OH GOD!!!!! [iWalk]



  • Reply 280 of 587
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    [quote]Originally posted by Michael X. S.:


    Oh yea, and about it never moving and being on at the same time, if I made a prop like this, and was doing such an elaborate hoax, the extra 20 minutes to acurately nail the layer on to a moving screen would be worth it.


    I would have thought it would be worth it as well, but it seems if it is fake, they didn't think it was worth it. The timing just seems odd. The flip, twist and rotate the thing and then he seems to carefully position it in the desk and the video ends, and picks up again with a close up shot. But, why would you clip right there, just before you turn the unit on? To keep the clip small?...well, then shouldn't the shot atleast flow from one to the next? Instead it seems that he was posing it at the end of the first video, in preparation for a new shot....he even moved his hand out of the way of the shot, before reintroducing his hand in the next shot to turn the device on...why so deliberatly move the hand from the shot, unless you knew you were going to have to start a new shot with a posed unit.
  • Reply 280 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by ThinkDifferent1984:

    <strong>For anybody that can't get the bootup.mov:

    go to my website

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;



    it should work...i don't have too much speed so it's only 5 at a time

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: ThinkDifferent1984 ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Why is yours 2+mb, and the original is only 600K?
  • Reply 283 of 587
    Sorry about that! I posted the wrong address first! the correct address is <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>; with the login and pass from the earlier post
  • Reply 284 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by Odinn5:

    <strong>If this is real we will know in a few hours after the standard announcement is palced about the pics and movie being removed by the request of Apple legal. If it is still active by tomorrow noon, it's a fake. If Apple sends the legal dogs at em' we have a genuine iWalk. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    If it's a fake and they're really *that* good, they'll fake the Apple legal action, too. Only the absence of legal action will prove anything.
  • Reply 286 of 587
    anyone have an ftp where i can upload these for preservations sake, and for all the people who cant get bootup.mov to work. I fixed it by exporting it once i got it to find turnaround.mov
  • Reply 286 of 587
    kcmackcmac Posts: 1,051member
    After seeing the bootup movie, what I think is interesting is what I thought was a flaw with the scrollwheel. You could accidentally hit it and your screen could change orientation while you were writing.

    It would appear that you first turn the scroll and then push the button on the bottom to make it flip. The apple points in the correct orientation.

    Doesn't seem as elegant as a usual Apple innovation but interesting none the less.

    Still think it is fake but as a Newton lover I want to believe!
  • Reply 288 of 587
    BTW, for those of you who noticed that iWalk isn't trademarked, remember that iTunes was originally dubbed iMusic. Steve Jobs even slipped up and called it iMusic at it's introduction. The same could go for this (if it's indeed real) and the iWalk name could be a placeholder.

    And if this is real, I'm gonna be ROFLMFAO at all you guys. I remember being one of the first to argue that <a href="http://users.netmcr.com/~bsmith/images/trinity.jpg"; target="_blank">this pic</a> was faked because of the "jagged antialiasing" and funky lighting on the Apple logo.
  • Reply 289 of 587
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by ThunderPoit:

    <strong>About the german, im a little rusty (its been a couple years). i cant quite make out the first word, but the last word is definatly "spitze" which in german means "sharp" or "stylish" so im assuming that whoever is commenting is stating that the iwalk is very stylish or very sharp.


    I hear the same. Spitze as in cool, great.

    The boot up .mov: Why so bad quality? And the wheel thing again. And the colour change from nothing to start up and from start up to notes? It seems fake to me.

    I am now at 97,5% fake. But why have anyone gone so far to fool us? Isn´t it strange it comes on the same day as the apple count down logo? It seems mighty strange to me

    <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 289 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by starfleetX:

    <strong>I remember being one of the first to argue that <a href="http://users.netmcr.com/~bsmith/images/trinity.jpg"; target="_blank">this pic</a> was faked because of the "jagged antialiasing" and funky lighting on the Apple logo.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You mean that isn't a fake?

  • Reply 291 of 587
    Oh yea, that's a good one

    "Okay, why is that screen so damn bright and readable even under shadows despite the fact that there is clearly no backlight? It looks suspiciously like a high quality printer paper jammed behind a sheet of clear plastic."

    how do you explain the videos?

    The only explanation I could see for this leak is it could have been an early prototype.
  • Reply 291 of 587
    odinn5odinn5 Posts: 107member
    You are probably right LuckyJno. But it's the best I could come up with. Everyone seemed to have something to say and I felt a little left out. I hope it is real but then again I just bought an iPod and my Apple budget is gone. I would hate to know this iWalk is real and see it in the local Apple store but not be able to buy one.
  • Reply 293 of 587
    Do prototypes often have FCC approval?
  • Reply 293 of 587
    kcmackcmac Posts: 1,051member
    I also find it interesting on the bootup movie that the on button can be pressed without making the iWalk move on the table at all! That must really be a sensitive button.....

  • Reply 293 of 587
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Another reason for thinking it is fake is the Apple/wheel. WTF is that? I can't imagine Apple wasting that much real-estate on the front of the unit to orientation setting. Most people will prolly change the orientation a couple times in a month. I only ever changed it on my MP a few times when i first bought it. Some people will change orientation many times a day, but I can't see Apple making it the dominant interface control for the device.
  • Reply 296 of 587
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    You people have to remember that this is probably a pre-production iWalk or iWhatever, and every photo we have seen of a pre-production Apple product that turned out to be real was shoddy, or was modyfied. This could be a very early iWalk, they aren't going to get it right on the first, second, third try, etc. The iPod took near to a year to develop. I seriously doubt that it looked anywhere near as good as it does now back when they were still working out the design.

    As for that little jitter you see, its probably some artifact. Or the fact that the lcd may be loose, the edges around the lcd are raised up quite a bit and something else is moving, etc.

    I am seeing no conclusive evidence that this is either real or fake, although I am leaning towards real.
  • Reply 297 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by Anders:

    <strong>But why have anyone gone so far to fool us? Isn´t it strange it comes on the same day as the apple count down logo? It seems mighty strange to me</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Why? Just to watch all the folks on the rumor boards go crazy for a night. For the same reason some people sent envelopes filled with talcum powder pretending it was anthrax.

    As for the hard work, couldn't this have been a student project by some manufacturing/design student? If you've got the goods (a modified Newton case) and a couple of pals with video experience, why not?
  • Reply 297 of 587
    i don't know either way but i think I would buy one. Anyone esle at least like it a little
  • Reply 299 of 587
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    [quote]Originally posted by SMacSteve:

    <strong>Oh yea, that's a good one

    "Okay, why is that screen so damn bright and readable even under shadows despite the fact that there is clearly no backlight? It looks suspiciously like a high quality printer paper jammed behind a sheet of clear plastic."

    how do you explain the videos?

    The only explanation I could see for this leak is it could have been an early prototype.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    *paste into this rectangle from this frame to that frame* *paste over that rectangle from that frame to the that frame over there* etc... The videos are just a series of pictures themselves. Note how the screen on the video looks so drastically different from the ones in the pics. Look how incredibly reflective the screen is in the pics relfecting the shadow of the person, even the ceiling light, while the video doesn't reflect squat. The one with handwriting has already proven to be a fraud.
  • Reply 299 of 587
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by Tulkas:

    <strong>Another reason for thinking it is fake is the Apple/wheel. WTF is that? I can't imagine Apple wasting that much real-estate on the front of the unit to orientation setting. Most people will prolly change the orientation a couple times in a month. I only ever changed it on my MP a few times when i first bought it. Some people will change orientation many times a day, but I can't see Apple making it the dominant interface control for the device.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Damn right. It isn´t a visible feature on the MP normally so why suddenly make it hardware? And why turn, press button? It isn´t logic

    <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
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