Windows world still cannot do it rite yet! (even after copying the iMac desgin)
have you seen Sony AIO design??? it looks horrible, thats why people buy iMac and run windows on them ...
By "people" do you mean the 95% of computer buyers who do not buy Macs? Those 95% (for the most part) are buying windows towers or portables and are perfectly happy. It's hard to understand, but they are NOT buying iMacs or any other Macs. The all-in-one computer doesn't really exist in the windows world and there's no reason to think it will any time soon.
All-in-one is simply not popular. The only reason it does well in the Mac world is because Apple forces it on us, giving us no other choice in the mid-range. It's stupid, really. Many people look to buy mid-range computers and the only thing Apple offers is the damn iMac.
I know this has no chance at Macworld, but I really do wish to see a Mac Tablet. Hell it may not have a chance of ever existing, but in the education Market, Apple is lagging behind. Not only do they not offer a proper low cost solution for the Education market (by low cost I mean ~$500-600) but the Mac they recommend is not properly configured for the education market: iMac for Education.
It's just a slightly watered down iMac. Cost cutting, cut out iSight, cut out iLife, stick in iWork or Apple Works (they do still sell it so why not besides the fact that it's about 5 years out of date) and cut out Bluetooth and Airport. Schools (K-12 at least) simply do not care about those. They all use Wired connections anyways. I would absolutely LOVE to walk into each and every classroom at school and see an iMac, and in the computer labs rows of iMacs, but so far it's just 1997 iMacs and Windows 2000 Dells (says Made for Windows 2000 on it) running XP instead.
The education market is shot, schools will forever be 10-15 years out of date, and neither Apple or even Microsoft and Friends has been able to do very much to fix that.
Thus we come to the Tablet Mac. It would be absolutely perfect here. Sell it to College Students for taking notes in class using Ink Well. Offer a good set of Tablet Mac Applications (for Notes, Mail, Spreadsheets, etc.) and use a custom version of OS X (as opposed to simply sticking OS X into the Tablet much like how Microsoft and Friends simply stick a copy of Windows on a Tablet and call it "Tablet Edition) and really I could go on but I think I've said enough on the topic for the moment. Well one last thing, a Tablet Mac would be even better in the K-12 market, especially High School if it was marketed as a low cost solution that Just Works. Perhaps Apple doesn't have the proper infrastructure yet, but either way, a Macbook Tablet would rock.
Again, I'm questioning whether this one will ever exist, but I'd love to see it anyways.
All-in-one is simply not popular. The only reason it does well in the Mac world is because Apple forces it on us, giving us no other choice in the mid-range. It's stupid, really. Many people look to buy mid-range computers and the only thing Apple offers is the damn iMac.
Well technically Notebooks are AIO themselves, and the iMac is designed much like a Notebook. Now quickly name the 3 best selling Macs right now.
Macbook, Macbook Pro, and iMac. I'm not sure what order they go in, but I believe, last I checked anyways, these are the 3 best selling Macs at the moment. Each and every one of them can be considered AIO. The iMac is brilliantly designed, and is popular because of that.
Truthfully I believe people look at Hardware far too much. If given a choice between a Voodoo running an FX-62, and the Mac Mini, I'd probably choose the Mac Mini because Windows drives me nuts. Doesn't Software and the OS account for anything anymore?
Well technically Notebooks are AIO themselves, and the iMac is designed much like a Notebook. Now quickly name the 3 best selling Macs right now.
Macbook, Macbook Pro, and iMac. I'm not sure what order they go in, but I believe, last I checked anyways, these are the 3 best selling Macs at the moment. Each and every one of them can be considered AIO. The iMac is brilliantly designed, and is popular because of that.
Truthfully I believe people look at Hardware far too much. If given a choice between a Voodoo running an FX-62, and the Mac Mini, I'd probably choose the Mac Mini because Windows drives me nuts. Doesn't Software and the OS account for anything anymore?
The Voodoo is a gaming system and the macmini video card can't even run some games
Well technically Notebooks are AIO themselves, and the iMac is designed much like a Notebook. Now quickly name the 3 best selling Macs right now.
Macbook, Macbook Pro, and iMac. I'm not sure what order they go in, but I believe, last I checked anyways, these are the 3 best selling Macs at the moment. Each and every one of them can be considered AIO. The iMac is brilliantly designed, and is popular because of that.
Notebooks are not at all like all-in-ones. They run on batteries and are easily moved around the room or taken with you to work or on a trip. All-in-ones by their design must sit in one place, plugged in the wall, just like a tower with external display. These are two different categories in almost every way.
I will not argue that the iMac is not a nice design. Some people really like them. But when I walk into an Apple Store and see the iMacs, they look like toys which should go in a kid's bedroom and not on my desk. I suspect there are millions of other people who feel the same way and might consider a Mac if they could get something they're more familiar with, like a mid-range tower to use with the display they already have. And that doesn't mean a Mac mini, with its mobile hard drive, etc.
I'm not knocking the Mac OS one bit. I hate Windows and would never consider running it on my computer. The fact remains that most people don't get it and they're driven by the function of the hardware, price, familiarity and what everyone else is using. Offer them a Mac that looks like a computer for less than $2500 and they might consider it.
The Voodoo is a gaming system and the macmini video card can't even run some games
Why is it that you hear "computer" and immediately think "games"? If all you want a computer for is video games, then you're probably better off with a BYO PC. Period. End of Discussion.
For the 96+% of the computer-buying public to whom games matter very little, you might as well have said "But the Voodoo is shiny." 90% of the computer-buying public buys a graphics card accidentally. They have an x300 or a 7600GS because their computer came with one. Only gamers, professionals, and geeks (like me) really care if they're getting a GPU or IG.
The guy's point was pretty straightforward: He'd rather have a computer that's easy to use with a better OS than a "better" computer. His point was that we're focusing on what new hardware is available instead of the OS and the software, which are what really make Macs worth buying.
Another round of extracting the true possiblities and discarding the rubbish.
I don't get this one. Out of nowhere you dismiss new releases of iWork and iLife, which if you haven't noticed, are named by the year, without an explanation as to why. I suppose you figure, like many others, that Apple would stick them both in Leopard and call it a day. *buzz* Try Again.
Definetely not suggesting Apple include these apps in Leopard.
I am just thinking Apple may be changing their upgrade strategy in regards to iLife and iWork updates due to changes in the hardware line-up.
Originally Posted by Slewis
If by radio you mean that piece of Junk Nextel builds into their phones so really cheap people will allow us to listen to both sides of the conversation, then no, no, and no.
I mean the kind of radio found in phones for cellular communication. Intel has been working for a number of years on a software based radio that can change based on the software setup. One phone, one radio, many possibilities: Wi-fi, GSM, Sprint PCS, GPRS or even WiMax.
I would prefer to buy a external hard drive from my hardware vendor than some other brand. I would like the hard drive to match my system. Something like a xServe raid express. a cage that will accommodate two SAS or SATA drives that will connect to the workstation using firewire 800.
... but at the end of the day, this is just a wishful thinking. = D
Originally Posted by Lou
what exactly would apple branded external HDDs bring aside from a price premium?
it's a massively saturated market, they'd be fools to enter it. I'd prefer to see cheap low power usage personal servers, and that's the way we're going, just look at commercial uasge of servers, it trickles down.
The Voodoo is a gaming system and the macmini video card can't even run some games
Congratulations on stating the obvious. I have nothing against fantastic performance but the Mac Mini runs OS X, and Windows drives me nuts. Hence the reason I am fully against Boot Camp and the ways Parallels advertises their Software (they say Windows but it runs Linux as well as FreeBSD.. -_-)
Notebooks are not at all like all-in-ones. They run on batteries and are easily moved around the room or taken with you to work or on a trip. All-in-ones by their design must sit in one place, plugged in the wall, just like a tower with external display. These are two different categories in almost every way.
I will not argue that the iMac is not a nice design. Some people really like them. But when I walk into an Apple Store and see the iMacs, they look like toys which should go in a kid's bedroom and not on my desk. I suspect there are millions of other people who feel the same way and might consider a Mac if they could get something they're more familiar with, like a mid-range tower to use with the display they already have. And that doesn't mean a Mac mini, with its mobile hard drive, etc.
I'm not knocking the Mac OS one bit. I hate Windows and would never consider running it on my computer. The fact remains that most people don't get it and they're driven by the function of the hardware, price, familiarity and what everyone else is using. Offer them a Mac that looks like a computer for less than $2500 and they might consider it.
Hopefully with PC Vendors *cough* HP *cough* ripping off the iMac design, people will come to embrace it. I don't get the part about it looking like a Toy though. Towers take up valuable Desk Space, and they have all the power of a tower. Hell my Macbook can outdo an Old G5 (Xbench) on a good day fairly easily, it's usually the Disk Tests that bring my scores down though.
Hopefully with PC Vendors *cough* HP *cough* ripping off the iMac design, people will come to embrace it. I don't get the part about it looking like a Toy though. Towers take up valuable Desk Space, and they have all the power of a tower. Hell my Macbook can outdo an Old G5 (Xbench) on a good day fairly easily, it's usually the Disk Tests that bring my scores down though.
As for iMacs looking like toys; they're just a little too white and shiny and cute and cuddly. The big white chin just looks odd. I much prefer the aluminum look of the Cinemas Displays and the dull black look of most displays on the market.
Yeah, towers take up desk or floor space, especially if they're monster-sized like the ProMac. A nice flexible mid-range Mac could be made much smaller. I'm sure of it.
Speed isn't an issue. All recent Macs are plenty fast.
Just like with audio equipment, some people prefer individual components and some prefer boom boxes. I prefer components, and I think most people expect their desktop computers to consist of components that can be replaced/upgraded one at a time. The windows world would seem to demonstrate that.
As for iMacs looking like toys; they're just a little too white and shiny and cute and cuddly. The big white chin just looks odd. I much prefer the aluminum look of the Cinemas Displays and the dull black look of most displays on the market.
Yeah, towers take up desk or floor space, especially if they're monster-sized like the ProMac. A nice flexible mid-range Mac could be made much smaller. I'm sure of it.
Speed isn't an issue. All recent Macs are plenty fast.
Just like with audio equipment, some people prefer individual components and some prefer boom boxes. I prefer components, and I think most people expect their desktop computers to consist of components that can be replaced/upgraded one at a time. The windows world would seem to demonstrate that.
I see, well it's a matter of preference, but Apple keeps their Mac lines at a minimum. 1 Entry price Solution, 1 Midrange solution (though it is AIO), 1 High end solution, and 2 Notebook solutions which are essentially the same thing with minor differences. I don't see any room in there for a Mid Tower.
Man, seriously why do you need an Apple digital camera?
Isn't out there anything you like? It's such a saturate market with so many great and cool cameras at low prices to every budget. SLR's, point and shoot, you name it.
I just don't understand why people want Apple so badly to enter in the consumer electronic market. Let's keep low profile there and make sure Apple focusing on what it does best: computer hardware and software.
The last thing I want is Apple to become Sony.
NO. We need camera. All consumer electronics are belong to apple.
OK, I think this is the first time that I am more excited about what software is in store than the hardware, especially Leopard and iLife '07. I am pretty happy where Apple's at right now. Of course, there could always be hardware improvements, and I would take those any day. What's in Leopard is going to drive any future Apple hardware. I am kind of curious about the iTV thing. Can't wait! Bring it on!
OK, I think this is the first time that I am more excited about what software is in store than the hardware, especially Leopard and iLife '07. I am pretty happy where Apple's at right now. Of course, there could always be hardware improvements, and I would take those any day. What's in Leopard is going to drive any future Apple hardware. I am kind of curious about the iTV thing. Can't wait! Bring it on!
Yep, Steve Jobs stole Christmas and delayed it
I'm not expecting too much on the iLife 07 side, though I plan to upgrade anyways. iWork however is due for a major upgrade
Has this been mentioned - whether iTV will let a Windows iTunes user stream stuff? I don't see why not - the iTV has its own Front Row so there is no need to port Front Row to Windows.
They'd have to be nuts not to make it usable by Windows iTunes users if possible. That boosts the use of iTunes, boosts sales of the iTV, and helps kill WMA and whatever that crazy Zune format is.
Has this been mentioned - whether iTV will let a Windows iTunes user stream stuff? I don't see why not - the iTV has its own Front Row so there is no need to port Front Row to Windows.
Windows world still cannot do it rite yet! (even after copying the iMac desgin)
have you seen Sony AIO design??? it looks horrible, thats why people buy iMac and run windows on them ...
By "people" do you mean the 95% of computer buyers who do not buy Macs? Those 95% (for the most part) are buying windows towers or portables and are perfectly happy. It's hard to understand, but they are NOT buying iMacs or any other Macs. The all-in-one computer doesn't really exist in the windows world and there's no reason to think it will any time soon.
All-in-one is simply not popular. The only reason it does well in the Mac world is because Apple forces it on us, giving us no other choice in the mid-range. It's stupid, really. Many people look to buy mid-range computers and the only thing Apple offers is the damn iMac.
It's just a slightly watered down iMac. Cost cutting, cut out iSight, cut out iLife, stick in iWork or Apple Works (they do still sell it so why not besides the fact that it's about 5 years out of date) and cut out Bluetooth and Airport. Schools (K-12 at least) simply do not care about those. They all use Wired connections anyways. I would absolutely LOVE to walk into each and every classroom at school and see an iMac, and in the computer labs rows of iMacs, but so far it's just 1997 iMacs and Windows 2000 Dells (says Made for Windows 2000 on it) running XP instead.
The education market is shot, schools will forever be 10-15 years out of date, and neither Apple or even Microsoft and Friends has been able to do very much to fix that.
Thus we come to the Tablet Mac. It would be absolutely perfect here. Sell it to College Students for taking notes in class using Ink Well. Offer a good set of Tablet Mac Applications (for Notes, Mail, Spreadsheets, etc.) and use a custom version of OS X (as opposed to simply sticking OS X into the Tablet much like how Microsoft and Friends simply stick a copy of Windows on a Tablet and call it "Tablet Edition) and really I could go on but I think I've said enough on the topic for the moment. Well one last thing, a Tablet Mac would be even better in the K-12 market, especially High School if it was marketed as a low cost solution that Just Works. Perhaps Apple doesn't have the proper infrastructure yet, but either way, a Macbook Tablet would rock.
Again, I'm questioning whether this one will ever exist, but I'd love to see it anyways.
All-in-one is simply not popular. The only reason it does well in the Mac world is because Apple forces it on us, giving us no other choice in the mid-range. It's stupid, really. Many people look to buy mid-range computers and the only thing Apple offers is the damn iMac.
Well technically Notebooks are AIO themselves, and the iMac is designed much like a Notebook. Now quickly name the 3 best selling Macs right now.
Macbook, Macbook Pro, and iMac. I'm not sure what order they go in, but I believe, last I checked anyways, these are the 3 best selling Macs at the moment. Each and every one of them can be considered AIO. The iMac is brilliantly designed, and is popular because of that.
Truthfully I believe people look at Hardware far too much. If given a choice between a Voodoo running an FX-62, and the Mac Mini, I'd probably choose the Mac Mini because Windows drives me nuts. Doesn't Software and the OS account for anything anymore?
Well technically Notebooks are AIO themselves, and the iMac is designed much like a Notebook. Now quickly name the 3 best selling Macs right now.
Macbook, Macbook Pro, and iMac. I'm not sure what order they go in, but I believe, last I checked anyways, these are the 3 best selling Macs at the moment. Each and every one of them can be considered AIO. The iMac is brilliantly designed, and is popular because of that.
Truthfully I believe people look at Hardware far too much. If given a choice between a Voodoo running an FX-62, and the Mac Mini, I'd probably choose the Mac Mini because Windows drives me nuts. Doesn't Software and the OS account for anything anymore?
The Voodoo is a gaming system and the macmini video card can't even run some games
Well technically Notebooks are AIO themselves, and the iMac is designed much like a Notebook. Now quickly name the 3 best selling Macs right now.
Macbook, Macbook Pro, and iMac. I'm not sure what order they go in, but I believe, last I checked anyways, these are the 3 best selling Macs at the moment. Each and every one of them can be considered AIO. The iMac is brilliantly designed, and is popular because of that.
Notebooks are not at all like all-in-ones. They run on batteries and are easily moved around the room or taken with you to work or on a trip. All-in-ones by their design must sit in one place, plugged in the wall, just like a tower with external display. These are two different categories in almost every way.
I will not argue that the iMac is not a nice design. Some people really like them. But when I walk into an Apple Store and see the iMacs, they look like toys which should go in a kid's bedroom and not on my desk. I suspect there are millions of other people who feel the same way and might consider a Mac if they could get something they're more familiar with, like a mid-range tower to use with the display they already have. And that doesn't mean a Mac mini, with its mobile hard drive, etc.
I'm not knocking the Mac OS one bit. I hate Windows and would never consider running it on my computer. The fact remains that most people don't get it and they're driven by the function of the hardware, price, familiarity and what everyone else is using. Offer them a Mac that looks like a computer for less than $2500 and they might consider it.
The Voodoo is a gaming system and the macmini video card can't even run some games
Why is it that you hear "computer" and immediately think "games"? If all you want a computer for is video games, then you're probably better off with a BYO PC. Period. End of Discussion.
For the 96+% of the computer-buying public to whom games matter very little, you might as well have said "But the Voodoo is shiny." 90% of the computer-buying public buys a graphics card accidentally. They have an x300 or a 7600GS because their computer came with one. Only gamers, professionals, and geeks (like me) really care if they're getting a GPU or IG.
The guy's point was pretty straightforward: He'd rather have a computer that's easy to use with a better OS than a "better" computer. His point was that we're focusing on what new hardware is available instead of the OS and the software, which are what really make Macs worth buying.
Another round of extracting the true possiblities and discarding the rubbish.
I don't get this one. Out of nowhere you dismiss new releases of iWork and iLife, which if you haven't noticed, are named by the year, without an explanation as to why. I suppose you figure, like many others, that Apple would stick them both in Leopard and call it a day. *buzz* Try Again.
Definetely not suggesting Apple include these apps in Leopard.
I am just thinking Apple may be changing their upgrade strategy in regards to iLife and iWork updates due to changes in the hardware line-up.
If by radio you mean that piece of Junk Nextel builds into their phones so really cheap people will allow us to listen to both sides of the conversation, then no, no, and no.
I mean the kind of radio found in phones for cellular communication. Intel has been working for a number of years on a software based radio that can change based on the software setup. One phone, one radio, many possibilities: Wi-fi, GSM, Sprint PCS, GPRS or even WiMax.
... but at the end of the day, this is just a wishful thinking. = D
what exactly would apple branded external HDDs bring aside from a price premium?
it's a massively saturated market, they'd be fools to enter it. I'd prefer to see cheap low power usage personal servers, and that's the way we're going, just look at commercial uasge of servers, it trickles down.
The Voodoo is a gaming system and the macmini video card can't even run some games
Congratulations on stating the obvious. I have nothing against fantastic performance but the Mac Mini runs OS X, and Windows drives me nuts. Hence the reason I am fully against Boot Camp and the ways Parallels advertises their Software (they say Windows but it runs Linux as well as FreeBSD.. -_-)
Notebooks are not at all like all-in-ones. They run on batteries and are easily moved around the room or taken with you to work or on a trip. All-in-ones by their design must sit in one place, plugged in the wall, just like a tower with external display. These are two different categories in almost every way.
I will not argue that the iMac is not a nice design. Some people really like them. But when I walk into an Apple Store and see the iMacs, they look like toys which should go in a kid's bedroom and not on my desk. I suspect there are millions of other people who feel the same way and might consider a Mac if they could get something they're more familiar with, like a mid-range tower to use with the display they already have. And that doesn't mean a Mac mini, with its mobile hard drive, etc.
I'm not knocking the Mac OS one bit. I hate Windows and would never consider running it on my computer. The fact remains that most people don't get it and they're driven by the function of the hardware, price, familiarity and what everyone else is using. Offer them a Mac that looks like a computer for less than $2500 and they might consider it.
Hopefully with PC Vendors *cough* HP *cough* ripping off the iMac design, people will come to embrace it. I don't get the part about it looking like a Toy though. Towers take up valuable Desk Space, and they have all the power of a tower. Hell my Macbook can outdo an Old G5 (Xbench) on a good day fairly easily, it's usually the Disk Tests that bring my scores down though.
Hopefully with PC Vendors *cough* HP *cough* ripping off the iMac design, people will come to embrace it. I don't get the part about it looking like a Toy though. Towers take up valuable Desk Space, and they have all the power of a tower. Hell my Macbook can outdo an Old G5 (Xbench) on a good day fairly easily, it's usually the Disk Tests that bring my scores down though.
As for iMacs looking like toys; they're just a little too white and shiny and cute and cuddly. The big white chin just looks odd. I much prefer the aluminum look of the Cinemas Displays and the dull black look of most displays on the market.
Yeah, towers take up desk or floor space, especially if they're monster-sized like the ProMac. A nice flexible mid-range Mac could be made much smaller. I'm sure of it.
Speed isn't an issue. All recent Macs are plenty fast.
Just like with audio equipment, some people prefer individual components and some prefer boom boxes. I prefer components, and I think most people expect their desktop computers to consist of components that can be replaced/upgraded one at a time. The windows world would seem to demonstrate that.
As for iMacs looking like toys; they're just a little too white and shiny and cute and cuddly. The big white chin just looks odd. I much prefer the aluminum look of the Cinemas Displays and the dull black look of most displays on the market.
Yeah, towers take up desk or floor space, especially if they're monster-sized like the ProMac. A nice flexible mid-range Mac could be made much smaller. I'm sure of it.
Speed isn't an issue. All recent Macs are plenty fast.
Just like with audio equipment, some people prefer individual components and some prefer boom boxes. I prefer components, and I think most people expect their desktop computers to consist of components that can be replaced/upgraded one at a time. The windows world would seem to demonstrate that.
I see, well it's a matter of preference, but Apple keeps their Mac lines at a minimum. 1 Entry price Solution, 1 Midrange solution (though it is AIO), 1 High end solution, and 2 Notebook solutions which are essentially the same thing with minor differences. I don't see any room in there for a Mid Tower.
Man, seriously why do you need an Apple digital camera?
Isn't out there anything you like? It's such a saturate market with so many great and cool cameras at low prices to every budget. SLR's, point and shoot, you name it.
I just don't understand why people want Apple so badly to enter in the consumer electronic market. Let's keep low profile there and make sure Apple focusing on what it does best: computer hardware and software.
The last thing I want is Apple to become Sony.
NO. We need camera. All consumer electronics are belong to apple.
We need this:
Happy Holidays Mac Tower fanboys!
Happy Holidays to iMac fanboys!
Exactly two weeks to go!
Happy Holidays Mac Tower fanboys!
Happy Holidays to iMac fanboys!
Yay, only 2 weeks until my iWork 06 Trial is used up and iWork 07 comes out.
Happy Holidays
OK, I think this is the first time that I am more excited about what software is in store than the hardware, especially Leopard and iLife '07. I am pretty happy where Apple's at right now. Of course, there could always be hardware improvements, and I would take those any day. What's in Leopard is going to drive any future Apple hardware. I am kind of curious about the iTV thing. Can't wait! Bring it on!
Yay, 2 more weeks until the real Christmas!
OK, I think this is the first time that I am more excited about what software is in store than the hardware, especially Leopard and iLife '07. I am pretty happy where Apple's at right now. Of course, there could always be hardware improvements, and I would take those any day. What's in Leopard is going to drive any future Apple hardware. I am kind of curious about the iTV thing. Can't wait! Bring it on!
Yep, Steve Jobs stole Christmas and delayed it
I'm not expecting too much on the iLife 07 side, though I plan to upgrade anyways. iWork however is due for a major upgrade
They'd have to be nuts not to make it usable by Windows iTunes users if possible. That boosts the use of iTunes, boosts sales of the iTV, and helps kill WMA and whatever that crazy Zune format is.
Has this been mentioned - whether iTV will let a Windows iTunes user stream stuff? I don't see why not - the iTV has its own Front Row so there is no need to port Front Row to Windows.
It's Confirmed
...and whatever that crazy Zune format is.
You mean WMA
It's Confirmed
You mean WMA
I think he means whatever crazy DRM Zune uses...