Official World Cup Thread



  • Reply 181 of 528
    gene cleangene clean Posts: 3,481member

    Originally posted by Vox Barbara

    in your humble opinion.

    It's as humble as yours. And no amount of ethno-centrism will make it look better.
  • Reply 182 of 528
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    It's as humble as yours. And no amount of ethno-centrism will make it look better.

  • Reply 183 of 528
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member
    USA vs. Italy

    stunning 1:1 after first half

    American squad seems to be changed entirely,

    excellent effort as a team. fight against italy at full blast.

    If they had a really good top scorer, they would have

    scored 2 or 3 more goals.

    Uhhh, i've forgot to mention that both of the teams got

    a red card for really bad fouls, well.

    Off to 2. half, exciting...
  • Reply 184 of 528
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    It's as humble as yours. And no amount of ethno-centrism will make it look better.


    USA USA USA! Gutsy performance by the boys. Could've gone either way. And after today's performance by's gonna be hard. Sets up a very nice last day of play for this group though.
  • Reply 185 of 528
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    That was the most hilarious game so far...
  • Reply 186 of 528
    bergermeisterbergermeister Posts: 6,784member
    Yes, the Americans were like a different team.. couldn't have gotten worse than the last match, though, so they had only one way to go.

    However, this match was really pathetic in its fouls, red cards and funny-faced coaches. Fouls everywhere with players throwing up their hands trying to claim it wasn't them who had done it.

    A sad, sad, sad game for soccer. Nobody who watched that game as their first soccer game would ever takea liking to the sport.

    We were not rooting for either teams, but early on thought the US was looking good and Italy was loking snobby, so we started rooting for the US. After a while, however, we started rooting for red cards.

    How many players can get sent off and still have the game continue?
  • Reply 187 of 528
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by Bergermeister


    How many players can get sent off and still have the game continue?

    If there are just 6 players left, than the ref. finishes the game.

    I don't no, what's going to happen than, but there is probably

    a rule for that case
  • Reply 188 of 528
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by New

    That was the most hilarious game so far...

    Hilarious in what sense? Hilarious faces, hilarious decisions?

    I'd say it was just weird and somewhat edgy
  • Reply 189 of 528
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member
    Hilarious how? It was a fun game to watch. Both teams tried to score...sure the fouls were dirty and there was some diving...but why is that so surprising? It was the italians who were playing after all. The italians and the argentines are the masters of diving and trickery...Gattuso is funny in that regard. Touch him and he'll fly like he stepped on a land mine.

    A little harsh on your criticism there Bergermeister.

    As for the number of players....I believe the rules state that it's a minimum of 7 players.
  • Reply 190 of 528
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Hilarious how?

    It looked more like hockey than soccer in the end. The US really made the italians look like a bunch of overpaid primadonnas... I wish I could say good game, but it wasn't.

  • Reply 191 of 528
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    I don't know where to look and say "this is the reason why the officiating has been so miserable." I'm not so sure it's the officials themselves. If anything, the "edict" sent by the German co-ordinators is to blame. It was foolish, foolish, foolish to make said edict and expect the rules to be enforced well all of the sudden -- I feel like Nike has paid off FIFA so that everything plays into their [absolutely moronic] "Joga Bonito" campaign.

    Lastly, one of the main points in the edict has been no diving. When a player slides in with a boot high, I am glad that it's an abrupt yellow, but so far, no cards for diving. If there were, half the Italian team would have been sent off today. (some exaggeration, yes.)


    Originally posted by New

    It looked more like hockey than soccer in the end. The US really made the italians look like a bunch of overpaid primadonnas... I wish I could say good game, but it wasn't.

    It was a milestone US performance. If you're American, you have to at least look at this in a positive light.
  • Reply 192 of 528
    regreg Posts: 832member
    I was with a group of about 40 to watch the games today. To say emotions were flying would be an understatement. When the Italian got the red card first most thought that we (US) had the game in hand. After the second US red I was glad we were not at my house. Everyone was jumping around and beer was spilled like summer thunderstorm. Still being a man down for almost a full half, the US played better and had more chances than Italy. To come out with the tie was great. I feel like I will be horse for a week.

  • Reply 193 of 528
    bergermeisterbergermeister Posts: 6,784member
    Had a meeting and just turned on the J-C game a minute before half-time. The highlights sadly don't pose well for Japan; C is really working them. However, Kawaguchi is earning a pay raise with his saves. On BBC's site there is a poll over Kawaguchi. 43 percent think he's too small for the big time. Sorry, but British football isn't ready for him; he is outclassing them all.
  • Reply 194 of 528
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member
    How about them Brasilians?

    In all the years I've been a Brasil fan I can't remember the last time I've seen a Brasil team play so poorly....collectively of course.

    I think the root of the problem is their very conservative coach and his player selection. That includes selecting players waaay past their primes. Ronaldo is but a shadow of himself. That play where he missed the ball altogether after Kaka set him up? The Ronaldo of old would've buried it. The ROnaldo of last year would've buried it.

    There's a ridiculous amount of pressure on Ronaldo....not another player in the world has probably ever endured that...from the press, the fans, his own president even...but the guy is out of shape, out of form and I wonder how much he actually tried to get into shape.

    This Brasil team is broken. Every play feels like they all agreed to meet somewhere at a specific time, but they forgot to sync their watches. Since Ronaldo, Adriano, Ronaldinho (yeah he's playing today...I think) and Kaka don't contribute much (at all?) on defense, Emerson (30yo) and Ze Roberto(32 yo) have to multiply themselves to help out some very shaky defenders (R Carlos has never been known to be a great defender, Lucio is better ATTACKING, and Cafu is looking very old all of a sudden...he's 36 after all).

    Where is Fred? Where is Cicinho? Juninho Pernambucano? We've come full circle...where is the coach who picks the players?

    Watch Brasil start a major overhaul of their team after this WC. Deadly mistake to assume this team could make another run at a WC.
  • Reply 195 of 528
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    Lastly, one of the main points in the edict has been no diving. When a player slides in with a boot high, I am glad that it's an abrupt yellow, but so far, no cards for diving. If there were, half the Italian team would have been sent off today. (some exaggeration, yes.)

    I seem to remember a WC many moons ago ('86, maybe?) where they DID give yellows for diving. I'm frankly getting sick to death of these European teams flopping all over the place.

    But dear god, that ref was awful.

    And lastly: GHANA!!!!! They've been amazing in both games so far.
  • Reply 196 of 528
    dojobidojobi Posts: 73member
    I can't believe we lost that game

    I thought we had it, and then we go and lose 2-0.

    Sure, it's Brazil, but as Gilsch just pointed out, they were playing terribly... and we still lose.

    I have to admit I did like seeing Ronaldo's airswing
  • Reply 197 of 528
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by dojobi

    I can't believe we lost that game

    I thought we had it, and then we go and lose 2-0.

    Sure, it's Brazil, but as Gilsch just pointed out, they were playing terribly... and we still lose.

    I have to admit I did like seeing Ronaldo's airswing

    I don't know if you "had it"....a tie maybe....

    Yeah, that Ronaldo airswing caused a lot of heads to shake...or laughter. Still I just read a Brasilian sports daily describe Ronaldo as the one positive from the first half.(what????)

    Unreal. It's not just in politics....we live in a bizarro world....

    Australia still have a very good chance....good luck!
  • Reply 198 of 528
    dojobidojobi Posts: 73member
    Yeah maybe I'm just a little over-enthusiastic atm The reason I thought we had it was mainly because we looked good in the first half and Brazil looked terrible. I suppose Brazil on a bad day is still better than Aus on a good day

    That is very strange that they picked him as a positive The commentators here were talking about it being his last world cup based on his performance.

    All we need now is a draw or better with Croatia
  • Reply 199 of 528
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member

    Originally posted by dojobi

    Yeah maybe I'm just a little over-enthusiastic atm The reason I thought we had it was mainly because we looked good in the first half and Brazil looked terrible. I suppose Brazil on a bad day is still better than Aus on a good day

    That is very strange that they picked him as a positive The commentators here were talking about it being his last world cup based on his performance.

    All we need now is a draw or better with Croatia

    There are quite a few Aussie players who either are from the former Yugoslavia or have parentage from there. Plus, the winner will, in all likelihood, moe on to the second round. I expect the Aussie-Croatia match to be BRUTAL. That's a good thing.
  • Reply 200 of 528
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by dojobi

    Yeah maybe I'm just a little over-enthusiastic atm The reason I thought we had it was mainly because we looked good in the first half and Brazil looked terrible. I suppose Brazil on a bad day is still better than Aus on a good day

    That is very strange that they picked him as a positive The commentators here were talking about it being his last world cup based on his performance.

    All we need now is a draw or better with Croatia

    Hey dojobo, i've said it once before: if the us squad had a good scorer

    they would have won. The same with the Aussie squad. What a piti,

    because the hype about the Brasilian team is way over the

    top to say at least. A balanced squad will beat Brasilia this time

    very easily. Say Spain, Argentinia, maybe Germany.

    Brasilia have to gather the crisis squad soon, if they want to

    survive the tournament any longer.
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