Macworld San Francisco 2007



  • Reply 161 of 256
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    *Begins Taking notes on possible ideas from posts in the last 48 hours*

    Items marked in Red likely won't happen

    iMac Pro

    iPhone (not at Macworld)

    Everything I put into my Test Temp. Insane Post

    *closes notebook*


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  • Reply 162 of 256
    cesarcesar Posts: 102member
    how about new keyboards and mices (wired and wireless)? I think apple keyboards and mices are not the best in the market, even microsoft hardware is a lot better than apple's about new I/O interfaces for FCP and other proApps like 3dconnexion? mac and iPod accesories will sell like hotcakes!

    New displays with iSight cameras?

    I also want apple external hard drives (SAS or SATA) with Firewire and USB 2.0 connexions. For TimeMachine or for the "Portable Home" or "iPod Home" rumored feature.
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  • Reply 163 of 256
    loulou Posts: 43member
    Originally Posted by cesar View Post

    how about new keyboards and mices (wired and wireless)? I think apple keyboards and mices are not the best in the market, even microsoft hardware is a lot better than apple's about new I/O interfaces for FCP and other proApps like 3dconnexion? mac and iPod accesories will sell like hotcakes!

    New displays with iSight cameras?

    I also want apple external hard drives (SAS or SATA) with Firewire and USB 2.0 connexions. For TimeMachine or for the "Portable Home" or "iPod Home" rumored feature.

    what exactly would apple branded external HDDs bring aside from a price premium?

    it's a massively saturated market, they'd be fools to enter it. I'd prefer to see cheap low power usage personal servers, and that's the way we're going, just look at commercial uasge of servers, it trickles down.
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  • Reply 164 of 256
    cesarcesar Posts: 102member
    the same was said about a hard drive based mp3 player called iPod.
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  • Reply 165 of 256
    cesarcesar Posts: 102member
    also, the thing I have been asking for a long time: an apple docking solution for the mac book pro laptops, with support for connecting two 30" apple displays.

    SLI and CrossFire support in Macos X
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  • Reply 166 of 256
    loulou Posts: 43member
    Originally Posted by cesar View Post

    the same was said about a hard drive based mp3 player called iPod.

    Because there were so many HDD based players when it was introduced, weren't there?!

    It was the simple interface and elegant styling that made the ipod, and the fact that it was a status symbol to show off to everyone else on the train or bus.

    An Apple HDD would be a white box with firewire and usb, that's it, that's what a hdd is. Maybe they could add media playback capabilities and a scroll wheel, but we've been there havn't we....?

    The software would make it, and we have time machine on the way anyways, there's no point or use in apple introducing this, and i really wouldn't want to see apple do it, it de-values their products.
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  • Reply 167 of 256
    "the same was said about a hard drive based mp3 player called iPod."

    Before the iPod, MP3 players sucked. Ugly designs, ugly interfaces. External HDDs are already great, they don't need the kind of Apple treatment that the clumsy pre-iPod players lacked.
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  • Reply 168 of 256
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    My big gripe every year is why can't they make the day of the keynote an international holiday? I live in Japan and the damn thing occurs at 3:00am, which means I either stay up all night and go to work a crazed zombie, or I take the day off from work, sleep all day, wake up in the middle of the night, and go to work the next day a crazed zombie. This year I will try to work something into my schedule (a.k.a. go in on Sunday) so that I can have the day off.

    It's Apples fault that you don't have a life?
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  • Reply 169 of 256
    iWork/iLife has always had new additions come out at MWSF. NOT THIS TIME! I don't think we will see these new updates until later.

    As far as what we can expect for new features for these apps when they do arrive - I don't know. Except that I am quite certain we will see an application that can work with numbers and provide some calculating abilities. iWeb will be touted as adhering to web standards to a greater degree and have some new type of capability in regards to blogging and publishing. Something like supporting the ability to post/publish from a mini version of iWeb. Maybe an iWeb Widget that you synced to .Mac in order to access through another Mac at your aunt's house or maybe at work.

    iPhoto? Don't know. iDVD? Don't know. GarageBand? Don't know.

    I don't believe that Cinema displays will get built in iSights. This capability will arrive in some other form/fashion to fill the now discontinued iSight.

    Some new communication based device will be announced. Probably utilizing Intel's software-defined radio for adaptability... and to also cut costs. Originally, I had thought Apple would redo their Shuffle to work as a stand alone player while also plugging into their new phone/communication type of device and be used in conjunction with it (playing music, selecting ring-tones, etc.) while also providing extra storage, BUT in seeing the new Shuffle, I am now obviously doubting this. I am at a loss as to how this will be designed and marketed.

    I think we will see Leopard sooner than these April/May/June/July predictions everyone is giving. Not much to go on here other than 10.4, if you recall, was actually released 3 months ahead of what Apple announced. So... I believe it is entirely feasible that Leopard could ship sooner as well. In addition; this has been the longest time span between OS X releases yet so at this point, each passing day is moving farther and farther from the average.

    Leopard will eat up a large part of the keynote in various facets.

    Aperature 2.0 This definitely won't be seen. Apple will gladly give Adobe the spot light to let the world know Adobe products are finally UB ready. Don't expect Aperature 2.0 until a time closer to when Adobe releases their new version of the similarly styled app.


    I truly believe that Apple will upgrade yet another element of .Mac soon. It will correspond with the release of Leopard or soon thereafter (a couple weeks out maybe). I suppose it could be possible that Apple will pre-announce this new .Mac feature. What is this new feature, you ask? Oh, I will tell you. :-) Apple will give .Mac the ability to share calendars, schedule events and exchange information just like with Mac OS X Leopard Server edition utilizing the new CalDAV standard. This, along with some other marginal improvements in syncing, will be the feature to finally start attracting customers to .Mac. Regrettably, I don't see Apple upping the storage capacity of iDisk. I wish I was wrong.

    The streaming media device will be released - well, they will announce WHEN it will be released anyway. Probably about three weeks and two days, at the most, from the announcement date to wait for it to arrive in stores. Apple will not simply talk about an upcoming product for 2 big publicity shows in a row without releasing it. We can also count on this new "iTV" thing to mirror some of the functionality of Airport Extreme and Airport Express.

    It doesn't feel like Apple will give us too much in the way of new iPod related products at this Macworld. It feels to me like they are setting themselves up for a whole other event in which to cater to this, now obviously, completely additional platform Apple has nurtured. Maybe some sort of iPod World New York !?!?! :-)

    I could be completely wrong here, BUT that is what I am feeling.

    Now to negate everything I said here relating to iPods (because I don't feel THAT certain about iPod World New York); Apple could go the other direction and take a step towards tying these 2 platforms together further by introducing some new Newton-sized device that would be similar to iPods as we know them but have a larger screen and act as a deluxe remote control to the new "iTV" thing as well as any Macs a person may have - possibly acting as a secondary screen to these Macs with a whole other desktop space.

    In addition, the full size iPod has not had any real added capabilities or innovative functionality added to it in quite some time (a mere capacity increase does not count in my book). The iPod Nano is the one who has recieved all the new thought and functionality and capabilities. The top of the line iPod has stalled - going on 2 years now. Something will hit very soon and it is likely to arrive this January. There that pretty much shoots my theory above about no new iPods coming out for MWSF.

    Jumping around here: onto the iTS.

    3 New studios are joining Apple to sell movies through the iTS.

    Mac mini will not change shape. Why would Apple change something that is so successful in gaining new users. Oh, wait! I forgot about the iPod mini. They changed that, didn't they. WAIT!!! Counterpoint. Why would they change the Mac mini if they are releasing the new iTV type device to mirror its appearance? They wouldn't. BUT, they WILL upgrade it. Typical incremental upgrades with the addition of full support for the "iTV" type device.

    New iMac? Not so certain. Not looking like this will happen. Maybe a slight bump in specs the week after.

    That's about all I can think of right now. It seems that most of what I am writing is going against the grain. Hmmm...
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  • Reply 170 of 256
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    We all know what the Cinema Displays look like, using that minimalistic style Apple is famous for, create a TV version of it with subtle differences, like sleek outward facing speakers, and do it in black. Maybe show it from a side angle with the disk slot visible.

    TV version of this:

    Ports could be two scart, a HDMI, a USB, and optical audio in and out.

    iMac Pro

    Bring it on APPLE!
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  • Reply 171 of 256
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Another round of extracting the true possiblities and discarding the rubbish.


    iWork/iLife has always had new additions come out at MWSF. NOT THIS TIME! I don't think we will see these new updates until later.

    I don't get this one. Out of nowhere you dismiss new releases of iWork and iLife, which if you haven't noticed, are named by the year, without an explanation as to why. I suppose you figure, like many others, that Apple would stick them both in Leopard and call it a day. *buzz* Try Again.


    I don't believe that Cinema displays will get built in iSights. This capability will arrive in some other form/fashion to fill the now discontinued iSight.

    I'm not sure whether to agree or not. I'm rather 50/50 on the point myself, but signs do point to this. However it would probably make more sense to just release a new iSight. On the other hand I think Apple could do a lot more with the iSights currently built into Mac displays with an iSight 2.0.


    Some new communication based device will be announced. Probably utilizing Intel's software-defined radio for adaptability...

    If by radio you mean that piece of Junk Nextel builds into their phones so really cheap people will allow us to listen to both sides of the conversation, then no, no, and no.


    I think we will see Leopard sooner than these April/May/June/July predictions everyone is giving. Not much to go on here other than 10.4, if you recall, was actually released 3 months ahead of what Apple announced.

    That's an interesting possiblity, but there is no point hoping that Apple will do the same thing this time, thought it would be nice.


    Leopard will eat up a large part of the keynote in various facets.

    I'm counting on this one



    I truly believe that Apple will upgrade yet another element of .Mac soon. It will correspond with the release of Leopard or soon thereafter (a couple weeks out maybe). I suppose it could be possible that Apple will pre-announce this new .Mac feature. What is this new feature, you ask? Oh, I will tell you. :-) Apple will give .Mac the ability to share calendars, schedule events and exchange information just like with Mac OS X Leopard Server edition utilizing the new CalDAV standard. This, along with some other marginal improvements in syncing, will be the feature to finally start attracting customers to .Mac. Regrettably, I don't see Apple upping the storage capacity of iDisk. I wish I was wrong.

    While this sounds nice, the only thing I truly want to see with .Mac is QoS improvements and storage upgrades. Still, an Online Calendar solution is the next step.


    [We can also count on this new "iTV" thing to mirror some of the functionality of Airport Extreme and Airport Express.

    As long as Scanners (an All-In-One came with my Mac) are supported, bring it on, I'd be happy to upgrade my Airport Express just so I could stop unplugging my Printer from my Router and jacking it into my Macbook whenever I need to scan something.


    ....iPod....Macworld NY...etc....

    Going to have to agree with you... for the most part. Most of Apples Events (Fall iPod announcements, Macworld) are here in SF though


    Jumping around here: onto the iTS.

    3 New studios are joining Apple to sell movies through the iTS.

    I'm all to ready for this one. 3 seems like a good guess though, so no further comments on this one.


    iMac Pro

    Bring it on APPLE!

    Absolutely Positively Will NOT Happen.

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  • Reply 172 of 256
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    Absolutely Positively Will NOT Happen.


    Not soon, but it will happen.
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  • Reply 173 of 256
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Not soon, but it will happen.

    In the sense that eventually an iMac will outclass the current Mac Pro, yes.

    In the sense that a pro computer can sell in an AIO form in the same way a prosumer computer can, no.

    An iMac sells fine since prosumers and consumers don't mind buying their computers all at once. The average consumer isn't gonna be replacing video cards or adding multiple HDDs, but a pro likely will. Such a computer would need a replaceable GPU and several eSATA ports at a minimum.

    Also, with regards to a monitor, 30 and 24 inch monitors are so expensive that people might still want to hang onto them after they upgrade their computers. I mean, 17-20 inch monitors are $200-$300, but 23 inch and up monitors are $600 at a minimum.
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  • Reply 174 of 256
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    The only people who need to regularly update their computers with Video Cards, HDDs, etc. are Pros and Enthusiasts who do it for a hobby. The Mac Pro covers both, well almost. The only thing the Mac Pro doesn't cover is the people who build their computers from the ground up, Hardcore Modders.

    Considering Apple offers Zero Options for that, they can either stick with Linux or Stick with Windows. Apple doesn't try to be everything at once and that gives them an edge. Windows may end up on the Majority of computers till the end of Time, but if Apple can overtake HP then Apple will be the largest Personal Computer manufacturer in the world. That's years off, likely won't happen for a very long time, but you never know, with people going out to buy new computers with Vista coming out soon, shoppers in need of a new computer, or just a computer may turn to Apple who has a stronger Retail prescence then ever.

    Enough about that though, Apple has absolutely no reason to introduce a new iMac line. The iMac is the iMac. Macs are Macs and Macbooks are Macbooks. It's the same reason the Mac Mini won't be getting a Mac Mini Pro line. It wouldn't make any sense

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  • Reply 175 of 256
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Not soon, but it will happen.

    yeah, there was huge opposition for 24" iMac as well last year, but it happened.

    time will tell ... AIO will eventually replace Monitor and Box

    statistics already suggests Notebooks are sold more than half compared to desktops...

    for gamers and enthuasist there is always Mac Pro (RAW power and expandability)

    these things will happen CPU/GPU technology goes when there is no spceial heat sinks needed and air cooling is suffcient enough to cool the cpu


    entirely new (cool) cooling system
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  • Reply 176 of 256
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post

    ... AIO will eventually replace Monitor and Box

    I wonder then, why it hasn't caught on in the windows world. I'm not sold yet. I had a mini, now a Power Mac. I don't want to have to replace my display at the same time as my computer.

    Still hoping Apple intros a mid-range headless Mac for the masses.
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  • Reply 177 of 256
    Originally Posted by iDave View Post

    I wonder then, why it hasn't caught on in the windows world. I'm not sold yet. I had a mini, now a Power Mac. I don't want to have to replace my display at the same time as my computer.

    Still hoping Apple intros a mid-range headless Mac for the masses.

    Windows world still cannot do it rite yet! (even after copying the iMac desgin)

    have you seen Sony AIO design??? it looks horrible, thats why people buy iMac and run windows on them ...
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  • Reply 178 of 256
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member

    yeah, there was huge opposition for 24" iMac as well last year, but it happened.

    time will tell ... AIO will eventually replace Monitor and Box

    The difference here is that the 24" is an addition to the iMac line, which is a line in the Mac line, and not an additional line to the iMac line leading down to iMac (consumer) and iMac Pro. If Apple ever makes a 30" iMac, GREAT, but it's still an iMac.

    Apple Mac Lines explained for Clarity Products in Red are Rumored but do not exist


    --Mac Mini


    ---iMac Pro

    --Mac Pro



    --Macbook Pro

    --Macbook Tablet (would likely fall in here anyways, if it ever existed)

    Apple has no reason to make an iMac Pro. If they make a larger iMac with more expandiblity, it's STILL an iMac, branding and all, and would still be directed towards the iMacs current target audience. However, Apple cares little about the future. If you want an expandable Mac now, look at the Mac Pro. If you want an AIO Mac, look at the iMac. If you want an expandable AIO Mac, look at nothing. It doesn't exist.


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  • Reply 179 of 256
    Originally Posted by ZachPruckowski View Post

    They could either add a chip between north and southbridge, or sink money into designing (or having designed for them) better NBs and SBs.

    Additionally, part of Intel's newer line of C2Ds and C2Qs coming out in early 2007 will run at 1333 FSB (333 quad-pumped), so the problems with adapting a current SLI desktop chipset become less severe, since they can already handle the FSB speed.

    They are not using HyperTransport they are using intel chip sets the they do not supprt links like that.

    Hyper Transport lets you add chips like that.
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  • Reply 180 of 256
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    The difference here is that the 24" is an addition to the iMac line, which is a line in the Mac line, and not an additional line to the iMac line leading down to iMac (consumer) and iMac Pro. If Apple ever makes a 30" iMac, GREAT, but it's still an iMac.

    Apple Mac Lines explained for Clarity Products in Red are Rumored but do not exist


    --Mac Mini


    ---iMac Pro

    --Mac Pro



    --Macbook Pro

    --Macbook Tablet (would likely fall in here anyways, if it ever existed)

    Apple has no reason to make an iMac Pro. If they make a larger iMac with more expandiblity, it's STILL an iMac, branding and all, and would still be directed towards the iMacs current target audience. However, Apple cares little about the future. If you want an expandable Mac now, look at the Mac Pro. If you want an AIO Mac, look at the iMac. If you want an expandable AIO Mac, look at nothing. It doesn't exist.


    No iMac Pro. End of story. That is called the 24" iMac.

    A tablet is *possible*, however for the MWSF time frame, I highly doubt it's going to happen. As far as a computer, if anything, I would except a 15" MacBook at a $1599 and/or $1699 price point.
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