 254
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    C2: 5 colors, 3 configs, all CRT.

    Acording to Kormac these were to come with LCD's

    That's hardly nailing anything.
  • Reply 112 of 254
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Jobs is right. TV is inherently passive -- you sit back on the other side of the room, maybe you flip the remote. Computers (PCs that is) are inherently active -- you sit directly in front of them and are constantly clicking, typing, etc. People do not want to "use" TVs, they want to watch them. computers have no place in TV viewing. That would suck.
  • Reply 113 of 254
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>C2: 5 colors, 3 configs, all CRT.

    Acording to Kormac these were to come with LCD's

    That's hardly nailing anything.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Either your memory is very poor or you don't know what C2 is.

    C2's are the kKhie iMacs released in October of 1999, and kormac never mentioned the word LCD with his predictions relating to them. He was correct on everything from the number of firewire ports, to the slot loading drives(new back then) and form factor.
  • Reply 114 of 254
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    oops big screw up there on my C2 answer.

    the 5 colors come first. The DV/firewire focus comes with C2, no?

    either way, he hardly nailed it. Firwire was already talked about and spoken of openly by consumer electronics makers, and peripheral vendors etc...
  • Reply 115 of 254
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Yeah, and what did he nail about the form factor. It hardly changed. People had talked about removing the metal shielding to reveal the internals. There was some home made Japanese modification of similar bent floating around the web. AI had pics that were removed at the request of Apple legal. Slot load drives had been available from Pioneer. etc etc... it wasn't "insider"
  • Reply 116 of 254
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    one more, i don't want you to think I'm changing my posts or something.

    firewire ports? You're going to base insider status on that? 1 or 2 is all you ever get from Apple (or anyone else usually). The odds are 50/50. If you get lucky, great. If not, there's always the "for next time" argument.
  • Reply 117 of 254
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    Back to BuonRotto: I have wanted TV on iMacs just because it fits in with the consumer/college dorm kind of thing and with a HDTV future you will be able to "see" alot more on even a small 15.?" (widescreen) monitor, 'a la PBookTi. It is all about all in one, not about inelegant WebTV crap.

    But with the notion of the tablet/thin-client that Gates is going to announce on Monday, the idea will be to seperate the two digital streams of video and metadata (kind of like mp3 files) and be able to watch the movie on your good 'ole 35" TV, but at the same time have a tablet sitting at your coffee table, wirelessly giving you access to channels and webpages and anything else w/o forcing it on the TV itself. (Read <a href="http://www.msnbc.com/news/682362.asp?0dm=T13KT"; target="_blank">http://www.msnbc.com/news/682362.asp?0dm=T13KT</a>; from my roundly ignored tablet post.)

    So TV itself is passive, but the future of the digital home hub with TV is not.
  • Reply 118 of 254
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    Thanks, Kormac, for the link to the Samsung lifestyle stuff. The animations are a hoot. Especially enjoyed the bathroom one. "Yeah! I'm watching a movie while taking my bath."
  • Reply 119 of 254
    aries 1baries 1b Posts: 1,009member

    I don't look at anyone's claim of Inside Information as real. Sad news, I know, for those who have broken NDAs and now scurry through the woods with Apple's lawyers and hound dogs baying in hot pursuit....

    I look upon AI as a large, multichaptered, ongoing novel which I get to (modestly) contribute to that is filled with fascinating characters. F'rinstance, there's Fran441 (whose patient waiting for the return of the Newton reminds me of the faithful dog ( in the WarnerBrothers cartoon on dogs) that waits, (through bad weather and the turning seasons) for the return of his master. His thread (24 pages when I last looked) here in the chapter on Future Hardware is a veritable saga! Behind each new post is the crucial question: Will Fran's thread reach 1000 posts before MWSF? What tension! What drama!

    There are the little flamewars that erupt when a Windows zealot wanders in trying to convince the AI population to Go Windows. Nothing like a good, overwhelming slaughter!

    Then there's any thread by KormacXX. The speculation runs wild, rampant and contradictorially amid cries of 'Fraud!', 'He is god!', etc.

    Even if KormacXX is a creation of someone's fertile imagination, he's an interesting one. 'Worked on the plastics' in Korea, writes English with an accent, comes up with speculation and threads that draw AI posters like flies to sugar (or, as you might put it, flies to, um, dung).

    And finally there's the overarching, unnamed 'X-File-esque thread: which character(s) among the AI poster population are on the Apple payroll? Posters of posts that knock down speculation which *just might* be too close to a zealously guarded Apple Reality? Who are they working for? Apple or The Truth?

    If you don't love this web site, then you're dead.

    ( :cool: pssst! Skycorp! It's going to be big!)

    Aries 1B
  • Reply 120 of 254
    [quote]Originally posted by kormac77:


    The 30W will not be made as product in this spring. It will be for later this year.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The 30W will not be made into an Apple product at all. It only has a 1280 x 768 resoulation as it is aimed at a different market. The 23W is the one to watch.
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