Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 2621 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Did you notice neither of the reports you linked to said Target was going to carry standalone HD DVD players after all? Maybe because they're not going to? Spin it whichever way you want, HD DVD players aren't coming to Target anytime soon.

    And keep yelling "Great bargains! Great bargains!" I'm sure that'll get another handful of HD DVD suckers for you.

    Exactly. Even if they aren't BD exclusive, they might as well be. It's not like Target has a large in-store selection of HD-DVD as it is. The one around here has nothing. So now they'll add a dedicated blu-ray section. Yeah, that will help HD-DVD.
  • Reply 2622 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Ooo thanks for the personal insult

    Why not inclue the price of the HTPC its TOTAL cost of ownership in order to watch hidef format discs after all, this IS what the thread seems to be about? you can't claim that for an outlay of $179 you can start watching hidef discs, you have to include the decoder and HDMI output.

    Standalone players already include decoder and hidef capable output be they BD or HD as does the PS3. SOME of the 360 units DON'T include a hidef output, those that do cost only $20 less than a PS3, while you might not like the styling of the PS3 as a stand alone BD player (although one gets the feeling you don't like ANY kind of BD player) it does at least come all in one single box, the same can hardly be said for the clunky 2 box mating helicopter contraption that is the 360/HD-DVD add-on solution.. that actually still ends up costing MORE cash than the PS3.

    Logic. seems to escape some people on this thread sometimes.

    That is exact reason why cheaper and fully capable standalone players are better than the gaming console (both PS3 and Xbox360) processing audio and video via software.

    At least for HD-DVD side, gaming console would play smaller roll with available cheap and fully spec standalone players.

    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe

    Oh yeah, I can do personal insults as well, but its better not to get into that really isn't it.

    If you don't strike first, I have no reason to strike back. If you can act like an adult, then I can do the same.
  • Reply 2623 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    That is exact reason why cheaper and fully capable standalone players are better than the gaming console (both PS3 and Xbox360) processing audio and video via software.

    At least for HD-DVD side, gaming console would play smaller roll with available cheap and fully spec standalone players.

    If you don't strike first, I have no reason to strike back. If you can act like an adult, then I can do the same.

    So why do you keep on and on about the 360 add on? if stand alone players are better? the add on ISN'T better "it can't play the discs and make the picsture to come on my screens"

    of the two gaming platforms that have the ability to play a hi def disc, the PS3 has it from the outset, one box solution kinda like what we like about Apple, simple, no BS and everone gets the same, not so with the 360, but then what do you expect from a M$ product


    Please do point out where I insulted you personally? {first or at any time}
  • Reply 2624 of 4650

    Interesting how thats changed in a few days, but at least it was predictable
  • Reply 2625 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    So why do you keep on and on about the 360 add on? if stand alone players are better? the add on ISN'T better "it can't play the discs and make the picsture to come on my screens"

    Because, it is still an option to get access to HD-DVD movies at $179 for.....

    1) xbox360 owner

    2) HTPC owner

    But there is always a Standalone HD-DVD player which comes with hardware audio and video processor with full IME interactivity option at similar price.

    These are the options for consumers to access sub $200 HD-DVD players.

    Now, what's the minimum hardware cost to enter into Blu-Ray?

    $499 60GG PS3(for limited time), $599 80GB PS3, and $499 Sony player at Target(this Fall)?

    Oh.... isn't internal BD drive around $399/499 now? I guess it's an option as well for HTPC crowds, but this isn't an option for some people since the HTPC cost has to be way over the $499 Sony BD Player (but only the added cost for those who already has such HTPC).

    It's always good to have cheaper options for those seeking them for both HiDef formats.
  • Reply 2626 of 4650
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Because, it is still an option to get access to HD-DVD movies at $179 for.....


    2) HTPC owner

    Wait - how's that possible when there are no computer graphics that support HDCP?
  • Reply 2627 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Gon View Post

    Wait - how's that possible when there are no computer graphics that support HDCP?

    Are you kidding me?...

    It's been around for some time now....... even $60 video cards are HDCP compliant these days.
  • Reply 2628 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    If you don't strike first, I have no reason to strike back. If you can act like an adult, then I can do the same.

    Oh, my goodness. You really don't have any insight into yourself, do you? "I'm an adult. But he started it! Did not! Did too! I know you are, but what am I?"
  • Reply 2629 of 4650
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Are you kidding me?...

    It's been around for some time now....... even $60 video cards are HDCP compliant these days.

    Sorry, I was mistaken in this. Got the currently poor HDCP dual-link support mixed with the earlier totally missing HDCP which has since been rectified. First HDCP card came out Apr 2006 so you have been able to buy one for about a year now. Though I believe most parts sold right now are HDCP, total market penetration is not great yet.

    I have the impression that unless you output sound using HDCP along with the video, you aren't getting surround sound, and only ATi R600 parts will do that currently.

    Laptops lag behind in every one of these hardware features, as always. The newest MBP should be alright, except possibly sound?

    No software support in OS X yet, no support for Linux in sight.

    All things considered, it's not exactly rosy for a random computer user who wants to move in high def, and the desired result is rarely attainable by merely buying a drive plus player software.
  • Reply 2630 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Oh, my goodness. You really don't have any insight into yourself, do you? "I'm an adult. But he started it! Did not! Did too! I know you are, but what am I?"

    Well I know I'm an adult but I really don't remember making any personal remarks to him. If he's gonna throw out a claim, he should at least be able to back it up. If I have made a personal comment, it will be easy enough for me to admit to it and appologise, I believe that comes with maturity and its not always necessary to reach a certain age to have a mature outlook, or indeeed reach a particular post count
  • Reply 2631 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Because, it is still an option to get access to HD-DVD movies at $179 for.....

    1) xbox360 owner

    2) HTPC owner

    But there is always a Standalone HD-DVD player which comes with hardware audio and video processor with full IME interactivity option at similar price.

    These are the options for consumers to access sub $200 HD-DVD players.

    Now, what's the minimum hardware cost to enter into Blu-Ray?

    $499 60GG PS3(for limited time), $599 80GB PS3, and $499 Sony player at Target(this Fall)?

    Oh.... isn't internal BD drive around $399/499 now? I guess it's an option as well for HTPC crowds, but this isn't an option for some people since the HTPC cost has to be way over the $499 Sony BD Player (but only the added cost for those who already has such HTPC).

    It's always good to have cheaper options for those seeking them for both HiDef formats.

    I get the impression you are trying REALLY hard to include the price of a HTPC in total cost of access to BD but NOT include it in total cost of access to HD-DVD.. which figures

    Does the average J6P you have been so keen to bang on about, have a HTPC? or an xbox 360?


    In other news, Sony says they have sold 6 million PS3s which seems doubtful to me, but if true thats not too far behind M$ 10-11 million, and in far less time too! even at 10 percent of that, it equates to 600,000 consumers being added to the BD pile.

    Also (getting ready to leave the house so I'm sticking this all in one post, hence its a bit tardy) I wasn't sure about getting 300 on BD but I've made up my mind, I'll be ordering it later in the week
  • Reply 2632 of 4650
    ajpriceajprice Posts: 320member
    Not sure about the 6m figure on the face of it. Japan is Sony's home market, and MS still haven't made decent inroads to selling 360's there. So thats a big market and amount of PS3's sold where MS is still trying to get any kind of user base. Both consoles sell poorly there compared to the Wii though.

    Added some Japanese console sales figures from 1 week in July 2007 (exact date of the figures isnt given but this was posted on July 21st.) Link

    - DS Lite: 141,967

    - Wii: 109,854

    - PSP: 37,578

    - PS2: 15,777

    - PS3: 13,493

    - Xbox 360: 2,942

    - Game Boy Micro: 294

    - GBA SP: 138

    - Gamecube: 106

    So although both machines aren't selling well compared to the Wii, PS3 outsells 360 by over 4:1 in Japan.
  • Reply 2633 of 4650
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by ajprice View Post

    Not sure about the 6m figure on the face of it. Japan is Sony's home market, and MS still haven't made decent inroads to selling 360's there. So thats a big market and amount of PS3's sold where MS is still trying to get any kind of user base. Both consoles sell poorly there compared to the Wii though.

    Added some Japanese console sales figures from 1 week in July 2007 (exact date of the figures isnt given but this was posted on July 21st.) Link

    - DS Lite: 141,967

    - Wii: 109,854

    - PSP: 37,578

    - PS2: 15,777

    - PS3: 13,493

    - Xbox 360: 2,942

    That performance from the 360 is far from the flop XBox #1 was. Not in the same ballpark. If their proportion to the PS3 stayed the same as the amount of sales went up, I bet Microsoft would be extremely happy about how they do in Japan.
  • Reply 2634 of 4650
    kupan787kupan787 Posts: 586member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    In other news, Sony says they have sold 6 million PS3s which seems doubtful to me, but if true thats not too far behind M$ 10-11 million

    Quote on that one? I also find it hard to believe when puts the PS3 at 3.89 million. From their site:


    Where Do Our Numbers Come From?

    VG Chartz (as with all other sales tracking agencies) reports "sold to consumer" figures rather than the "sold to retailer" or even "manufactured" figures found in manufacturer reports and press releases as we believe consumer sales is the most important metric in measuring the success of a console. We collect sample data directly from retailers all over the world, sample sizes are small compared to professional tracking services, but are large enough to provide very accurate projections of the latest console figures worldwide. We are the only provider anywhere in the world of weekly American sales figures and are expanding our data collection and coverage all the time. To find out more, visit our about us and methodology pages.

    6 million is a pipe dream right now for Sony, and if anything it is a manufacured number...which means next to nothing if they are sitting on shelfs or in warehouses.
  • Reply 2635 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Did you notice neither of the reports you linked to said Target was going to carry standalone HD DVD players after all? Maybe because they're not going to? Spin it whichever way you want, HD DVD players aren't coming to Target anytime soon.

    And keep yelling "Great bargains! Great bargains!" I'm sure that'll get another handful of HD DVD suckers for you.

    Precisely. Bitemymac, all we've been stating is that Target is exclusive in terms of hardware players in-store. And that, is 100% true. Not FUD, FACT. Come to terms with it.
  • Reply 2636 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Precisely. Bitemymac, all we've been stating is that Target is exclusive in terms of hardware players in-store. And that, is 100% true. Not FUD, FACT. Come to terms with it.

    You're definitions would have to be off because the Xbox HD DVD drive "is" hardware. Perhaps "standalone" hardware would make your assertion correct.
  • Reply 2637 of 4650[ur

    Come on Murch! Make the right choice, no peer pressure. We'll even turn our heads so you can buy a Blu-ray player and we won't laugh, promise.
  • Reply 2638 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by Footloose301 View Post[ur

    Come on Murch! Make the right choice, no peer pressure. We'll even turn our heads so you can buy a Blu-ray player and we won't laugh, promise.

    Eventually kemosabe, but this Chief simply needs a Blu-ray Profile 2.0 player with BD-Live support. Even better if I could get that support in a Universal player. That's a product worth paying ducats for.

    As for a game console I'm thinking that Xbox 360 love with Halo 3 is going to be teh win this Xmas.
  • Reply 2639 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    Quote on that one? I also find it hard to believe when puts the PS3 at 3.89 million.

    What Sony sold = what retailers bought != what retailers sold
  • Reply 2640 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Eventually kemosabe, but this Chief simply needs a Blu-ray Profile 2.0 player with BD-Live support. Even better if I could get that support in a Universal player. That's a product worth paying ducats for.

    As for a game console I'm thinking that Xbox 360 love with Halo 3 is going to be teh win this Xmas.

    I for one, am a huge Halo nerd, lol. I've got 2 Legendary copies reserved...
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