Apple unveils Intel-based MacBook notebooks



  • Reply 21 of 440
    i just sold my G3 "Lombard" powerbook on ebay. I have to say that i still believe the black powerbook g3 is one of the most beautiful computers Apple ever sold, even after 7 years since its release. I was never too happy with the aluminium look of the more recent powerbooks and was a bit disappointed when the macbooks pro were released, only to find out that they were essentially the same design - i know it's thinner and completely re-rengineered and all, but hey, it looks the same! in the 90's, most consumer products were black (tv's, walkmans, phones, home stereos, etc.) and then after 2000, silver took over. Silver makes everything look cheaper, black makes everything look classy, especially on plastic, in my humble opinion anyway. Of course you can argue about taste, but as a graphic designer i ponder about these things a lot =)

    So it is with grea delight that i see Apple bringing out a sexy black machine and i can go from one black apple notebook to another. So when they put a merom processor into a black macbook, add a decent graphics card and load Leopard onto it, then i will be one of the first ones in line to get one. Maybe another 6 months? The wait is almost over

    Nice one, Apple!!!
  • Reply 22 of 440
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member

    Originally posted by scavanger

    I'm glad to see they gimped the graphics card on the high end, so unless you want a 15 inch which I don't there is no way to get non intergrated graphics. Thanks Apple you've wasted my time.

    It's $1099.

    Let me repeat that: it's $1099.

    Yeah, it has its let downs, and I'm not sure why anyone would buy anything but the 1099 model, but for $300 more than a Mac Mini you get more CPU, a screen, a keyboard, and a battery. And it's not much bigger. It's yet another trojan horse, especially for people who might spend $400 on an iPod. I expect it to sell fantastically well.
  • Reply 23 of 440
    toweltowel Posts: 1,479member
    So we got the price points right (1099/1299/1499) but Apple tricked us by splurging on the CPU and saving elsewhere. No Superdrive on the 1099 model, and integrated graphics throughout. But still... 2.0 GHz Core Duo widescreen laptop for $1299.
  • Reply 24 of 440
    plasmoplasmo Posts: 13member

    Originally posted by backtomac

    Looks excellent. Waiting for Merom is getting harder every day. With the black model hopes for a 12 in MBP are fading fast. Why no 1.6ghz model for 999? That's my only gripe.

    Waiting for Merom/Core 2 Duo is getting harder everyday.

    So when do you people think Merom/Core 2 Duo will become available in a Macbook? \
  • Reply 25 of 440
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by BrunoBruin

    I'd say that was the official death-knell for the 12-inch "pro" model. The MacBook is being positioned as a replacement for the iBook and 12-inch PowerBook.

    Well, as a proud 12" owner ( ) i reckon that

    apple just leaves a huge gap.

    Right now i start feeling sorry for all people

    who can not get their hands on a 12" piece

    anymore. 12" rocks, it is good for girls too.

  • Reply 26 of 440
    scavangerscavanger Posts: 286member
    Spline did you see where I said on the high end? I was talking about the 1499 model.

    Lundy, you would have a point but the Press Release specifically states this is also replacing the 12 inch Powerbook, and becuase of this I would expect the high end Macbook to have better features then a standard consumer notebook.
  • Reply 27 of 440
    gruthgruth Posts: 35member
    Who is Apple marketing the black model to? Gee, I can spend an extra $200 for 20 GB more of storage, and uhh, black? Why on earth would anyone pay this much more for something that's worth maybe $50 more?
  • Reply 28 of 440
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member

    Originally posted by Vox Barbara

    Well, as a proud 12" owner

    Vox B, since you're the type who feels the need to hit [return] at the end of every line (instead of at the end of a paragraph) there was really no need to tell us that you had a 12" display....

    Normal posts....

    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

    A 12" Vox B post....

    blah blah blah

    blah blah blah

    blah blah blah

    blah blah blah

    blah blah blah

    blah blah blah

    blah blah blah

    blah blah blah

    blah blah blah

    Don't feel bad V... It's just that I have a 30" at work and a 20" at home and your posts REALLY stick out since each line of text only travels a few inches on my screen (followed by a TON of empty space) before it goes to a new line.

  • Reply 29 of 440
    glossgloss Posts: 506member

    Originally posted by gruth

    Who is Apple marketing the black model to? Gee, I can spend an extra $200 for 20 GB more of storage, and uhh, black? Why on earth would anyone pay this much more for something that's worth maybe $50 more?

    Because we're image whores.
  • Reply 30 of 440
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    The base MBP is 2.0GHz now and the highend is 2.16 standard. So price drops for them as well.
  • Reply 31 of 440
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    Cool rip-off Ireland!!

    Prices start at:

    America = $1,099

    Ireland = ?1,119

    ?1,119 = $1435.23

    I'm so happy
  • Reply 32 of 440
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member

    Originally posted by plasmo

    Waiting for Merom/Core 2 Duo is getting harder everyday.

    So when do you people think Merom/Core 2 Duo will become available in a Macbook? \

    August. I bet Apple will be the first(or among the first) to hit the market witha Merom laptop. By then the prices for their Yonah MBPs will start looking pretty pricy and will be in need of a refresh in order to justify the price.
  • Reply 33 of 440
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by Baron von Smiley

    With the macbook, what are you getting for the xtra $200? 20 gigs of harddrive and black. The harddrive is a $50 feature, so that's $150 premium just for the color. What a rip off. Wait six months and they'll all probably sold in black.

    That is odd isn't it. When I first noticed that, I assumed there was more of a difference - faster processor or something. But no, black has just got a slightly larger hard drive, that you can BTO configure for $50 anyway. Amazing. Why not charge $50 more for the black iPod?
  • Reply 34 of 440
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    The Black one is going to fly off the shelves. Why pay $200 more? 'Cos its BLACK! Being one of the kool kids? .... priceless.
  • Reply 35 of 440
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member

    Originally posted by hwaechter


    So when they put a merom processor into a black macbook, add a decent graphics card and load Leopard onto it, then i will be one of the first ones in line to get one. Maybe another 6 months? The wait is almost over


    You may be waiting a while. I don't see ddicated graphics in a Macbook anytime soon. Pro=dedicated graphics, consumer=Intel Integrated graphics. I think this is now an established pattern.
  • Reply 36 of 440
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    Yeah, it has its let downs, and I'm not sure why anyone would buy anything but the 1099 model,

    Some people need a Superdrive DVD burner.
  • Reply 37 of 440

  • Reply 38 of 440
    cactuscactus Posts: 44member
    you can upgrade the 2 ghz white model to an 80 gig hard drive for like $50, why does the black one cost another $150?
  • Reply 39 of 440
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member

    Originally posted by Ireland

    America = $1,099

    Ireland = ?1,199

    ?1,199 = $1537.84

    It's ?1169 not ?1199

    Euro price is including tax remember.

    Hmmm. UK it's £749. Take off VAT, that's £637 or $1175 so not that far out from the US price.
  • Reply 40 of 440
    dansgildansgil Posts: 62member
    Am I the only one who really doesn't like these?

    I'm not so impressed with the new design, and I think Apple should have included an option for a matte screen - like the MacBook Pros.

    Apple is also not including a Mini-DVI to VGA adapter - like previous models.

    I think I'll end up buying a Macbook pro instead.
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