Mac OS X 10.4 build 8A414 surfaces



  • Reply 61 of 127
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by melgross

    Nope. That's why I agreed.

    Sorry, I thought you were being sarcastic.
  • Reply 62 of 127
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by Sopphode

    Perhaps they umm.. lied.

    No. These guys won't lie to me. I know them too long. I would never ask anything too specific such as: Is it coming out April 1st?

    It's more of a:

    Think it'll be close to the full term? Seems that way.

    How are you doing with the feature set? Not there yet, getting close.

    I would be VERY surprised if it came out on April 1st. Maybe May 1st.

    But, ya never know.
  • Reply 63 of 127

    Originally posted by melgross

    I hope you were one of the lucky ones who didn't lose data on a Firewire drive. I did. And I followed all of the instructions. Three drives. Poof!

    What happened? Was that with 10.3.0?
  • Reply 64 of 127
    ibook911ibook911 Posts: 607member

    Originally posted by melgross

    No. These guys won't lie to me. I know them too long. I would never ask anything too specific such as: Is it coming out April 1st?

    It's more of a:

    Think it'll be close to the full term? Seems that way.

    How are you doing with the feature set? Not there yet, getting close.

    I would be VERY surprised if it came out on April 1st. Maybe May 1st.

    But, ya never know.

    The rumor is not that it will come out on April 1. The rumor is that a mid-April ship date will be given on April 1.
  • Reply 65 of 127
    arnelarnel Posts: 103member

    Originally posted by JLL

    The buttons are aligned over the content section because the buttons have effect of what you have chosen below - not the mail boxes.

    The buttons have (for some unknown reason) a different look, but the top looks like the top in the rest of Tiger.

    I'm wondering if it's a new style of toolbar, rather than just special button graphics. Perhaps the button backgrounds are drawn by the toolbar rather than as part of the icons, and the gap between the button groups is it's version of the separator line.

    Secondly I wonder if this is a new look they're moving towards for their standard source-list-and-window app layout? You can easily imagine iPhoto, iTunes and even the Finder with interfaces in that style.

    I only hope that they make all the new widget styles available to all - apps have only just got around to copying other styles introduced in 10.3 (like the square list control buttons you see under list boxes for add, delete, etc), to change it now will be annoying for developers, to say the least!

    I guess we'll all find out in a few weeks!


    a.k.a. Arnel
  • Reply 66 of 127
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member

    Originally posted by J@ffa

    Hehe, you and me both. Just googled it and it's this:

    AppleInsider: Burnable folders, revised Smart Folders appear in Tiger

    I see, and it's still there - called a Burn Folder now though.
  • Reply 67 of 127
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member

    Originally posted by Arnel

    I'm wondering if it's a new style of toolbar, rather than just special button graphics. Perhaps the button backgrounds are drawn by the toolbar rather than as part of the icons, and the gap between the button groups is it's version of the separator line.

    A button's background and the button icon are two different resources, but the button backgrounds are included in the Mail bundle and not the system.

    The groups are groups - you can't separate them and you can't make new ones (the buttons in each group exist in "single" version too though).
  • Reply 68 of 127
    I think these new button styles are absolutely awful looking. The new platinum interface is very nice, though I don't know whats going on with these icons. Surely the icons without that bubbly background would be better?

  • Reply 69 of 127
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by the cool gut

    What happened? Was that with 10.3.0?

    10.3.8. I thought that I had avoided all of those problems by then. I didn't have the problem when it happened in .6, or .7. I was just as careful with .8.

    I do what I tell everyone in my usergroup MetroMac Alliance.

    Don't ever update from the OS Update panel until you:

    Unmount, turn off, and disconnect any external Firewire drives. Then

    1. Restart from your original disks and run Disk utility. Fix disk, then repair permissions. If there is an unresolved problem, run utility and permissions again. If a problem still exists, then restart again and restart with the Diskwarrior 3.0.2 disk. do that and run permissions again. If all works then

    2. Restart and repair permissions again.

    3. Install update and guess what? Repair permissions again.

    4. If all is ok, then reconnect external drives turn on drives. They should mount.

    The assumption here is that the drives have a late model ATA to Firewire card with the latesr firmware.

    I had all of that.

    Normally this is by far the safest way to update. It doesn't hurt when you upgrade either. Always fix permissions after installing a new program, or upgrading one.

    Apples' updates aren't perfect, they can cause problems. The upgrades are the same.
  • Reply 70 of 127
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by ibook911

    The rumor is not that it will come out on April 1. The rumor is that a mid-April ship date will be given on April 1.

    Perhaps I should have said "announce". Is that better? The point is that it would have to be ready BEFORE the announcement in order for Jobs to show it on the 1st. That's probably no more than four or five days from now.

    Remember, I'm not saying it's impossible. It's just not the impression I'm getting.

    I'm hoping it won't be out then. Don't forget that Jobs announced FCP 4 before the OS could handle the new features. I've got it, and I remember it.

    so it doesn't mean that he can't show new programs and say that they'll be available in early June.

    It's happened before. I don't know what's so special about the 26th anniversary. The 25th last year was more commemorative. Are we saying that the anniversary is a new intro event from now on?
  • Reply 71 of 127

    That is an absolute disaster.

    As for how it works, what happens when you drag, say, Delete, to a toolbar that already has Delete/Junk? Or Delete/Junk to a toolbar that already has Delete?
  • Reply 72 of 127
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by Mac The Fork

    That is an absolute disaster.

    As for how it works, what happens when you drag, say, Delete, to a toolbar that already has Delete/Junk? Or Delete/Junk to a toolbar that already has Delete?

    Yup. That one's been around for a while. There are others.

    But it's not a problem because as we've been told here before by a "beta tester" that he tests e v e r y t h i n g, and that "Apple tests everything" also.

    so it's just our imagination. Don't worry. Be happy.
  • Reply 73 of 127
    Indeed. Everything must not include the Finder and other obvious parts in Panther that still work like garbage (edit: mostly the Finder though), and will apparently continue to unless I buy another paid upgrade.

    I'd rather have a well-tested and refined Tiger several months late than a half-assed version that, from my experience with Panther, will not see significant improvement in its lifespan. Mileages may vary, and I'm generally happy with 10.3, but there are just some really stupid things that haven't been dealt with. In some ways, I think Apple needs time to catch up with itself.
  • Reply 74 of 127

    Originally posted by Mac The Fork

    I'd rather have a well-tested and refined Tiger several months late than a half-assed version... I think Apple needs time to catch up with itself.

  • Reply 75 of 127

    Originally posted by Mac The Fork

    That is an absolute disaster.

    I don't think it's THAT bad. I would prefer a more "industrial" them myself, but it could be much worse. It's a hell of alot cleaner looking to.

    I like how buttons which don't apply anymore fade out though :
  • Reply 76 of 127
    arnelarnel Posts: 103member

    Originally posted by JLL

    A button's background and the button icon are two different resources, but the button backgrounds are included in the Mail bundle and not the system.

    The groups are groups - you can't separate them and you can't make new ones (the buttons in each group exist in "single" version too though).

    That's a little disappointing... Whilst the button backgrounds don't look too bad in the toolbar itself, in that customisation sheet it makes all the icons kind of look the same.

    The other thing that's disappointing is that there are getting to be too many widget styles in Apple's apps that are implemented custom objects. Even worse, custom objects that don't even have some kind of common style between different apps (i.e. this new "pale grey" widget set they're using - the popup menus in the Finder search options have rounded ends, and in iPhoto they have square ends).

    I suppose we could hope that they're using Mail as a "testbed" for this new app style - after all, the rounded search field was a custom widget in a few apps before it became a proper system widget in 10.3, and metal windows were being used a lot before they became available in 10.2.

    Also on my request list for becoming a "proper" widget - that flat round button they use as media controls in iTunes, iMovie and the QuickTime Player apps. Make it available in three sizes, and the app supplies the grey symbol that's applied on top.


    a.k.a. Arnel
  • Reply 77 of 127
    gsxrboygsxrboy Posts: 565member

    Originally posted by AppleInsider

    Article removed at the request of Apple Legal.
    [ View this article at ]

    Well by golly !
  • Reply 78 of 127
    Do the new Mail toolbar icons have a small option like other apps?

    If so, could someone post a pic? I always end up using the small icons to save a little real estate and make things look a little cleaner. Thanks.
  • Reply 79 of 127
    good question. i use text only for my toolbars.
  • Reply 80 of 127
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member

    Originally posted by bluesloth

    If so, could someone post a pic?

    No screenshots of unreleased software, please. If anyone knows about the small icons, feel free to answer. I'm in Panther right now and can't check it.
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