OH GOD!!!!! [iWalk]



  • Reply 261 of 587
    Alright, as much as I want to see Bootup, I need to get a short nap before the next creepy slogan appears on the Apple site.

    Since when did being an Apple fan turn into a 24-hour ordeal? This is ridiculous

    In any case, if someone could email a copy of

    "bootup" that does NOT require me to find turnaround (since OS X doesn't seem to want to do this), please do - [email protected]

    Have fun while I'm away.

  • Reply 261 of 587
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    why would Apple use a big jog dial like that with no button function when they could have used the much better iPod jog dial? makes no sense.

    the thing that makes me think its real is the turn around move. look at the top with the ports. that's pretty damn hard to fake
  • Reply 263 of 587
    Correction: get bootup.mov to work. I opened it with QuickTime 5 for Windows 98 by renaming it to turnaround.mov. When it asks for turnaround.mov, click Search. You will get a dialog box that says 'Please locate the file "turnaround.mov". It was previously on "CD Archiv B".' Select the file that you just opened. Watch garbage fly up on the screen. Play the movie. Watch the knob. Watch the cheesy, shitty effects. Watch QuickTime crash due to a page fault. If the iWalk is real, why did they feel the need to fake that video?
  • Reply 263 of 587
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Put my vote in the Fake column.

    As a longtime owner of a Newton, the handwriting recog portions look... wrong. Check out *CLOSELY* where the ink shows up on the screen, and it doesn't seem to correspond to where the stylus tip would be given the angles. It always shows up about 4mm to the left of where it should be, from what I can tell. Also, the ink looks way too crisp compared to the rest of the display. Also note that you never actually *SEE* the stylus tip on the screen, the hand is always in the way.

    It's a fake. A very very *good* fake, but a fake. At best, it's a damned good demo video designed for a private audience of a possible product pitch.
  • Reply 263 of 587
    "Beyond the rumor sites. Way beyond."

    This is probly not the real thing, but rather a prototype of a device that will never see the light of day as a shipping product.
  • Reply 266 of 587
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Hmm still doesn´t work. Perhaps its my system?
  • Reply 267 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by Mac The Fork:

    <strong>If the iWalk is real, why did they feel the need to fake that video?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Amen. As much as I'd love to have a superthin newton to replace my Palm... I'm betting the iWalk is fake.

    Still, this is more fun (and more worth my time) that anything mosr has put out... umm.... ever.

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: LuckyJno ]</p>
  • Reply 268 of 587
    Now I'm just really confused. I dont see why anyone would go to such trouble to create a hoax like this.

    I still think the text in the original movie was composited in, it really looks like the pod shifts. The bootup movie could clearly be faked as well, there's nothing in it simple f/x work couldnt do.

    The thumb/logo shift thing may be something to worry about, that looks more like a compression error, but I dont know why they would screw that up. Personally, I find it more interesting that when it flips view direction, the bottom menu takes an extra frame or two to load, im not sure why the rest of the screen would be instantaneous, but a delayed switch for part of it as it thinks is more likely, and an extra detail requiring more post work.

    Finally, the back of it has the same logos I find on my Cassiopeia warning about FCC regulations etc... Although it bugs me that iWalk is in black and not silver like the iPod? Durability?

    Oh yea, and about it never moving and being on at the same time, if I made a prop like this, and was doing such an elaborate hoax, the extra 20 minutes to acurately nail the layer on to a moving screen would be worth it.

    The phrase uttered in the middle of the turnaround movie sounds german to me, but I can't quite make it out.

    I also doubt apple would have a protruding wheel. At worst, I suppose it could be a button which you push and it pulls out a bit. Otherwise its a design mistake, it would get ripped off fairly easily.

    The large connector on top looks like a type of monitor port. It just makes no sense why someone would fake this... if its true, Steve is gonna be pissed. In conclusion, I just cant tell anymore, I'll wait til Monday and buy one if it comes out.

    .: Michael
  • Reply 268 of 587
    my point about the iPod and iWalk not being compatible as part of a product lineup was more that it would be stupid of Apple to develop two devices so similar seperately and not combine the two, or at least use parts from one in the other- the iPod is nearly a PDA in form as it is. That just makes no financial sense. it looks like the spymac people refined their earlier crap 3d rendering after seeing the iPod, and made a half decent job...
  • Reply 268 of 587
    macdmacd Posts: 12member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by MacD:

    <strong>Someone over at Press 3 (formally MacOSX.com) posted the picture of the MWSF 2002 picture folks have been talking about. Looks different than what this "iwalk" looks like.

    <a href="http://www.press3.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=11426"; target="_blank">http://www.press3.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=11426</a></strong>[/QUOTE ]

    So, you think the above picture from the 2002 badge is just fluff? I mean, why would Apple replease such a picture?
  • Reply 271 of 587
    The <a href="http://www.interfacestudio.net/iwalk/"; target="_blank">http://www.interfacestudio.net/iwalk/</a>;

    bootup.mov worked for me.

    The Apple logo wheel does look weird. It jumps when the finger moves.

  • Reply 272 of 587
    Five bucks says spymac has this off their site tomorrow with a message that says Apple legal forced them to.

    Sure, it'll only be online for a few hours, but the hoax will be complete!

    ps. anyone who actually thinks I'll pony up the five dollars prolly also thinks they'll use the money for their own shiny new iWalk.
  • Reply 273 of 587
    macdmacd Posts: 12member
    Did you notice in the BOOTUP.MOV that his finger is "hidden" behind the button for a few frame until it starts to move. Might be compression or optical illusion... but still, that looks fake to me.
  • Reply 273 of 587
    About the german, im a little rusty (its been a couple years). i cant quite make out the first word, but the last word is definatly "spitze" which in german means "sharp" or "stylish" so im assuming that whoever is commenting is stating that the iwalk is very stylish or very sharp.


    btw, what /is/ w/ the vga port and an ass ugly serial port on the top and bottom?

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: ThunderPoit ]</p>
  • Reply 273 of 587
    so what now?

    Elaborate fake? partially fake? WTF IS IT?

    I' m thinking its a prototype (much like the quicksilver pictures that surfaced before MWNY)... now... for some reason, these people found it necessary to fake an OS or just add some functionality to it... perhaps they got a non-working prototype?

    That or these peole wasted time and money making a elaborate fake to mimic the iPod, thus making it more believable...

    The truth is out there...
  • Reply 276 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by MacD:

    <strong>[QUOTE]Originally posted by MacD:

    [qb]Someone over at Press 3 (formally MacOSX.com) posted the picture of the MWSF 2002 picture folks have been talking about. Looks different than what this "iwalk" looks like.

    <a href="http://www.press3.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=11426"; target="_blank">http://www.press3.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=11426</a></strong>[/QUOTE ]

    So, you think the above picture from the 2002 badge is just fluff? I mean, why would Apple replease such a picture?[/QB]<hr></blockquote>

    I don't think Apple released the picture at all. it was a stock image from somewhere and got slapped in with a bunch of other stuff. Kinda like the footage MS had of old beige macs running XP.
  • Reply 276 of 587
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    [quote]Originally posted by DaveGee:

    <strong>Oh my gosh you guys are the same kids who said the Cube was a fake! Note to self... All the self proclaimed photoshop debunkers come out at night...

    Look at he following:

    And debunk away...


    Okay, why is that screen so damn bright and readable even under shadows despite the fact that there is clearly no backlight? It looks suspiciously like a high quality printer paper jammed behind a sheet of clear plastic.
  • Reply 278 of 587
    For anybody that can't get the bootup.mov:

    go to my website

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;



    it should work...i don't have too much speed so it's only 5 at a time

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: ThinkDifferent1984 ]</p>
  • Reply 279 of 587
    It looks like some of the screens are just pieces of paper that they shoved into the thing. Notice how the main part of the screen rotates slightly in bootup.mov when the toolbar appears. The industrial design is also crap. The power button also rotates the screen!

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: Mac The Fork ]</p>
  • Reply 280 of 587
    odinn5odinn5 Posts: 107member
    If this is real we will know in a few hours after the standard announcement is palced about the pics and movie being removed by the request of Apple legal. If it is still active by tomorrow noon, it's a fake. If Apple sends the legal dogs at em' we have a genuine iWalk.
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