Macworld San Francisco 2007



  • Reply 241 of 256
    rongoldrongold Posts: 302member
    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post

    Last round of rumor mongerring

    Definte :


    iWork 07 - kudos to Amazon

    iLife 07 - kudos to amazon

    iPod Video - upgrade

    MacPro Octo



    Redesigned MacBook Pro with HDDVD Or BluRay





    OS X Release (not preview)

    Desktop Mac (xMac)

    3 days to go!

    I think it's funny that you keep changing what you believe to be released during MWSF.

    The day after the keynote we should compare any set of your predictions (any one set that you want from the many that you have) against my one. You should have a better chance of winning, right... ?
  • Reply 242 of 256
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post

    Last round of rumor mongerring

    Definte :


    iWork 07 - kudos to Amazon

    iLife 07 - kudos to amazon

    iPod Video - upgrade

    MacPro Octo



    Redesigned MacBook Pro with HDDVD Or BluRay





    OS X Release (not preview)

    Desktop Mac (xMac)

    3 days to go!


    (Why don't you try again?)
  • Reply 243 of 256
    rongoldrongold Posts: 302member
    Originally Posted by icfireball View Post


    (Why don't you try again?)

    What is confirmed?
  • Reply 244 of 256
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    I think it's funny that you keep changing what you believe to be released during MWSF.

    The day after the keynote we should compare any set of your predictions (any one set that you want from the many that you have) against my one. You should have a better chance of winning, right... ?

    entire threads are based rumors ...

    you have not watched analyst talk??? they too keep changing ... i am afterall an apple fanboy
  • Reply 245 of 256
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by Celemourn View Post

    MXM? go check out nVidia. It's a standard to let you upgrade the gpu in laptops.

    That would be so sweet in the MacBooks!
  • Reply 246 of 256
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    What is confirmed?

    Sorta an Inside joke here... and I was being sarcastic because the poster's break-down of probable, etc is no good.
  • Reply 247 of 256
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    What is confirmed?

    "OMG CONFIRMED!!!!!" is a long-standing joke at AI.
  • Reply 248 of 256
    Being that I'm not looking to purchase anything other than a Macbook Pro on Tuesday (AFTER the Stevenote of course) I'd be thrilled with just a processor bump in the Macbook Pro, with maybe a memory bump to 2 GB in the low-end MBP. At the same price points, and with the student discount of course.
  • Reply 249 of 256
    rongoldrongold Posts: 302member
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    Originally Posted by rongold


    I truly believe that Apple will upgrade yet another element of .Mac soon. It will correspond with the release of Leopard or soon thereafter (a couple weeks out maybe). I suppose it could be possible that Apple will pre-announce this new .Mac feature. What is this new feature, you ask? Oh, I will tell you. :-) Apple will give .Mac the ability to share calendars, schedule events and exchange information just like with Mac OS X Leopard Server edition utilizing the new CalDAV standard. This, along with some other marginal improvements in syncing, will be the feature to finally start attracting customers to .Mac. Regrettably, I don't see Apple upping the storage capacity of iDisk. I wish I was wrong.

    While this sounds nice, the only thing I truly want to see with .Mac is QoS improvements and storage upgrades. Still, an Online Calendar solution is the next step.

    As far as storage upgrades go, I think they are TAKING instead of GIVING. I go to my .Mac preferences in OS X and it says I only have 534 MB to work with. Open a Finder window... it says the same thing. Go online, same thing...

    Not sure what to make of this.
  • Reply 250 of 256
    rongoldrongold Posts: 302member
    Maybe I just read it wrong.

    Yeah, maybe it was really 534 GB, NOT MBs.
  • Reply 251 of 256
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    As far as storage upgrades go, I think they are TAKING instead of GIVING. I go to my .Mac preferences in OS X and it says I only have 534 MB to work with. Open a Finder window... it says the same thing. Go online, same thing...

    Not sure what to make of this.

    Used Space. Did you set the amount you allow .Mac Mail to use?

  • Reply 252 of 256
    rongoldrongold Posts: 302member
    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    iWork/iLife has always had new additions come out at MWSF. NOT THIS TIME! I don't think we will see these new updates until later.

    I was right. Didn't see that one coming, did ya?

    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    As far as what we can expect for new features for these apps when they do arrive - I don't know. Except that I am quite certain we will see an application that can work with numbers and provide some calculating abilities. iWeb will be touted as adhering to web standards to a greater degree and have some new type of capability in regards to blogging and publishing. Something like supporting the ability to post/publish from a mini version of iWeb. Maybe an iWeb Widget that you synced to .Mac in order to access through another Mac at your aunt's house or maybe at work.

    iPhoto? Don't know. iDVD? Don't know. GarageBand? Don't know.

    See above.

    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    I don't believe that Cinema displays will get built in iSights. This capability will arrive in some other form/fashion to fill the now discontinued iSight.

    I was right, no new Cinema displays. Whether or not they will have iSights built in when they ARE released remains to be seen but I quite firmly believe they will not.

    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    Some new communication based device will be announced. Probably utilizing Intel's software-defined radio for adaptability... and to also cut costs. Originally, I had thought Apple would redo their Shuffle to work as a stand alone player while also plugging into their new phone/communication type of device and be used in conjunction with it (playing music, selecting ring-tones, etc.) while also providing extra storage, BUT in seeing the new Shuffle, I am now obviously doubting this. I am at a loss as to how this will be designed and marketed.

    I was right.

    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    I think we will see Leopard sooner than these April/May/June/July predictions everyone is giving. Not much to go on here other than 10.4, if you recall, was actually released 3 months ahead of what Apple announced. So... I believe it is entirely feasible that Leopard could ship sooner as well. In addition; this has been the longest time span between OS X releases yet so at this point, each passing day is moving farther and farther from the average.

    Leopard will eat up a large part of the keynote in various facets.

    THISSSS... I was just flat out incorrect on. There was no mention of Leopard in ANY facet.

    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    Aperature 2.0 This definitely won't be seen. Apple will gladly give Adobe the spot light to let the world know Adobe products are finally UB ready. Don't expect Aperature 2.0 until a time closer to when Adobe releases their new version of the similarly styled app.

    I was right.

    Originally Posted by rongold View Post


    I truly believe that Apple will upgrade yet another element of .Mac soon. It will correspond with the release of Leopard or soon thereafter (a couple weeks out maybe). I suppose it could be possible that Apple will pre-announce this new .Mac feature. What is this new feature, you ask? Oh, I will tell you. :-) Apple will give .Mac the ability to share calendars, schedule events and exchange information just like with Mac OS X Leopard Server edition utilizing the new CalDAV standard. This, along with some other marginal improvements in syncing, will be the feature to finally start attracting customers to .Mac. Regrettably, I don't see Apple upping the storage capacity of iDisk. I wish I was wrong.

    This remains to be seen but I believe I am correct in saying it will happen once Leopard is upon us.

    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    The streaming media device will be released - well, they will announce WHEN it will be released anyway. Probably about three weeks and two days, at the most, from the announcement date to wait for it to arrive in stores. Apple will not simply talk about an upcoming product for 2 big publicity shows in a row without releasing it. We can also count on this new "iTV" thing to mirror some of the functionality of Airport Extreme and Airport Express.

    Nailed the delivery. As far as the Airport goes, I was wrong in that it is really the Airport that is mirroring the Apple TV. :-) Both in LOOKS AND functionality. But still, they both allow streaming to and from a Mac now. I was right.

    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    It doesn't feel like Apple will give us too much in the way of new iPod related products at this Macworld. It feels to me like they are setting themselves up for a whole other event in which to cater to this, now obviously, completely additional platform Apple has nurtured. Maybe some sort of iPod World New York !?!?! :-)

    I could be completely wrong here, BUT that is what I am feeling.

    I was being to vague here to call this one either way, quite honestly.

    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    Now to negate everything I said here relating to iPods (because I don't feel THAT certain about iPod World New York); Apple could go the other direction and take a step towards tying these 2 platforms together further by introducing some new Newton-sized device that would be similar to iPods as we know them but have a larger screen and act as a deluxe remote control to the new "iTV" thing as well as any Macs a person may have - possibly acting as a secondary screen to these Macs with a whole other desktop space.

    In addition, the full size iPod has not had any real added capabilities or innovative functionality added to it in quite some time (a mere capacity increase does not count in my book). The iPod Nano is the one who has recieved all the new thought and functionality and capabilities. The top of the line iPod has stalled - going on 2 years now. Something will hit very soon and it is likely to arrive this January. There that pretty much shoots my theory above about no new iPods coming out for MWSF.

    This I was really, really close on.

    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    Jumping around here: onto the iTS.

    3 New studios are joining Apple to sell movies through the iTS.

    I am assuming that the new Paramount announcement includes all three of their movie studios: Paramount Pictures, Paramount Vantage and Dreamworks Pictures.

    Sounds like I got this one too.

    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    Mac mini will not change shape. Why would Apple change something that is so successful in gaining new users. Oh, wait! I forgot about the iPod mini. They changed that, didn't they. WAIT!!! Counterpoint. Why would they change the Mac mini if they are releasing the new iTV type device to mirror its appearance? They wouldn't. BUT, they WILL upgrade it. Typical incremental upgrades with the addition of full support for the "iTV" type device.

    No new form factor, of course there was no new upgrades either. I was half wrong on this one.

    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    New iMac? Not so certain. Not looking like this will happen. Maybe a slight bump in specs the week after.

    No new iMac... or Mac Pro, or MacBook or MacBook Pro. I was right.

    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    That's about all I can think of right now. It seems that most of what I am writing is going against the grain. Hmmm...

    Think I did pretty good.

    10.5 out of 12... thats like 90%
  • Reply 253 of 256
    Umm...congrats? \
  • Reply 254 of 256
    rongoldrongold Posts: 302member
    Thanks. \

    Where's my publicist?
  • Reply 255 of 256
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    I'd like to say:

    Amazon has got to be embarrassed.

    "'iLife '07"

    "iWork '07"
  • Reply 256 of 256
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    wait for next Tuesday, who knows
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