Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD (2006)



  • Reply 1441 of 2106
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    You must have completed reading sony brochure for 100th times. There are other brands supporting BD technology and they have brochures as well...... you could keep reading all about that.....

    Or go out and get a BD-Player and couple of BD Titles for yourself and see what I mean. I've actually returned two Sammy BD players and still have couple of BD-Titles to sell you if you want them for 2/3 of the price I paid.

    ...That's all ya got, heh...well,...moving on.
  • Reply 1442 of 2106
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    This one's for you Elixir...

    Sony's online service for PS3 revealed


    It has long been known that Sony planned to release an online service similar to Microsoft's Xbox Live for their next-gen console, the PlayStation 3. However, the details of this service have remained extremely sketchy until now. With only a few weeks left to go before the planned North American and Japanese launch of the PS3, the veil of secrecy has finally been lifted. In a report from inside Sony's UK headquarters in London, the online service was finally revealed.

    The user interface for the service will look and feel familiar to owners of Sony's other gaming device: the PlayStation Portable. The same menu structure is present, with the horizontal strip of icons revealing further menu options vertically. In fact, many of the icons are identical, with a couple of additions. The User Profiles button allows users to create one or more online profiles that will keep track of game accomplishments and other data, and the Friends button displays the gamer's friend status, much like the profiles in Xbox Live.

    The PS3 will come with a built-in web browser similar to the on one the PSP. Unlike the Wii's optional Opera browser, it will be offered for free (Nintendo is giving away the Wii browser for a limited time only). The other free aspect is the service itself: unlike Xbox Live, there will be no charge to connect to the PS3's online network, use matchmaking services, use voice chat, or play multiplayer games (with the exception of MMORPGs and other games where additional charges may apply).

    The other difference between Sony's online service and Xbox Live is that there will be no system of "points" that gamers can exchange for games and rewards. Instead, every reward on the PS3 online service will be directly purchasable online for a posted fee. The player transfers their cash into an account Sony calls the "Wallet," and all purchases made online are taken out of the Wallet directly, using a web-based "shopping cart" interface. This includes not only rewards (such as new cars and tracks in the new Gran Turismo games) but also game demos and may even include digital music from services such as Sony Connect.

    Comparisons with Microsoft's Xbox Live are inevitable, but how the two services truly stack up to each other will have to wait until the PS3 has been available for a few months and all the kinks worked out of the system. Sony is taking a bit of a different approach from Microsoft by offering the service for free and hoping to make up the difference from online transactions of game and music content. Whether this will put pressure on Microsoft to make Xbox Live services free remains to be seen, but it looks as though the battle for next-gen console supremacy will be just as heated online as it is shaping up to be on store shelves.

  • Reply 1443 of 2106
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison

    You make some good points Marzetta7. $500 isn't chump change for anyone.

    However the PS3 doesn't compare to the HD-XA2 as a movie player.

    Both have 1080p

    Both have HDMI 1.3

    But with the XA2 you get

    RS-232 for automation control

    12-bit 297Khz video dacs

    5.1 analog out

    Better remote control

    I've seen reports where the 5.1 analog out has been removed from the X2. RS-232 automation is not as useful in 2006 as 1996. The PS3 has bluetooth and the upper end has built in wifi. HDMI also includes an optional remote control interface (CEC).


    Blu-Ray sales lag

    Lionsgate doesn't seem too happy with sales. Albeit this was in July but not much has really changed. Only a paltry 10k Samsung units sold

    Yes, you think that might have an impact on software sales?


    So I guess the question is why would they stay exclusive to a format that was beaten soundly by %250 in sales and whose competition offers a %300 improvement in movie attachrate?

    shock and awe baby.

    Dumb and dumber baby. You aren't "beaten soundly" after the first punch unless you fall down. This fight hasn't even really started yet and both fighters are being awfully tentative.

  • Reply 1444 of 2106
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    I will likely buy a PS3, but not until it's been out for maybe six months. I like to have at least one round of minor improvements and fixes before I buy. I also like to think ahead, so I have a question. Am I correct that both models of the PS3 will have HDMI? Also, will both connect to the internet via hardwire Ethernet, which I have installed in our home? I'm not sure we will use the PS3 on-line, but if it is free, it will be tempting. Thanks for the tip on free internet play.

    Our main goals is to watch HD movies and use the PS3 as a game console, to replace the PS2. It will play the old PS2 games I understand, and when we get new games they will be HD. So, if either model works for these goals, and especially if the low end model connects to Ethernet, is there any reason at all to consider the more expensive model? We care about performance, not looks, just so it's not ugly.
  • Reply 1445 of 2106
    Nope the only difference between the 2 models is the Wifi, larger hard drive, and some cosmetic differences.
  • Reply 1446 of 2106
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by MacSuperiority

    Nope the only difference between the 2 models is the Wifi, larger hard drive, and some cosmetic differences.

  • Reply 1447 of 2106
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7

    This one's for you Elixir...

    Sony's online service for PS3 revealed

    nothing i didn't already predict. sony follows the leader of innovation...

    i want to see how this "free" aspect pans out. microsoft spent millions developing, testing, implementing its online service, so its funny sony says this will be "free".

    i guess we'll wait and see but it sounds like another sony dupe to me
  • Reply 1448 of 2106
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member

    The PS3 will come with a built-in web browser similar to the on one the PSP. Unlike the Wii's optional Opera browser, it will be offered for free (Nintendo is giving away the Wii browser for a limited time only). The other free aspect is the service itself: unlike Xbox Live, there will be no charge to connect to the PS3's online network, use matchmaking services, use voice chat, or play multiplayer games (with the exception of MMORPGs and other games where additional charges may apply).

    I'm curious. Will Sony's new, free on-line service also work with the PS2? I think it would be a good thing for attracting more users, since it will really not be free for most gamers.

    You pay for special items and some of the games, it sounds like. I'd bet that will bring in enough to about pay for it's operation. The only cost then was the initial outlay of capital to develop the service, which can be written off over years, just as the PS3 development cost will be written off over years, at least once Sony starts making a profit.

    For those who only use the free services of Sony's on-line service, it is a very good deal. It's a matter of will power. If possible, I'd like to use it with the PS2 until we get a PS3.
  • Reply 1449 of 2106
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by snoopy

    I'm curious. Will Sony's new, free on-line service also work with the PS2? I think it would be a good thing for attracting more users, since it will really not be free for most gamers.

    You pay for special items and some of the games, it sounds like. I'd bet that will bring in enough to about pay for it's operation. The only cost then was the initial outlay of capital to develop the service, which can be written off over years, just as the PS3 development cost will be written off over years, at least once Sony starts making a profit.

    For those who only use the free services of Sony's on-line service, it is a very good deal. It's a matter of will power. If possible, I'd like to use it with the PS2 until we get a PS3.

    i think some people are forgetting that if playing games on the PS3 cost money, then it actually isn't anything differetn than Microsoft's service.

    to play games online people get a gold membership, which costs them 50 dollars per year. Sony says their online service is "free" but what service? just music, downloadable content, what?

    if playing a game costs money thatn it isn't "free", its just like the 360's gold membership.

    i either believe sony is just using this "free" term to dupe people into actually thinking playing games online will be free, OR many games wont be online, and the ones that are will run like GT HD has said it would run their game...

    you pay for cars, levels, etc.

    and if thats the case with most of PS3s online functionality, than i reckon a serious backlash from gamers come launch time.

    here for some of you easily (tricked by sony) inviduals-


    Xbox Live Silver membership. This allows members to connect to the online community and create their own digital identity with an Xbox Live gamertag and personalized Gamer Profile. Xbox Live Silver members will be able to send and receive text and voice messages and join their friends on Xbox Live. Xbox Live Marketplace is the one-stop download center for additional game-related content like free trailers and demos as well as content that adds more to games, such as new levels, characters and weapons. Gamers can also purchase and download fun, casual and highly addictive Xbox Live Arcade games directly to their Xbox 360 system (additional fees may apply; hard drive or memory unit required for downloads). Price: free"

    "Xbox Live Gold membership. This includes all Xbox Live Silver-level features and access to premium multiplayer experiences exclusive to Xbox Live Gold members. This includes online multiplayer gaming, enhanced matchmaking and feedback tools, along with exclusive privileges and rewards on Xbox Live Marketplace. Subscription information below."

  • Reply 1450 of 2106
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison

    But with the XA2 you get

    RS-232 for automation control

    12-bit 297Khz video dacs

    5.1 analog out

    Better remote control

    2 of those 4 features are totally unnecessary if you use HDMI and although I've never bothered to use an RS-232 port,which should probably tell you something about how useful it really is, I suspect given HDMI has 2 way communication you could use it for that. So you get a better remote vs a game console and I suspect soon enough there will be universal remotes that utilise bluetooth and IR. Sounds like a fair trade to me
  • Reply 1451 of 2106
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    Originally Posted by Elixir

    to play games online people get a gold membership, which costs them 50 dollars per year. Sony says their online service is "free" but what service? just music, downloadable content, what?

    if playing a game costs money thatn it isn't "free", its just like the 360's gold membership.

    i either believe sony is just using this "free" term to dupe people into actually thinking playing games online will be free, OR many games wont be online, and the ones that are will run like GT HD has said it would run their game...

    Of course they will push microtransactions to improve margins but do you really think Microsoft hasn't already started down that route?

    Well details are formally in two days but all signs are that there is only a single service. I just find it amusing that people feel compelled to defend paying money for a service on a console that is offered for free on the PC.
  • Reply 1452 of 2106
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Elixir

    i think some people are forgetting that if playing games on the PS3 cost money, then it actually isn't anything differetn than Microsoft's service.

    Until it comes out we don't really know the terms of service but the statement

    "The other free aspect is the service itself: unlike Xbox Live, there will be no charge to connect to the PS3's online network, use matchmaking services, use voice chat, or play multiplayer games (with the exception of MMORPGs and other games where additional charges may apply)"

    is fairly unambiguous. Except for MMORPGs like EQ, EQ2, WoW, etc there are no charges. In other words the games might decide to charge but there's no Sony fee on top of that.


    to play games online people get a gold membership, which costs them 50 dollars per year. Sony says their online service is "free" but what service? just music, downloadable content, what?

    The Sony service evidently costs $50 less than the Microsoft service. The "what" is described in the article you failed to read. Matchmaking (not in silver), hopefully multiuser voice chat as in Teamspeak (not in silver where voice chat is 1-1, only in Gold do you get Teamspeak like capabilities), and multiplayer games (not MMOs) like Battlefield, UT2007, etc (not in silver).


    if playing a game costs money thatn it isn't "free", its just like the 360's gold membership.

    i either believe sony is just using this "free" term to dupe people into actually thinking playing games online will be free, OR many games wont be online, and the ones that are will run like GT HD has said it would run their game...

    you pay for cars, levels, etc.

    and if thats the case with most of PS3s online functionality, than i reckon a serious backlash from gamers come launch time.

    Or maybe it will work as advertised with the MP FPS games coming down the pike. Its not like you aren't paying your ISPs anyway for the pipe and its not like matchmaking and text chat is a big deal to host.

  • Reply 1453 of 2106
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by Telomar

    2 of those 4 features are totally unnecessary if you use HDMI and although I've never bothered to use an RS-232 port,which should probably tell you something about how useful it really is, I suspect given HDMI has 2 way communication you could use it for that. So you get a better remote vs a game console and I suspect soon enough there will be universal remotes that utilise bluetooth and IR. Sounds like a fair trade to me

    Yes I believe Panasonic has created a proprietary control mechanism using HDMI. However it's certainly not going to have the maturting of RS-232 which is old but can be easily interfaced from a number of controllers from Crestron to AMX to Russound.

    Video DAC would help if you did not have a HDMI enabled AVR. Many people are trying to hold out until the right 1.3 TrueHD/DTS HD AVR comes out at their price range.

    I truly think Ethernet is the best connectivity type for Automation/Control. Netstreams has the right idea IMO.
  • Reply 1454 of 2106
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    PS3 to Come Bundled With Talladega Nights

    Here is the list of games upon launch, looks real good...


    Genji: Days of the Blade

    NBA 07

    Resistance: Fall of Man

    Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII

    Call of Duty 3

    EA Sports Fight Night Round 3

    The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion


    Full Auto 2 Battlelines

    Madden NFL 07

    Marvel Ultimate Alliance

    Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire

    NBA 2K7

    NHL 2K7

    Untold Legends Dark Kingdom

    Ridge Racer 7

    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07

    Sonic the Hedgehog

    Need for Speed Carbon

    Tony Hawk's Project 8

    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas

  • Reply 1455 of 2106
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7

    PS3 to Come Bundled With Talladega Nights

    Here is the list of games upon launch, looks real good...

    does it look real good? considering most of those games have been out by now or will be out for other platforms by time it launches. And if you consider majority of people wont get a ps3, by time they do, those games will be months old.

    their new much hyped game resistance only runs at 720p, instead of sony's greatly pushed 1080p (true hd gaming) mumbo jumbo. worst of all for sony Resistance only manages 30 framrates per second, half of what CoD2 did for the 360 at launch! so much for true hd gaming huh?

    and can sony get anymore pathetic than this?

    at least they dont have their vp saying "i dont know the launch of the wii, when is it?" and actually looking kind of scared.

    ign slams the new ps3 remote in their hands on with the ps3 preview

    oh and vinea- seriously, when was the last time something offered free was any good? the ps3 online will be nothing more than the ps2 version of online gaming albeit with some xbox live features added haha.

    notice how they dont talk about it much? nor do they even offer a mic with the new system.
  • Reply 1456 of 2106
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Here's what Sony has to offer to the closing of format war!...

    Unfortunately, Sony delays Blu-Ray player again to Dec. 4th..... I won't be surprised when Sony annouces another delay on the 4th of Dec....
  • Reply 1457 of 2106
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    Here's what Sony has to offer to the closing of format war!...

    Unfortunately, Sony delays Blu-Ray player again to Dec. 4th..... I won't be surprised when Sony annouces another delay on the 4th of Dec....

    i actually like that promotion, better than the one for the ps3.

    however hd-dvd still has the better selection.
  • Reply 1458 of 2106
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    What's funny is that an average Joe buys Sony Blu-Ray player and pops in the free 5th Element BD-DVD and will probably return the player or will leave a bad taste from one of the worst Blu-Ray Disc you can have that doesn't look any better than the superbit SD DVD version. I guess Sony must've prepared this ad more than 3 months ago when it was initially scheduled for June/Juy launch.
  • Reply 1459 of 2106
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    What's funny is that an average Joe buys Sony Blu-Ray player and pops in the free 5th Element BD-DVD and will probably return the player or will leave a bad taste from one of the worst Blu-Ray Disc you can have that doesn't look any better than the superbit SD DVD version. I guess Sony must've prepared this ad more than 3 months ago when it was initially scheduled for June/Juy launch.

    the only thing keeping bluray and sony alive right now are ignorant gamers who still believe the ps3 is going to offer them a superior gaming experience.

    if they lose that crowd, sony is doomed. if the console releases to very bad reviews, and reactions from those early adopters, i just cant imagine them coming out of this healthy.
  • Reply 1460 of 2106
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Elixir

    does it look real good? considering most of those games have been out by now or will be out for other platforms by time it launches. And if you consider majority of people wont get a ps3, by time they do, those games will be months old.

    By the time these folks get PS3s there will be more games.


    their new much hyped game resistance only runs at 720p, instead of sony's greatly pushed 1080p (true hd gaming) mumbo jumbo. worst of all for sony Resistance only manages 30 framrates per second, half of what CoD2 did for the 360 at launch! so much for true hd gaming huh?

    Yes because

    "We managed to get first dibs on that build (giving both stages a thorough play-through) and still walked away with the same feeling we've had for the last couple of months... that Resistance is going to be one of (if not THE) most appealing launch titles of November."

    is a BAD review. Nowhere in that article does it say 30FPS.


    ign slams the new ps3 remote in their hands on with the ps3 preview

    Yes, because:

    "Much like the PSP though, the PS3's impressive form factor is only the tip of the machine's unerring ability to stun the crowds - so let's dive a little deeper."

    is again a poor review of the PS3.

    But yes, they didn't like the controller and thinks the 360 controller is better. That's bad on Sony but given the pictures the wireless range looks pretty good. And the PS button tells you the amount of charge left on your controller (among other options). Shame about the shoulder buttons being poorly designed but until I play a few games myself I dunno how big or small an issue that will be.


    oh and vinea- seriously, when was the last time something offered free was any good? the ps3 online will be nothing more than the ps2 version of online gaming albeit with some xbox live features added haha.

    Better than being charged $50 to play multiplayer at all or for matching service. These SHOULD be free. The PS3 implementation should be slightly better than the PS2 implementation since there is a standard package for matchmaking, etc. Game servers are still game dependent from what I read. That will suck with some devs but given that one of the most anticipated parts of Resistance is multiplayer that should hopefully work well. If Sony is serious about haing a Halo equivalent then they'll help em out to make sure it runs smooth.


    notice how they dont talk about it much? nor do they even offer a mic with the new system.

    Probably because you'll end up using a bluetooth headset anyway. From the pics in the controller, other than the one USB port used for charging there's no place to connect a headset to. Wireless makes the most sense given the configuration. Some report that you can use the PS2 headset but it doesn't seem to work yet.

    Perhaps that's the delay in announcement...Sony would like to say PS2 headsets work fine but they might not. Or hey, they could really have screwed up the BT implementation and hope to be able to announce that. Hard to imaging though...BT headsets are common these days and pretty cheap.

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