Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 3621 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Panasonic: Blu-ray will win the war by New Year's Day

    Good find!

    I loved his quote here...


    Tsuga's no fan of combo players that conjoin Blu-ray and HD DVD features. Last year, he called the idea "stupid, stupid." He pretty much repeated the comment this year and said that Matsushita still has no plans for such a device.

    He downplayed Paramount Pictures' commitment to release movies on HD DVD exclusively, saying it only lasts for 18 months, and argues that studios are going with HD DVD "because big money came" to them. (Microsoft, Toshiba and Intel are the main backers of HD DVD.)

    ^^^Very wise man Tsuga is.
  • Reply 3623 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Ah yes, Frank, the Wii that leader of hi-defness you know you sound more like a troll every day.

    Now that's unfair. Since I entered this thread (or the 2006 version) I've made it clear that I'm no hi-def aficionado and that I've chosen my side in this war purely based on the fact that Sony should not be rewarded for the way it has treated its customers.

    Sony is the poster child for waging media wars for royalties (Memory Sticks are still being made!), they've been investigated artificially inflating the cost of DVD replication, they've paid payola to radio stations to create hits, they've loaded root-kits on computers..etc..etc.

    If Blu-Ray does win, I'll be disappointed that Sony has gotten billions more in its coffers to wage war on consumers, but I'll accept it and move on.
  • Reply 3624 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    hm.... the HD-DVD is a currently preferred nextgen HDM choice at Netflix.

    Wonder what Blockbuster was talking about. Perhaps, all the PS3 owners hang out at BB instead?

    Anyway, looking at the actually numbers being exchanged, HDM has long ways to go before it can get out of a niche status. Looks like the HDM format war hasn't even begun, but just getting their feet wet.
  • Reply 3625 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Sony's $399 PS3 confirmed by Best Buy?


    Thanks to a helpful tipster, we have a couple of Best Buy documents showing a $399 Playstation 3 with 40GB disk and Spiderman 3 (yes, Blu-ray) bundle with an "In Stock Date" of October 28. However, the more important "Street Date" field is unfortunately empty at the moment. While the docs look legit and don't seem to be Photoshopped, they can still be faked easily enough. So we did a quick lookup on the UPC code and sure enough, while the details are masked, the manufacturer is listed as "Sony Computer Entertainment of America." Unfortunately, we don't see the new model CECHG01 listed anywhere in the docs. As such, let's be clear: this ain't official. Still, we'll be paying close attention on October 12th as will you we suspect.

    Hmm, if this gets released on October 12th, this very well may be the move that causes Transformers to be a drop in the bucket for that week in terms of disc sales.
  • Reply 3626 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Sony's $399 PS3 confirmed by Best Buy?

    Hmm, if this gets released on October 12th, this very well may be the move that causes Transformers to be a drop in the bucket for that week in terms of disc sales.

    Is this the same source you've posted on Warner going Blu-Ray exclusive in 24hrs?..... That was last week and here we are....

    At least, if the rumor is true, the $399 PS3 will definitely help with PS3 penetration within the gaming enthusiasts and bunch of teenagers for this holiday season. Only about 5% or less will use it as a designated Blu-Ray player, unfortunately.
  • Reply 3627 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Sony's $399 PS3 confirmed by Best Buy?

    Have you guys read the reader comments below that story? It's hilarious.
  • Reply 3628 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Is this the same source you've posted on Warner going Blu-Ray exclusive in 24hrs?..... That was last week and here we are....

    At least, if the rumor is true, the $399 PS3 will definitely help with PS3 penetration within the gaming enthusiasts and bunch of teenagers for this holiday season. Only about 5% or less will use it as a designated Blu-Ray player, unfortunately.

    Nope, the WB rumor was sourced from an HD DVD supporter who thought it be funny to start an unsubstantiated rumor over at This is engadget.

    BTW, you get the 5% or less number how?...yeah, that's what I thought, from thin air.
  • Reply 3629 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Nope, the WB rumor was sourced from an HD DVD supporter who thought it be funny to start an unsubstantiated rumor over at This is engadget.

    BTW, you get the 5% or less number how?...yeah, that's what I thought, from thin air.

    That's ironic. You slam "HD-DVD supporters" providing absolutely no proof (even though YOU were the person who repeated the rumour on this board.) Then you roll your eyes at Bite for him not substantiating his post.

    Blu-Rayers have cornered the market on hypocrisy.
  • Reply 3630 of 4650
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    That's for sure. And they've become particularly pompous, arrogant and suffer from a massive degree of hubris.
  • Reply 3631 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    That's ironic. You slam "HD-DVD supporters" providing absolutely no proof (even though YOU were the person who repeated the rumour on this board.) Then you roll your eyes at Bite for him not substantiating his post.

    Blu-Rayers have cornered the market on hypocrisy.

    No, they've cornered the market in reading skills obviously. What part of "rumor" don't you understand exactly that prefaced any of my posts that dealt with rumors (or an if statement and/or a question mark)?

    I'm not the one claiming a 5% number as if it was fact. BTW, what indulgence do you have with hypocrisy (as you appear quick to judge those with the hypocrisy label)?

    Regardless, all I'm asking is that when one claims something to not be rumor, such as claiming that only 5% of people who purchase a PS3 watch Blu-ray movies, I'd simply like to see some proof. or at the very least an article.

    HD DUDers have cornered the market in baseless claims--bd50s being science fiction, bd50s replication being 20%, bd not supporting MMC, and oh yeah, can't forget hypocrisy this hypocrisy that, Sony is the devil, etc.
  • Reply 3632 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    So you repeated a rumour that is only rumoured to have been started by a HD-DVD supporter?
  • Reply 3633 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Now that's unfair. Since I entered this thread (or the 2006 version) I've made it clear that I'm no hi-def aficionado and that I've chosen my side in this war purely based on the fact that Sony should not be rewarded for the way it has treated its customers.

    Sony is the poster child for waging media wars for royalties (Memory Sticks are still being made!), they've been investigated artificially inflating the cost of DVD replication, they've paid payola to radio stations to create hits, they've loaded root-kits on computers..etc..etc.

    If Blu-Ray does win, I'll be disappointed that Sony has gotten billions more in its coffers to wage war on consumers, but I'll accept it and move on.

    Let's do a minor bit of editing and see if it makes sense, shall we?

    I've chosen my side in this war purely based on the fact that Microsoft should not be rewarded for the way it has treated its customers.

    Microsoft is the poster child for waging format wars for monopoly power (WMP is still being bundled! MSJVM was never Java compliant! Internet Explorer 7 still heavily favors proprietary technologies over web standards!), they've been investigated for artificially inflating the cost of Windows, they've paid payola to a studio to make it HD DVD exclusive, their careless programming has allowed viruses to load on uncounted computers, their Windows Genuine Advantage has disabled tens of thousands of legitimate Windows XP owners..etc..etc.

    If XBox 360 or HD DVD does win, I'll be disappointed that Microsoft has gotten billions more in its coffers to wage war on consumers, but I'll accept it and move on.

    By golly, it still makes sense!
  • Reply 3634 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    It doesn't make sense.

    HD-DVD is Toshiba's baby, in the same way Blu-Ray is Sony's. Microsoft only jumped on the HD-DVD bandwagon later on to interfere with Sony's PS3 strategy, and in the vain hope that its VC-1 will prevail over Apple's Quicktime. (Yay to the former, Boo to the latter...)

    And I see the Blu-Ray backers are still repeating the FUD that Microsoft paid off Paramount, even though it has been debunked and all those marketing payments and exclusives (or whatever you want to call them) are coming from Toshiba. Keep the FUD coming!

    AFAIK, Redmond doesn't get any major amount of royalties if HD-DVD wins, in the same way that Apple doesn't for its role with HD-DVD and MPEG 4. So Microsoft isn't gaining any new "billions" if HD-DVD wins. FUD can be fun!

    Got anything else?
  • Reply 3635 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    So you repeated a rumour that is only rumoured to have been started by a HD-DVD supporter?

    Now, I'm not even sure what the hell rumor you're talking about. I never repeated the rumor about WB after it proved false, that was all bitemymac in his reference to thinking engadget was the source behind the WB/Blu-ray exclusive rumor, thus the reason I posted that it was a thread at that was the source of the WB/Blu-ray exclusive rumor--and yes, it was indeed started by and HD DVD supporter--go look over at AVS for confirmation or over at HDD as well, this is well known.

    So, I don't know if your lamely attempting to be clever here, or if you are simply borrowing your smarts from Warren in There's something About Mary...

    I'll let you and others decide that one.
  • Reply 3636 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Now, I'm not even sure what the hell rumor you're talking about. I never repeated the rumor about WB after it proved false, that was all bitemymac in his reference to thinking engadget was the source behind the WB/Blu-ray exclusive rumor, thus the reason I posted that it was a thread at that was the source of the WB/Blu-ray exclusive rumor--and yes, it was indeed started by and HD DVD supporter--go look over at AVS for confirmation or over at HDD as well, this is well known.

    Wow.... how does a question:

    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Is this the same source you've posted on Warner going Blu-Ray exclusive in 24hrs?

    turn into:

    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    that was all bitemymac in his reference to thinking engadget was the source behind the WB/Blu-ray exclusive rumor

    or is it part of your creative writing?
  • Reply 3637 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Microsoft only jumped on the HD-DVD bandwagon later on to interfere with Sony's PS3 strategy, and in the vain hope that its VC-1 will prevail over Apple's Quicktime. (Yay to the former, Boo to the latter...)

    Can you please explain that? at the moment you are sounding more and more like a micro$ shill.

    It appears that you want micro$ to succeed with VC-1 OVER Apples QT? why is this??
  • Reply 3638 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Microsoft only jumped on the HD-DVD bandwagon later on to interfere with Sony's PS3 strategy, and in the vain hope that its VC-1 will prevail over Apple's Quicktime. (Yay to the former, Boo to the latter...)

    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Can you please explain that? at the moment you are sounding more and more like a micro$ shill.

    It appears that you want micro$ to succeed with VC-1 OVER Apples QT? why is this??

    It appears that you don't understand my post.

    I'm cool with the former (Microsoft messing with the PS3 strategy)

    I'm not cool with the latter (VC-1 over Quicktime)

    Clearer now?
  • Reply 3639 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Looks like HD-DVD has decided to embrace this whole 'Internet' thing.
  • Reply 3640 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Report: Bungie Studios Departing From Microsoft


    In what may be nearly unbelievable news, word is circulating around the web that Bungie Studios? days under Microsoft may be over. The initial news first started from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, an outlet known for its Microsoft-related information, and has since grown legs as other media have followed up on the story.

    According to an email received by the Post-Intelligencer, Microsoft has released Bungie Studios from its ownership. The deal is apparently done, but Microsoft wishes to hold the public announcement until after October 6 for the protection of quarterly financial results.

    The email reads: ?Apparently MS just wants Bungie to make Halo for the rest of their natural days, and Bungie doesn't like how MS is constantly trying to "handle" everything they do; the way they market their games, the way they interact with their fans (basically the fact that they do appreciate their fans), and how stingie [sic] they are with the profits (comparable to the rest of the industry). So as of today they are their own independent entity.?

    Game Informer checked with its own sources and reports that Bungie and Microsoft separated on October 1, 2007. According to the magazine, Bungie did not wish to be tied down to indefinitely making Halo games. As a result, shareholders of Bungie bought the studio name back from Microsoft for ?an unstated, but significant amount of money.?

    Microsoft will retain all rights to the Halo franchise, assuring that the Master Chief will never grace competitors? systems, and will also hold ?the right of first refusal on future games,? meaning that Halo 3 probably won?t be the last Xbox 360 exclusive title from Bungie Studios.

    When asked for comment, Microsoft?s PR representatives did not deny or confirm the validity of such events. ?To your question, there's been no such announcement. We can't comment further,? said one representative to 1UP, while another said, ?There's been no such announcement. We continue to celebrate the tremendous success of the global phenomenon that is Halo 3.?

    It?s unlikely that any official confirmation or denial of Bungie?s split from Microsoft will appear before the end of the week. The only thing certain right now is that the door locks on Bungie?s offices in Kirkland, WA have all been changed ? perhaps as a sign of a change in ownership.

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