Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 2601 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Also take a look on page 8 y'all...

    9 out of the top 10 movies are all Blu-ray. Only PE for HD DVD at #7 makes it.

    How's your Amazon sales rank charts doing?

  • Reply 2602 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Notice that Batman Begins is #2 disc for HD DVD. If Warner ever pulled their head out and finally released this movie on Blu-ray, Blu-ray would demolish HD DVD for weeks to come.
  • Reply 2603 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Also take a look on page 8 y'all...

    9 out of the top 10 movies are all Blu-ray. Only PE for HD DVD at #7 makes it.

    How's your Amazon sales rank charts doing?

    This is an exact example of how flaw the nelson report is on the HD-DVD. Haveing Troy up on the list is just not credible at all.

    Well, I've never bought into the Nelson nonesense survey, and I'm sure even the industries feel the same.

    Once again, what stores are included in the nelson thingie...... Is any of the real nextgen active retail/online stores like Amazon, Walmart, Fry's, Bestbuy, Circuit City involved in the survey? If not, what's the point of looking at home made graphs and figures?
  • Reply 2604 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Here's what YOU said

    Here's what I said.

    In my scenario I "never" said that studios would never go Blu-ray. You said that. I said the lower product costs for HD DVD could come to bear and be an advantage and this is bore out in deals like the Amazon/Customflix deal.

    I know what "sounds like me" and what doesn't.

    the NEVER you highlighted in RED was ment in a questioning tone , no doubt directed at the crap you keep humping about HD-DVD. how much you getting paid to peddle the FUD, keep the war going?

    I thought the argument over production cost was settled pages ago? 90% of people don't give a flying shit what it costs to press, only what it costs to BUY. its a consumer format, a consumer product, it will be bought by consumers, and lest you forget a number of people have pointed out to you already that BDs are costing LESS to PURCHASE.
  • Reply 2605 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Well, I've never bought into the Nelson nonesense survey, and I'm sure even the industries feel the same.

    Yeah, you obviously have incredible insight into the inner workings of the industries. Companies are paying for this data. Or do you think Nielsen does this for free out of the goodness of their heart? Meanwhile, how many companies are paying for your unsupported accusations and assumptions? <crickets chirping>
  • Reply 2606 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    How's your Amazon sales rank charts doing?

    You're so cruel. Just because that "great chart" that Murch had to point to earlier now shows HD DVD making its big and predictable as clockwork move (downward), that's no reason to rub it in.
  • Reply 2607 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Yes because the Top 10 never means anything. Hell let's not choose the Top 10 in anything. Let's focus on the the Top 25-50 because that's "obviously" a more important metric than what's moving the most (Top 10). You guys act like you're somehow different than I am and that you don't highlight when Blu-ray is doing well.

    It's not fair to look at the ranks for almost every title instead of just looking at the top 10?

    That's like saying that HD DVD sales are increasing because the top 10 selling titles are selling better than last week even though the total sale went down.

    Come on now!

    And again: they are ranks!!

    Let's post a little example of ranks:


    1: DVD - 2,800 sold

    2: DVD - 2,600 sold

    3: BD - 2,400 sold

    4: DVD - 2,200 sold

    5: DVD - 2,000 sold

    6: HD-DVD - 1,800 sold

    7: DVD - 1,600 sold

    8: DVD - 1,400 sold

    9: DVD - 1,200 sold

    10: DVD - 1,000 sold

    Rank for BD: 3

    Sold: 2,400

    Rank for HD-DVD: 6

    Sold: 1,800


    1: DVD - 3,000 sold

    2: DVD - 2,800 sold

    3: DVD - 2,700 sold

    4: BD - 2,600 sold

    5: HD-DVD - 1,700 sold

    6: DVD - 1,650 sold

    7: DVD - 1,600 sold

    8: DVD - 1,400 sold

    9: DVD - 1,200 sold

    10: DVD - 1,000 sold

    Rank for BD: 4

    Sold: 2,600

    Rank for HD-DVD: 5

    Sold: 1,700

    By looking at the ranks you would post a nice graph here at AI stating that BD sales are decreasing and HD-DVD sales are increasing - but it's just the opposite.
  • Reply 2608 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    It's not fair to look at the ranks for almost every title instead of just looking at the top 10?

    That's like saying that HD DVD sales are increasing because the top 10 selling titles are selling better than last week even though the total sale went down.

    Come on now!

    And again: they are ranks!!

    Let's post a little example of ranks:


    1: DVD - 2,800 sold

    2: DVD - 2,600 sold

    3: BD - 2,400 sold

    4: DVD - 2,200 sold

    5: DVD - 2,000 sold

    6: HD-DVD - 1,800 sold

    7: DVD - 1,600 sold

    8: DVD - 1,400 sold

    9: DVD - 1,200 sold

    10: DVD - 1,000 sold

    Rank for BD: 3

    Sold: 2,400

    Rank for HD-DVD: 6

    Sold: 1,800


    1: DVD - 3,000 sold

    2: DVD - 2,800 sold

    3: DVD - 2,700 sold

    4: BD - 2,600 sold

    5: HD-DVD - 1,700 sold

    6: DVD - 1,650 sold

    7: DVD - 1,600 sold

    8: DVD - 1,400 sold

    9: DVD - 1,200 sold

    10: DVD - 1,000 sold

    Rank for BD: 4

    Sold: 2,600

    Rank for HD-DVD: 5

    Sold: 1,700

    By looking at the ranks you would post a nice graphs here at AI stating that BD sales are decreasing and HD-DVD sales are increasing - but it's just the opposite.

    Good point. That's not going to stop the zealots though. They'll have a clever little comeback or bullshit statistical reference to this post too. Meanwhile, the thread just goes on. HD-DVD keeps losing week to week, and they keep making excuses. We've been through the list, but let's do it one more time for fun:

    1. The PS3 doesn't count, and it's a failure.

    2. Price reductions! (of course, they've not helped).

    3. Technical arguments (cost of pressing, specs, bd-java, etc).

    4. Universal is the Future!

    5. HD-DVD has more Gimmick Features!

    6. Sales Rank! Attach Rates! (all while ignoring overall sales).

    Meanwhile, there is only one studio supporting HD-DVD exclusively, and people are literally screaming at them: "when are you going blu-ray?" Overall media sales are consistently 2 to 1 blu-ray, and some weeks they approach 3 to 1. Target and Blockbuster are going blu-ray too. And even the HD-DVD zealots dedicated enough to be posting on a Mac-centric BB on the topic are now openly wishing and praying that HD-DVD succeeds as part of universal format instead of on it's own.

    Back on the ranch, Universal and Toshiba are dug in for their last stand. Never give up, never surrender! <cue Galaxy Quest music>. Unbeknownst to them (but knownst to us), the other shoe will drop. One of them will cave, and the game will be over. And hmurchison and company will be like the Japanese soldiers who didn't realize WWII was over until 30 years later when they crawled out of the jungle and surrendered.
  • Reply 2609 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    For anyone who was drooling over the upcoming November release of the Star Trek series, there's more and more bad news. Not only is it the "remastered" version with CGI effects (meaning that you don't even have the option to get the classic episodes the way you've remembered them from decades of reruns), it's only the first season being released. And SRP is $217.99 for that single season! Phasers set on stun, indeed! When was the last time you saw a season box set priced that high? Part of the high price is that it will be ten combo discs. That's an extra $40-50 right there just for the 10 additional DVD sides, based on normal combo disc pricing. Maybe Paramount realizes it's only the most dedicated Trekkies who will buy this and they'll pay anything for it.
  • Reply 2610 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Well, over on TrekBBS, home of the most dedicated Trekkies, it seems that most posters are dissappointed that it's not a Blu-ray release so Paramount's usual Trek mark-up may not bear fruit this time.
  • Reply 2611 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    For anyone who was drooling over the upcoming November release of the Star Trek series, there's more and more bad news. Not only is it the "remastered" version with CGI effects (meaning that you don't even have the option to get the classic episodes the way you've remembered them from decades of reruns), it's only the first season being released. And SRP is $217.99 for that single season! Phasers set on stun, indeed! When was the last time you saw a season box set priced that high? Part of the high price is that it will be ten combo discs. That's an extra $40-50 right there just for the 10 additional DVD sides, based on normal combo disc pricing. Maybe Paramount realizes it's only the most dedicated Trekkies who will buy this and they'll pay anything for it.

    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    Well, over on TrekBBS, home of the most dedicated Trekkies, it seems that most posters are dissappointed that it's not a Blu-ray release so Paramount's usual Trek mark-up may not bear fruit this time.

    Yeah, there is consternation over their plans to use CGI. As for the price, it's ludicrous. On my end, I just want the blu-ray films. I would buy that collection in a second.
  • Reply 2612 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    $220 for Star trek and $199 for HD-DVD player still comes out below $499 Sony BD Player at Target. LOL...

    Kidding aside, I think the original DVD release of Season1 was around $150 in 2000. Not sure whether it was the MSRP or the street price, but the expect sales price at amazon(when available) would be $220 - 30% - 10%(for 2006 HiDef Purchaser offer) should come out around the similar $140 price tag.

    For most die hard trekies, they would most likely spend that much on SD-DVD only version for coming remastered and cleaned up release and being HD-DVD(Combo) version is just icing on the cake.

    BTW, why the sad faces when most of you guys will not even touch this stuff?
  • Reply 2613 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Let's say, if most of the HDTV owners are prosumers(which is not), and they're looking for HD contents or something close like upcoverting DVD players. You have to understand that $199 HD-DVD player is a great upconverting SD-DVD player as well which contends well as standalone upconversion SD-DVD player at $199 pricing. HD-DVD playback with fully compatible IME interactivity is free for those who cares to use the features upon purchase of enabled software. The $199 HD-A2 in Bestbuy, Circuit City, Fry's, Costco, Walmart is a lot better bait/lure to prosumers than $499 BD player at Target. And that means a lot for HiDef market as a whole.

    OldCodger73, are being tempted by $199 pricing, too?

    Prosumers already have an excellent upscaling SD-DVD player so that argument is bogus.

    Not in a million years!
  • Reply 2614 of 4650
    This story is doing the rounds at the moment


    Paramount Home Entertainment will be shipping several Blu-ray disc movies that will offer more bang for the buck than the version available on HD-DVD.

    Blades of Glory will be the first movie the company ships that offers more on Blu-ray. The movie will feature the lossless, or uncompressed, soundtrack of the movie with a PCM 5.1 soundtrack. Of course the movie will be in HD format but the extra feature will not be available on the rivaling HD-DVD format.

    Along with Blades of Glory, Paramount will also be releasing Face/Off two weeks later. It will include special features found on DVDs but in HD format. Again these additions will not be available for the HD-DVD format.

    Paramount sticking the knife in to HD-DVD? seems that way.

    hey, I wonder are those some of the extra features that the HD-DVD people on this thread have been raving about getting for the last few pages? ..oh I'm sorry THESE particular ones likely won't count

    ..oh yeah {Columbo} One more thing.. does this mean these particular HD-DVD releases will be.. ahhh IN SECOND PLACE? Yeah thanks for clearing that up sir [/Columbo]

    {Columbo} .. and just to clarify sir, I hope you don't mind, it's my wife you see sir.. you said ahh.. theres no points for second place? is that right sir?? [/Columbo]
  • Reply 2615 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Anyone with some common sense would already have guessed, but the BD exclusive story of Target is false. As usual, another one of many Sony pranks....

    However, Sony needing to pay Target for shelf space is true........ If Sony can lower the prices on the BD player, perhaps the shelf space would not need to be bought.
  • Reply 2616 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    another claim of Sony's prank:

    It also points out that MS lowered xbox360 add on price to $179 and will also include 5 free HD-DVD mail in rebate.

    I would still prefer standalone HD-DVD player for $199, but $179 includes MS media remote, King Kong HD-DVD movie, USB external HD-DVD drive, and 5 free HD-DVD movies MIR. Still not a bad deal even for HTPC crowds.
  • Reply 2617 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Did you notice neither of the reports you linked to said Target was going to carry standalone HD DVD players after all? Maybe because they're not going to? Spin it whichever way you want, HD DVD players aren't coming to Target anytime soon.

    And keep yelling "Great bargains! Great bargains!" I'm sure that'll get another handful of HD DVD suckers for you.
  • Reply 2618 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    I would still prefer standalone HD-DVD player for $199, but $179 includes MS media remote, King Kong HD-DVD movie, USB external HD-DVD drive, and 5 free HD-DVD movies MIR. Still not a bad deal even for HTPC crowds.

    ahh.. how much does the 360 cost? did you factor that in as well?

    Believe me the proprietary HD-DVD add-on costs DOUBLE that over here, so it might sell a few units in the US, but thats about it. plus theres no HDMI out unless you buy a brand new top of the line 360, which is only $20 less than the PS3. so $479 for the top 360 plus $179 for the HD add-on totals out at $658! quite a way from BDs $499 standalone or indeed the PS3 but a complete world away from the "magic" $199 you keep quoting for HD-DVD ownership.

    Be nice if you could include ALL the facts in your FUD marketing.
  • Reply 2619 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    ahh.. how much does the 360 cost? did you factor that in as well?

    Believe me the proprietary HD-DVD add-on costs DOUBLE that over here, so it might sell a few units in the US, but thats about it. plus theres no HDMI out unless you buy a brand new top of the line 360, which is only $20 less than the PS3. so $479 for the top 360 plus $179 for the HD add-on totals out at $658! quite a way from BDs $499 standalone or indeed the PS3 but a complete world away from the "magic" $199 you keep quoting for HD-DVD ownership.

    Be nice if you could include ALL the facts in your FUD marketing.

    Haha.... so, if someone were to get an Xbox360 HD-DVD add on and use it on their HTPC, then are you going to argue about the cost to put the HTPC together?

    For most people with some common sense, the xbox360 add on option would be used as an add on to existing xbox360 as a cheap solution to view HD-DVD movies via gaming console. Most people would buy the standalone player, wouldn't you think?...... especially when it only cost $20 more than the xbox360 add on these days.....

    BTW, talking about FUD marketing, this was clearly defined by Sony's claim of Target exclusivity.

    Also, if you like to read more examples of FUD marketers.... Just search the nick:

    Marzetta7, Kolchak, and Walter Slocombe..... the three amigos. I believe two of them still shoot blanks.
  • Reply 2620 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Haha.... so, if someone were to get an Xbox360 HD-DVD add on and use it on their HTPC, then are you going to argue about the cost to put the HTPC together?

    For most people with some common sense, the xbox360 add on option would be used as an add on to existing xbox360 as a cheap solution to view HD-DVD movies via gaming console. Most people would buy the standalone player, wouldn't you think?...... especially when it only cost $20 more than the xbox360 add on these days.....

    BTW, talking about FUD marketing, this was clearly defined by Sony's claim of Target exclusivity.

    Also, if you like to read more examples of FUD marketers.... Just search the nick:

    Marzetta7, Kolchak, and Walter Slocombe..... the three amigos. I believe two of them still shoot blanks.

    Ooo thanks for the personal insult

    Why not inclue the price of the HTPC its TOTAL cost of ownership in order to watch hidef format discs after all, this IS what the thread seems to be about? you can't claim that for an outlay of $179 you can start watching hidef discs, you have to include the decoder and HDMI output.

    Standalone players already include decoder and hidef capable output be they BD or HD as does the PS3. SOME of the 360 units DON'T include a hidef output, those that do cost only $20 less than a PS3, while you might not like the styling of the PS3 as a stand alone BD player (although one gets the feeling you don't like ANY kind of BD player) it does at least come all in one single box, the same can hardly be said for the clunky 2 box mating helicopter contraption that is the 360/HD-DVD add-on solution.. that actually still ends up costing MORE cash than the PS3.

    Logic. seems to escape some people on this thread sometimes.


    Oh yeah, I can do personal insults as well, but its better not to get into that really isn't it.
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