OH GOD!!!!! [iWalk]



  • Reply 220 of 587
    tcotco Posts: 87member
    yes you can.
  • Reply 222 of 587
    they appear to have fixed the movies. Hit reload.
  • Reply 222 of 587
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by TCO:

    <strong>yes you can.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I tried your way too, it doesnt want to let me pick the turnaround movie...

  • Reply 224 of 587
    tcotco Posts: 87member
    Well, I got the damn thing to work. I'm still not convinced either way . Basically, it flashes a screen saying its booting, then goes into that notebook screen. The hand rotates the dial a bit, clicks the button on the bottom, and the orientation flips from horizontal to vertical.
  • Reply 225 of 587
    sithsith Posts: 25member
    Go frame by frame on bootup, when he moves the apple logo to change the orientation

    the logo jumps 45 degrees in the space of one frame, but his finger does not move the appropriate distance.

    its also very hard to tell whether his finger is touching the device at all...
  • Reply 226 of 587
    tcotco Posts: 87member
    it doesnt shift when he rotates the dial, it shifts when he clicks the button.
  • Reply 227 of 587
    sithsith Posts: 25member
    Logo on the wheel i mean, the apple.

    Watch it as he spins it with his finger, it moves ~45 degrees in one big jump
  • Reply 227 of 587
    im now totally perplexed
  • Reply 227 of 587
    okay, i'm about 60% sure it's real.. the most recent thing that bothers me is in the bootup.mov video, the wheel looks really flimsy, too easy to move by mistake and probably too easy to break.. not great for a pda which you're supposed to be able to throw into your bag.

    btw.. in the turnaround video, you can see a big port, which looks like its possibly a serial port.. not only do macs no longer use serial (especially in X) but apple would never put a port that big and ugly on a pda.. maybe its a developer's only port?.. to be gotten rid of in the final version?..

    damn, it looks good.. can we all agree?
  • Reply 230 of 587
    Bootup movie is still broken for me (from SpyMac) but turnaround works (inconclusive). Anyone else hosting a copy of Bootup that works?

  • Reply 231 of 587
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Isn´t it a bit strange we don´t see some menu action on the .mov? Could that have been too difficult to fake?

    About .mov #2:

    -Pen out of the bottom? Is that functional?

    -The knob is as high as the unit itself. How will it fit in the vegan leather thing?

    Can´t see .mov #3. Is it more convinsing?
  • Reply 231 of 587
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by TCO:

    <strong>yes you can.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Nope. Doesn't work for me either. The downloaded file is greyed out so I can't select it.
  • Reply 233 of 587
    does anyone else hear a sentence being spoken in the turnaround movie? it isn't english, does anyone know what it says?

    also check out iWalk.com for more general weirdness!!
  • Reply 233 of 587
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Could anyone send the third .mov to SpiffyGuyC, kidred and me please?

    [email protected]
  • Reply 235 of 587
    reidreid Posts: 190member
    I've now seen all the videos and pictures posted. If that's a fake, or a fan mockup, it's got to be the coolest and most convincing one ever. Bootup.mov, which shows the image on the screen rotating with a quick spin of the dial is amazing. And, it DOES have a color screen, with an OS X style interface, despite the fact that the notepad app is pretty much grayscale. My guess: $799-$899.
  • Reply 235 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by Anders:

    About .mov #2:

    -The knob is as high as the unit itself. How will it fit in the vegan leather thing?




    Can´t see .mov #3. Is it more convinsing?[/QB]<hr></blockquote>

  • Reply 235 of 587

    And I still can't find a working copy of 'bootup'.

  • Reply 238 of 587
    Thanks Anders, and yes that would be appreciated- [email protected] of course
  • Reply 239 of 587
    The real revolution of the iWalk is that the doorknob knows where to scroll before you do it. Get turnaround to work and you'll see what I mean (I think).
  • Reply 239 of 587
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by invisible sun:


    also check out iWalk.com for more general weirdness!!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Michael??? Has he learned to speel?
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